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Since the bursting of Japan's bubble economy, from 1990 onwards, Japanese multinational companies (MNCs) have faced new competitive challenges and questions about the management practices on which they had built their initial success in global markets. Japanese engagement in the international economy has undergone a number of phases. In the period before the Second World War, Japanese companies learnt from foreign MNCs in trading, shipping, and manufacturing, frequently through strategic alliances, and leveraged their capabilities to succeed in overseas and largely Asian markets. In the immediate post-war decades, during the Japanese ‘economic miracle’, there were notable examples of MNC investment in raw materials and labour intensive production, but both inward and outward foreign direct investment were not significant. Japanese companies achieved leadership in management and technology, in order to support a strategy of export-orientated industrialization. Changes in government policies in the developed economies of the US and Western Europe forced leading Japanese manufacturers to convert themselves into MNCs and to transfer their home-grown capabilities to overseas subsidiaries. The period after 1990 marked declining Japanese competitiveness and it asked questions about the ability of Japanese MNCs to be more responsive and global in their strategies, organization and capabilities.  相似文献   

对于身处中国市场的众多汽车品牌来说,后危机时期,也是企业品牌进行激烈角逐的时期,企业该如何提升品牌的市场竞争力?解开这些问题的关键还是得从市场与消费诉求的变化着手。  相似文献   

The Japanese economy, the second largest in the world and the lead economy in fast growing Asia, was in a major and structural recession in the first half of the 1990s. Changes necessary for Japan to renew its economic growth must reflect not only the effects of the post-bubble recession of the early 1990s, but also the end of the cold war and the new social values, demographics, and politics in Japan. This article is an analytical review of postwar economic growth in Japan that led to the early 1990s recession, and an assessment of the shape of post-bubble Japanese business as it prepares for growth in the new millennium, and the implications of these changes on Japanese and non-Japanese firms.  相似文献   

作为互联网技术与实体产业的结合,3G无线时代正在激发中国人的热情。随着年初3G牌照的发放,不少互联网评论家都认为,3G无线网络将是互联网的未来。  相似文献   

屠剑峰 《广告大观》2009,(11):28-29
2009年中国广告市场出现了消费研究热潮,这一方面是外在的经济因素导致,如金融危机的出现促使广告主在缩减的划,另一方面是广告业在消费市场导向格局演变下和主流消费趋势改变中,对广告能力提升的内部需求。  相似文献   

姚力志 《广告大观》2008,(6):118-119
传统车展的不可或缺现代的车展越来越成为反映汽车行业发展变迁的风向标。许多全球首发的车型不断地通过车展向公众展示,从某种意义上说,车展所展示的新车代表着车市发展的方向,它不仅是车商展示新车的平台,更是传递车型技术、开发设计理念等信息的重要渠道。  相似文献   

17天奥运赛事,张扬的是更快、更高、更强的激情,通过电视媒体,全球观众都能看到选手们的力与美;  相似文献   

顾程 《广告大观》2009,(11):72-73
对于中国这个特殊的市场来说,我们已经可以很明确地感受到:分类营销尽管分类复杂,但对于中国快消品广告主而言。掌握了更多更新的媒体资源,就意味着市场的开拓。  相似文献   

洵磊 《广告大观》2009,(10):104-105
把消费者的体验深入到市场营销的领域中,体验到消费者的内心,让消费者发自肺腑的认知你的产品,就是市场营销的成功,是真正深入营销。如今体验营销已经进入了手机互动营销的时代,体验营销即是企业在市场中与顾客发生服务与被服务的那个过程。  相似文献   

本文就如何建立和完善企业的市场营稍管理体系提出一些浅显的看法.  相似文献   

知识经济时代已经到来,一个新的营销模式已经出现,知识经济是以知识和智能为主导的经济.在知识经济时代,知识具有多重性,既是最重要的生产资源,也是最重要的生产力;知识经济是以最新科学技术及其持续创新为核心,是建立在知识和信息之上的经济.在知识经济的浪潮中,市场营销扮演着非常重要的角色,本文论述了知识经济中下市场营销环境发生的变化和市场营销的新的特点以及知识经济下市场营销新的理念.  相似文献   

3G开启无线营销新时代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工信部终于在2009年1月7日发放了姗姗来迟的3G牌照。伴随先前已经完成的三大通讯营运商的重组,这次TD-SCDMA、WCDMA和CDHA2000三个牌照名花有主,分属于中国移动、联通和中国电信,中国通讯业从技术标准到市场竞争格局从此全面进入三足鼎立时代。  相似文献   

MarkCripps 《广告大观》2008,(7):132-135
与消费者建立双向的互动关系是营销人的梦想。中国网民已超过2.1亿,互联网技术的应用使得实现上述梦想在中国已经成为可能。现在,企业可以全程跟进消费者或目标受众,掌握他们在销售周期中所处的位置,并了解他们的偏好,从而根据受众的具体需求开展有针对性的广告宣传和促销活动。  相似文献   

At a time when tourism is the preeminent global industry, the Mediterranean is one of the most important tourist regions in the world, accounting for approximately a third of total tourism revenues and half of international arrivals. Because the traditional sun, sand, and sea tourist product of the Mediterranean is experiencing a crisis with subsequent market shifts toward other regions and alternative tourist products, the region has begun to lose its share of the international travel market. The time is ripe for the 21 Mediterranean countries to evaluate their tourist industries in the context of sustainable development strategies, begin to consider restructuring their industries to increase efficiency and competitiveness, and form strategic alliances for cooperative marketing efforts in order to maintain a competitive edge in the global tourist market at the threshold of the third millennium. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   

富铁东 《广告大观》2009,(12):54-56
据统计,2009年,以县乡为主的中国三、四级家电市场容量有望达到2300多亿元。农村的巨大市场空间,对于国内众多的家电生产企业来说,其诱惑力几乎难以抗拒。而"家电下乡"政策的出台,更使得家电业对其谋划已久的农村市场,终于有了绝佳的机遇。  相似文献   

The disruptive strength of digital technologies in healthcare has led to valuable changes in the search for information and the application of these technologies. The introduction of these technologies has altered, sometimes even inverting, the doctor–patient relationship. User-generated content on social media and online communities represents a form of disruptive cooperation that has huge potential benefits for the future growth of society. Using netnographic analysis of smart patients and data from an online survey of Italian oncologists and health professionals, this paper shows the impact of user-generated content on the pursuit of personal well-being. The linkages between new forms of knowledge, business, and innovation are highlighted. Based on an analysis of the emerging concept of systems medicine, this paper focuses on the dimension of participation. A data-driven approach is adopted, and the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom framework is used to explain how people employ user-generated content in their pursuit of well-being. Managerial perspectives and suggestions for future research developments are discussed.  相似文献   

吴清华 《广告大观》2009,(4):108-110
2009年1月7日,工业和信息化部为中国移动、中国电信和中国联通发放3张第三代移动通信(3G)牌照。由此,2009年成为我国的3G元年,我国正式进入第三代移动通信——3G时代。作为领先的无线互联网门户空中网如何抓住机遇,做好3G时代的无线营销,空中网副总裁于持有他的经验之谈。  相似文献   

Commerce enables the flourishing of cities. This article reviews three books on the evolution of commercial activities in Japan; including, a samurai’s account, a foreign concession’s window, and the role of shopping in Modern Japan. Lust, Commerce, and Corruption discusses how various social groups’ commercial activities influenced societal developments from the Genki (1570–1573) to the Bunka era (1804–1818). Opening a Window to the West is unique in the author’s detailed characterizations of Kōbe’s mercantile activities and how merchants influenced the city’s urban development. Finally, Marketing and Consumption in Modern Japan provides systematic investigations of the evolution of commerce and consumption in Japan, mostly from the Meiji (1868–1912) to the present Heisei era (1989 onwards). Read together, these books provide vital perspectives on how commerce has changed in urban Japan over the last three centuries.  相似文献   

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