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武晋原 《品牌》2014,(8):41-41
随着广电总局对电视硬性广告播放内容和时间限制程度的增加,植入式广告受到越来越多的广告主的青睐。而近几年各大电视台竞相登陆的真人秀节目赢得了广大观众的喜爱,也受到了广告主的追捧。但是纵观中国的真人秀节目的植入广告不免出现硬性植入、形式单一等问题,本文从近期热播的户外真人秀节目《奔跑吧兄弟》入手,以期为以后真人秀节目广告的植入提供一些参考。  相似文献   

据报道,一段时间来,类似充满性暗示、性挑逗的广告见诸广播电视等大众传媒,成为一大公害。近日,国家广电总局再次严令禁播八类涉性药品、医疗、保健品广告及有关医疗资讯、电视购物节目。这八类被禁广告及节目是:证照不全和擅自篡改审批内容的;以医患、专家、名人做证明的;所有保证疗效、宣传治愈率的;有关治疗性疾病、生殖系统疾病的;性药品、性保健品和其他内容低俗、画面不雅的成人用品广告;以性药品、性保健品、  相似文献   

速递丰胸减肥等5类广告暂停播出国家工商总局、国家广播电影电视总局下发通知,要求整顿广播电视医疗资讯服务和电视购物节目内容。8月1日起,所有广播电视播出机构必须暂停播出介绍药品、医疗器械、丰胸、减肥、增高产品的电视购物节目,待有新通知后按照新规定执行。同时,对节目  相似文献   

隐性广告,或称产品植入,指将产品或品牌及其代表性的视觉符号甚至服务内容通过视觉或听觉途径以不同方式植入电影、电视剧或电视节目内容中,让观众在观看过程中有意识或无意识地产生对该产品或品牌的良好印象。  相似文献   

如今,越来越挑剔和难以捉摸的消费者们让营销环境日趋复杂。广告为适应媒体环境变化,不断改进传播和影响效果,因而发生的时空分布调整也更加普遍和繁杂。其间有两种趋势值得关注,即广告或者成为内容,或者远离内容。 广告成为内容的现象并不罕见,不少户外视频媒体基本成为全广告媒体,广告就是这些视频媒体播出的全部内容,有些已成为电视媒体广告的重要竞争对手。同时,随着植入广告的兴起,广告成为节目内容的一部分也变得更加普遍,这种内容营销模式为电视传播创生了更大的广告市场空间,特别成为一些影视剧、大型活动或者季播类节目的重要收入来源.因此对植入广告效果的评估也日趋重要。  相似文献   

靳彪 《广告导报》2004,(1):106-107
电视已经成为社会大众获取信息、了解时代、娱乐身心最重要的手段之一,每天累计看电视超过2小时以上的人数达80%以上(新生代2003年春季调研结果),所以越来越多的消费品通过电视来传递商品信息和品牌形象,这就造成了优秀的节目中广告比例增高,结果是优秀企业的品牌广告被淹没在良莠不齐的广告海洋中,也增加了消费者欣赏节目和获取喜爱信息的负担,从这个意义上说,“17号令”的出台将有助于改善有实力的企业与广告主和消费者之间的关系;  相似文献   

于慈山 《中国广告》2004,(8):149-150
中国电视体育广告的传播效果电视体育节目的观众具有如下特点:男性、15-44岁、受过高中以上教育、生活水平指数较高,这与许多商品的主力消费群体重合,再加上目标受众较强的消费能力,这样的广告受众群自然会吸引大量广告主趋之若鹜。由于体育节目拥有自己比较特殊的收视群体,投放的广告也就相应的集中在所谓的"男性商品"上,包括酒类、运动用品、汽车等,还包括偏重于男性消费者的"中性商品",如快速食品、旅游产品、可乐、电器等。这些产品占整个电视体育广告投放量的95%左右,足见体育广告目标群体的强烈针对性。此外,研究表明:体育节目的观众相对于其他节目有更大的比例为个人主动收看,因此注意力更集中、精神更专注。这种收看体育节目的忠实度不仅仅表现在对单个节目上,还表现在其长期收  相似文献   

2004年对中国电视广告来说是经历了一场严峻的考验。年初,围绕广电总局17号令,各级电视媒体纷纷调整各自的经营政策、节目设置。随后,总局又陆续出台了针对电视广告的一系列规范性文件。如对晚间黄金时间禁播反腐涉案类电视剧、医疗角标广告的规范等。媒体间的竞争局势更加扑朔迷离。在认真贯彻17号令的基础上,台领导认真研究广告经营的市场,积极调整节目,  相似文献   

我们常常看到,电视剧中男主角开一台新款房车,电影女主角秀出新款名牌包……传统广告可能已经无法吸引观众注意,植入式广告由于与剧情联系,因此较传统媒体广告有着相当不同的传播效果与说服力。现今,产品植入已经成为一个热门的话题,也为媒体企划提供了一个新的发展方向,许多客户也对产品植入抱持高度兴趣或质疑的态度。  相似文献   

吴灵 《广告大观》2004,(3):75-75
大型豪华客车作为非大众产品,一掷千金地在电视媒体上投放广告到底值不值?继去年底宇通客车斥资近千万人民币投放中央电视台广告后,近日更有消息传出,宇通已经有了追随者,客车制造企业如金杯、依维柯等也即将在中央电视台投放广告。  相似文献   

This study extends and crystallizes the literature on the effect of background music in the TV advertising setting by focusing on differential effects of attributes of background music on consumers’ attitudes toward TV advertising based on their involvement. The familiarity of background music was more likely to influence attitudes towards advertisement, brand attitudes and purchase intentions in the low-involvement condition, whereas the product fit of background music was more likely to do so in the high-involvement condition. This indicates that effective attributes of background music can be varied according to consumer involvement.  相似文献   

Aesthetics of package design is an important consideration when consumers make purchase decisions. We argue that this is particularly the case for purchase decision of products in the beauty category. This paper advances current understanding of the role of packaging in product purchase behavior by identifying heuristic cues exhibited in packaging (i.e., that beautiful packaging is more effective at making the consumer more beautiful). Across a pilot field study and four lab studies, we demonstrate that package aesthetics informs inferences of how well the product can perform, which, in turn, drives purchase decisions. Importantly, we show that in the presence of a diagnostic cue such as a brand name, or an explicit promise (e.g. tagline of an advertisement), this effect is attenuated and rendered irrelevant. Further, we show that this effect is rendered ineffective to a category to which beauty is irrelevant. Hence, by signaling product efficacy, the beauty-in-a-bottle heuristic appears to inform purchase decisions.  相似文献   

This paper argues that product and advertisement are neither completely dependent nor completely independent. The advertisement of a bad product cannot be good. The advertisement of a good product is not necessarily good. In the case where consumer sovereignty cannot be assumed, the goodness of an advertisement depends solely on the goodness of the product. In the case where consumer sovereignty can be assumed, the goodness of an advertisement depends first on whether the product is good, and if so, whether the advertisement preserves individual autonomy. Kam-Hon Lee is Senior Lecturer in Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His publications appeared in journals such as European Journal of Marketing and The World Economy.  相似文献   

高海冰 《中国广告》2014,(2):129-130
在现代影视剧、电视节目中植入式广告以一种全新的广告形式被应用其中,这种广告形式对广告商以及电视节目、影视剧制作方来说都有一定益处,植入式广告可以做到盐溶于水,同时以注重创意,选择合适的品牌、合适的节目和适度自然的方式,而达到广而告知的良好效果。对受众来讲应该以宽容、平和、正确的心态去看待植入式广告,这样就可以享受到影视节目所带来的真正乐趣。  相似文献   


This paper aims to replicate previous findings regarding the differential impact of TV advertising and advergames on children's brand attitudes and pester intentions. Using a large data-set (N = 940, Mage = 9.8, SD = 2.4), with children ranging between 6 and 14 years old, the influence of passive exposure to TV advertising is compared to active exposure to an advergame. In addition, the potential moderating effect of age is explored. In a between-participants experiment, Flemish children were randomly assigned to watch a TV ad, play an advergame, or a no marketing control condition. Results revealed that children who had played the advergame reported significantly more positive brand attitudes compared to children who had watched the TV ad and children in the no advertising exposure control group. Children's pester intent was significantly higher for the advergame compared to the TV ad, but not compared to the no advertising exposure control group. The findings further showed that children's attitudes towards the ad format mediate the impact of the advertising format on pester intent. The advergame was indirectly more persuasive than the TV ad since children reported more positive attitudes towards the advergame compared to the TV advertisement. Moreover, this mediation effect did not differ by children's age. Persuasion knowledge did not mediate the influence of the advertising format on pester intent since children's persuasion knowledge was not significantly related to pester intentions regardless of children's age.  相似文献   

Context may be of increasing importance as consumer paths become more predictable by advertisers. Using a framework of excitation transfer, three experiments were conducted (study 1a, 1b, and study 2) where arousal was created by animation speed of product messages and showed effects for a print advertisement (studies 1a and 1b) and an online advertising circular (study 2). People who were in an aroused state were more likely to try the product in the subsequently seen print ad, choose products in the circular that cost more money and perceived the circular ad to be for ‘someone like me’. Implications for advertisers and media planners are discussed.  相似文献   

Fashion advertisements with political content are unique in that they go against the accepted strategy of advertising. As fashion advertisements with political content become more prevalent, consumers’ reactions to them become an important subject of research. This study examines consumers’ attitudes towards fashion advertisements with political content with respect to fashion and political opinion leadership, political views, perception of advertisement message and product attitude. Results showed that attitude towards advertisements with political content was influenced significantly by the viewer's political views and agreement with the advertisement message, but not by political opinion leadership. Fashion opinion leadership influenced product attitude only for advertisements without political content. The viewers’ advertisement attitudes were carried over to product attitudes regardless of the presence of political message.  相似文献   


The content of Japanese versus U.S. magazine advertisements is assessed to determine relative levels of information content based on the type of magazine, the kind of information, the product represented in the advertisement and the size of the advertisement. It was found that Japanese magazine advertisements were generally more informative than U.S. ads, although the emphasis on specific content varies cross-culturally.  相似文献   

旅游广告宣传及其对旅游动机影响分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨延风  刘啸  马瑛 《商业研究》2006,(3):203-206
旅游业作为21世纪一大产业,越来越受到各国和各地区的重视。旅游产品以无形服务为核心,其产品质量不能像有形实物那样可以在购买前加以判别,其价值、质量的鉴定只能由旅游者购买之后做出辨别。而旅游动机具有易变性、依附性、追求时尚性等特点,这一切都决定了旅游与广告有着天然良好的切入点。  相似文献   


Given increasing advertisement clutter, advertisers are increasingly trying unconventional means to attract consumers' attention. One such method involves the use of incongruent ads, which are believed to attract viewers' attention. This research was conducted to ascertain the impact of audiovisual congruency in ads and the moderating role of product involvement on three facets of consumer response: attention to the ad, attention to the brand, and purchase intentions. Participants were shown one of eight TV ads for 30 seconds, following which they were asked to rate the ad on several dimensions. Results indicated, as expected, that congruent product and music type elicited favorable consumer responses. However, contrary to earlier findings that congruency in ads affects consumers in both high- and low-involvement conditions, we find that that the level of involvement moderated this effect on some consumer persuasion measures. In particular, participants under high-involvement conditions were found to be less influenced by congruent product–music situations. Implications for advertisers are discussed.  相似文献   

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