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沪港经济高级顾问委员会由沪港两地具有一定规模的著名企业高层主管组成,是沪港经济杂志社连接上海、香港等地著名人士、著名企业进行交流、联谊、开展经贸活动的纽带和桥梁。沪港经济高级顾问委员会为促进沪港两地经济合作和交流,定期组织高级顾问参加研讨、联谊、商务考察、讲座等活动。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的香港企业落户上海,越来越多的香港品牌为人熟知,日前,中国香港(上海)商会举办了“2011在沪成功香港品牌”评选活动,开启沪港两地交流合作的新里程。  相似文献   

唐晔 《沪港经济》2011,(4):46-49
沪港两地的电子工业发展,呈现出产业转型与升级在不同体制、不同资源禀赋的环境中的不同面貌。作为曾经的电子业重镇,上海企业一度不敌广东等地的新生代厂商,但通过政府强力引进重大项目,重塑了沪上电子业的格局与江湖地位,避免了边缘化;而香港电子企业"逐水草而居",生产线北移之后,虽然占据"微笑曲线"之营销、设计、财务等有利位置,但研发力量薄弱仍是港商之最大隐患。  相似文献   

以“上海、香港在区域经济一体化中的作用与地位”为主题的第六届沪港经济发展与合作会议,2002年11月23日在上海举行。来自沪港两地业界及政界150名代表出席了会议。上海市委书记、市长陈良字指出,沪港经济合作前景无量,它不仅推动两地的发展,也将有力地带动长江三角洲和珠江三角洲地区的发展。香港特首董建华为会议发来贺信表示,国家经济的蓬勃发展,为港沪开拓了更宽阔的发展及合作空间,除了在金融和各个专业服务行业以外,还有双向的企业投资。  相似文献   

龚艳 《沪港经济》2009,(12):54-55
上个世纪,当沪港两地刚刚打开交流之门的时候,他的父亲胡法光作为沪港经济发展协会的第二任会长,一直致力于开创沪港两地交流的新天地。在今天,他用同样的赤诚之心创办了香港专业及资深行政人员协会,进一步开拓沪港两地合作的空间。近日,记者走访了胡晓明,聆听了他对沪港合作的真知灼见。  相似文献   

正沪港通首日,现北上资金潮11月17日,上海与香港两地股票交易互联互通机制试点正式启动,沪港两地证券市场成功实现联通。香港和上海股民可以透过两地的证券交易所买卖对方股票。日后人民币在岸和离岸利息差距大为缩窄,小市民也不必如蚂蚁搬家,把人民币搬去或汇去内地银行存款收息。沪港通首日,当中北向的"沪股通"反应热烈,到下午二时已经用罄全日130亿元人民币额度;至于南向的"港股通"则只用了105亿元人民币额度的不到17%。分析师表示,内地规定,散户要有50万元资金才可利用"沪港通"机制买卖港  相似文献   

2015年4月28日,由上海社科院港澳研究中心主办,上海国际经济交流基金会、香港特区政府驻上海经贸办事处支持的“2015年沪港蓝皮书发布暨沪港合作共推上海自贸区发展”研讨会在上海社会科学院隆重举行. 上海社科院党委书记于信汇教授出席会议并致辞,《沪港蓝皮书》主编、上海社科院港澳研究中心主任尤安山汇报了蓝皮书的主要成果.来自上海自贸区、上海市政协港澳台侨委、上海市港澳办等沪港两地相关部门、科研机构、高等院校及企业的数十名专家学者,以及新华社上海分社、香港大公报、文汇报、沪港经济杂志等多家知名媒体代表参加了会议.  相似文献   

香港将在上海设立办事处 沪港两地有很多可以互相交流、互相合作的地方.香港特区行政长官在2005年10月份说,香港政府将在上海设立办事处,我相信这个建议会进一步推动香港和上海的联系.  相似文献   

2010年12月17日下午,《沪港经济》创刊25周年庆典在上海威斯汀大饭店隆重举行。市政协副主席、市工商联主席王新奎,原上海市委统战部长、《沪港经济》社务委员会名誉主任赵定玉,上海市委统战部副部长、市工商联党组书记季晓东等领导及香港特区政府、香港贸发局、香港旅发局、香港商会等驻沪机构的主要负责人出席庆典。参加庆典的还有《沪港经济》杂志创刊元老、沪港两地著名企业家共200余人。  相似文献   

沪港合作由来已久 沪港两地的合作由来已久.香港的商界和专业人士一直积极参与上海的建设和发展.上海和香港都是现代化的国际大都会,近年,上海市在建设国际经济、金融、贸易、航运“四个中心”方面取得了重大成就.另一方面,香港特区也全面落实国家“十二五”规划,巩固和提升香港作为国际金融、贸易和航运中心、离岸人民币中心和国际资产管理中心的地位.  相似文献   

Bubbles, crises, and policy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In many recent cases financial liberalization has led to a bubblein asset prices. The bursting of the bubble results in a bankingcrisis and recession. It is suggested such bubbles are causedby an interaction of the risk-shifting problem arising fromagency relationships in intermediaries and uncertainty concerningthe expansion of credit. Two important policy objectives areidentified. The first is the prevention of bubbles in assetprices. The second is minimizing the impact of spillovers onto the real economy during post-bubble banking crises. The differentpolicy approaches taken in Norway and Japan are compared.  相似文献   

We study how financial transactions may respond to exogenous variation in trade opportunities not only directly, but also through policy channels. In more open economies, governments may find it more difficult to fund and enforce public policies that substitute private financial transactions, and more appealing to deregulate financial markets. We propose a simple theoretical model of such policy-mediated relationships between trade and financial development. Empirically, we document in a country panel dataset that, before the 2007–2008 crisis, financial market volumes were robustly and negatively related to the share of government consumption in GDP in regressions that also include indicators of financial regulation and trade openness, and we seek support for a causal interpretation of this result in instrumental variable specifications.  相似文献   

We investigate migration and foreign direct investment (FDI) for a small trading economy. Historically, immigration in small countries has been accompanied by FDI inflows (complementary capital movements). Based on the skill composition of migrants, empirical evidence finds that skilled immigration is accompanied by FDI inflows but unskilled immigration is accompanied by FDI outflows (substitutable capital movements). We prove that the Heckscher-Ohlin model cannot reconcile these apparently contradictory observations. We introduce a theoretical model in which capital and unskilled labor are sector specific, and demonstrate that this model can reconcile the historical and empirical observations on migration and FDI.  相似文献   

We use skin conductance responses and self‐reported hedonic valence to study the emotional basis of cooperation and punishment in a social dilemma. We argue that the availability of sanctions sets in motion a “virtuous emotional circle” that accompanies cooperation. Emotional reaction to free riding leads cooperators to apply sanctions. In response, and in addition to the monetary consequences of receiving sanctions, the negative emotions experienced by the free‐riders when punished lead them to increase their subsequent level of cooperation. The outcome is an increased level of cooperation that becomes a new norm. Therefore, emotions sustain both the use of altruistic punishment and cooperation.  相似文献   

Complex policy issues deserve frequent reassessment, and the relationship between economic growth and equality is undeniably complex. Policymakers who care about trade-offs between the two goals continue to press the scientific limits of empirical economics. It takes an enormous sample of long-term national experiences to approximate the data base necessary to move debate from allegation to evidence. Fortunately, the sample continues to expand. Since the 1950s dozens of countries have produced evidence on income distribution and growth, and the records of some currently developed countries have been extended back into the 17th century. This article assesses the empirical harvest. Most of our inferences, however, are based on American and British history.  相似文献   

This paper discusses financial problems of stepping up the investment process in Russia, approaches to intensifying financial redistribution, opportunities for using government savings to boost and upgrade economic growth, and suggests financial support measures for the modernization of the Russian economy.  相似文献   

Sickness, absenteeism, presenteeism, and sick pay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The annual cost of absenteeism from the workplace in the UKhas been estimated to be over 1% of GDP. The traditional approachto a discussion of absence has been for the firm to passivelyaccept both wages and sick pay and allow workers to choose theirabsence behaviour. Most empirical research has been based onthis approach. However, if absence is costly why should firmspay extra-statutory sick pay? One reason may be the phenomenaof presenteeism (ill workers attending work). This may adverselyaffect productivity. This paper shows that allowing for presenteeismhas important implications for both the design of optimal wage-sickpay contracts and for the interpretation of empirical studies.Specifically, we show that firms will offer a level of sickpay greater than the statutory minimum.  相似文献   

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