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This paper analyzes spatial Probit models for cross sectional dependent data in a binary choice context. Observations are divided by pairwise groups and bivariate normal distributions are specified within each group. Partial maximum likelihood estimators are introduced and they are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under some regularity conditions. Consistent covariance matrix estimators are also provided. Estimates of average partial effects can also be obtained once we characterize the conditional distribution of the latent error. Finally, a simulation study shows the advantages of our new estimation procedure in this setting. Our proposed partial maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be more efficient than the generalized method of moments counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper considers the specification and estimation of social interaction models with network structures and the presence of endogenous, contextual, correlated, and group fixed effects. When the network structure in a group is captured by a graph in which the degrees of nodes are not all equal, the different positions of group members as measured by the Bonacich (1987) centrality provide additional information for identification and estimation. In this case, the Bonacich centrality measure for each group can be used as an instrument for the endogenous social effect, but the number of such instruments grows with the number of groups. We consider the 2SLS and GMM estimation for the model. The proposed estimators are asymptotically efficient, respectively, within the class of IV estimators and the class of GMM estimators based on linear and quadratic moments, when the sample size grows fast enough relative to the number of instruments.  相似文献   

This study develops a methodology of inference for a widely used Cliff–Ord type spatial model containing spatial lags in the dependent variable, exogenous variables, and the disturbance terms, while allowing for unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the GMM estimator suggested in  and  for the spatial autoregressive parameter in the disturbance process. We also define IV estimators for the regression parameters of the model and give results concerning the joint asymptotic distribution of those estimators and the GMM estimator. Much of the theory is kept general to cover a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

This article studies density and parameter estimation problems for nonlinear parametric models with conditional heteroscedasticity. We propose a simple density estimate that is particularly useful for studying the stationary density of nonlinear time series models. Under a general dependence structure, we establish the root nn consistency of the proposed density estimate. For parameter estimation, a Bahadur type representation is obtained for the conditional maximum likelihood estimate. The parameter estimate is shown to be asymptotically efficient in the sense that its limiting variance attains the Cramér–Rao lower bound. The performance of our density estimate is studied by simulations.  相似文献   

In the presence of heteroskedastic disturbances, the MLE for the SAR models without taking into account the heteroskedasticity is generally inconsistent. The 2SLS estimates can have large variances and biases for cases where regressors do not have strong effects. In contrast, GMM estimators obtained from certain moment conditions can be robust. Asymptotically valid inferences can be drawn with consistently estimated covariance matrices. Efficiency can be improved by constructing the optimal weighted estimation.  相似文献   

ARCH and GARCH models are widely used to model financial market volatilities in risk management applications. Considering a GARCH model with heavy-tailed innovations, we characterize the limiting distribution of an estimator of the conditional value-at-risk (VaR), which corresponds to the extremal quantile of the conditional distribution of the GARCH process. We propose two methods, the normal approximation method and the data tilting method, for constructing confidence intervals for the conditional VaR estimator and assess their accuracies by simulation studies. Finally, we apply the proposed approach to an energy market data set.  相似文献   

There are many environments where knowledge of a structural relationship is required to answer questions of interest. Also, nonseparability of a structural disturbance is a key feature of many models. Here, we consider nonparametric identification and estimation of a model that is monotonic in a nonseparable scalar disturbance, which disturbance is independent of instruments. This model leads to conditional quantile restrictions. We give local identification conditions for the structural equations from those quantile restrictions. We find that a modified completeness condition is sufficient for local identification. We also consider estimation via a nonparametric minimum distance estimator. The estimator minimizes the sum of squares of predicted values from a nonparametric regression of the quantile residual on the instruments. We show consistency of this estimator.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of nonparametric structural models under a functional coefficient representation for the regression function. Under this representation, models are linear in the endogenous components with coefficients given by unknown functions of the predetermined variables, a nonparametric generalization of random coefficient models. The functional coefficient restriction is an intermediate approach between fully nonparametric structural models that are ill posed when endogenous variables are continuously distributed, and partially linear models over which they have appreciable flexibility. We propose two-step estimators that use local linear approximations in both steps. The first step is to estimate a vector of reduced forms of regression models and the second step is local linear regression using the estimated reduced forms as regressors. Our large sample results include consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators. The high practical power of estimators is illustrated via both a Monte Carlo simulation study and an application to returns to education.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation method for a partial parametric model with multiple integrated time series. Our estimation procedure is based on the decomposition of the nonparametric part of the regression function into homogeneous and integrable components. It consists of two steps: In the first step we parameterize and fit the homogeneous component of the nonparametric part by the nonlinear least squares with other parametric terms in the model, and use in the second step the standard kernel method to nonparametrically estimate the integrable component of the nonparametric part from the residuals in the first step. We establish consistency and obtain the asymptotic distribution of our estimator. A simulation shows that our estimator performs well in finite samples. For the empirical illustration, we estimate the money demand functions for the US and Japan using our model and methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of estimating semiparametric panel data models with cross section dependence, where the individual-specific regressors enter the model nonparametrically whereas the common factors enter the model linearly. We consider both heterogeneous and homogeneous regression relationships when both the time and cross-section dimensions are large. We propose sieve estimators for the nonparametric regression functions by extending Pesaran’s (2006) common correlated effect (CCE) estimator to our semiparametric framework. Asymptotic normal distributions for the proposed estimators are derived and asymptotic variance estimators are provided. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that our estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of risk parameter in conditional volatility models of the form ?t=σt(θ0)ηt?t=σt(θ0)ηt and develops statistical procedures to estimate this parameter. For a given risk measure rr, the risk parameter is expressed as a function of the volatility coefficients θ0θ0 and the risk, r(ηt)r(ηt), of the innovation process. A two-step method is proposed to successively estimate these quantities. An alternative one-step approach, relying on a reparameterization of the model and the use of a non Gaussian QML, is proposed. Asymptotic results are established for smooth risk measures, as well as for the Value-at-Risk (VaR). Asymptotic comparisons of the two approaches for VaR estimation suggest a superiority of the one-step method when the innovations are heavy-tailed. For standard GARCH models, the comparison only depends on characteristics of the innovations distribution, not on the volatility parameters. Monte-Carlo experiments and an empirical study illustrate the superiority of the one-step approach for financial series.  相似文献   

This paper explores the properties of jackknife methods of estimation in stationary autoregressive models. Some general results concerning the correct weights for bias reduction under various sampling schemes are provided and the asymptotic properties of a jackknife estimator based on non-overlapping sub-samples are derived for the case of a stationary autoregression of order pp when the number of sub-samples is either fixed or increases with the sample size at an appropriate rate. The results of a detailed investigation into the finite sample properties of various jackknife and alternative estimators are reported and it is found that the jackknife can deliver substantial reductions in bias in autoregressive models. This finding is robust to departures from normality, ARCH effects and misspecification. The median-unbiasedness and mean squared error properties are also investigated and compared with alternative methods as are the coverage rates of jackknife-based confidence intervals.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear triangular simultaneous equations model with conditional quantile restrictions. The paper adjusts for endogeneity by adopting a control function approach and presents a simple two-step estimator that exploits the partially linear structure of the model. The first step consists of estimation of the residuals of the reduced-form equation for the endogenous explanatory variable. The second step is series estimation of the primary equation with the reduced-form residual included nonparametrically as an additional explanatory variable. This paper imposes no functional form restrictions on the stochastic relationship between the reduced-form residual and the disturbance term in the primary equation conditional on observable explanatory variables. The paper presents regularity conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the two-step estimator. In addition, the paper provides some discussions on related estimation methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper investigates statistical properties of the local generalized method of moments (LGMM) estimator for some time series models defined by conditional moment restrictions. First, we consider Markov processes with possible conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown forms and establish the consistency, asymptotic normality, and semi-parametric efficiency of the LGMM estimator. Second, we undertake a higher-order asymptotic expansion and demonstrate that the LGMM estimator possesses some appealing bias reduction properties for positively autocorrelated processes. Our analysis of the asymptotic expansion of the LGMM estimator reveals an interesting contrast with the OLS estimator that helps to shed light on the nature of the bias correction performed by the LGMM estimator. The practical importance of these findings is evaluated in terms of a bond and option pricing exercise based on a diffusion model for spot interest rate.  相似文献   

We define a new procedure for consistent estimation of nonparametric simultaneous equations models under the conditional mean independence restriction of Newey et al. [1999. Nonparametric estimation of triangular simultaneous equation models. Econometrica 67, 565–603]. It is based upon local polynomial regression and marginal integration techniques. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation evidence suggests that our estimator may significantly outperform the estimators of Pinkse [2000. Nonparametric two-step regression estimation when regressors and errors are dependent. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28, 289–300] and Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578].  相似文献   

I propose a quasi-maximum likelihood framework for estimating nonlinear models with continuous or discrete endogenous explanatory variables. Joint and two-step estimation procedures are considered. The joint procedure is a quasi-limited information maximum likelihood procedure, as one or both of the log likelihoods may be misspecified. The two-step control function approach is computationally simple and leads to straightforward tests of endogeneity. In the case of discrete endogenous explanatory variables, I argue that the control function approach can be applied with generalized residuals to obtain average partial effects. I show how the results apply to nonlinear models for fractional and nonnegative responses.  相似文献   

Most rational expectations models involve equations in which the dependent variable is a function of its lags and its expected future value. We investigate the asymptotic bias of generalized method of moment (GMM) and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators in such models under misspecification. We consider several misspecifications, and focus more specifically on the case of omitted dynamics in the dependent variable. In a stylized DGP, we derive analytically the asymptotic biases of these estimators. We establish that in many cases of interest the two estimators of the degree of forward-lookingness are asymptotically biased in opposite direction with respect to the true value of the parameter. We also propose a quasi-Hausman test of misspecification based on the difference between the GMM and ML estimators. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the ordering and direction of the estimators still hold in a more realistic New Keynesian macroeconomic model. In this set-up, misspecification is in general found to be more harmful to GMM than to ML estimators.  相似文献   

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