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我国流通产业创新政策协同研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在创新驱动发展战略的提出和后金融危机时代的大背景下,为了更好的指导新时期我国流通产业创新政策的制定,文章首先对相关政策赋值量化,然后采用模糊数学中隶属度的计算方法,从协同的角度探讨2001-2012年我国流通产业创新政策的内部协同情况(措施间、目标间、措施和目标间)。研究发现,受国务院行政改组、内外部经济环境变化的影响,行政措施与财政、金融、税收措施的协同度总体上升;财政、税收与金融措施间的两两协同度基本呈现相同的演化规律:前高后低,且总体在下降;除创新技术环境优化与流通主体培育的协同总体趋于下降以外,创新制度环境优化、创新市场环境优化、创新技术环境优化及流通主体培育四目标间的两两协同度总体都趋于上升;代表政策措施对目标支持程度的政策措施与目标的协同度,呈现明显的阶段性且趋于优化。  相似文献   

货币政策是否应该干预股票资产价格的波动,这是一个广受关注且富有争议的问题.这一问题的关键因素在于正确判断通货膨胀与股票资产价格的关联性.目前,股票收益率与通货膨胀之间存在四种相关关系,即正相关、负相关、不确定以及不相关.我国的资本市场成立较晚,研究股票收益率与通胀率之间关系的成果非常少.所以从我国沪深两市股指与通货膨胀走势、沪深两市股指波动区间、波动频率与通货膨胀间的关系,以及我国沪深两市股票市盈率与通货膨胀关系描述等三方面来揭示股票资产定价与通货膨胀间的关系,为全面认识我国证券市场与通胀间的关系提供实事依据.  相似文献   

The desire to control how others see us is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Decades of research have suggested that the results associated with how others see us are too great an influence to ignore. The tactics we use and behaviors we engage in to control how others see us is known as impression management. This study examines the relationship between regulatory focus and the use of exemplification or supplication impression management tactics. We use regulatory focus theory to examine this phenomenon. First, we investigate the main effects that occur between prevention-focused individuals and exemplification, and between promotion-focused individuals and exemplification and supplication. We then introduce supervisor behavioral integrity as a moderator between regulatory focus and impression management. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between prevention-focused and exemplification, and between promotion-focused and exemplification and supplication. We also find that behavioral integrity strengthens the relationship between prevention-focused and exemplification and promotion-focused and supplication, but not promotion-focused and exemplification. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the study of some factors that influence the control intensity exerted by franchisors on the service quality provided by the franchised units of their networks and what interdependencies exist between the different mechanisms that can be used to monitor service quality. On the one hand, three control mechanisms of conformance quality are considered, namely audits, mystery shoppers, and mandatory purchase of inputs and products. On the other hand, polls are used to monitor perceived quality by customers. There are two main findings. First, control intensity is greater in those industries in which customers tend to be non-repetitive. Second, four complementary relationships are found between control mechanisms: between audits and mystery shoppers, between audits and polls, between mandatory purchase of inputs or products and mystery shoppers, and between mandatory purchase of inputs or products and polls.  相似文献   

Many problems arise from potential incompatibilities between characteristics of professional employees and characteristics of organizational control systems. These incompatibilities may lead to dysfunctional conflict between the role expectations of the professional and organizational requirements, depending on the degree to which an incongruence exists between the two. A framework for conceptually analyzing congruence between individual, organizational, and occupational components is offered and implications for the control system are made.  相似文献   

Branding studies, especially those focusing on brand extension, have often centered on establishing the relationship between consumer evaluation and the match between a product concept and the brand (concept congruity). This study introduces an additional type of congruity that arises in the evaluation of co‐branded products, the congruity between brand partners (between‐partner congruity). Between‐partner congruity has not previously been explicitly considered in the co‐branding literature, but is potentially an important influence on consumer perceptions of a brand partnership. Thus, this study represents an initial attempt to understand how the level of between‐partner congruity will affect consumer response to cobranded products. Several findings in the marketing literature have suggested that when respondents have the motivation to resolve incongruity, the relationship between congruity level and evaluation is nonmonotonic. In other words, moderately incongruent concepts are preferred to congruent or highly incongruent concepts to form an “inverted‐U” data function. Yet, when motivation to process is low, evaluation becomes less favorable in a linear fashion as incongruity increases. This study examines whether these findings can be extended to co‐branding. When concept congruity is controlled across brand pairs, the nonmonotonic relationship between between‐partner congruity level and product evaluation is observed when consumers are encouraged to elaborate on the rationale for the partnership (high involvement). However, when consumers attend to the global similarity of the partners (low involvement), product evaluation becomes less favorable as between‐partner incongruity increases. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To the extent that trade policy affects trade flows between countries, the ramifications can be far-reaching from an economic growth perspective. This paper examines one aspect of these ramifications, namely the impact of changes in the extent of trade between countries on changes in the rate of reduction in the size of the income gap that exists between them. Export and import data are used as the criteria for determining bilateral trade between major trade partners, resulting in the creation of 127 pairs of countries on the basis of export data and 134 pairs on the basis of import data. An increase in trade between major trade partners - and, in particular, increased exports by poorer countries to their wealthier partners - is shown to be related to an increase in the rate of convergence between the countries.  相似文献   

在分析、回顾高新技术产业与经济增长关系基础上,通过运用协整理论方法对1995年~2009年国内生产总值与高新技术产业工业总产值进行分析可知:国内生产总值与高新技术产业总产值之间存在协整关系,且两者之间的均衡关系对当年非均衡误差调整的修正能力较强;在滞后期为1时,两者存在双向的格兰杰因果关系,在滞后期大于等于2时,存在单项的格兰杰因果关系。这说明,高新技术产业对经济增长有较强的拉动作用。针对这一结论,今后应努力提高高新技术的创新能力,培植高新技术产业的技术创新体系;充分发挥政府的主导作用,加强产、学、研合作;大力引进人才,造就一支多层次、高水平、复合型的人才队伍,促进高新技术产业的快速发展。  相似文献   

基于1999-2012年31个省际面板数据,采用面板向量自回归模型,实证考察了财政分权、房价和城乡收入差距三者之间的相互关系。研究结果表明:财政分权对房价的上涨和城乡收入差距的扩大均具有促进作用,且对两者的影响具有区域差异,具体表现为:财政分权对东部地区房价上涨的影响要大于对中西部地区的影响,财政分权对城乡收入差距扩大的影响由东部地区向西部地区依次递减;房价和城乡收入差距之间的相互影响具有区域差异性。  相似文献   

和谐管理是以人为中心和目的,将组织中人和物的因素有机结合,将管理中科学性与艺术性有机统一的现代管理模式,包含组织内部人与人的协调以及组织与社会环境的协调,人与人以及人与社会的辨证关系是其哲学基础。实现企业和谐管理,必须解决管理过程中的各种矛盾。  相似文献   

In the context of uncertainty and anxiety regarding the role of leadership and management, this article explores the relationship between Mintzberg’s concept of the distinction between the engaged and disconnected manager, Heidegger’s notion authentic and inauthentic being and Benner and Wrubel’s distinction between two forms of professional practice attunement: an attunement to technique and an attunement to lived experience. It argues that while Mintzberg outlines the distinction between engaged and disengaged management, he does not develop an understanding of the conditions which lead a manager to be either engaged or disconnected. The role of anxiety in Heidegger’s distinction between authentic and inauthentic being and the role of stress and worry in Benner and Wrubel’s distinction between an attunement to technique and an attune- ment to the lived experience of professional practice provides the basis for understanding the relationship between engaged and disconnected management. After developing the theoretical perspectives of Mintzberg, Heidegger, Benner and Wrubel, two examples are presented: one of the way in which an engaged manager experiences anxiety as an opportunity for greater attune- ment to lived experience and one who experiences anxiety as a condition for disconnection and detachment from the lived experience of his leadership practice.  相似文献   

产业结构演变与就业结构协调发展分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,产业结构与就业结构具有密切的相关性,产业结构与就业结构演变之间的协调关系即和谐问题对整个国民经济的长足健康发展具有非常重要的影响。研究发现,我国产业结构与就业结构演变之间存在不协调、不合理的地方,就业结构演变明显滞后于产业结构,大量劳动力滞留在农村,严重阻碍了我国经济的健康顺利发展。因此,必须促进产业结构升级和就业结构转变的良性循环,在考虑扩大就业与产业发展问题时,注意二者之间的相互依赖性,产业政策调整要充分考虑其对就业结构和就业总量的影响。加快第二、第三产业的发展,扩大整个国民经济对劳动力的需求。  相似文献   

外商直接投资与我国农产品和食品贸易关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文运用计量经济模型,对我国农产品和食品贸易与FDI之间的关系进行了研究,结果表明我国农产品和食品进口、出口和总贸易量与FDI之间皆存在长期稳定的均衡关系,而且这种关系具有互补性。在此基础上,本文还对各变量之间是否存在因果关系进行了检验,以便进一步揭示二者之间的联系。同时结合我国农产品和食品贸易与FDI的特点,对结果进行了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between growth opportunities and debt of quoted Portuguese companies using various panel estimators. The results show a cubic relationship between growth opportunities and debt. When companies' growth opportunities are low and high, the relationship between growth opportunities and debt is positive. For intermediate levels of growth opportunities, the results show the existence of a negative relationship between growth opportunities and debt. These results suggest that the relationship between companies' growth opportunities and debt is influenced by complex aspects in companies' capital structure decisions. The empirical results suggest that creditors recognize high growth opportunities when such opportunities exist, and debt is a way to discipline managers' actions in the presence of low investment opportunities. For intermediate levels of growth opportunities, the subinvestment problems seem to be relevant in explaining the relationship between growth opportunities and debt.  相似文献   

This study used two‐step structural equation modelling to explore whether cognitive age acts as a mediator between fashion attitudes and fashion behaviours. Three nested and one non‐nested competing models were compared with the base model to determine which model was the best. Data from 1344 consumers showed that cognitive age plays a mediatory role between fashion attitudes and fashion behaviours. It fully mediates between high fashion interest and fashion behaviours, and between utilitarian orientation and fashion behaviours. However, cognitive age only partially mediates between individual taste concern and fashion behaviours.  相似文献   

关于投资和消费若干比例关系的探讨   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
本文分析了我国投资和消费的比例关系,以及政府部门和非政府部门在其中的比例关系的变化轨迹,探讨了投资率、消费率变化的主要影响因素和未来发展趋势,并对合理调整投资和消费的关系提出若干政策建议.  相似文献   

本文根据协整理论和Granger因果检验方法,对中国自改革开放以来(1980-2004年)的农产品出口与农业经济增长进行了实证分析。结果表明,农产品出口总额与农业经济增长以及劳动密集型农产品出口、土地密集型农产品出口与农业经济增长之间存在着长期稳定的均衡关系;农产品出口增长与农业经济增长之间存在单向的Granger因果关系,劳动密集型农产品出口增长与农业经济增长之间存在双向因果关系,而土地密集型农产品出口增长与农业经济增长之间没有Granger因果关系。  相似文献   

以国际贸易理论为基础,利用广东省的若干客观经济数据,对人民币汇率与广东省进出口额之间的关系进行实证分析,分别得出人民币汇率与广东省的数量关系、广东省GDP指数与广东省进口额之间的数量关系以及进口关税税率与广东省进口额之间的数量关系。同时,对广东省出口额的预测值与实际值之间的残差做了简要分析。  相似文献   

中日韩区域贸易潜力分析——基于贸易引力模型的角度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在考察中日韩区域内贸易现状的基础上,利用贸易引力模型对其贸易流量的影响因素以及进一步合作的潜力进行研究。研究显示,人均收入水平、距离因素对出口贸易量影响最大,同时,中日韩之间贸易存在着巨大的发展空间,特别是中国对韩国、日本对韩国、韩国对日本的出口潜力极大。  相似文献   

This paper uses country-level data of European Economic Area countries between 1989 and 2016 to examine the interactions between economic growth, innovation, and financial market activities, with specific reference to the bond and insurance markets. Our intent is to know whether causality runs among these variables both ways, or not at all. Using a vector error correction model, the study finds that financial market activities and economic growth determine innovation activities in these countries. Additionally, the study also finds bidirectional Granger causality between financial market activities and economic growth, as well as between innovation activities and economic growth.  相似文献   

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