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Disruption has become a popular business term, yet it is often used so loosely as to convey almost nothing of substance. Here a largely neglected factor is addressed: the role of intellectual assets in securing opportunities for or averting threats from disruptive innovations. While the literature explains why the decision-making systems in large established companies cause difficulty in responding effectively to disruptive innovation the generation of intellectual assets (e.g., patents, publications, trademarks) typically is not subject to the same cultural and structural barriers. Though it may be difficult to convince a business to invest millions in pursuit of a speculative disruptive innovation, it is much easier for a small team to gain support in pursuing low-cost intellectual assets in the name of mitigating potential threats. A two-pronged approach is proposed that builds on the authors' experience at Kimberly-Clark Corporation in dealing with disruptive threats and opportunities. The approach calls for generation of intellectual assets, often using small proactive teams, to (1) protect an existing business by reducing competitive risks from disruptive innovation, including the risk of new products with disruptive potential and the risk of associated competitive patents that might limit one's response; and (2) prepare for future new and disruptive business opportunities that could be protected or strengthened by the intellectual assets generated. Kimberly-Clark's growing experience with this approach suggests that it may be a valuable component of one's strategy for innovation and protection of the business.  相似文献   

The tensions between marketing and research and development (R&D) are so common that we have come to accept them as the way organizations are. If we remain resigned like this, how will we ever reap some of the benefits that can accrue from these groups working better together? If we can improve the working relationships between marketing and R&D, researchers promise a variety of desirable organizational outcomes, such as cycle‐time reduction and new product success. This article describes in detail the changes that a Fortune 500 company made to its product development process to foster synergy between marketing and R&D. The modified process formalized the roles of marketing and R&D at both the front and back ends of the product development process, increasing productive interaction between the groups. The company found that at the front end, marketing and R&D needed to work together (1) to clarify the market requirements implicit in the market attack plan and (2) to develop a technical strategy that responded to the market requirements and that consequently implemented the market attack plan. At the back end, the groups needed to work together (3) to formulate the value messages used to market the company's products. The synergy created between marketing and R&D through the new process is credited for enabling the company to compete successfully in a market it never before had entered.  相似文献   

文章提出了基于生态视角来进行建筑业技术创新的概念,分析了基于生态视角的建筑业技术创新对我国建筑业发展的重要性和必要性。从规划设计、施工到建筑物拆除以及创新管理与组织等方面分析了技术创新的内容,并对基于生态观的我国建筑业技术创新提出了建议。  相似文献   

Product design is a complex undertaking, requiring manufacturers to find a balance among business goals, regulatory guidelines, the requirements of the distributor and retailer, and consumer demand. Along the way, it is sometimes easy to forget that, in the end, an actual person will attempt to operate the product.
Manufacturers are skilled at collecting and analyzing data about their customers and at using this information to formulate a "brand message": those things a company wants to communicate to consumers, the expectations that should be set in the consumer's mind, and what feelings and associations consumers should take away from an interaction with the company and its products. But while this information may be useful in understanding demographic and economic aspects of consumers, it often does not help the manufacturer understand how the product and user should interact—how the product and user should "talk" to each other. Something is lost in translation as a product goes from being a conceptual instantiation of a brand to being an actual physical object that a consumer must communicate with and must manipulate. The result is an experience that reflects poorly on the product and the manufacturer.
This article presents a framework for developing the interaction between user and product, using the metaphor of conversation between people. Human beings have developed a set of conversational rules and norms over the last few thousand years, and by leveraging these standards, manufacturers can create product interactions that provide a better experience to the consumer.  相似文献   

Organizational learning is central to a number of strategic theories. Recent arguments, however, identify risks associated with learning from own experience in the form of overattention to the short term and local conditions. The experience of the industry may offer opportunities for organizational learning that the experience of the organization does not, because industry experience is more varied, and not tied to the path-dependent history of any one organization. We investigate the influence of own experience and of two types of industry experience on the failure rates of U.S. hotel chains. The two types of industry experience are operating experience, which is a discounted sum of the units operated by U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry, and competitive experience, which is a discounted sum of the number of failures of U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry. We find that (a) organizations initially benefit from their own experience, but are harmed in the long run, (b) generalist organizations are more weakly affected by their own experience than specialists, (c) organizations benefit from their industry’s operating experience, accumulated both before and after the organization’s entry, and (d) organizations benefit from their industry’s competitive experience, but only after the organization’s entry. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

准确把掌握细分市场上消费者的需求和选择偏好是企业获取较好市场回报的关键.本文以访谈和调查问卷的数据信息为基础,针对消费者个体特征方面的多个因素变量,运用离散选择模型,研究液态奶制品的某个特征因素作为首选因素的影响.同时,针对消费者某一特征因素对液态奶的多个特征因素的选择偏好的影响,给出了基于Logit模型和SPSS软件的统计分析和合理解释.通过对液态奶制品消费者的个体特征和选择液态奶的某一特定因素为首选因素的关系分析,以及顾客选择偏好方面的探讨,为我国液态奶制品供应链在目标市场的选择方面提供了一些启示.  相似文献   

Most companies' product development process (PDP) is inefficient and slow. Consequently, products are often late-to-market, over cost and not well-aligned with customer's needs. Because it involves all levels of the organization and crosses all functional boundaries, the PDP is very difficult to control. Unbalanced control is at the root of many of the symptoms of a troubled PDP. Michael T. Anthony and Jonathan McKay investigate the four primary unbalanced PDP behaviors exhibited by organizations and present four balancing mechanisms to correct these flaws. In their view, a balanced PDP contains a structured development methodology and project reviews at specific, high-impact points that involves top management appropriately while still allowing empowerment of the project teams.  相似文献   

前不久.中石油集团公司党组书记,总经理陈耕和集团公司党组副书记、副总经理蒋洁敏在忠武线调研过程中,来到了忠武线管道局红花套长江盾构穿越工地,在观察完管道四公司的盾构穿越工地后指出.管道局主力军的地位不能含糊。在到达忠武线干线的目的地武汉后,他们再次强调.管道局要充分发挥主力军作用,要大力开发国际市场,争取国际市场的份额占到管道局管道建设市场的50%,并且还要带领油建队伍走出去。  相似文献   

通过阐述如何将QC小组活动与追求顾客满意的企业文化有机地联系起来,借助QC小组参与质量管理和质量改进这种有效而普及的团队活动形式,帮助企业增强顾客满意,赢得顾客忠诚,并最终使企业获得最大的经济效益。  相似文献   

《煤炭物流发展规划》的出台为煤炭物流产业的发展提供了重大机遇,也为煤炭物流企业的模式创新提出了新的要求。以供应链管理的视角研究煤炭物流运营,提出了煤炭物流企业的定位和跨越发展模式、网络整合模式、战略联盟模式、增值服务模式和产业延伸模式。  相似文献   

以男装品牌为出发点,探讨导购对消费者的识别在销售服务过程中的时间进程和观察点及观察点的选择,同时提出了一个服装销售管理者提升店铺导购的识别水平的方法。  相似文献   

创新集群建设对于推动区域经济社会发展和提升区域国际竞争力具有重要作用,中关村创新集群经过多年发展已成为引领我国发展的创新高地。本文在对复杂网络理论与创新集群适用性分析的基础上,深入剖析中关村创新集群的复杂网络演化过程,并总结其发展规律,对于指导我国创新集群建设具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

2009年7月22日上市。2009年10月底全国销量即达12000辆;2009年12月。首次参加“爱我中国车“评选即一举夺得技术创新大奖,东风风神S30的表现,让人们对这辆定价才七万多的A级车刮目相看。  相似文献   

Conventional market research methods do not work well in the instance of many industrial goods and services, and yet, accurate understanding of user need is essential for successful product innovation. Cornelius Herstatt and Eric von Hippel report on a successful field application of a "lead user" method for developing concepts for needed new products. This method is built around the idea that the richest understanding of needed new products is held by just a few users. It is possible to identify these "lead users" and then draw them into a process of joint development of new product concepts with manufacturer personnel. In the application described, the lead user method was found to be much faster than traditional ways of identifying promising new product concepts as well as less costly. It also was judged to provide better outcomes by the firm participating in the case. The article includes practical detail on the steps that were used to implement the method at Hilti AG, a leading manufacturer of products and materials used in construction.  相似文献   

为了探明如何有效配置创新资源以提升我国高技术产业的创新效率,以高技术产业原始创新和引进吸收消化再创新为分析对象,依据我国高技术产业1995~2008年的区域面板数据,采用随机前沿分析法(SFA)分别测度了创新投入在两种创新方式下的效率值。结果表明:原始创新投入的技术创新产出弹性最高,但经济效益产出弹性最低;引进消化吸收再创新投入对技术创新产出有正向的影响,但对经济效益产出却产生负向的影响。此外,政府资助、金融支持、产学研合作、市场结构等因素在不同创新产出指标下对创新效率影响有着显著差异。加大原始创新投入扶持力度、调整引进与吸收消化再创新投入结构、调整创新人才培养方式可以提升我国高技术产业整体创新效率。  相似文献   

基于网络结构的视角,借助我国海洋能产业产学研联合申请专项基金项目数据作为支撑,选取我国自2010年以来科研机构、大学、企业合作创新网络作为研究对象,分析了网络结构变量对网络成员创新产出的影响及合作创新情况,讨论了网络特征对网络成员创新产出的影响及网络成员作用于网络的表现。结果表明:国家海洋局海洋科学技术司中心度最高,结构洞限制最小,对整个产学研创新网络成员的正向促进作用最明显,但中间中心度为零;产学研合作创新网络中介节点并没有有效地利用中间中心性地位所给它们带来的信息优势和控制优势,中介作用对它们自身创新能力的提高没有起到正向促进作用;几个创新能力较强的网络成员引领着联系紧密地子网络,处于整体网络的核心位置,企业对整个产学研合作创新网络的作用并不明显。  相似文献   

作为中国古老的一种刺绣工艺,挑花自世纪之交起悄然以十字绣的形式盛行在中国的大街小巷,并逐步走进了都市生活。中国是一个刺绣大国,刺绣工艺种类繁多,却独独挑花工艺能够漂洋过海,并以全新的形式渗入到各阶层人们的日常生活,这不能不说是一个奇迹。挑花工艺的盛行是一个成功的案例,我们应当学习其中值得借鉴的方方面面,并将其应用到其他刺绣工艺上,以继承和发展中国优秀的刺绣艺术。  相似文献   

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