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1987 saw a change in trends on many international raw materials markets. Prices, which had been under pressure for several years, began to rise again. This trend cannot be expected to continue everywhere in 1988, however.  相似文献   

Horst Habenicht 《Intereconomics》1977,12(9-10):230-232
Processing of raw materials by the producer countries themselves has frequently been recommended as an appropriate way for developing countries to increase their domestic value added and achieve positive employment effects. As against that, the following article suggests that Third World governments should not take hasty investment decisions in favour of processing raw materials since the effects on the national economy in terms of the cost-benefit ratio could well be more favourable in other branches of industry.  相似文献   

The concept of South-South cooperation in development policy seeks not only to enlarge traditional trading relations but also to strengthen the negotiating position of the Third World vis-à-vis the First World. An important partial aspect of this is cooperation in the raw materials sphere. The following article provides an overview of structures, opportunities and obstacles for raw material processing in the context of South-South cooperation.  相似文献   

This article offers an interesting survey of the ASEAN countries’ role as raw material suppliers to Western Germany and the EC, its history, present performance and future prospects. Some of this paper’s contents are very informative and surprising indeed.  相似文献   

The division of labour in the world economy is subject to a process of constant change which also affects the meaningfulness of raw materials price indices. Such indices require periodic revision in order to maintain their significance as current indicators of commodity market price developments. This is particularly true of an index with a constant price and weighting basis such as the HWWA raw materials price index.  相似文献   

Weighty objections have been raised against stabilization of commodity markets through agreements. The drawbacks of commodity agreements can, however, be largely overcome if the rigid theoretical notion of a price fixed strictly for a long period is abandoned.  相似文献   

Heinz Kolbe 《Intereconomics》1983,18(4):202-204
Following the abatement of the boom market during the early months of 1983, the coming months will see an “adjustment” of world market prices for industrial raw materials to “fundamental” market conditions. Price fluctuations are likely during this period. A gradual increase in demand for raw materials and a moderate rise in raw materials prices can be expected during the further course of 1983 and in 1984.  相似文献   

All production of mineral raw materials necessarily involves interference with the natural environment. National rules and regulations on environmental protection are intended to ensure that prospecting for, and the extraction and processing of, raw materials are conducted with as little damage as possible to the ecosystem. The following article surveys the effects of such measures on the international raw materials economy.  相似文献   

The developing countries’ championship of what they term an “integrated approach for raw materials” is one of the livellest subjects in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bonn suggests a pragmatic, as distinct from an ideological, approach — for the benefit of the Third World. For this reason it has to be analyzed, whether the raw material sector is the ideal basis for the improvement of the existing situation.  相似文献   

随着高校后勤社会化改革,许多由学校统一经营管理的食堂被分割后承包经营.使原来并不十分理想的贮藏条件进一步恶化,粮食与食品的贮藏及质量卫生问题愈来愈严重。通过对粮食类食品原料污染因素、粮食贮藏及其卫生质量分析,提出了高校饮食从业人员应高度重视粮食类食品原料的贮藏工作,以确保大学生在校期间的饮食安全。  相似文献   

The pronounced economic recovery in the world's industrial nations has not so far made any major mark on the markets in raw materials. There has not been any net increase in industrial raw materials prices, and indeed oil prices have actually fallen substantially. What are the prospects looking a little further ahead?  相似文献   

解读我国的对外贸易依存度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外贸依存度反映的是一国经济对他国经济或对世界经济相互依赖的程度。本文在准确把握外贸依存度内涵的基础上,指出我国外贸依存度的现状和特征,进而分析了外贸依存度被高估的因素,最后提出我国今后为降低外贸依存度应采取的经济发展战略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore one of the more subtle problems facing the United States. The problem concerns retaining economic and political power In the face of decreasing self-sufficiency in natural resources and raw materials.  相似文献   

The Federal Republic of Germany had only just recovered from the shock of the oil crisis when the stoppage of US uranium deliveries came as a forceful reminder of the dependence of its energy sector upon supplies from abroad. Fears have been voiced that the nuclear power stations may one day be faced with supply difficulties.  相似文献   

During the last decade the world stock of foreign direct investment has more than doubled. Nevertheless, considerable impediments to FDI continue to exist. The following paper discusses these and offers an answer to the question as to whether multilateral rules on FDI are necessary to remove these barriers and what form these rules could take.  相似文献   

完善口岸功能 促进黑龙江省外经贸物流发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为适应我国加入世界贸易组织的新形势和对俄经贸科技合作的全面升级,更好发挥我省口岸的优势,加快我省物流发展,现将我省口岸建设、物流发展概况作如下介绍。一、口岸建设黑龙江省现已成为中国对外开放口岸较多的省份之一。在与俄罗斯相接壤的3040公里边境上,双方坐落着近20对对应城镇,这些对应城镇有的隔江相望、水陆相连,有的铁路相接、公路相通,从而使黑龙江省沿边、沿江、沿线开放的地缘优势得天独厚。现已获准对外开放的国家一类口岸25个,约占全国一类口岸的1/10,仅次于广东省居全国第2位。其中,河运口岸15个…  相似文献   

During the course of 1986 the prices of most raw materials were under considerable pressure. For 1987 there are no indications of a fundamental change in price trends on world markets.  相似文献   


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