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The paper shows that standard trade models can be adapted to address crucial policy issues in our dynamic, imperfect-information world. It also shows that intermediated trade is essential to the modernization of the 1.2 billion-person Chinese economy; yet, notwithstanding sincere intentions in Beijing and Hong Kong, subtle changes may deny Hong Kong its irreplaceable catalyst role, leaving China ultimately to technical stagnation.  相似文献   

This article estimates the policy reaction function of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) using real‐time internal inflation forecasts and output gap estimates from 2000 to 2012. We analyze potential nonlinearities of policy rate responses to economic fundamentals using a novel semiparametric approach. We find a linear response of the SNB's policy rate to inflation forecasts but a strong nonlinear response of the policy rate to the output gap and exchange rate changes. This finding suggests that the SNB reacts to extreme movements of these variables if they become a concern for price stability and economic activity.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a tractable model of endogenous growth with financial frictions and firm heterogeneity. We introduce factor income tax, consumption tax as well as the government consumption into the base model and explore the growth effect of fiscal policy. We show that from the qualitative perspective, the long‐run effects of fiscal actions in our model are similar to those obtained in the representative agent models. However, the quantitative impacts of fiscal policy on long‐run growth in our setting can be substantially different from those established in the model where agents are homogeneous and there is no financial frictions.  相似文献   

How credible is China's commitment to a market economy in Hong Kong after 1997? Events signaling changes in commitment and the movement of time closer to 1997 should reduce the relative prices of immobile assets if commitment is not fully credible. Several factors may offset these effects: anticipatory adaption, growing dependence on China-related trade, and Chinese investment in Hong Kong. Analysis of data on incorporation and investment decisions, the relative sensitivity of the stock prices of firms with different asset mobility to political events, and the market for office space most strongly support hypotheses about credibility, adaption, and demand augmentation.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the evidence supports the Political Business Cycle (PBC) theory, Partisan Theory (PT), and Rational Partisan Theory (RPT) using stock market data from Turkey, a rapidly growing developing economy. The results indicate that the PBC hypothesis is not supported by the data. We find permanent partisan effects in the conditional variance but not in returns. The conditional volatility of the returns is higher during the periods in which a leftist party or a coalition government is in office. We also find that the stock market returns temporarily decreases (increases) at the beginning of a right‐wing (left‐wing) government, providing evidence in favor of RPT.  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Temporary Policies in a Small Open Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper corrects a subtle, but crucial, conceptual flaw in a solution procedure initially proposed in 1990 by Sen and Turnovsky to analyze anticipated regime changes in small open economies based on the intertemporal optimization of rational forward–looking agents. The problem is its failure to consider the intertemporal solvency of the economy consistently. The paper focuses on temporary shocks, although the procedure also applies to announced future permanent policy changes. Since the issue is generic and relevant to a large class of policy changes, it is important for the intertemporal solvency aspect to be incorporated consistently. The authors show that the seriousness of the error in the previous solution procedure depends upon the specific shock, and two contrasting examples are discussed.  相似文献   

The degree of industrialization in a country can be measured by the diversity of intermediate goods produced in the country. I construct a small-country model in which this diversity is determined endogenously in the process of industrialization. My model shows that the character istics of equilibria depend on the substitutability among intermediate goods; particularly when the substitutability is large, there may be multiple equilibria. When such equilibria exist, optimistic expectations lead to a high degree of industrialization but pessimistic expectations yield a low degree of industrialization.
JEL Classification Numbers: O14, F43, F12  相似文献   

The authors provide a framework with which to analyze growth in a small economy with perfect capital mobility. The framework provides a diagrammatic representation of steady states that differs in interesting and important ways from the usual closed-economy Solow-Swan diagram. The authors use the key diagrams to illustrate the effects of changes in parameters such as the saving rate and productivity growth on steady-state values of macroeconomic aggregates. They compare the steady-state results for the open economy with those obtained using the more familiar closed-economy model. They illustrate the possibility of endogenous income growth.  相似文献   

实证和理论研究均表明,金融要素会放大随机冲击对经济的影响,即金融对经济波动的加速器作用。在此背景下,本文首先梳理金融加速器理论产生的原因及其传导机制;其次,引入金融机构(银行),从企业资产负债表效应和银行资产负债表效应两个角度阐述金融要素对经济波动的放大作用;再次,从多元投资组合和国际借贷两个方面揭示金融加速器对国际经济周期的传播和扩大作用,并指出金融加速器在我国的存在性;最后,总结了金融要素对经济周期波动的影响,并提出未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether Hong Kong manufacturers have been upgrading technology level in the midst of rapid manufacturing relocation. In a translog total factor productivity framework which expresses the growth of manufacturing output in terms of the growth of material inputs, labour, factory space, utilities, and capital, it is found that manufacturing TFP declined in 1984-1993. Given the same amount of inputs, the manufacturing sector could produce in 1993 only 87 percent of the output in 1984. Relaxing the constant-returns-to-scale assumption only reduces the extent of technology decline.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the espoused and actual achievements of government urban planning in Hong Kong in terms of the ideas of Hayek and Mises. With reference to observed facts, it is argued that it is indeed the spontaneous forces of the land market predicated on a leasehold system, a system of “planning by contract” or “planning by consent,” that have attained what the government planner in Hong Kong has not been able to deliver.  相似文献   

In a small‐open‐economy model with two tradables and one nontradable, if a price index of these three goods is stabilized and the exchange rate is flexible, conditions are obtained in the cases of two and of three or more factors for an export subsidy or an import tariff to result in currency appreciation. In the case of three or more factors, conditions are obtained under which either an export‐subsidy or an import‐tariff policy (or a combination) can take the place of a flexible exchange rate in accommodating the necessary resource allocation to an exogenous capital outflow, generalizing Keynes’s 1931 proposition.  相似文献   

Deregulation is often aimed at reducing mark-up pricing in technologically stagnant sheltered sectors. The paper shows that this may decrease the process of catching-up and welfare since it shifts resources away from R&D-intensive tradables sectors. Catching-up and deregulation are analyzed in an R&D-based growth model that allows for international capital mobility, trade, and spillovers. Knowledge spillovers raise the productivity of R&D in the exposed sector which results in catching-up. In the long run, the economy grows at the exogenous world growth rate. Capital mobility speeds up convergence. Temporary shocks have long-lasting effects as the economy exhibits hysteresis.  相似文献   

Outward‐oriented economies seem to grow faster than inward‐looking ones. Does the literature on convergence have anything to say on this? In the dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson model, with factor‐price equalization, there is no convergence of incomes. This is because with identical preferences and return to capital, irrespective of initial levels, the growth rates of consumption are the same. In the specific factors' model, there is factor‐price equalization in the long run, but incomes depend on endowments of non‐accumulable factors. Different specifications for the intersectorally mobile factors have different implications for development (as well as convergence).  相似文献   

This study takes a fresh look at the nature of financial and real business cycles in OECD countries using annual data series and shorter quarterly economic indicators. It first analyses whether the last cycle has been different compared to previous cycles in terms of length, amplitude, asymmetry and changes of these parameters during expansions and contractions. We also study the degree of economic and financial cycle synchronization between OECD countries but also of economic and financial variables within a given country and gauge the extent to which cycle synchronization changed over time. We next describe the connection between the great moderation and the last cycle. Finally, the study discusses the synchronization between the real economy and the financial sector and provides some new evidence on the banking sector's pro‐cyclicality by using aggregate and bank level. The main findings show that the amplitude of the real business cycle was becoming smaller during the great moderation, but asset price cycles were becoming more volatile. In part, this was linked to developments in the banking sector which tended to accentuate pro‐cyclical behaviour. Greater synchronization of cycles may help explain the severity of the crisis.  相似文献   

After the reunification of Hong Kong and China in 1997, Hong Kong is assured of a high degree of autonomy by the Basic Law. However, there remains some worry about the territory's economic viability and financial stability. Whether Chinese policies and China's remarkable growth momentum could continue to boost Hong Kong's prosperity has become an issue of concern. As the Chinese economic reform proceeds, the ‘China factor’ has been generating an increasing influence on the performance of the Hong Kong economy. Unfortunately, there have been very few rigorous quantitative analyses of this rapidly evolving development. To fill the gap, we have constructed a macroeconometric model of Hong Kong which takes into detailed account the linkages of the two economies including trade and capital flows. Estimation of the model incorporates error correction techniques to establish short-run dynamics and long-run equilibria. Our findings have identified crucial channels through which the ‘China factor’ has exerted impact on the Hong Kong economy. It is shown that the factor was not overwhelming up to the recent past, in terms of its stabilizing effects in the financial market and its stimulation on growth, although its influence may rise in the post-1997 era.  相似文献   

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