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The view of this economist, who plays a very important role in making policies on the national economy, has conveyed a message to us that macroscopic readjustment and control will still guide China's economy in 2005."Chinese economy hasn't realized soft-landing, the problems underlying the overheating of economy have not been solved yet." At the annual meeting of "2005 Finance and Economy", Wu Jinglian expressed his opinions on the macro-economy in 2005 for the first time.  相似文献   

The fruitful 2004 almost passed and the promising 2005 is coming. Through arduous practice of macro control for more than one year, people now are full of confidence about the development of China‘s economy and have a clear understanding of those prob-lems existing.  相似文献   

Fast and healthy economy is related with regional economic coordinated development. Chinese economy will operate in a more healthy and stable way.  相似文献   

China on December 20 revised its GDP (gross domestic product) for 2004 to 15.9878 trillion yuan (about 2 trillion U.S. dollars), up 2.3 trillion yuan, or 16.8% from the preliminary figures.  相似文献   

By means of mutual trade and investment, China performs, a more. and more important role in the world economy.As the weekly magazine Economist said: Although the United States stock market bubble broke in 2000 to 2001,the world economy survived from depression due to the strong development of Chinese economy. Both China and the United States are depicted by UN Conference on Trade and Development as two growth engines of the world economy. China is quite different from 20 years before.  相似文献   

In the first half of this year, regions and departments at all levels made all efforts in implementing the scientific approach to development and various policies set by the Central Party Committee and State Council on economic work, with the aim to consolidate and promote the achievements brought by macro-control. As a result, fairly good overall economic performance was recorded in the first half of this year, according to Zheng Jingping,Spokesman with National Bureau of Statistics of China on 20 July 2005.  相似文献   

巴曙松  华中炜 《浙商》2005,(1):14-15
自主性增长动力继续得以保持 从国际环境看,2005年世界经济将由强劲回升转向平稳增长,总体经济环境略差于2004年。联合国、国际货币基金组织、世界银行等权威机构预测,2005年世界经济增长率将比2004年降低0.5-1个百分点,世界贸易增长率将降低1.5-3个百分点。国际环境中最大的不确定因素是石油价格的走势。由于2004年,国际油价在需求大大超出预期、地缘政治风险和投机三大因素的影响下,  相似文献   

2005年全球经济发展趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年,在高油价和加息等因素的影响下,世界经济将出现适度回调,但世界经济仍将保持较快的增长速度,能源、原材料等初级产品价格上涨推动全球通胀回升,各国宏观政策趋于收紧,新一轮世贸谈判有望取得突破,国际资本流动趋于活跃,国际油价有望缓慢回落。  相似文献   

The situation of the four major kinds of price in 2004-residents‘ consumption price, price of production means, interest rate, foreign exchange rate-became main concern from the domestic and international personages. By reviewing the market price in 2004, and analyzing the current price variables, we will easily find the prospects of Chinese economy and people‘s life in 2005.  相似文献   

From 2005. China will enter the “later transition period of WTO”. Expert said this means China will speed up its incorporation into the system of WTO.  相似文献   

It is estimated that after 2005, China‘s foreign trade will walk out of the state of extraordinary growth, and will restore the state of steady growth.  相似文献   

On March 5, the National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature held the first ““Media Award for Chinese-Language Books of the Year““. Prof. Wu Jinglian, Bao Steel Chair Professor of Economics and member of the Academic Council of the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) received the award for his book Contemporary Chinese Economic Reform for economy and management books.  相似文献   

1. Organized and attended the Discussion on "Measures for Administration of Commercial Franchise Operations" with Ministry of Commerce in January, 2005. CCFA organized Chinese and foreign enterprises' representatives, lawyers and academic scholars to attend the discussion. On February 2005, the Measures have been officially implemented.  相似文献   

Foreign trade has become the most im portant issue in the country's economic situation. Domestic experts take the point of view that in 2006, the external demand will be still in a period of expansion, the surplus of foreign trade and export will witness a great increase, meaning that China will be possible to encounter more trade disputes in 2006 than in 2005.  相似文献   

预计2005年,世界经济增长率为4.3%比2004年稍有下降,为第二个次高年,仍然属于较高的增长速度。其中美国经济增长3.7%,日本经济增长2.8%~3%,欧盟25国经济增长2.4%~2.6%,中国经济增长大约为8.5%。  相似文献   

““Global IT market will sustain increase in fluctuating in 2005. In varied merger, integration, adjustment, global IT industry moves ahead prudently. And China IT market will obtain enormous opportunities and challenges in this market.““ Mr. Xie Shihe,President of China of IDC company. This is the first time of IDC to deliver its point of view to media.  相似文献   

“区别对待、有保有压”的宏观调控政策的实施只是抑制了投资过快的增长速度。但没有改变投资较快增长的趋势。  相似文献   

In Europe debt crisis has not yet hit bottom; in the United States economic recovery remains weak. Domestically, there is insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth in Uhina; and export sees a risk of decreasing The country has pulled half-way through 2010, its most complicated year in economy. However, as global economic crisis becomes more severe than expected and worldwide recovery increasingly zigzags, there are still big uncertainties both home and abroad for China's economic development. As key economic data for the fist half of 2010 is coming out, reporters from Xinhua News Agency interviewed several famous economists who analyzed and made predictions about China's macroeconomic policies for the following six months.  相似文献   

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