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This paper develops a maximum likelihood (ML) method to estimate partially observed diffusion models based on data sampled at discrete times. The method combines two techniques recently proposed in the literature in two separate steps. In the first step, the closed form approach of Aït-Sahalia (2008) is used to obtain a highly accurate approximation to the joint transition probability density of the latent and the observed states. In the second step, the efficient importance sampling technique of Richard and Zhang (2007) is used to integrate out the latent states, thereby yielding the likelihood function. Using both simulated and real data, we show that the proposed ML method works better than alternative methods. The new method does not require the underlying diffusion to have an affine structure and does not involve infill simulations. Therefore, the method has a wide range of applicability and its computational cost is moderate.  相似文献   

Bayesian hypothesis testing in latent variable models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypothesis testing using Bayes factors (BFs) is known not to be well defined under the improper prior. In the context of latent variable models, an additional problem with BFs is that they are difficult to compute. In this paper, a new Bayesian method, based on the decision theory and the EM algorithm, is introduced to test a point hypothesis in latent variable models. The new statistic is a by-product of the Bayesian MCMC output and, hence, easy to compute. It is shown that the new statistic is appropriately defined under improper priors because the method employs a continuous loss function. In addition, it is easy to interpret. The method is illustrated using a one-factor asset pricing model and a stochastic volatility model with jumps.  相似文献   

A new empirical reduced-form model for credit rating transitions is introduced. It is a parametric intensity-based duration model with multiple states and driven by exogenous covariates and latent dynamic factors. The model has a generalized semi-Markov structure designed to accommodate many of the stylized facts of credit rating migrations. Parameter estimation is based on Monte Carlo maximum likelihood methods for which the details are discussed in this paper. A simulation experiment is carried out to show the effectiveness of the estimation procedure. An empirical application is presented for transitions in a 7 grade rating system. The model includes a common dynamic component that can be interpreted as the credit cycle. Asymmetric effects of this cycle across rating grades and additional semi-Markov dynamics are found to be statistically significant. Finally, we investigate whether the common factor model suffices to capture systematic risk in rating transition data by introducing multiple factors in the model.  相似文献   

We consider European options on a price process that follows the log-linear stochastic volatility model. Two stochastic integrals in the option pricing formula are costly to compute. We derive a central limit theorem to approximate them. At parameter settings appropriate to foreign exchange data our formulas improve computation speed by a factor of 1000 over brute force Monte Carlo making MCMC statistical methods practicable. We provide estimates of model parameters from daily data on the Swiss Franc to Euro and Japanese Yen to Euro over the period 1999–2002.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes spatial Probit models for cross sectional dependent data in a binary choice context. Observations are divided by pairwise groups and bivariate normal distributions are specified within each group. Partial maximum likelihood estimators are introduced and they are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under some regularity conditions. Consistent covariance matrix estimators are also provided. Estimates of average partial effects can also be obtained once we characterize the conditional distribution of the latent error. Finally, a simulation study shows the advantages of our new estimation procedure in this setting. Our proposed partial maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be more efficient than the generalized method of moments counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper considers the generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) method for estimating the parameters of the multivariate stable distribution. The GEL method is considered to be an extension of the generalized method of moments (GMM). The multivariate stable distributions are widely applicable as they can accommodate both skewness and heavy tails. We treat the spectral measure, which summarizes scale and asymmetry, by discretization. In order to estimate all the model parameters simultaneously, we apply the estimating function constructed by equating empirical and theoretical characteristic functions. The efficacy of the proposed GEL method is demonstrated in Monte Carlo studies. An illustrative example involving daily returns of market indexes is also included.  相似文献   

We investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for the spatial autoregressive model. A stochastic expansion of the score function is used to develop the second-order bias and mean squared error of the maximum likelihood estimator. We show that the results can be expressed in terms of the expectations of cross products of quadratic forms, or ratios of quadratic forms in a normal vector which can be evaluated using the top order invariant polynomial. Our numerical calculations demonstrate that the second-order behaviors of the maximum likelihood estimator depend on the degree of sparseness of the weights matrix.  相似文献   

We describe procedures for Bayesian estimation and testing in cross-sectional, panel data and nonlinear smooth coefficient models. The smooth coefficient model is a generalization of the partially linear or additive model wherein coefficients on linear explanatory variables are treated as unknown functions of an observable covariate. In the approach we describe, points on the regression lines are regarded as unknown parameters and priors are placed on differences between adjacent points to introduce the potential for smoothing the curves. The algorithms we describe are quite simple to implement—for example, estimation, testing and smoothing parameter selection can be carried out analytically in the cross-sectional smooth coefficient model.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of instrumental quantile regression methods for heterogeneous treatment effect models and simultaneous equations models with nonadditive errors and offer computable methods for estimation and inference. These methods can be used to evaluate the impact of endogenous variables or treatments on the entire distribution of outcomes. We describe an estimator of the instrumental variable quantile regression process and the set of inference procedures derived from it. We focus our discussion of inference on tests of distributional equality, constancy of effects, conditional dominance, and exogeneity. We apply the procedures to characterize the returns to schooling in the U.S.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of the parameters of an α-stable distribution with indirect inference, using the skewed-t distribution as an auxiliary model. The latter distribution appears as a good candidate since it has the same number of parameters as the α-stable distribution, with each parameter playing a similar role. To improve the properties of the estimator in finite sample, we use constrained indirect inference. In a Monte Carlo study we show that this method delivers estimators with good properties in finite sample. We provide an empirical application to the distribution of jumps in the S&P 500 index returns.  相似文献   

In this paper the correlation structure in the classical leverage stochastic volatility (SV) model is generalized based on a linear spline. In the new model the correlation between the return and volatility innovations is time varying and depends nonparametrically on the type of news arrived to the market. Theoretical properties of the proposed model are examined. The model estimation and comparison are conducted by Bayesian methods. The performance of the estimates are examined in simulations. The new model is fitted to daily and weekly US data and compared with the classical SV and GARCH models in terms of their in-sample and out-of-sample performances. Empirical results suggest evidence in favor of the proposed model. In particular, the new model finds strong evidence of time varying leverage effect in individual stocks when the classical model fails to identify the leverage effect.  相似文献   

Pseudo maximum likelihood estimates are developed for higher-order spatial autoregressive models with increasingly many parameters, including models with spatial lags in the dependent variables both with and without a linear or nonlinear regression component, and regression models with spatial autoregressive disturbances. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimates are established. Monte Carlo experiments examine finite-sample behaviour.  相似文献   

Two new methodologies are introduced to improve inference in the evaluation of mutual fund performance against benchmarks. First, the benchmark models are estimated using panel methods with both fund and time effects. Second, the non-normality of individual mutual fund returns is accounted for by using panel bootstrap methods. We also augment the standard benchmark factors with fund-specific characteristics, such as fund size. Using a dataset of UK equity mutual fund returns, we find that fund size has a negative effect on the average fund manager’s benchmark-adjusted performance. Further, when we allow for time effects and the non-normality of fund returns, we find that there is no evidence that even the best performing fund managers can significantly out-perform the augmented benchmarks after fund management charges are taken into account.  相似文献   

Sequential maximum likelihood and GMM estimators of distributional parameters obtained from the standardised innovations of multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic dynamic regression models evaluated at Gaussian PML estimators preserve the consistency of mean and variance parameters while allowing for realistic distributions. We assess their efficiency, and obtain moment conditions leading to sequential estimators as efficient as their joint ML counterparts. We also obtain standard errors for VaR and CoVaR, and analyse the effects on these measures of distributional misspecification. Finally, we illustrate the small sample performance of these procedures through simulations and apply them to analyse the risk of large eurozone banks.  相似文献   

A novel Bayesian method for inference in dynamic regression models is proposed where both the values of the regression coefficients and the importance of the variables are allowed to change over time. We focus on forecasting and so the parsimony of the model is important for good performance. A prior is developed which allows the shrinkage of the regression coefficients to suitably change over time and an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo method for posterior inference is described. The new method is applied to two forecasting problems in econometrics: equity premium prediction and inflation forecasting. The results show that this method outperforms current competing Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

This paper provides closed-form likelihood approximations for multivariate jump-diffusion processes widely used in finance. For a fixed order of approximation, the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) computed from this approximate likelihood achieves the asymptotic efficiency of the true yet uncomputable MLE as the sampling interval shrinks. This method is used to uncover the realignment probability of the Chinese Yuan. Since February 2002, the market-implied realignment intensity has increased fivefold. The term structure of the forward realignment rate, which completely characterizes future realignment probabilities, is hump-shaped and peaks at mid-2004. The realignment probability responds quickly to economic news releases and government interventions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the spurious effect in forecasting asset returns when signals from technical trading rules are used as predictors. Against economic intuition, the simulation result shows that, even if past information has no predictive power, buy or sell signals based on the difference between the short-period and long-period moving averages of past asset prices can be statistically significant when the forecast horizon is relatively long. The theoretical analysis reveals that both ‘momentum’ and ‘contrarian’ strategies can be falsely supported, while the probability of obtaining each result depends on the type of the test statistics employed.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop Markov random field models for multivariate lattice data. Specific attention is given to building models that incorporate general forms of the spatial correlations and cross-correlations between variables at different sites. The methodology is applied to a problem in environmental equity. Using a Bayesian hierarchical model that is multivariate in form, we examine the racial distribution of residents of southern Louisiana in relation to the location of sites listed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Toxic Release Inventory.  相似文献   

Likelihoods and posteriors of instrumental variable (IV) regression models with strong endogeneity and/or weak instruments may exhibit rather non-elliptical contours in the parameter space. This may seriously affect inference based on Bayesian credible sets. When approximating posterior probabilities and marginal densities using Monte Carlo integration methods like importance sampling or Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures the speed of the algorithm and the quality of the results greatly depend on the choice of the importance or candidate density. Such a density has to be ‘close’ to the target density in order to yield accurate results with numerically efficient sampling. For this purpose we introduce neural networks which seem to be natural importance or candidate densities, as they have a universal approximation property and are easy to sample from. A key step in the proposed class of methods is the construction of a neural network that approximates the target density. The methods are tested on a set of illustrative IV regression models. The results indicate the possible usefulness of the neural network approach.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of derivative pricing when the stochastic discount factors are exponential-affine functions of underlying state variable. In particular we discuss the conditionally Gaussian framework and introduce semi-parametric pricing methods for models with path dependent drift and volatility. This approach is also applied to more complicated frameworks, such as pricing of a derivative written on an index, when the interest rate is stochastic.  相似文献   

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