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Warm congratulations on the fourth anniversary of Zhongguo Jingji Pinglun, (ISSN 1536-9056, Old Chinese Version), Chinese Business Review (ISSN 1537-1506, English Version) of China Business Review (Journal), Inc., USA (http://www. chinareview.org), and Meizhong Jingji Pinginn, ISSN1536-9048, Old Chinese Version), China-USA Business Review (ISSN1537-1514, English Version) of USA-China Business Review (Joumal),Inc.,USA (http://www.usa-review.org) in New York, and on the successful opening of China Economists Web (http://www.economists.org.cn), and China Managers Web (http://www.managers.org.cn).  相似文献   

Warm congratulations on the fourth anniversaly of Zhongguo Jingji Pinglun, (ISSN 1536-9056, Old Chinese Version), Chinese Business Review (ISSN 1537-1506, English Version) of China Business Review (Journal), Inc., USA (http://www. chinareview.org), and Meizhong Jingji Pinginn. (ISSN 1536-9048, Old Chinese Version). China-USA Business Review (tSSN 1537-1514, English Version) of USA-China Business Review (Journal), Inc.. USA (http://www.usa-review.org) in New York. and on the suecessful opening of China Economists Web (http://www.eeonomists.org.cn), and Chine Managers Web (http://www.managers.org.cn),  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear author, China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journals (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. The journals are regularly published by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission. If you have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please send electronic version of your paper to us.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear author, China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journals (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. The journals are regularly published by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission. If you have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please send electronic version of your paper to us.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear author, China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are professional journals sponsored by USA-China Entrepreneur Associates, and published across the United States by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. In China, the journals are regularly issued by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear author, China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are professional journals sponsored by USA-China Entrepreneur Associates, and published across the United States by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. In China, the journals are regularly issued by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear Author,
China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are professional joumals sponsored by USA-China Entrepreneur Associates, and published across the United States by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. In China, the journals are regularly issued by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Dear author,
China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review are professional journals sponsored by USA-China Entrepreneur Associates, and published across the United States by David Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, USA. In China, the journals are regularly issued by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission.  相似文献   

热烈祝贺美国中国经济评论公司(Http://www.china-reviewong)所属的《中国经济评论》(国际统一刊号ISSN1536-9056,繁体中文版)和《Chinese Business Review》(国际统一刊号ISSN1537-1506,英文版)以及纽约美中经济评论公司(网址:Http://www.usa-revoewong)所属的《美中经济评论》(国际统一刊号ISSN1536-9048,繁体中文版)和《China-USA Business Review》(国际统一刊号ISSN1537-1514,英文版)上市发行四周年及中国经济学家网(http://www.economists.org.cn)和中国管理名家网(http://www.managers.org.cn)两专业网站胜利开通;  相似文献   

热烈祝贺美国中国经济评论公司(Http://www.china-reviewong)所属的《中国经济评论》(国际统一刊号ISSN1536-9056,繁体中文版)和《Chinese Business Review》(国际统一刊号ISSN1537-1506,英文版)以及纽约美中经济评论公司(网址:Http://www.usa-revoewong)所属的《美中经济评论》(国际统一刊号ISSN1536-9048,繁体中文版)和《China-USA Business Review》(国际统一刊号ISSN1537-1514,英文版)上市发行四周年及中国经济学家网(http://www.economists.org.cn)和中国管理名家网(http://www.managers.org.cn)两专业网站胜利开通;  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review, founded in 2001, are two professional journals of David Publishing Company, USA. Our Journals aim to publish highly selective, widely cited articles of current relevance that will have a long-term impact on economics research. Our journals provide a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues.  相似文献   

With China's share in global trade increasing rapidly, some argued in 2002-2003 that China was exporting deflation to other countries as it was dumping cheap goods in mature markets. Later, others argued that China was causing sharp increases in global prices. This paper uses several econometric techniques to assess the extent of the link between inflation rates between China and the USA and Japan. Only limited empirical evidence at the aggregate level is found for consumer price inflation in China leading to price changes in the USA and Japan. However, there is some evidence that inflation in the USA has an impact on Chinese inflation. The results seem consistent with the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan being concerned about inflation and, hence, adjusting policy such that inflation shocks have no significant effect on overall inflation. Recent Chinese price rises are unlikely to have a material effect on the USA or Japan.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
China-USA Business Review and Chinese Business Review, founded in 2001, are two professional journals of David Publishing Company, USA. Our Journals aim to publish highly selective, widely cited articles of current relevance that will have a long-term impact on economics research. Our journals provide a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues. Since 2001, our journals have presented significant research and scholarship in economic theory and practice. The journals focus on analytical, interpretive, and empirical studies, including monetary theory, fiscal policy, labor economics, development, micro-and macroeconomic theory, international trade and finance, industrial organization, and social economics and so on.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the trade liberalization on me textiles ana clothing industry in different regions based on an applied general equilibrium model using the Trade Analysis System (TAS), the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). We also examine the competitive positions of Bangladesh and selected developing countries, which are competitors of Bangladesh in textiles and clothing. We found that the USA market is more competitive and volatile, compared with the European market and the major exporting countries are China, Mexico, Philippines, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea Republic as well as Bangladesh. These are the main competitor countries for Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Using data from 1986-2005, the present paper estimates the impact of direct knowledge spilled over from G-7 countries on China's economy. We use telephone line penetration rates andpersonnel flows to estimate the direct spillover effect. Our results show that direct knowledge spillovers through telecommunication networks and personnelflows are important components of international R&D spillovers in China. These direct channels of spillover effectively accelerate China's economic growth. Therefore, China should invest more in human capital and in its telecommunication network to enhance the absorptive capacity of direct R&D spillovers, and to increase communication with other nations, in particular the USA and Japan. More subsidies to domestic R&D research and purchase of intermediate goods will help to raise China's R&D intensity.  相似文献   

China's recent surge in trade has been associated with its deepening but contrasting trade relations with its two groups of key trading partners. On the one hand, China' s trade surpluses with the USA and the EU have risen rapidly, reaching US$144bn and US$91bn in 2006, respectively. On the other hand, China is importing heavily from its Asian neighbors. This diverging pattern of trade relations between China and its main trading partners reflects the continuous expansion and intensification of a complex cross-border production network in Asia, particularly for consumer electronics. In the process of deepening manufacturing sharing, China serves as an essential export platform for firms headquartered in the more advanced economies. These firms export intermediate goods from the relatively more advanced Asian economies to their affiliates in China where these inputs are assembled and then shipped to key export markets, including primarily the USA and the EU. One apparent outcome of the growing processing and assembly trade is the increased interdependency among Asian economies, which are now more dependent on each other than ever. It has also led to substantial structural changes and technological upgrading in China' s traded goods.  相似文献   

The six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have approximately 40percent of total proven oil reserves as well as 23 percent of the world's gas reserves. Although rising oil revenues have led to greater outward investment flows, there is also a growing need for significant expansion of the domestic energy sector's capacity. Meanwhile, China's sustained economic boom has resulted in China emerging as the world's second largest consumer and importer o foil, with close to 40percent of its import demand presently sourced from the GCC. This share will grow significantly in the future. Commercial relations between the GCC and China have to date been dominated by energy-related bilateral investment flows and China's oil imports. Although this will continue to be a central feature, trade and investment links in non-energy areas will further broaden and deepen the relationship. China 's relationship with the USA in terms of energy is also emerging as a major issue. Rather than being competitors, a mutual dependence on stable and secure supplies from the GCC highlights the need for a cooperative relationship.  相似文献   

China's penetration of the world market has been impressive. This paper uses highly disaggregated Korean import data (from 1992 to 2008) to examine China 's penetration of the Korean market in the context of the composition of value (the extensive and intensive margins) and the product type (homogeneous and differentiated) in trade. The increase in Chinese imports has been attributed to the rapid increase in the import of new products (the extensive margin) and of existing products (the intensive margin). However, the growth rate of new products decelerated in the 2000s. The growth in the intensive margin was due to quantity, not price. Chinese imports to Korea did not improve over the period in terms of quality. Although Chinese products became cheaper, they were more differentiated over time. Welfare gains were realized through the expanded introduction of new products from China. However, much of the gains from Korea's Chinese product import boom were realized in earlier years (1992 -2000) because even though imported products became more differentiated, the increase in the extensive margin was lower in more recent years (2001- 2008).  相似文献   

I. Relative Drop in the Proportion of Japan’s Direct Investment in ChinaCompared with the United States and the EU, Japan’s direct investment in China hasslowed down since 1999, with the relative real size of investment dropping. Table 1 shows that Japan’s direct investment in China was slightly more than that of the USA and much more than that of the EU before 1998. But in the ensuing five years from 1999 onward, the situation was reversed. The US direct investment in China rose …  相似文献   

The research reported here shows that China's recent adoption (ASBE) has increased the quality of Chinese financial reporting of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises With China's decade of World Trade Organization (WTO) membership marked by dazzling economic growth, it is useful to reflect on how financial reporting itself can assist in the country's future progress. Critical to the success of ensuring strength for this burgeoning economy is attraction of foreign investment capital. As China's internal consumption grows,  相似文献   

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