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通过非传统媒体进行传播已经渐渐成为品牌运作的常态。什么是非传统媒体?它与传统媒体有什么区别?如何利用非传统媒体进行传播?本文的作者从自己多年的实践经验出发提出了自己的看法,希望能给业界人士一些启发。  相似文献   

本文立足于整个化妆品行业,阐述了化妆品行业广告主的营销传播现状与趋势,深度剖析了化妆品行业广告主营销传播过程中面临的困惑和挑战,总结了化妆品行业广告主的应对策略.希望能够为业界营销传播一线人士提供有力支持。  相似文献   

针对本刊岁末的《2005广告主传播十大事件》,中国传媒大学广告学院院长黄升民教授总结了三大借鉴点,以资广告主参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

杨伟光 《中国广告》2007,(11):26-27
通过非传统媒体进行传播已经渐渐成为品牌运作的常态。什么是非传统媒体?它与传统媒体有什么区别?如何利用非传统媒体进行传播?本文的作者从自己多年的实践经验出发提出了自己的看法,希望能给业界人士一些启发。  相似文献   

近年来,中国城市居民消费升级,城市高端家电市场空间巨大。中国本土家电企业历经20多年的发展,技术逐渐成熟,逐步加强打造高端家电产品系,直指高端市场,与外资企业展开正面竞争;同时,农村家电消费的日益成熟使得诸多企业挥师进军农村市场,拉开农村市场拉锯战的序幕。本篇2006--2007年家电行业广告主营销传播报告聚焦2006年家电企业营销传播现状,把握家电企业营销传播动向以及面临的挑战,并为家电企业赢得市场、提高营销传播效益提出策略性意见建议。  相似文献   

医疗服务行业广告主营销传播策略全报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国医疗服务行业市场化进程不断深入,医疗服务行业广告主不得不面对愈演愈烈的市场竞争。近年来,医疗服务行业广告主的营销传播费用虽然不断攀升,但是作为竞争利器的营销传播活动并没有发挥其应有的效用,一些医疗服务行业广告主对营销传播重视程度较低,还有一些广告主对营销传播策略的使用存在严重的误区。医疗广告问题层出不穷,整个行业面临消费者信任危机。本报告总结概括了现有政策体制下的医疗服务行业广告主营销传播的现状与特点,分析了其营销传播过程中存在的问题与挑战,并根据医疗服务行业广告主现存的营销传播问题提出了相应对策,希望可以对业界实践人员提供启发和帮助。[编者按]  相似文献   

汽车产业关系国计民生,是我国重要的经济支柱之一,其营销传播活动也非常活跃。。进入21世纪,汽车行业在经历了超常规高速发展之后,2004年爆发了大规模的价格战,2005年又背负成品油和原材料价格上涨的压力,成本持续走高,竞争日趋激烈,利润持续大幅下滑,2006年个人消费税的提高更是给汽车行业企业带来更大压力。  相似文献   

2008年奥运会对于中国来说,是一个推广国家形象、城市形象的良好契机;对于广大企业,则是推广企业形象和产品形象的难得平台。自2001年中国申奥成功开始,国内众多企业便开始谋划奥运营销传播策略,而随着08奥运的渐渐逼近,不管是奥运赞助企业抑或是非赞助企业,都开始了紧锣密鼓的奥运营销传播行动。  相似文献   

2005年是中国房地产市场变革最多的一年。堪称“中国房地产政策年”。从中央到地方陆续下发了众多的法规、行政条文,成为房地产行业震荡的导火线。本文立足实证调查,在纵览房地产行业营销传播现状的基础之上,探讨该行业震荡时期,广告主面临的困惑与挑战,企业营销传播战略、战术的转折与创新,以及趋势和走向。  相似文献   

屠菁  朱金玉 《中国广告》2008,(6):182-182
一、Guerilla marketing顾名思义"游击营销",现在已经成为了"非传统和反传统营销方式"的代名词,并由此衍生出了"偷袭营销"、"病毒营销"、"街道式营销"、"包围式营  相似文献   

The highway logo signing program has existed for over 20 years. Since its inception, most motorists have become accustomed to relying on these blue signs to provide information on services available at each highway exit. However, there is little, if any, literature that examines the program as an advertising source, and no formal literature that addresses the signing program from the perspective of the independent business owner. This paper provides service business owners with information about the highway logo signing program, and is directed toward independent owners who are considering the signing program as an advertising source. A five step process is described that owners can follow to first determine if the venue is viable, and then if the investment is value-added for them.  相似文献   

Nonprofits seek accreditation to bolster their reputation and signal their worthiness to funders. The Better Business Bureau accredits nonprofits who pass 20 standards of accountability. Accredited organizations have the option to pay for the right to advertise their accredited status. At issue is why some organizations pay to advertise and other organizations do not. Utilizing a sample of 495 nonprofit organizations accredited by the Better Business Bureau, we find that nonprofits that pay to advertise the seal are larger, more profitable, have higher visibility, and are more likely to hire professional fundraisers. The results should be of interest to stakeholders and fundraisers interested in the adoption of methods to signal the accountability of nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

目前,应对非传统安全威胁,建立完善的海关风险管理和非传统安全管理体系,成为了各国海关共同关注和思考的课题。通过研究发达国家海关非传统安全管理的经验与做法,发现我国与发达国家的海关的非传统安全管理还存在着理论研究和实践探索不足、责任职能不明等差距。我国海关应借鉴国际海关先进的有益的做法,结合国情,加强海关维护国家非传统安全理论的研究和实践总结;积极参与构建维护国家非传统安全的部门联动机制;推动海关的改革与管理创新。  相似文献   

结合机载通信抗干扰设计的工程应用需求,分析了机体遮挡对机身前后左右典型安装位置VHF/UHF和L频段通信天线的影响程度,提出了一种当通信信号和干扰信号分别位于机身两侧时,应用机体遮挡对信号接收的抑制原理,通过选择指向通信信号一侧的左或右机翼天线实现抗干扰通信的方法。该方法仅需新增两副机翼天线和两个射频开关,具备较强的工程可实现性。仿真结果表明该方法能够有效抑制来自机身侧面干扰信号的接收,最大抑制达到35 dB,为机载通信抗干扰能力提升设计提供了新的技术途径和理论指导。  相似文献   

Retailers often feature manufacturer brands in their advertising with the aim to drive sales for those brands and, at the same time, increase in-store traffic. The adoption of such co-operative advertising strategies should reach an expanded audience base comprising of store and brand buyers. Based on empirical evidence in non-retail settings, these buyers are more likely to remember the advertising than non-buyers. This usage-bias effect implies that co-operative advertisements achieve greater cut through than would be the case if either brand advertised alone. Our paper tests this hypothesis in the context of retailer advertisements that feature manufacturer brands in the US, UK and Australia. Our results confirm that a retail brand's shoppers are more likely to recall its advertisements than non-shoppers, extending the usage-bias generalisation to a retailing context. However, while co-operative advertising does expand the buyer-base reach, any uplift in ad-memorability is negated by a reduced ability for buyers of only one of the two brands to recall the advertisement. Information overload on cognitive processing is a possible explanation for this finding, and has implications for extracting value from any investment in co-operative advertising.  相似文献   

波波 《广告大观》2009,(7):128-129
作为最早接触并应用互联网营销的产业,IT通讯产业至今依然领先,但这种发展势头伴随着产业的深刻变革也面临着新的挑战。面对新的市场环境,企业需要更加有效的互联网营销平台和营销方法。搜狐集台了多年来在IT通讯产业的营销经验,并结合搜狐强大的品牌实力与媒体影响力,提出了以“整合、创新、体验“为核心的”MATRIX”矩阵营销工具,力求为实体经济助推加速。  相似文献   

This paper investigates consumer responses to gay families portrayed in advertising, drawing on critical visual analysis, reader response analysis and queer theory. Twenty-five consumers were interviewed about a selection of family oriented ads. Several themes emerged from the interviews, including straightening up – reading apparently gay images as heterosexual, or straight, despite rather overt gay signals. This important interpretive phenomenon seems to "interfere" with processing of apparently gay imagery, revealing interesting interpretive strategies. Findings are discussed within the advertising as representation research tradition, and illuminate interpretive strategies that consumers use when confronted with culturally sensitive images in advertising.  相似文献   

刘剑飞 《广告大观》2009,(11):91-92
随着出版社由事业单位向现代企业的转型,公司治理、市场定位、市场细分、品牌竞争、整合营销传播等企业管理和营销手段逐步运用到出版社中,出版社经营管理水平有了很大的提高。  相似文献   

在综合分析散射通信的特点以及岸海、海上通信的特殊性基础上,提出了利用散 射通信手段构建岸海信息传递系统的构想,论述了岸海远程骨干网、超视距地域网、海岛无 线接入网的基本拓扑结构和通信方式,并结合国内外散射通信的技术发展水平与相关使用经 验说明利用散射通信构建岸海信息传输系统是可行的。  相似文献   

A survey of 488 supervisors classified them as traditional, moderate, and egalitarian in their attitudes towards women using the Spence, Helmreich and Stapp (1973) Attitudes Toward Women Scale. These results were analyzed in relation to the performance evaluations given to their 235 male and 25 3 female subordinates who were matched for position level and type of occupation in a large coast-to-coast Canadian public sector organization, whose mandate is not one traditionally associated with women. All supervisors were directly acquainted with the work of their subordinates over a minimum three-month to three-year time frame. Traditional supervisors of women (Spence, Helmreich and Stapp, 19 73), compared to traditional supervisors of men, evaluated the women supervised, even in the face of substantial direct contact, as less able to: (1) autonomously direct their subordinates; (2) assist in the career development of their subordinates; and (3) effectively monitor the day-to-day results of their subordinates. No differences were found between evaluations received by men and women working for egalitarian supervisors. Compared to egalitarian supervisors, traditional supervisors were reluctant to assign technical, vital high-profile projects to female subordinates. The results were interpreted in terms of mores from the greater macro-culture which were reflected inside the organization via gender-related barriers to equity such as absence of effective role models, difficulty gaining access to informal networks, tokenism, and the belief found here that women as supervisors in non-traditional areas are dysfunctional for the organization and for the upward mobility of their subordinates. Résumé Quatre cent quatre-vingt-huit superviseurs one été catégorisés comme traditionnels, modérés et égalitaircs dans leurs attitudes vis-à-vis des femmes selon l'Echelle d'attitudes vis-à-vis des femmes développée par Spence, Helmrich, Stapp (1973). Ces résultats ont été analysés en relation avec les évaluations de rendement de leurs 235 subalternes masculins et 253 subalternes féminins correspondant quant à leur niveau et type d'occupation au sein d'un organisme du secteur public présent dans tout le Canada et dont le mandat n'est pas traditionellement associé avec le travail de leurs subalternes et ce sur une période allant d'au moins trois mois à trois ans. Les superviseurs traditionnels de personnel féminin (Spence, Helmrich & Stapp, 1973) comparés à des superviseurs traditionnels de personnel masculin, ont évalué les femmes qu'ils supervisaient, maigre un contact direct important, comme étant moins capable de: 1) diriger leurs subalternes de façon autonome; 2) fournir à leurs subalternes l'assistance requise dans l'avancement de leur carrière; 3) contrǒler efficacement le rendement quotidien de leurs subalternes. Aucune différence n'est apparue dans les évaluations des hommes et des femmes qui travaillaient pour des superviseurs égalitaires. Par comparaison à ces derniers, les superviseurs traditionnels démontraient une certaine réticence à confier à leurs subalternes féminins des projets techniques vitaux a visibilité élevée. Ces résultats ont été interprétés en termes des moeurs de la macro-culture plus globale qui sont reflétées au sein de l'organisme à travers des obstacles à l'égalité reliés aux sexe tels que l'absence de modèles positifs, la difficulté d'accès à des réseaux officieux, une présence féminine uniquement symbolique et la perception selon laquelle les femmes superviseurs dans les domaines non traditionnels empěchent le bon fonctionnement de l'organisme et l'avancement de leurs subalternes.  相似文献   

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