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A well-known difficulty in estimating conditional moment restrictions is that the parameters of interest need not be globally identified by the implied unconditional moments. In this paper, we propose an approach to constructing a continuum of unconditional moments that can ensure parameter identifiability. These unconditional moments depend on the “instruments” generated from a “generically comprehensively revealing” function, and they are further projected along the exponential Fourier series. The objective function is based on the resulting Fourier coefficients, from which an estimator can be easily computed. A novel feature of our method is that the full continuum of unconditional moments is incorporated into each Fourier coefficient. We show that, when the number of Fourier coefficients in the objective function grows at a proper rate, the proposed estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. An efficient estimator is also readily obtained via the conventional two-step GMM method. Our simulations confirm that the proposed estimator compares favorably with that of Domínguez and Lobato (2004, Econometrica) in terms of bias, standard error, and mean squared error.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a semiparametric efficient adaptive estimator of an asymmetric GARCH model. Applying some general results from Drost et al. [1997. The Annals of Statistics 25, 786–818], we first estimate the unknown density function of the disturbances by kernel methods, then apply a one-step Newton–Raphson method to obtain a more efficient estimator than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The proposed semiparametric estimator is adaptive for parameters appearing in the conditional standard deviation model with respect to the unknown distribution of the disturbances.  相似文献   

This paper studies a two-stage procedure for estimating partially identified models, based on Chernozhukov, Hong, and Tamer’s (2007) theory of set estimation and inference. We consider the case where a sub-vector of parameters or their identified set can be estimated separately from the rest, possibly subject to a priori restrictions. Our procedure constructs the second-stage set estimator and confidence set by taking appropriate level sets of a criterion function, using a first-stage estimator to impose restrictions on the parameter of interest. We give conditions under which the two-stage set estimator is a set-valued random element that is measurable in an appropriate sense. We also establish the consistency of the two-stage set estimator.  相似文献   

This paper develops a concrete formula for the asymptotic distribution of two-step, possibly non-smooth semiparametric M-estimators under general misspecification. Our regularity conditions are relatively straightforward to verify and also weaker than those available in the literature. The first-stage nonparametric estimation may depend on finite dimensional parameters. We characterize: (1) conditions under which the first-stage estimation of nonparametric components do not affect the asymptotic distribution, (2) conditions under which the asymptotic distribution is affected by the derivatives of the first-stage nonparametric estimator with respect to the finite-dimensional parameters, and (3) conditions under which one can allow non-smooth objective functions. Our framework is illustrated by applying it to three examples: (1) profiled estimation of a single index quantile regression model, (2) semiparametric least squares estimation under model misspecification, and (3) a smoothed matching estimator.  相似文献   

Traditional panel stochastic frontier models do not distinguish between unobserved individual heterogeneity and inefficiency. They thus force all time-invariant individual heterogeneity into the estimated inefficiency. Greene (2005) proposes a true fixed-effect stochastic frontier model which, in theory, may be biased by the incidental parameters problem. The problem usually cannot be dealt with by model transformations owing to the nonlinearity of the stochastic frontier model. In this paper, we propose a class of panel stochastic frontier models which create an exception. We show that first-difference and within-transformation can be analytically performed on this model to remove the fixed individual effects, and thus the estimator is immune to the incidental parameters problem. Consistency of the estimator is obtained by either N→∞N or T→∞T, which is an attractive property for empirical researchers.  相似文献   

We propose a general two-step estimator for a popular Markov discrete choice model that includes a class of Markovian games with continuous observable state space. Our estimation procedure generalizes the computationally attractive methodology of Pesendorfer and Schmidt-Dengler (2008) that assumed finite observable states. This extension is non-trivial as the policy value functions are solutions to some type II integral equations. We show that the inverse problem is well-posed. We provide a set of primitive conditions to ensure root-T consistent estimation for the finite dimensional structural parameters and the distribution theory for the value functions in a time series framework.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation method for a partial parametric model with multiple integrated time series. Our estimation procedure is based on the decomposition of the nonparametric part of the regression function into homogeneous and integrable components. It consists of two steps: In the first step we parameterize and fit the homogeneous component of the nonparametric part by the nonlinear least squares with other parametric terms in the model, and use in the second step the standard kernel method to nonparametrically estimate the integrable component of the nonparametric part from the residuals in the first step. We establish consistency and obtain the asymptotic distribution of our estimator. A simulation shows that our estimator performs well in finite samples. For the empirical illustration, we estimate the money demand functions for the US and Japan using our model and methodology.  相似文献   

We show how the dynamic logit model for binary panel data may be approximated by a quadratic exponential model. Under the approximating model, simple sufficient statistics exist for the subject-specific parameters introduced to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between subjects. The latter must be distinguished from the state dependence which is accounted for by including the lagged response variable among the regressors. By conditioning on the sufficient statistics, we derive a pseudo conditional likelihood estimator of the structural parameters of the dynamic logit model, which is simple to compute. Asymptotic properties of this estimator are studied in detail. Simulation results show that the estimator is competitive in terms of efficiency with estimators recently proposed in the econometric literature.  相似文献   

We consider pseudo-panel data models constructed from repeated cross sections in which the number of individuals per group is large relative to the number of groups and time periods. First, we show that, when time-invariant group fixed effects are neglected, the OLS estimator does not converge in probability to a constant but rather to a random variable. Second, we show that, while the fixed-effects (FE) estimator is consistent, the usual t statistic is not asymptotically normally distributed, and we propose a new robust t statistic whose asymptotic distribution is standard normal. Third, we propose efficient GMM estimators using the orthogonality conditions implied by grouping and we provide t tests that are valid even in the presence of time-invariant group effects. Our Monte Carlo results show that the proposed GMM estimator is more precise than the FE estimator and that our new t test has good size and is powerful.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the classical idea of Rank estimation of parameters from homoscedastic problems to heteroscedastic problems. In particular, we define a class of rank estimators of the parameters associated with the conditional mean function of an autoregressive model through a three-steps procedure and then derive their asymptotic distributions. The class of models considered includes Engel's ARCH model and the threshold heteroscedastic model. The class of estimators includes an extension of Wilcoxon-type rank estimator. The derivation of the asymptotic distributions depends on the uniform approximation of a randomly weighted empirical process by a perturbed empirical process through a very general weight-dependent partitioning argument.  相似文献   

This paper studies likelihood-based estimation and inference in parametric discontinuous threshold regression models with i.i.d. data. The setup allows heteroskedasticity and threshold effects in both mean and variance. By interpreting the threshold point as a “middle” boundary of the threshold variable, we find that the Bayes estimator is asymptotically efficient among all estimators in the locally asymptotically minimax sense. In particular, the Bayes estimator of the threshold point is asymptotically strictly more efficient than the left-endpoint maximum likelihood estimator and the newly proposed middle-point maximum likelihood estimator. Algorithms are developed to calculate asymptotic distributions and risk for the estimators of the threshold point. The posterior interval is proved to be an asymptotically valid confidence interval and is attractive in both length and coverage in finite samples.  相似文献   

Model averaging by jackknife criterion in models with dependent data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The past decade witnessed a literature on model averaging by frequentist methods. For the most part, the asymptotic optimality of various existing frequentist model averaging estimators has been established under i.i.d. errors. Recently, Hansen and Racine [Hansen, B.E., Racine, J., 2012. Jackknife model averaging. Journal of Econometrics 167, 38–46] developed a jackknife model averaging (JMA) estimator, which has an important advantage over its competitors in that it achieves the lowest possible asymptotic squared error under heteroscedastic errors. In this paper, we broaden Hansen and Racine’s scope of analysis to encompass models with (i) a non-diagonal error covariance structure, and (ii) lagged dependent variables, thus allowing for dependent data. We show that under these set-ups, the JMA estimator is asymptotically optimal by a criterion equivalent to that used by Hansen and Racine. A Monte Carlo study demonstrates the finite sample performance of the JMA estimator in a variety of model settings.  相似文献   

We provide a convenient econometric framework for the analysis of nonlinear dependence in financial applications. We introduce models with constrained nonparametric dependence, which specify the conditional distribution or the copula in terms of a one-dimensional functional parameter. Our approach is intermediate between standard parametric specifications (which are in general too restrictive) and the fully unrestricted approach (which suffers from the curse of dimensionality). We introduce a nonparametric estimator defined by minimizing a chi-square distance between the constrained densities in the family and an unconstrained kernel estimator of the density. We derive the nonparametric efficiency bound for linear forms and show that the minimum chi-square estimator is nonparametrically efficient for linear forms.  相似文献   

To study the influence of a bandwidth parameter in inference with conditional moments, we propose a new class of estimators and establish an asymptotic representation of our estimator as a process indexed by a bandwidth, which can vary within a wide range including bandwidths independent of the sample size. We study its behavior under misspecification. We also propose an efficient version of our estimator. We develop a procedure based on a distance metric statistic for testing restrictions on parameters as well as a bootstrap technique to account for the bandwidth’s influence. Our new methods are simple to implement, apply to non-smooth problems, and perform well in our simulations.  相似文献   

We investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for the spatial autoregressive model. A stochastic expansion of the score function is used to develop the second-order bias and mean squared error of the maximum likelihood estimator. We show that the results can be expressed in terms of the expectations of cross products of quadratic forms, or ratios of quadratic forms in a normal vector which can be evaluated using the top order invariant polynomial. Our numerical calculations demonstrate that the second-order behaviors of the maximum likelihood estimator depend on the degree of sparseness of the weights matrix.  相似文献   

This paper investigates identification and estimation of a class of nonlinear panel data, single-index models. The model allows for unknown time-specific link functions, and semiparametric specification of the individual-specific effects. We develop an estimator for the parameters of interest, and propose a powerful new kernel-based modified backfitting algorithm to compute the estimator. We derive uniform rates of convergence results for the estimators of the link functions, and show the estimators of the finite-dimensional parameters are root-NN consistent with a Gaussian limiting distribution. We study the small sample properties of the estimator via Monte Carlo techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper estimators for distribution free heteroskedastic binary response models are proposed. The estimation procedures are based on relationships between distribution free models with a conditional median restriction and parametric models (such as Probit/Logit) exhibiting (multiplicative) heteroskedasticity. The first proposed estimator is based on the observational equivalence between the two models, and is a semiparametric sieve estimator (see, e.g. Gallant and Nychka (1987), Ai and Chen (2003) and Chen et al. (2005)) for the regression coefficients, based on maximizing standard Logit/Probit criterion functions, such as NLLS and MLE. This procedure has the advantage that choice probabilities and regression coefficients are estimated simultaneously. The second proposed procedure is based on the equivalence between existing semiparametric estimators for the conditional median model (,  and ) and the standard parametric (Probit/Logit) NLLS estimator. This estimator has the advantage of being implementable with standard software packages such as Stata. Distribution theory is developed for both estimators and a Monte Carlo study indicates they both perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This study develops a methodology of inference for a widely used Cliff–Ord type spatial model containing spatial lags in the dependent variable, exogenous variables, and the disturbance terms, while allowing for unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the GMM estimator suggested in  and  for the spatial autoregressive parameter in the disturbance process. We also define IV estimators for the regression parameters of the model and give results concerning the joint asymptotic distribution of those estimators and the GMM estimator. Much of the theory is kept general to cover a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

A formal test on the Lyapunov exponent is developed to distinguish a random walk model from a chaotic system, which is based on the Nadaraya–Watson kernel estimator of the Lyapunov exponent. The asymptotic null distribution of our test statistic is free of nuisance parameter, and simply given by the range of standard Brownian motion on the unit interval. The test is consistent against the chaotic alternatives. A simulation study shows that the test performs reasonably well in finite samples. We apply our test to some of the standard macro and financial time series, finding no significant empirical evidence of chaos.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a drifting-parameter asymptotic framework to derive accurate approximations to the finite sample distribution of the principal components (PC) estimator in situations when the factors’ explanatory power does not strongly dominate the explanatory power of the cross-sectionally and temporally correlated idiosyncratic terms. Under our asymptotics, the PC estimator is inconsistent. We find explicit formulae for the amount of the inconsistency, and propose an estimator of the number of factors for which the PC estimator works reasonably well. For the special case when the idiosyncratic terms are cross-sectionally but not temporally correlated (or vice versa), we show that the coefficients in the OLS regressions of the PC estimates of factors (loadings) on the true factors (true loadings) are asymptotically normal, and find explicit formulae for the corresponding asymptotic covariance matrix. We explain how to estimate the parameters of the derived asymptotic distributions. Our Monte Carlo analysis suggests that our asymptotic formulae and estimators work well even for relatively small nn and TT. We apply our theoretical results to test a hypothesis about the factor content of the US stock return data.  相似文献   

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