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试析我国新疆与中亚国家的经贸合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆与中亚国家加强经贸合作,是双赢发展的需要。新疆应抓住机遇,提高经济发展的国际竞争力,积极与中亚国家加强经贸合作。本文分析了新疆与中亚国家经贸合作的现状,指出了新疆与中亚国家经贸合作中存在的问题,最后展望分析了新疆与中亚国家经贸合作前景。  相似文献   

中俄天然气合作博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中俄两国在能源领域的合作受到全球越来越多的关注,中俄能源合作有着广阔的前景,但目前还存在一些具体的问题,石油管线的修建一波三折,天然气合作仍处在初级阶段。针对两国在天然气合作过程中出现的现象和问题,本文将运用博弈论思想做出具体的分析。  相似文献   

文章在研究市场国际化背景下,中国绿色食品产业和企业发展的比较竞争优势及与东北亚地区的合作前景、出口现状、存在问题,在借鉴外国经验基础上,要通过政策导向,作好市场定位和市场分析,加强营销管理的针对性,并通过选择适宜的合作竞争战略及方式,提高冲破绿色壁垒的能力以及扩大绿色食品出口的规模和优化结构.  相似文献   

中国与加拿大经贸合作的方向与前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与加拿大两国经贸合作一直稳定发展,两国双边"战略伙伴关系"的建立会促进其大发展.从中加经贸合作的发展状况,以及资源、技术和生产差异说明两国经贸合作基础和潜力等方面,展示中加经贸合作的发展方向和前景,并指出促进中加两国经贸合作对策和措施.  相似文献   

丁工 《全球化》2021,(2):114-124,135
近几年,“第三方市场”合作发展迅速,已成为凝聚多方共识、实现互利共赢的重要创新合作模式。考虑到“第三方市场”合作是一项复杂的系统工程,我国在“一带一路”框架下倡导和推进“第三方市场”合作显然不适宜“大水漫灌式”的平均用力。因此,为更好实现优势互补、多方共赢,中国同相关各方在开展“第三方市场”合作,探索以中等强国作为“一带一路”框架下实施第三方市场合作的优先方向和重点对象。通过发挥中等强国的独特作用和相对优势,将中等强国打造成“五通”布局和区域合作的支点,以此既能减少“一带一路”建设中的恶性摩擦和同质竞争,还可以增强和优化“第三方市场”合作的资源和运作效率。  相似文献   

The integration of immigrants and their children is a burning issue in France. Governments mainly build their integration policies on the labour market. The public sector is reputed to better assimilate minorities because of its entrance exams and pay scales. In this article, using a switching model, a comparison of the public and private sectors shows that second‐generation immigrants are not treated equally in both sectors. A wage gap is observed between workers of French origin and those of Southern European origin. The wage differential between workers of French and North African origins is mostly explained by observable variables.  相似文献   


The continuing development of regional trade blocs, such as COMESA (The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), ECOWAS (The Economic Community of Western African States) and the resurgence of a new EAC (East African Co-operation), will depend significantly on consumer confidence in products from within the region. Ninety-six Commerce undergraduates from Tanzania estimated the preference patterns, among relevant home market segments, for a range of consumer goods produced in Tanzania, East Africa, and the West. For each comparison, the three goods were described as identical in terms of the “4 Ps” (Product, Promotion, Price, and Place). Tanzanian consumers were consistently reported to prefer Western foreign goods over equivalent regional imports, with home-produced goods faring least well of all. Such “consumer cringe” (which has also been identified in West Africa and South America) suggests that at least in terms of the East African Co-operation (EAC), regionally-produced goods can indeed be relatively attractive, provided a bias in favor of Western goods can be addressed by appropriate marketing initiatives.  相似文献   

Founding of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and Beijing Ministerial Conference in 2000. Beginning from the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt in 1956, friendly China- African cooperation has seen steady development in the past 44 years, China and African countries have been expanding and deepening cooperation in the areas such as politics, economy, trade, culture and education and health, resulting in remarkable achievements.  相似文献   

在概述战后非洲一体化发展总体状况的基础上,通过构建理论模型,利用实证分析方法,选择南部非洲发展共同体为研究对象对南部非洲发展共同体的贸易创造和贸易转移问题进行探讨,从而为客观评估非洲经济一体化进程中的静态福利效应提供一种参考。研究结果表明,南部非洲发展共同体并没有发生明显的贸易创造及贸易转移效应,成员国从一体化中获得的福利收益是有限的。  相似文献   

随着企业管理现代化程度加深,传统人力资源管理不能够满足现代员工管理需求,人力资本管理呼之欲出。从员工潜能认识着手,分析了人力资源管理者的困境,提出了人力资本管理整合模型,在此基础上提出人力资本管理内涵及运行机制。最后,对未来人力资本管理发展提出了相关展望。  相似文献   

在中东地区持续动荡的背景下,非洲石油因其独特的优势而使其重要性日益凸显。随着非洲本土石油公司的崛起,非洲石油经济的自主发展势头强劲。石油经济对非洲产油国经济社会发展的积极影响渐成主流。  相似文献   

区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化,这已成为当代世界一股不可阻挡的潮流。自1961年东盟成立以来,东亚区域经济金融合作的进程一直比较缓慢。1997年的亚洲金融危机使各国深刻认识到,只有加强合作,逐步实现经济的一体化,才能共同抵御风险。本文通过对东亚区域经济金融合作进展的描述,预测了东亚经济金融一体化的前景,展望了东亚经济金融一体化的新纪元。  相似文献   

中国东北地区位于东北亚区域地理中心,是"一带一路"向北开放的重要窗口和东北亚地区合作的中心枢纽。"一带一路"将振兴东北老工业基地战略与韩国"新北方政策"联系起来,成为推动中国东北地区与韩国发展战略对接与合作的重要力量。在"一带一路"框架下,中国东北地区与韩国积极加强基础设施建设,开展经贸和投资合作,强化金融和货币领域合作。在此基础上,东北地区与韩国还将发展跨境电子商务,构建智能物流体系,加强金融合作,为中韩发展战略对接与合作创造广阔发展前景。  相似文献   

South Africa looks back to half a decade of fundamental changes: apartheid laws have been abolished, sanctions have been lifted and finally at the end of April 1994 the black South African majority was allowed to vote for the first time. How has the political and economic environment to be judged after the election in South Africa? What need for action can be identified for the new South African government to improve the economic prospects of the country?  相似文献   

African markets are complex environments for foreign multinationals. The continent, which has recently attracted significant attention for its rich potential and growth prospects, presents a multitude of challenges for the South African retailers leading the charge of retail expansion. This qualitative study seeks a deeper understanding of the contextual challenges experienced by these firms in other African markets, and how they have managed this process. It further engages how these firms build networks with local stakeholders and how they overcome information deficits. This study confirms the rich variety of capabilities and approaches developed by South African retailers operating across the continent, as opposed to a single standard approach. The research has further confirmed that these firms typically use SA Inc. as a country specific advantage in their expansion, leveraging off their inter-firm networks and personal exchanges to gain a better understanding of African markets and their consumers.  相似文献   

近年来,中非经贸合作日益加强。随着非洲地区经济进入快速增长期,美欧等发达国家开始积极调整对非经贸政策以应对中国在非洲经贸关系中地位的迅速提升。在此背景下,中非经贸政策安排将面临欧美国家的挑战。与非洲经贸关系有着制度性整体安排并卓有成效的当属欧盟与以非洲国家为主的非加太地区签署的《洛美协定》,其可以为中非经贸合作提供有益借鉴。本文将深入梳理、分析《洛美协定》产生的历史背景和核心内容,并对当前中非经贸合作安排提出相关建议。  相似文献   

在经济全球化和区域经济一体化背景下,各国经济合作程度大大增强。东亚地区尤其是中韩两国的经贸关系日渐密切,加强区域内合作的呼声不断高涨。在此背景下,中韩两国政府提出了建立中国-韩国自由贸易区的构想。建立中韩FTA的政策建议包括采取措施缩减贸易逆差,有计划分步骤地扩大合作,中韩两国政府应加强经济合作与交流和加强两国企业之间的文化交流。  相似文献   

经贸合作日益成为两岸各界关注的焦点,但是学者们在两岸经贸合作机制选择方面有很大分歧。大陆和台湾同为WTO成员,两岸经贸合作的底线是遵守WTO规则,最高边界是最惠国待遇原则许可的范围。合作底线和最高边界所围成的空间,就是两岸可以选择制度空间。作者认为两岸共同市场是当前两岸最现实的选择,考虑到两岸特殊的政治经济现实,近期的目标应该定位在实现经贸关系正常化。  相似文献   

China has a great market potential of hydro power generating,with bright market prospects eyed ,According to the national programs,the hydro power generating in 2005 amouted to 103 million kw;  相似文献   

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