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刘巨钦  龚敬  文必正 《价值工程》2007,26(6):101-104
我们以前对中国大企业成长的内在机理存在模糊认识,这造成了其一再的陷入困境之中。主要论述了中国大企业成长的内在机理从适应“指令”要素稀缺性向资本要素稀缺性最后向知识要素稀缺性转变的过程;然后,以此为基础,找到了在现阶段我国大企业成长中特殊的内在机理。最后,以这一特殊的内在机理为指导,把建立现代企业制度和企业自主创新(主要包括技术创新)摆在了同等重要的地位。  相似文献   

文章针对我国的技术创新问题,运用需求拉动假说,论证了消费者是技术的创新者,消费激励企业技术创新。提出重视消费者的主体地位,规范收入分配,平衡收入差距,大力培育消费力。  相似文献   

对外直接投资对母国产业的技术创新具有反哺促进效应,但同时受资本要素市场扭曲的调节作用影响。本文运用2003~2016年的面板数据,设定双因素基准模型并进行东、中、西部地区分样本回归以检验资本要素市场扭曲对OFDI的技术创新的调节作用。结果发现:OFDI通过逆向技术溢出促进了母国的企业技术创新绩效。同时,资本要素市场扭曲抑制了OFDI反哺技术创新绩效的正向作用,且资本要素市场扭曲对OFDI的技术创新的调节效应存在地区差异性。因此,深化要素市场化改革,调整对外直接投资结构和优化营商环境,是实现OFDI协调发展以推动技术创新绩效提升的有效途径。  相似文献   

在贸易、投资与技术进步并存的全球化经济中,知识密集型产品在整个世界贸易中所占的比例不断上升.以北方的发明与创新、南方的模仿与追随为特征的世界技术创新模式逐步形成.伴随着技术创新方式的演化,贸易模式和世界收入分配方式也发生着巨大的转变.经济学家在产品生命周期分析框架内建立了一般均衡动态模型来分析有关技术创新、收入分配与国际贸易模式的动态演化问题.本文对这些国际学术前沿进展进行阐述与评析,以期为我国学者提供理论借鉴与启示.  相似文献   

供应链管理的发展促使企业寻求有效的技术创新合作模式.本文将供应链企业技术创新合作投资分为两个阶段,各阶段以库诺特静态博弈为基础,建立了供应链企业技术创新的两阶段动态投资博弈模型.模型求解得到了供应商和制造商技术创新投资的合作均衡以及参与约束条件,归纳出市场需求弹性、技术创新成功率以及供应商技术创新效率对技术创新投资量及创新后双方利润的影响.可供企业在新技术研究与开发投资时参考.  相似文献   

本文以我国二元结构为背景,从收入分配的角度,建立了资本积累、投资结构决定的数理模型,并以此分析资本积累、投资结构的影响因素。模型参数分析的主要结论是:①任何导致总消费需求上升的变化都会通过提高轻工业的供给能力而提高其资本存量的相对比重,以及资本积累的相对比重(即抑制投资重化);②任何提高消费品供给能力的技术进步通常都将降低稳定状态下轻工业资本存量,以及资本积累的相对比重(即促进投资重化)。  相似文献   

岳翠云 《价值工程》2007,26(11):142-145
阐述了国内外学者对库兹涅茨"倒U假说"所持的观点和认识。用我国的实际数据对库兹涅茨"倒U假说"进行了检验,认为我国的收入分配基本上不符合倒U形状,不能靠经济增长来解决收入差距的拉大问题;收入现状的改善需要政府政策的支持。  相似文献   

杜靖 《企业活力》2007,(8):56-57
<正>任何一项活动的开展总是参与该活动的行为主体在一定的诱导因素作用下发生的,技术创新活动同样需要相应的诱导因素来诱发。技术创新诱导因素的研究,是技术创新理论研究的核心内容。在技术创新的诱导因素中,包含着多重诱导要素,各种要素对技术创新起着不同的作用,因而,就技术创新的诱因问题,产生了不同的技术创新诱因模式。但这些要素并非孤立地发挥作用,而是在相互作用的基础上形成技术创新的复合诱导因素。  相似文献   

近10年来长三角的政府公共投资(分配)过多地流向了上海、苏州、杭州、南京等核心城市,使这些城市的人均公共资本拥有量大幅上升,从而引发了其边际生产率递减情况的发生。但它们的资本利用效率或技术创新水平没有明显提升(或下降),不足以抵消其资本边际生产率下降的趋势。对这些大城市的经济发展来说,公共投资对其经济增长的意义已经在数量上表现得不明显,但对正处于经济快速增长期且资本边际生产率呈递增态势的长三角外缘中小城市而言,公共投资却有着积极意义。  相似文献   

基于农业产业链延伸的农产品国际竞争力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业产业链延伸与拓展的本质就是基于农业发展的规律,融入信息化、产业化、集约化和科技化等现代竞争要素,促进我国农产品国际竞争力的提高。在对我国农业国际竞争的现状和问题进行梳理的基础上,指出了大力延伸我国农业产业链的必要性,提出了农产品深加工和科技创新两种农业产业链延伸模式,以及技术创新、知识管理和利益分配的农业产业链促进机制,并提出了基于农业产业链延伸的农产品国际竞争力提升对策。  相似文献   

本文将公共支出引入一个两部门城市化和内生增长模型,由模型导出的人力资本跨时转移条件方便我们分析经济的过渡动力学行为。数值解结果表明,在物质资本报酬递减的情形下,公共支出的部门间配置由经济过渡动力内在地确定和稳定;如果物质资本表现出某种程度的报酬递增,公共支出的部门间配置将表现出内在不稳定。动力学分析表明,公共支出与经济增长之间存在非线性关系,换言之,存在促进经济增长的最优税率或最优公共支出比例。  相似文献   


Through an interdisciplinary approach, this paper addresses the scarcity of research that assesses economic stressors, public service motivation (PSM), work motivations, and unethical judgement in the public square. We argue that motivations have a direct relationship with the acceptance of unethical behaviour, but that economic stress (defined as financial stress and job insecurity) may influence this relationship both direct and indirectly. Using data from the European Social Survey, we develop a path model to test these hypotheses. We find that PSM and work motivation influence unethical judgements, and perceived economic stressors play an indirect role through their relationship with work motivations. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth, public investment and corruption with failing institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Corruption is thought to prevent poor countries from catching up with richer ones. We analyze one channel through which corruption hampers growth: public investment can be distorted in favor of specific types of spending for which rent-seeking is easier and better concealed. To study this distortion, we propose a dynamic model where households vote for the composition of public spending, subject to an incentive constraint reflecting individuals’ choice between productive activity and rent-seeking. In equilibrium, the structure of public investment is determined by the predatory technology and the distribution of political power. Among different regimes, the model shows a possible scenario of distortion without corruption in which there is no effective corruption but the possibility of corruption still distorts the allocation of public investment. We test the implications of the model on a set of countries using a two-stage least squares estimation. We find that developing countries with high predatory technology invest more in housing and physical capital in comparison with health and education. The reverse is true for developed countries.   相似文献   

The Hicks induced innovation hypothesis states that a price increase of a production factor is a spur to invention. We propose an alternative hypothesis restating that a spur to invention requires not only an increase of one factor but also a decrease of at least one other factor to offset the companies’ cost. We illustrate the need for our alternative hypothesis in a historical example of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, we econometrically evaluate both hypotheses in a case study of research and development (R&D) in 29 OECD countries from 2003 to 2017. Specifically, we investigate the dependence of investments to R&D on the economic environment represented by average wages and oil prices using panel regression. We find that our alternative hypothesis is supported for R&D funded and/or performed by business enterprises while the original Hicks hypothesis holds for R&D funded by the government and R&D performed by universities. Our results reflect that the business sector is significantly influenced by market conditions, unlike the government and higher education sectors.  相似文献   

This article measureseconomic returns to research investment in Chinese agricultureusing the production function approach. A stock-of-knowledgevariable constructed from the past research investment is directlyincluded in the production function as an explanatory variablein the production function. Improved rural infrastructure, irrigation,and education are also included as explanatory variables to avoidthe upward bias in the estimates of returns to agricultural research.A two-way variable coefficients technique is used in the estimationto reduce estimation biases due to the remaining measurementand omitted variables problems. Sensitivity analyses are conductedto test the effects of various lag structures on the return estimates.The results show that rates of return to research investmentin Chinese agriculture are high, ranging from 36% to 90% in1997, and the rates are increasing over time.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical test of the long-run implications of the production smoothing model of inventories, the dominant framework for inventory investment research in the past. Intertemporal models of a firm holding inventories of finished goods predict a long-run relationship between inventories, shipments, factor input prices, and the real interest rate which is tested here using cointegration test procedures. These tests provide little support for the predictions of the production smoothing model. In most of the data sets used, test statistics indicate that inventories, shipments, factor input prices, the nominal interest rate, and the inflation rate maintain a long-run equilibrium relationship but parameter estimates of cointegrating vectors are often implausible, typically rejecting hypotheses implied by structural models of the production smoothing motive for holding inventories.  相似文献   

This paper specifies a model in which the preservation of organizational capital is the principal factor motivating corporate diversification decisions. Alternative hypotheses of the determinants of diversification are then subjected to empirical test with data for 96 US industrial firms in the 1967–71 period. Consistent with the model, variables associated with unfavorable expectations on the marginal returns to investment in existing activities proved dominant in explaining ‘desired’ increases in diversification. Alternative explanations, namely, the role of managerial attributes, of absolute advantages of some firms, and of opportunities created by research and development, had more modest explanatory power.  相似文献   

A decision problem—allocating public research and development (R&D) funding—is faced by a planner who has ambiguous knowledge of welfare effects of the various research areas. We model this as a reverse portfolio choice problem faced by a Bayesian decision-maker. Two elements of the planner’s inferential system are developed: a conditional distribution of welfare ‘returns’ on an allocation, given stated preferences of citizens for the different areas, and a minimum risk criterion for re-allocating these funds, given the performance of a status quo level of funding. A case study of Canadian public research funds expended on various applications of agricultural biotechnology is provided. The decision-making methodology can accommodate a variety of collective expenditure and resource allocation problems.  相似文献   

城市土地是一种公共资源,在我国社会转型时期将"公共治理"理论引入城市土地资源管理中,对于实现其公平、有效配置和永续利用具有重要的意义。本文采用文献资料法和定性分析法,阐述城市土地资源治理多元化的内涵,分析当前中国城市土地资源管理模式的实质、问题及成因,分析城市土地资源"治理多元化"适用性的社会条件,在此基础上构建城市土地资源治理为政治结构一元化框架内的科层政府、市场机制和市民社会的共同作用的多元化模式,并提出城市土地资源治理多元化模式的实现途径。  相似文献   

政府预算资金优先配置绩效审计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优先性是预算资金配置的基本要求。预算资金是否优先配置应是我国政府预算资金绩效审计首先关注的问题。我国开展政府预算资优先配置审计,能推动事后审计向事前审计的转轨,使审计成为资源配置的杠杆。政府应改变预算审计组织方式,由易到难地推进优先配置审计。  相似文献   

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