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本研究以浙江省中等立地水平的杉木林经营为例,从森林碳汇供给的视角,采用成本利润法来测算碳汇的供给成本,避免了造林成本法不区分林地的条件和类型缺陷。研究表明:碳汇供给的价格与林地的规模呈负相关,与预期的成本利润率呈正相关。在碳汇价格为18元/吨CO2e的价格水平下,经济理性的参与森林碳汇交易的最小经营规模为1 000.4 hm2。降低交易成本已经成为影响森林碳汇交易实现的关键。  相似文献   

基于二手统计数据以及林业主管部门、林业企业、林业大户、金融机构等主体调查访谈收集的数据与资料,依据交易成本理论、产权理论、公共物品理论等理论的核心观点,针对林业碳汇高质量发展存在的现实问题提出4条改进路径:推进森林适度规模经营,精准提升林地碳汇能力;降低林业碳汇交易门槛,拓宽林业固碳增汇路径;推进林业碳汇分级开发,深挖碳汇资产经济价值;健全林业碳汇补偿机制,保障碳汇长期稳定供应。  相似文献   

依据林业碳汇的微观经济学,研究了中国将来林业碳汇的发展情况,提出了建立健全相关法律体系,加大政府财政支持力度,加强林业碳汇项目产权制度建设,降低林业碳汇交易中的交易成本,加强林业碳汇计量、监测工作等林业碳汇市场发展的建议。  相似文献   

我国试点森林碳汇交易运行机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林碳汇在应对全球气候变化中作用重大。当前国际市场开展森林碳汇交易的主要模式是CDM(清洁发展机制),而我国作为主要的碳汇供应国,处于碳汇交易的底端,缺乏话语权。因此,我国有必要推进森林碳汇参与碳交易体系,从森林碳汇市场的参加主体和运行机制两个方面不断完善我国碳交易体系。  相似文献   

考察了森林碳汇的特有特征及由此带来森林碳汇会计确认的影响,并从森林碳汇会计确认时点、确认类型及确认方法等方面进行了系统研究。结果表明:森林碳汇交易是总量控制与交易机制下产生的碳信用交易,其本质上是一项碳排放权交易;森林碳汇作为林木资产的衍生品,其会计确认方式应视产权关系而定,当两者权属一致时宜采用森林碳汇和林木资产整体确认方式,而当两者权属不相一致时适合采用单独确认方式;森林碳汇经营企业应基于碳财权权能进行会计确认,在会计确认时点上应以碳汇项目的签发环节作为判断依据,在确认类型上应确认为“投资性碳排放权资产”,在确认标准上可考虑采用公允价值计量模式。因此,森林碳汇会计规范应以产权保护为导向建立会计确认的逻辑框架,碳排放权交易会计核算的现行规定仍需进一步完善与规范。  相似文献   

我国森林碳汇项目激励模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从激励的角度予以分析,认为制约我国森林碳汇项目发展的因素包括产权制度缺陷、市场运行中交易成本过高和碳汇供给不足三类。并结合经济学和管理学相关知识,提出以产权交易模型、市场规范模型和政府协调模型———"三轮驱动"的激励模式,以促进我国森林碳汇项目的发展。  相似文献   

碳汇存在两种属性。一是自然属性,森林碳汇主要是指森林吸收并储存二氧化碳的能力;二是社会属性,林业碳汇就是利用森林的碳汇功能,把二氧化碳吸收并间定在森林和士壤里面,同时按照一定规则进行交易的过程、活动或机制。  相似文献   

借用集体林权制度改革成果,解决碳汇交易途径、碳汇计量管理、森林碳汇资金筹集、碳汇林保障和森林碳汇信息传递的问题,健全云南省森林碳汇市场机制,从而达到在节省人力、物力的同时又能有效的建立起云南省的森林碳汇市场机制。  相似文献   

对国内外碳汇的研究现状进行了总结,通过对浙江温州的公众进行碳汇交易的认知和参与意愿的问卷调查统计分析的结果发现:大众对购买森林碳汇服务的意识基础较好,特别是在购买生态彩票方面的潜力较大;大众对碳汇交易的参与意愿较强,不同群体间存在差异,女性相较男性更愿意参与碳汇交易,并根据调查结果得出结论和建议。  相似文献   

基于配额假设的林业碳汇初级市场交易特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在碳排放配额假设的前提下,将林业碳汇初级市场的交易要素和交易过程分别与一般碳排放市场进行比较,根据对比得出林业碳汇市场交易要素的特征,详细分析了初级市场交易过程的产权问题明显化、交易成本增大化、环境影响多样化等特点,并提出林业碳汇初级市场的建立和发展可能存在的问题和风险。同时,根据问题和风险存在的可能性,建议政府有关部门和企业在林业碳汇市场中应发挥相应的作用。  相似文献   

试析森林碳汇服务市场化的经济学基础   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在对全球气候变暖的成因和后果及森林碳汇服务的经济学特征进行描述和分析的基础上,揭示了全球气候变化与森林碳汇服务之间的关系,指出,森林碳汇服务提供者和大气平流层CO2的制造者间的经济利益冲突是隐藏在背后的社会经济关系,并对这种关系进行了经济学探讨。最后得出,充分理解森林碳汇服务、CO2排放与大气平流层温室气体浓度的生物物理关系是森林碳汇服务市场化的前提。  相似文献   

论证了森林碳汇的经济学特性,针对国际碳汇贸易蓬勃发展这一现状,从公共物品和外部性的角度,对涉及国际碳汇贸易林业项目碳汇价值量的确定问题进行了探讨,认为涉及国际碳汇贸易林业项目的森林碳汇给项目所在国带来了2方面效益,即由碳汇贸易带来的经济效益和森林提供碳汇服务带来的生态效益,进而导出了碳汇价值量的估算模型。  相似文献   

Ten years after the end of central planning, enormous interregional price differences indicate that Russian food markets are not well integrated spatially. Trade potentials are thus not exploited, most probably because of high trade costs. Besides transport costs, transaction costs seem to play an important role as an impediment to interregional arbitrage. These transaction costs can be very high in transition countries due to underdeveloped market structures and weak public institutions. After subtracting transport costs from interregional price differences, large differences remain, particularly in the case of high‐value products. It is assumed that these residual price differences constitute the transaction cost component of total trade costs. The regional economic impact of different trade cost components is quantified using a bi‐regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Simulations show that the results are quite different between the two stylized regions (East and West), depending on which trade cost component is reduced. While the welfare effects of varying customs tariffs and transport margins are rather limited, lower transaction costs of trade seem to be a promising way to achieve a better functioning food market in Russia.  相似文献   

森林碳汇价值评价——三北防护林体系工程人工林案例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大气中CO_2的含量增加导致全球气候变暖,已经引起各界的广泛关注,对碳汇的研究也伴随气候问题成为社会各界的研究重点。对森林碳汇价值评价意义和方法进行了分析,并以三北防护林体系工程(简称三北工程)人工林为例,采用换算因子连续函数法对三北防护林的碳汇价值量进行了评价,提出了持续开展三北工程、提高人工林固碳能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

Farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa are constrained by large transaction costs associated with marketing of their livestock. However, transaction costs are often not taken into account in the analysis of factors hampering the development of livestock marketing in this region. This article empirically measures the influence of transaction costs on the offtake from cattle grazed on natural rangelands in Uganda. The study is based on the monitoring of 696 cattle transactions in three districts of Uganda from August 2004 to August 2005. The estimated models suggest that proportional transaction costs represented by the state of roads, distance to markets, and time taken to reach the market are important variables constraining market participation. In order to raise offtake from the national herd, it is essential to explicitly address these costs. One potential solution is collective action in marketing of livestock in which proportional and fixed transaction costs are reduced and shared among the group members.  相似文献   

Transaction cost theory and application tells us that when buyers and sellers in a market incur transaction costs, intermediaries may become involved. Specifically, intermediaries influence the cause of the transaction costs to buyers and sellers such that transaction costs are reduced. In this paper we assess if and how this occurs for a number of case study government created and private emergent intermediaries in Australian environmental offset markets. We find that the causes of transaction costs to buyers and sellers in offset markets – asset specificity, uncertainty and transaction frequency are influenced downwards by intermediaries. The degree of influence depends on the nature of the good traded in the offset market. We also assessed if the public intermediaries studied were operating in the offset markets to reduce the incidence of probity hazard (poor transactions) from private intermediaries. We found that this was not the case.  相似文献   

基于交易成本理论,利用对湖北省宜昌市柑橘种植农户的调查数据,通过建立Logistic模型,本文重点分析了交易成本对农户柑橘销售方式选择的影响。研究结果表明,交易成本是影响农户农产品销售方式选择的重要因素,其中,反映信息成本的是否了解柑橘市场行情变量、反映谈判成本的农户对中间商报价公平程度的看法变量对农户选择自行销售方式有显著的正向影响;反映信息成本的是否通过中间商了解柑橘价格变量、反映谈判成本的自行销售同等级柑橘相比于通过中间商销售的销售价格差异变量、反映执行成本的农户到最近农产品市场的距离变量对农户选择自行销售方式有显著的负向影响;另外,户主受教育程度、家庭是否有成员从事非农产业这两个反映个体特征的变量对农户选择自行销售方式也有显著的影响,且其影响方向为正。  相似文献   

[目的]考虑交易成本的影响,分析农业市场整合度,以期为促进区域协调发展,防范猪肉价格大起大落提供指导。[方法]文章基于全国生猪产业发展规划中重点发展区、约束发展区、潜力增长区和适度发展区的区域划分,采用价格日度高频数据,引入三机制阈值误差修正模型从交易成本的视角对猪肉市场整合进行实证研究,并通过样本识别测度运输成本对交易成本的实际解释力。[结果]就市场内部整合来看,潜力增长区的市场整合程度最高,约束发展区的市场整合最低;就跨区域整合来看,重点发展区—潜力发展区之间的市场整合度最高,重点发展区—约束发展区之间的市场整合度最低;进一步通过样本识别,测算出猪肉市场中运输成本对交易成本的真实解释度是33.5%左右,市场整合程度还有进一步提升的巨大空间。[结论]提出降低市场交易中的可控"流通"成本、提升市场整合度、促进猪肉价格长期稳定的建议。  相似文献   

Agricultural economists, with their knowledge of farming, are well positioned to take advantage of the fertile ground of economic organization. The transaction cost paradigm is particularly useful in addressing such questions and is outlined in this paper. The overriding theme in the transaction cost approach is that patterns of ownership and contracts are chosen to mitigate transaction costs, which result from attempts to establish and maintain property rights. In agriculture, transaction costs are heavily influenced by Mother Nature. Nature's uncertainty, via weather and pests, leads to moral hazard and seasonal forces impose constraints on production cycles that are not often found in the production of most other commodities. Applications in land contracts, asset control, and business organization are discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of road rehabilitation on the spatial market efficiency of maize markets in Mozambique. We estimate a modified version of the Parity Bounds Model (PBM) that allows us to test the impact of road rehabilitation on spatial efficiency. This article seeks to contribute to the existing literature in three ways. First, a unique data set, where road rehabilitation episodes between market pairs are identified, is developed. Second, special care is devoted to estimation of transaction costs due to the sensitivity of the PBM model to the quality of transaction costs estimates. Finally, as opposed to most existing literature that focuses on relatively distant markets, the article focuses on spatially closed markets. We find that maize markets tend to be segmented due to high transport costs. Following road rehabilitation, inefficiency and average absolute price differentials tend to decrease, and market pairs have tended to shift toward autarky regimes. Overall, while the results point broadly toward a positive impact of road rehabilitation on spatial efficiency, they are not as strong or as robust as one would like. Large increases in fuel prices likely offset the positive impacts of road rehabilitation on transaction costs, contributing to the increase in the probability of being in an autarky regime.  相似文献   

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