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对供电设备检修的研究和探索,自电诞生之日起就没间断过。从事故维修、定期维修发展到状态检修.这是历史的必然。而且.随着人们知识水平的提高以及科学技术的发展.越来越受到企业的关注。状态检修就是通过在线的和离线的监测手段,收集电气设备运行的工况信息.通过系统分析诊断。判断设备的健康状态.确定设备的检修对策,进行大修、小修或暂缓检修,可在设备检修周期到来之前根据设备状况提前进行检修.  相似文献   

全面质量维修(TQMain)是状态维修((CBM)出现的一种新概念。其目标不仅仅是要保持机器状态良好,而且要保持影响制造过程所有重要环节的状态良好。诸如:生产工艺、运转条件、员工能力、寿命周期费用(LCC),以及质量控制系统。为此要组成一个综合的设备信息系统。重要的成果有:(1)利用更精确的诊断和预测技术进一步确定了延长轴承平均有效寿命的数据和指标。(2)为监控机器状态采集了影响振动信号的机器速度和负载变化数据。(3)利用振动频谱分析检测了曲轴的主轴承表面质量偏差。(4)求出了一台造纸机的维修利润每年约为3.58MSEK。主要结论是:实施连续改进和确保延长机器寿命和以竞争价格生产出高质量产品。确定和消除造成质量偏差和设备早期故障的原因以及扩大应用数据反馈技术是不可缺少的。还讨论了最近7年间为验证实现全面质量维修(TQMain)概念的需求和效益而进行过一些案例研究。  相似文献   

浅谈设备状态维修   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
设备是完成铁路运输生产的重要物资技术基础。设备维修是保证设备状态完好的重要措施。长期以来,铁道系统维修沿用前苏联的设备定期修理制度,带有很大盲目性,设备有无故障、故障部位、故障程度难以准确把握。另外,由于良好部位的反复拆卸.机械性能往往不理想.甚至低于检修前,而且没有必要的超前维修滞来人力、物力的巨大浪费。  相似文献   

随着科学技术水平的提高,设备(或零部件)的状态监测技术得到了迅猛的发展,很多企业由原来的定期修理转为预知维修,使机械设备的维修方式发生了变化。预知维修方式是根据检测结果,视设备的具体状态,确定最合适的修理时机和更合理的修理方法。状态监测避免了机械设备的突发故障,从而避免了被迫停车而影响生产;机械状态分析为设备预知维修期提供了可靠依  相似文献   

因为并不是所有设备都完全适合于预知技术,所以,精心选择、定期完成的预防维修计划有时能比预知维修带来更大的经济效益。 预知维修根据反映设备特征的数据或发展趋势,确定设备的无故障工作期限;而预防维修是通过完成最低限度的日常维护工作,确保设备处于良好的运行状态。  相似文献   

化工企业属于连续化生产企业,具有一定的危险性,故而,要求化工企业的电机设备时刻处在一种安全可靠的运行状态.随着科技的发展,化工企业的机电控制设备的检修也经历了事后维修、计划预防性维修、状态维修三个阶段,如今在我国企业机电控制设备推广使用的是状态维修这种新型的维修方式,它与定期维修并存,共同维护着化工企业机电控制设备的安全运行.本文就将通过化工企业机电控制设备的状态维修技术的探讨,来分析我国现有的机电控制设备的维修和养护.  相似文献   

装甲履带车辆从定期维修过渡到状态维修,关键是要能对装备实施状态监测和故障诊断。笔者认为,应建立三种诊断系统,系统之间有明确分工,又互有联系,从而构成装甲履带车辆诊断技术的基本体系。 1.“车载式”诊断系统在装甲履带车辆上配备“车  相似文献   

第八讲 维修性设计与验证概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维修根据其目的与时机可分为两种 :修复性维修 (correctivemaintenance ,CM)。产品发生故障后 ,使其恢复到规定状态所进行的全部活动。预防性维修 (preventivemaintenance ,PM)。通过对产品的系统检查、检测和发现故障征兆并采取措施以防止故障发生 ,使其保持在规定状态所进行的全部活动。什么是维修性 ?维修性 (maintainability)是产品在规定的条件下和规定的时间内 ,按规定的程序和方法进行维修时 ,保持或恢复其规定状态的能力。可以这样说 ,维修性是产品的一种质量特性 ,…  相似文献   

设备点检制度.就是以点检为核心的全员生产维修管理体制,按照制订的标准定期、定点地对设备进行检查,准确掌握设备技术状态、设备故障的初期信息和劣化趋势,及时采取对策,将故障消灭在萌芽阶段,以提高设备工作效率,延长设备寿命,确保企业生产的正常进行。其实质就是全员参与、全员管理、责任到人,以预防为基础,以点检为核心,以定修为目的,及时掌握设备运行状态指导设备检修的严肃、科学的管理方法。  相似文献   

高分子修复及保护技术已被世界各工业领域广泛地认可和应用。它可以及时有效地解决各工业内设备的维修及防腐的难题。上海义邦愿将十几年的实战应用经验与大家分享,并向您提供易邦特产品及技术的解决方案。如果您对国产产品的质量不太满意,如果您认为国外产品的价格太贵,请您与我们联系。我们将向您提供合理价格及国际品质的产品。易邦特可以为您:节省维修时间,降低维修成本,提高设备运行效率,安全可靠。  相似文献   

The Economics of Maintenance for Real Estate Investments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a theory of urban decay. Following a negative real estate demand shock, property managers optimally suspend maintenance and the probability that they ever restart can be modest. Because maintenance expenditures are proportionately less risky than are the incremental building profits they generate, managers impose a more demanding profit standard on maintenance than on the initial investment. This differential in profit standards means that rather than maintain existing investments, property managers favor new investments, which, if marginally acceptable, they also leave unmaintained. Contractually required maintenance ( e.g ., for publicly subsidized real estate investments), increases the minimum profit for the initial investment acceptance and discourages subsidized real estate investments in favor of unsubsidized investments. However, the required profit for acceptance of a permanently maintained investment is below the profit boundary for maintenance if maintenance is not contractually required. Consequently, the subsidy that induces the investment is least expensive if maintenance is not required, more expensive if maintenance is permanently required and most expensive if maintenance is induced immediately after initial construction but thereafter is at the discretion of the manager. All of our findings are strongest for poorer quality properties.  相似文献   

The development of supermarkets in Vietnam, as in other emerging countries, is accompanied by increasing consumer concern for food quality. This paper investigates whether farmer organizations are able to help small-scale farmers obtain access to supermarkets as well as examines the role that supermarkets and public support play in the emergence and development of these organizations. The paper is based on case studies of a number of stakeholders marketing vegetables, flavored rice and litchi fruit in Vietnam. Eight farmer groups operating in the form of private commercial organizations act as regular supermarket suppliers for the selected products. Their ability to supply supermarkets is related to the combination of functions they make available to their members, especially with regard to promoting and controlling quality for which they receive public support. Their participation in flexible contracts with supermarkets, shops and schools is also a key issue. Supplying supermarkets via farmer associations increases farmers’ profits per kilo compared to traditional chains, but the quantities supplied to supermarkets remain limited. The paper argues that changes in farmer organizations are not primarily due to supplying supermarkets, but rather to public and international support for food quality improvement which has been of benefit to supermarkets.  相似文献   

提高井下作业质量管理水平的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合企业的实际情况,对企业的质量控制系统进行剖析,查找存在的问题,提出了合理的优化建议。指出,企业要全面推行"五五质量保证法",高标准按照规范施工。  相似文献   

Enhancing communication between functions is crucial to successful product development and management. Previous work in the product innovation management literature has made two implicit assumptions. First, that increasing the frequency of information dissemination from one function to the other always improves the perceived quality of the information received. The second assumption is that all types of interfunctional communication carry equal weight in the decision‐making process of the target of that communication. The current study develops a typology of communication modes, which suggests a rationale for why these assumptions may not be true. The empirical findings of the study, based on a survey of 504 nonmarketing managers indicate that the relationship between total communication frequency and perceived information quality (PIQ) is nonlinear. Specifically, the study finds that marketing managers can either communicate too little or too much with nonmarketing managers. If they interact too infrequently, they run the risk of not understanding the way to most effectively communicate market information. If they communicate too much, they may overload the manager with too much information and erode the overall quality of the information sent. In addition, some modes of communication are more effective in improving perceptions of the quality of market information. For instance, regular e‐mail sent by marketing managers seems to have no effect on perceived information quality. On the other hand, e‐mail sent with supporting documentation can have a strong positive effect on perceived information quality. Impromptu phone calls by marketing have less positive effects than scheduled phone calls. Interestingly, too much of the wrong types of communication actually seem to reduce perceptions of perceived information quality, and consequently the likelihood that market information will be used. The study also suggests that certain kinds of communication are better for manufacturing managers and others more effective in sharing information with R&D managers. For instance, disseminating information through written reports seems to reduce perceived information quality. This is particularly true for R&D managers. On the other hand too many meetings can reduce perceptions of PIQ, particularly on the part of manufacturing managers. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

对规程规定电气设备检修周期的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析讨论了《电力变压器检修导则》中的有关规定;对油田电网中实施状态检修进行了探讨。指出,实施油田电气设备状态检修,应坚持“该修必修,修必修好”的原则。在现阶段,应根据电网设备的实际运行情况。采取定期检修和状态检修并存的方法。  相似文献   

Assessing value-in-use: A conceptual framework and exploratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Developing approaches for understanding customer perceived value is a priority for managers and scholars alike. A conceptual framework for assessment of value-in-use is proposed and explored within the context of a maintenance service provider. In contrast to value models in previous empirical research, the framework includes assessment not just of provider attributes but also of the customer's usage processes, as well as customer evaluations of the value-in-use they obtain. Interviews with members of a cross-disciplinary buying group provide support for the framework, including the observations that individuals can assess the quality of their usage processes and that they can articulate value-in-use at both organisational and individual levels; the further concept of network quality also emerges from the data. Assessment of usage process quality as well as service quality evolves as the customer's goals evolve. Practitioners may wish to elicit usage process quality and value-in-use as well as service quality. Research directions include scale development for both usage process quality and value-in-use.  相似文献   

实行油质监测技术是润滑管理的一项改革,利用快速油品分析仪对在用设备进行定期监测,保证用油质量,预测质量事故隐患;它取代了传统的按期换油,实现了“按质换油”,不但可以大大延长换油周期,而且能够保证设备安全运行,在设备管理中能取得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

针对陈四楼煤矿2705工作面的顶板情况,选择与本工作面相适应的液压支架,并对其支护强度进行验算,保证其满足支护要求,并对工作面矿压进行观测,对工作面支护质量等进行定期分析,并进一步了解煤、岩体力学参数等基础数据。有力地保证了工作面安全生产。  相似文献   

分析了当前石油企业认证后,质量管理体系实施和保持存在的问题及相关原因;根据ISO9000:2000标准,阐述了实施和保持及改进体系有效性与提高企业管理水平、产品质量、质量效益的关系;提出了解决实施和保持存在问题的具体措施;强调实施和保持仍是“一把手工程”。认为,彻底解决这一普遍性的问题,尚需从监督机制入手。  相似文献   

油气管道腐蚀剩余寿命的预测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对管道腐蚀诸多因素的复杂性和不确定性以及管道腐蚀剩余寿命预测的困难性.系统地阐述了在役管道的腐蚀剩余寿命预测方法。评述了灰色预测方法,概率统计方法,人工神经网络方法和可靠度函数分析四种国内外正在研究和使用的方法。这些方法对于管道操作者做出正确的管道检测、维修以及更换决策起到了重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

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