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This paper proposes an estimation method for a partial parametric model with multiple integrated time series. Our estimation procedure is based on the decomposition of the nonparametric part of the regression function into homogeneous and integrable components. It consists of two steps: In the first step we parameterize and fit the homogeneous component of the nonparametric part by the nonlinear least squares with other parametric terms in the model, and use in the second step the standard kernel method to nonparametrically estimate the integrable component of the nonparametric part from the residuals in the first step. We establish consistency and obtain the asymptotic distribution of our estimator. A simulation shows that our estimator performs well in finite samples. For the empirical illustration, we estimate the money demand functions for the US and Japan using our model and methodology.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new approach to constructing confidence intervals for nonparametric drift and diffusion functions in the continuous-time diffusion model via empirical likelihood (EL). The log EL ratios are constructed through the estimating equations satisfied by the local linear estimators. Limit theories are developed by means of increasing time span and shrinking observational intervals. The results apply to both stationary and nonstationary recurrent diffusion processes. Simulations show that for both drift and diffusion functions, the new procedure performs remarkably well in finite samples and clearly dominates the conventional method in constructing confidence intervals based on asymptotic normality. An empirical example is provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a semiparametric efficient adaptive estimator of an asymmetric GARCH model. Applying some general results from Drost et al. [1997. The Annals of Statistics 25, 786–818], we first estimate the unknown density function of the disturbances by kernel methods, then apply a one-step Newton–Raphson method to obtain a more efficient estimator than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The proposed semiparametric estimator is adaptive for parameters appearing in the conditional standard deviation model with respect to the unknown distribution of the disturbances.  相似文献   

Stable autoregressive models are considered with martingale differences errors scaled by an unknown nonparametric time-varying function generating heterogeneity. An important special case involves structural change in the error variance, but in most practical cases the pattern of variance change over time is unknown and may involve shifts at unknown discrete points in time, continuous evolution or combinations of the two. This paper develops kernel-based estimators of the residual variances and associated adaptive least squares (ALS) estimators of the autoregressive coefficients. Simulations show that efficiency gains are achieved by the adaptive procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of semiparametric efficient estimation in conditional quantile models with time series data. We construct an M-estimator which achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound recently derived by Komunjer and Vuong (forthcoming). Our efficient M-estimator is obtained by minimizing an objective function which depends on a nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution of the variable of interest rather than its density. The estimator is new and not yet seen in the literature. We illustrate its performance through a Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

Many structural break and regime-switching models have been used with macroeconomic and financial data. In this paper, we develop an extremely flexible modeling approach which can accommodate virtually any of these specifications. We build on earlier work showing the relationship between flexible functional forms and random variation in parameters. Our contribution is based around the use of priors on the time variation that is developed from considering a hypothetical reordering of the data and distance between neighboring (reordered) observations. The range of priors produced in this way can accommodate a wide variety of nonlinear time series models, including those with regime-switching and structural breaks. By allowing the amount of random variation in parameters to depend on the distance between (reordered) observations, the parameters can evolve in a wide variety of ways, allowing for everything from models exhibiting abrupt change (e.g. threshold autoregressive models or standard structural break models) to those which allow for a gradual evolution of parameters (e.g. smooth transition autoregressive models or time varying parameter models). Bayesian econometric methods for inference are developed for estimating the distance function and types of hypothetical reordering. Conditional on a hypothetical reordering and distance function, a simple reordering of the actual data allows us to estimate our models with standard state space methods by a simple adjustment to the measurement equation. We use artificial data to show the advantages of our approach, before providing two empirical illustrations involving the modeling of real GDP growth.  相似文献   

A quasi-maximum likelihood procedure for estimating the parameters of multi-dimensional diffusions is developed in which the transitional density is a multivariate Gaussian density with first and second moments approximating the true moments of the unknown density. For affine drift and diffusion functions, the moments are exactly those of the true transitional density and for nonlinear drift and diffusion functions the approximation is extremely good and is as effective as alternative methods based on likelihood approximations. The estimation procedure generalises to models with latent factors. A conditioning procedure is developed that allows parameter estimation in the absence of proxies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the discrete time stochastic volatility model Yi=exp(Xi/2)ηiYi=exp(Xi/2)ηi, Xi+1=b(Xi)+σ(Xi)ξi+1Xi+1=b(Xi)+σ(Xi)ξi+1, where only (Yi)(Yi) is observed. The model is rewritten as a particular hidden model: Zi=Xi+εiZi=Xi+εi, Xi+1=b(Xi)+σ(Xi)ξi+1Xi+1=b(Xi)+σ(Xi)ξi+1, where (ξi)(ξi) and (εi)(εi) are independent sequences of i.i.d. noise. Moreover, the sequences (Xi)(Xi) and (εi)(εi) are independent and the distribution of εε is known. Then, our aim is to estimate the functions bb and σ2σ2 when only observations Z1,…,ZnZ1,,Zn are available. We propose to estimate bfbf and (b22)f(b2+σ2)f and study the integrated mean square error of projection estimators of these functions on automatically selected projection spaces. By ratio strategy, estimators of bb and σ2σ2 are then deduced. The mean square risk of the resulting estimators are studied and their rates are discussed. Lastly, simulation experiments are provided: constants in the penalty functions defining the estimators are calibrated and the quality of the estimators is checked on several examples.  相似文献   

We propose to extend the cointegration rank determination procedure of Robinson and Yajima [2002. Determination of cointegrating rank in fractional systems. Journal of Econometrics 106, 217–242] to accommodate both (asymptotically) stationary and nonstationary fractionally integrated processes as the common stochastic trends and cointegrating errors by applying the exact local Whittle analysis of Shimotsu and Phillips [2005. Exact local Whittle estimation of fractional integration. Annals of Statistics 33, 1890–1933]. The proposed method estimates the cointegrating rank by examining the rank of the spectral density matrix of the ddth differenced process around the origin, where the fractional integration order, dd, is estimated by the exact local Whittle estimator. Similar to other semiparametric methods, the approach advocated here only requires information about the behavior of the spectral density matrix around the origin, but it relies on a choice of (multiple) bandwidth(s) and threshold parameters. It does not require estimating the cointegrating vector(s) and is easier to implement than regression-based approaches, but it only provides a consistent estimate of the cointegration rank, and formal tests of the cointegration rank or levels of confidence are not available except for the special case of no cointegration. We apply the proposed methodology to the analysis of exchange rate dynamics among a system of seven exchange rates. Contrary to both fractional and integer-based parametric approaches, which indicate at most one cointegrating relation, our results suggest three or possibly four cointegrating relations in the data.  相似文献   

We define a new procedure for consistent estimation of nonparametric simultaneous equations models under the conditional mean independence restriction of Newey et al. [1999. Nonparametric estimation of triangular simultaneous equation models. Econometrica 67, 565–603]. It is based upon local polynomial regression and marginal integration techniques. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation evidence suggests that our estimator may significantly outperform the estimators of Pinkse [2000. Nonparametric two-step regression estimation when regressors and errors are dependent. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28, 289–300] and Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578].  相似文献   

Novel transition-based misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in [Kristensen, D., 2010. Pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation in two classes of semiparametric diffusion models. Journal of Econometrics 156, 239-259] are proposed. It is demonstrated that transition-based tests in general lack power in detecting certain departures from the null since they integrate out local features of the drift and volatility. As a solution to this, tests that directly compare drift and volatility estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also developed which exhibit better power against local alternatives.  相似文献   

We develop a nonparametric test to check whether a process can be represented by a stochastic differential equation driven only by a Brownian motion. Our testing procedure utilizes the infinitesimal operator-based martingale characterization combined with a generalized spectral approach. Such a testing procedure is feasible and convenient because the infinitesimal operator of the diffusion process has a closed-form expression. The proposed test is applicable to both univariate and multivariate processes and has an N(0,1)N(0,1) limit distribution under the diffusion hypothesis. Simulation and empirical studies show that the proposed test has reasonable performance in small samples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian approach to bandwidth selection for multivariate kernel regression. A Monte Carlo study shows that under the average squared error criterion, the Bayesian bandwidth selector is comparable to the cross-validation method and clearly outperforms the bootstrapping and rule-of-thumb bandwidth selectors. The Bayesian bandwidth selector is applied to a multivariate kernel regression model that is often used to estimate the state-price density of Arrow–Debreu securities with the S&P 500 index options data and the DAX index options data. The proposed Bayesian bandwidth selector represents a data-driven solution to the problem of choosing bandwidths for the multivariate kernel regression involved in the nonparametric estimation of the state-price density pioneered by Aït-Sahalia and Lo [Aït-Sahalia, Y., Lo, A.W., 1998. Nonparametric estimation of state-price densities implicit in financial asset prices. The Journal of Finance, 53, 499, 547.]  相似文献   

Two classes of semiparametric diffusion models are considered, where either the drift or the diffusion term is parameterized, while the other term is left unspecified. We propose a pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator (PMLE) of the parametric component that maximizes the likelihood with a preliminary estimator of the unspecified term plugged in. It is demonstrated how models and estimators can be used in a two-step specification testing strategy of semiparametric and fully parametric models, and shown that approximate/simulated versions of the PMLE inherit the properties of the actual but infeasible estimator. A simulation study investigates the finite sample performance of the PMLE.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide an alternative approach to analyze the demand for international tourism in the Balearic Islands, Spain, by using a neural network model that incorporates time-varying conditional volatility. We consider daily air passenger arrivals to Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and Mahon, which are located in the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca, respectively, as a proxy for international tourism demand for the Balearic Islands. Spain is a world leader in terms of total international tourist arrivals and receipts, and Mallorca is one of the most popular destinations in Spain. For tourism management and marketing, it is essential to forecast high frequency international tourist demand accurately. As it is important to provide sensible international tourism demand forecast intervals, it is also necessary to model their variances accurately. Moreover, time-varying variances provide useful information regarding the risks associated with variations in international tourist arrivals.  相似文献   

A formal test on the Lyapunov exponent is developed to distinguish a random walk model from a chaotic system, which is based on the Nadaraya–Watson kernel estimator of the Lyapunov exponent. The asymptotic null distribution of our test statistic is free of nuisance parameter, and simply given by the range of standard Brownian motion on the unit interval. The test is consistent against the chaotic alternatives. A simulation study shows that the test performs reasonably well in finite samples. We apply our test to some of the standard macro and financial time series, finding no significant empirical evidence of chaos.  相似文献   

We propose a quasi-Bayesian nonparametric approach to estimating the structural relationship φφ among endogenous variables when instruments are available. We show that the posterior distribution of φφ is inconsistent in the frequentist sense. We interpret this fact as the ill-posedness of the Bayesian inverse problem defined by the relation that characterizes the structural function φφ. To solve this problem, we construct a regularized posterior distribution, based on a Tikhonov regularization of the inverse of the marginal variance of the sample, which is justified by a penalized projection argument. This regularized posterior distribution is consistent in the frequentist sense and its mean can be interpreted as the mean of the exact posterior distribution resulting from a Gaussian prior distribution with a shrinking covariance operator.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a simple test procedure for a linear trend which does not require knowledge of the form of serial correlation in the data, is robust to strong serial correlation, and has a standard normal limiting null distribution under either I(0)I(0) or I(1)I(1) shocks. In contrast to other available robust linear trend tests, our proposed test achieves the Gaussian asymptotic local power envelope in both the I(0)I(0) and I(1)I(1) cases. For near-I(1)I(1) errors our proposed procedure is conservative and a modification for this situation is suggested. An estimator of the trend parameter, together with an associated confidence interval, which is asymptotically efficient, again regardless of whether the shocks are I(0)I(0) or I(1)I(1), is also provided.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian semi-parametric approach to the instrumental variable problem. We assume linear structural and reduced form equations, but model the error distributions non-parametrically. A Dirichlet process prior is used for the joint distribution of structural and instrumental variable equations errors. Our implementation of the Dirichlet process prior uses a normal distribution as a base model. It can therefore be interpreted as modeling the unknown joint distribution with a mixture of normal distributions with a variable number of mixture components. We demonstrate that this procedure is both feasible and sensible using actual and simulated data. Sampling experiments compare inferences from the non-parametric Bayesian procedure with those based on procedures from the recent literature on weak instrument asymptotics. When errors are non-normal, our procedure is more efficient than standard Bayesian or classical methods.  相似文献   

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