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Price Asymmetry in the International Wheat Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most wheat exports are accounted for by a limited number of countries with different policy regimes and specializing, for the most part, in particular classes of wheat. Under these circumstances, there is likely to be considerable interaction among the major exporting countries in the determination of wheat prices. In this paper, price linkages between the U.S. and other exporting countries (Canada, the European Union, Argentina and Australia) in the world wheat market are investigated. After determining that the direction of causality is from U. S. prices to the prices of other exporting countries, the nature of the price linkages is studied. The results suggest that the major exporting countries respond asymmetrically to U.S. price changes. The degree of asymmetry differs from one exporting country to another, Argentina and the European Union show greater response to falling prices than to rising prices, while the opposite is true for Canada and Australia.  相似文献   

This paper examines price relationships in the international wheat market for the years 1981–93 using a cointegration and error correction approach. Price series are found to be first-differenced stationary and cointegrated. Our results provide evidence that the United States, Australia, the European Union and Argentina react to Canada's pricing decisions, whereas Canada does not respond to any other price changes except Australia's. Similarly, the United States also plays a strong role in the pricing of other exporters (except Canada) and its pricing decision is affected by changes in Canadian and Australian prices. The remaining exporters such as the European Union and Argentina respond to the U.S. and Canadian price changes but do not have any influence on other prices. Overall, our results suggest that there is no distinct price leader in the international wheat market. Nous examinons les rapports deprixjouantsur le marché international du blé durant la période 1981–1993, suivant une démarche de co-intégration et de correction des erreurs. Nous avons constaté et vérifié que les séries de prix se révélent stationnaires lorsqu‘exprimées en première différence et qu‘elles sont cointégrées. Nos observations démontrent que les États-Unis, I'Australie, I'Union européenne et I'Argentine réagissent aux décisions de tariflcation prises au Canada et que de son côté, le Canada ne réagit à aucun autre changement du régime de tarification sauf à celui de I'Australie. De même, les États-Unis jouent également un rôle important dans la tarification des autres exportateurs (le Canada excepté) et ses décisions de tarification sont sensibles aux changements affectant les prix canadiens et australiens. Le reste des exportateurs, notamment I'Union européenne et I'Argentine, sont en mesure de réagir aux changements des prix appliqués aux États- Unis et au Canada, mais Us n‘ont aucune influence sur la tarification des autres exportateurs. Toutes ces observations nous amènent à conclure qu'il n'y a pas vraiment de leader dans l'établissement des prix du blé sur le marché international.  相似文献   

Price Dynamics in International Wheat Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A vector autoregression model is used to evaluate dynamic relationships among international wheat prices. The effects of freight rates and exchange rates are also considered. Forecast error variance decompositions and impulse response functions are used to investigate price dynamics in six important international wheat markets. The results suggest significant dynamic relationships among prices in different international wheat markets and between the prices and exchange rates and transportation costs.
On s'est servi d'un modéle vectoriel à autorégression pour évaluer les relations dynamiques entre les cours du blé sur le marché international. On a également tenu compte de l'inci-dence des coûts de transport et du taux de change. La décomposition prévue de la variance de l'erreur et les fonctions de réaction ponctuelle ont également permis d'approfondir la dynamique des prix sur six grands marchés internationaux du blé. Les résultats suggérent des relations dynamiques notables entre les prix sur différents marchés internationaux du blé, de meme qu'entre les prix et le taux du change et les coûts de transport.  相似文献   

This paper reveals that wheat exporters to China compete in an imperfectly competitive market. U.S. wheat exports face strong price competition from Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the European Community, but has a highly elastic demand in China. By adopting an aggressive promotion policy, the U.S. could reduce the market shares of Argentina and Canada. China would shift to wheat from Argentina, Australia, and Canada if U.S. wheat exports were interrupted because of high prices or non-price trade frictions. An expansion in China's wheat imports would accrue to wheat from Argentina and the U.S.  相似文献   

This study derives econometric estimates of the marginal implicit values of major characteristics of wheat in world markets for two recent time periods using pooled time-series and cross-sectional data. The results indicate that a one percentage point increase in protein content was associated with an average 0.3% price premium from 1976–77 to 1979–80. This price response had increased to an average 0.5% premium from 1980–81 to 1983–84, when there was an average world market protein premium of about U.S. $6.00 for a one percentage point increase in protein per tonne of wheat. During the latter time period, there was a premium for white wheat of nearly U.S. $16 per tonne. Wheat exported from the United States and Canada appeared to be discounted in price relative to wheat from Australia. Given the general order of the inverse relationship between yield and protein content that applies in wheat breeding, it is apparent that total revenue from Canadian wheat exports could be considerably increased by more emphasis on the development of higher-yielding wheats that are adapted to the higher-moisture regions of the Prairies. More emphasis on development of white wheats that are suited to Prairie growing conditions is also merited. La présente étude vise à obtenir des estimations économétriques à partir de valeurs marginales implicites des caractéristiques principales du blé sur les marchés mondiaux pour deux périodes de temps récentes, à l'aide de séries chronologiques regroupées et de données transversales. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'une augmentation de un pour cent de la teneur en protéines correspond en moyenne à une bonification de 0,3% de 1976–1977 à 1979–1980. Cette réaction des prix a atteint en moyenne 0,5% de 1980–1981 a 1983–1984, alors qu'une augmentation de un pour cent de la teneur en protéines par tonne de blé donnait lieu à une bonification moyenne, sur les marchés mondiaux, d'environ 6 $ US. Pendant la dernière période, le blé blanc faisait l'objet d'une bonification de près de 16 $ US par tonne. Le blé exporté des États-Unis et du Canada semble avoir été vendu à rabais, comparativement au blé venant d'Australie. Compte tenu du rapport inverse généralement observé entre le rendement et la teneur en protéines dans un contexte de sélection végétale, il semble que le total des revenus tirés des exportations canadiennes de blé pourrait s'accroître considérablement si l'on mettait davantage l'accent sur la production de variétés à rendement plus élevé, adaptées aux régions à haut taux d'humidité des Prairies. II serait également justifié de consacrer davantage d'énergie à la production de blés blancs mieux adaptés aux conditions de croissance des Prairies.  相似文献   

Black Sea and World Wheat Market Price Integration Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2008–10, Russia and Ukraine together exported an average of 29 million tons of wheat per year, and have become important players in the international wheat market. This research summarizes the short‐ and long‐run wheat price dynamics between Ukraine and Russia, and other major wheat exporters—the United States, European Union (EU), and Canada—from 2004 to 2010. Tests of market price co‐integration (Johansen maximum likelihood test and residual‐based tests) as well as threshold error correction techniques were performed for this purpose. The results suggest that Russian wheat prices were co‐integrated with EU and U.S. wheat prices but not with Canadian wheat prices. Ukrainian wheat prices were found to be co‐integrated with French wheat prices only. The estimated long‐run wheat price transmission elasticities were estimated to be equal to 1.04 between Russian and French (a representative country of the EU) wheat prices, 1.16 between Russian and U.S. wheat prices, and 1.05 between Ukrainian and French wheat prices. We also found the short‐term relationships between the co‐integrated series to be statistically significant. Price adjustments in all co‐integrated prices were found to be symmetric.  相似文献   

The Law of One Price (LOP) is an important ingredient in theories of international trade and exchange rate determination. An important shortcoming of the existing empirical literature is that parity is typically assumed to hold contemporaneously. This overlooks the fact that international commodity arbitrage takes place over time as well as across spatially separated markets. Recognizing this fact, we expect to see parity holding for expected prices. A model which incorporates the expectations of commodity arbitragers is constructed and used to test the LOP in the natural rubber market. Results indicate that the inclusion of expectations may be of value when considering the LOP.  相似文献   

Price Cycles and Asymmetric Price Transmission in the U.S. Pork Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economists have proposed several plausible explanations for observed price transmission asymmetries in commodity markets. Unfortunately, the econometric methods commonly used in such studies cannot empirically distinguish pricing behavior under the competing theories. We argue that the theories may be classified by firm responses to high- and low-frequency price cycles and use Engle's band spectrum regression to test the symmetry of high- and low-frequency cycles in weekly pork prices. The findings indicate that changes in wholesale prices are asymmetrically transmitted to retail prices in relatively low-frequency cycles, which does not support search costs and other high-frequency explanations. Conversely, wholesale pork prices asymmetrically adjust to changes in farm prices at all frequencies.  相似文献   

中国大米市场价格共因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内容提要:本文利用持续—短暂模型(permanent-transitory model,简写为p-t模型)分粳米和籼米对中国大米市场价格共因子进行了分析。研究发现,在中国粳米市场价格长期行为的形成过程中,湖北、天津、黑龙江、吉林、浙江和江苏的影响比较大,其中,浙江起主导作用;在中国籼米市场价格长期行为的形成过程中,广西、湖北、湖南、江西、四川和浙江的影响比较大,其中,江西起主导作用。在决策过程中,决策者应重点考虑对影响较大的地区采取有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

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