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社会责任会计是现代企业日益社会化的产物。社会责任会计要求企业在追求经济效益的同时也要兼顾社会效益。构建“和谐社会”已成为中国社会建设的新理念,承担社会责任是企业参与和谐社会建设的根本途径。本文在分析国内外社会责任会计信息披露现状的基础上,封建立社会责任会计信息披露体系存在的障碍进行了深入分析,目的在于推动中国实施社会责任会计。  相似文献   

Much of the literature measuring the relationship between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores and firm performance treats the score as a measure of sustainability performance. In this study, we treat a firm's ESG score as a demonstration of strategic choice in the level of transparency that results in increased firm performance as measured by Tobin's Q and return on assets. Performance differences are a result of choice moderated by the size of the firm as measured by employees and sales. We analyze 467 firms in the S&P 500 from 2009 to 2015. Applying legitimacy and stakeholder theory, we find that there is significant difference between groups with respect to disclosure and performance. The results of quartile analysis by sales, capitalization, and Tobin's Q are relevant to understand the influence that the ESG score has on financial performance. ESG influences on Tobin's Q are greatest for large firms as measured by sales, as opposed to the ESG affects on Tobin's Q and return on asset for smallest firms as measured by market capitalization.  相似文献   

刘伟玲 《价值工程》2014,(29):203-204
文章对目前我国企业社会责任报告披露方面存在问题进行分析的基础上,基于会计方法与理论对企业社会责任报告进行设计。提出了以会计理论与方法为基础的企业社会责任报告体系,设计出社会责任报告样表并详细说明如何进行填制,具有可操作性。  相似文献   

Although business strategy plays a fundamental role in firm operations, whether and how business strategy affects firms' environmental protection behaviors remain unclear. On the basis of a typical emerging market, we show that firms following prospector strategies take more environmental protection actions than do those following defender strategies. Our findings are robust to endogeneity checks and alternative measures of business strategy. We further find that prospectors engage in more environmental activities than do defenders when the degree of financial constraint or earning management is high. Our results are particularly pronounced in state‐owned enterprises, heavy‐polluting industries, and firms located in regions with strict environmental regulations. Overall, this study provides clear policy implications for regulators concerned with environmental protection.  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了国内外社会责任会计信息披露概况、社会责任会计信息披露的主要内容和常见形式,并在此基础上对社会责任会计信息披露的发展作简单评述。  相似文献   

Based on stakeholder theory and considering the conflicting performance interests of a wide range of stakeholders, this research investigates corporate performance patterns using a cluster analysis of financial, social, and environmental performance dimensions. An analysis of a Canadian sample of 771 company-year observations for the period 2014–2018 reveals three types of corporate performance: financially focused performance, balanced performance, and corporate social responsibility (CSR)-focused performance. Firms in the largest cluster, financially focused performance, deliver poor sustainable performance and prioritize financial performance over social and environmental performance. The CSR-focused performance cluster scores low for financial performance and high for environmental and social performance. The balanced-performance cluster also has higher levels of sustainable performance but is the smallest cluster, accounting for a quarter of the sample. Overall, this study presents a portrait of corporate performance balancing financial and CSR objectives and the evolution of this activity over the research period.  相似文献   

Firms in emerging economies are faced with multiple, incompatible institutional forces in their environmental activities. Which of these forces will be dominant and instantiated within an organization is partly determined by the social relationships that a firm maintains with external actors. This paper investigates the relationship between board social ties and the level of environmental responsibility undertaken by firms in China, an emerging economy, by categorizing board social ties into three types in terms of the three isomorphic forces in the institutional field (coercive, normative and mimetic). Drawing on institutional and agency theories, using a sample of listed firms in environmentally sensitive industries, and a generalized least squares regression method, the results provide empirical evidence that ties that are linked to coercive and normative forces (i.e., political organizations and universities) are related to a higher level of environmental responsibility; however, those that are linked to mimetic forces (i.e., industrial peers) have a negative association with environmental responsibility, which is mitigated by CEO power. These findings suggest that the heterogeneous effects of board social ties on environmental responsibilities experienced by firms in a context of environmentalism are at an early stage.  相似文献   

Since the first Earth Day in the 1970s, corporate environmental performance has increased dramatically, and cases of greenwashing have increased sharply. The term greenwash refers to a variety of different misleading communications that aim to form overly positive beliefs among stakeholders about a company's environmental practices. The growing number of corporate social responsibility claims, whether founded or not, creates difficulties for stakeholders in distinguishing between truly positive business performance and companies that only appear to embrace a model of sustainable development. In this context, through the lens of legitimacy and signalling theory, we intend to understand and assess the different influences that various types of misleading communications about environmental issues have on stakeholders' perceptions of corporate environmental responsibility and greenwashing. Stakeholder responses to an environmental scandal will also be assessed. The hypotheses tested through a four‐for‐two design experiment reveal that different levels of greenwashing have a significantly different influence on stakeholders' perceptions of corporate environmental responsibility and stakeholders' reactions to environmental scandals.  相似文献   

Overemphasis on financial performance criteria to award incentives for CEOs has often been mentioned as one of the main culprits behind recent corporate scandals. In response, there is a growing chorus for inclusion of social performance criteria in the design of executive compensation schemes. To date, however, very little is known about the true benefits of this practice. This article critically discusses the potential advantages and pitfalls of this recommendation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as a mechanism for creating social and economic value. By applying population ecology, resource dependency and resource-based view perspectives, this paper develops a conceptual model to provide greater insight into how social entrepreneurship ventures collaborate with other organizations in a network to fulfill resource requirements. Through this process social ventures address unmet social needs to create value which leads to the development and growth of individuals, communities, and regions. Using a large city's economic development actors involved in small business promotion as test cases, this exploratory study illustrates that social ventures effectively acquire resources from the primary social engagement network actors: corporations, governments, and other social ventures. The framework introduced in the paper provides a means by which to better understand the context in which relevant social engagement players in a network exist and the synergies that they can develop.  相似文献   

Existing literature has provided inconclusive evidence regarding the impact of financial performance on firm policy relating to environmental issues. In this paper, we propose that the influence of corporate financial performance on corporate environmental policy is unlikely to be monotonic but, rather, will vary with firm life cycle. We test this hypothesis by the application of static and dynamic techniques on panel data from UK companies. The results provide support for our hypotheses that financial performance has the strongest impact on environmental policy in the maturity stage of the firm life cycle and the weakest impact in the rapid growth stage. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

All material related to environmental and social performance on the corporate internet sites of 454 Fortune Global 500 and Fortune 1000 companies in 25 industrial sectors was analyzed using the Pacific Sustainability Index. Maximum scores for individual sectors were 20–75 percent of the total possible, highest in the largest and most environmentally sensitive sectors and ranging generally linearly, as shown by plotting score versus rank, down to nearly zero in every sector. None of the variation in score is explained by corporate revenue in the Asian and European firms in this sample (revenues greater than about $9 billion), but there is a very weak correlation between score and revenue for American firms of this size, and a stronger one when Fortune 1000 companies (all American) with revenues smaller than this are included, suggesting that, as corporate size reaches a certain threshold, sustainability reporting becomes independent of it. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

财务会计概念框架对会计准则的制定有着重要的指导性作用。文章通过对新会计准则的基本准则进行了分析,就如何构建我国的财务会计概念框架作了探讨。在会计国际化的今天,尽快建立我国的财务会计概念框架已是大势所趋。为了适应客观经济环境的发展变化,会计理论界的专家和学者极力呼吁应构建一个既符合我国国情又与国际财务会计趋同的中国财务会计概念框架。  相似文献   

我国目前对企业环境会计制度的研究尚处于起步阶段,尚未形成一套公认的、可以在实务中运用的环境会计制度。文章借鉴国外已有的研究成果,对环境会计制度的构建内容进行初步研究,并对在我国开展企业环境会计制度构建工作提出相关措施。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of social responsible (SR) pension funds as influential institutional shareholders in the corporate sustainability of investee firms. We study the influence of 197 UK SR pension funds on 1,253 firms with 31 environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indicators from 2002 to 2018. According to the indicator nature, we perform logit and ordinary least square (OLS) estimations with panel error correction models to control causality. Our results show that SR pension funds significantly impact on 41.93% of the ESG indicators studied. We find that larger pension‐fund shareholding positively influences on ESG firm performance and encourages proactive behaviour towards environmental practices. Firms with larger pension‐fund shareholding are more likely to use renewable energies and disclose environmental information, increasing the firm transparency towards stakeholders. This study contributes to understand that, besides stakeholders, institutional shareholders (SR pension funds) demand sustainable development and are able to transfer important values for the society and the environment to corporate governance.  相似文献   

企业社会责任评价研究日渐成为国内普遍关注的热点。文章从评价指标体系、评价方法、企业社会责任的实证研究等方面出发,综述了国内企业社会责任评价研究现状,并对存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

经济活动过程和结果的绿色化主要靠企业承担环境责任来实现,但基于企业的营利本质,期望企业自觉承担环境责任并不现实,必须通过立法从内外部保障、强制其承担环境责任。我国环境保护法及企业法中无法容纳大量的企业环境责任条款,因此我国有必要制定专门的《企业环境责任法》,要求企业承担产品从设计、生产直至废弃的环境责任,并建立环境信息披露、税收优惠等企业承担环境责任的激励约束措施。同时我国应修改环境保护法,提高企业污染环境的成本、将企业环境成本内部化。  相似文献   

By analogy to inter-industry analysis, this paper addresses the Inter-institutional linkage analysis through an accounting multiplier approach and a social accounting matrix framework that has a flow of funds. Such an analysis provides a useful tool to identify and quantify structural features of an economy in terms of productive and financial backward and forward linkage indices, which are estimated from the accounting multipliers. As an empirical application of this analysis, we identify and measure the accounting multipliers and the respective linkage indices for the Mexican economy. The results may help to improve the quality of policy decisions by detecting key linkage and partial linkage accounts (production sectors or institutions) and by providing a better understanding of how an impact of an initial exogenous injection runs within a complex economic structure.  相似文献   

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