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Since the 1980s, a total of 221 small- and medium-sized rural industrial estates have been established primarily to induce economic growth into the rural areas in Korea. Despite a growing interest in the performance of the rural industrial estates, it has not been closely examined. The purpose of this paper is to find the plausible factors that have a significant influence on the performance of the rural industrial estates, thereby providing a general understanding of the structural relationship between the estate performance and its determinants. An econometric modeling approach, called LISREL, is used to carry out this evaluation. Of several influential determinants distinguished, seven variables appear to be of substantial significance. They include the urbanization and industrialization of the estate host community, the accessibility of the individual estates to the major cities, the distances from the estates to the large industrial complexes, the local tax rates, and the government loans and incentives. The findings imply that more favorable are the estates constructed within the labor market boundaries of the major cities and adjacent to large industrial complexes. In addition to the location and environmental factors, financial funds and incentives will continue to remain as an influential factor for the success or failure of the estates.  相似文献   

城市勋章荣耀中国新城市名片 有哪一个社区,可以像星河湾一样,成为北京朝阳区指定高层外宾接待场所,汤加国王、欧盟政要、英国亲王、联合国副秘书长、加勒比海14国大使等同为座上宾?有哪一个社区,可以像星河湾一样,由北京市规划委员会、北京市城市建设综合开发办公室、北京市城市规划学会等三大权威部门联合免费编制出版  相似文献   

In this study, we focus on migration from metropolitan to outside areas in Japan, and quantitatively examine the personal and regional determinants of this process. At the regional level, our results show that the determinants of migration differ depending upon whether migration occurs from smaller to larger cities or vice versa. In the case of migration from larger to smaller cities, the residential environment beyond the metropolitan area is more important than employment opportunities. At the personal level, we analyzed the differences among the determinants of migration, looking at migrants according to age categories and based on their motivations for migrating. The main factors encouraging migration comprised opportunities for employment, education, and marriage.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper focuses on the estimation of the latent variable human capital (HC) at disaggregated level (worker) by available routinely institutional data flows. In particular we utilize the Lombardy region administrative archive ‘Employment Centers of the Province of Milan’, collecting information about careers of workers in the private sector of the Milan area, and administrative flows collecting mandatory workers' individual income tax returns, filed with the National Internal Revenue Service. First, we propose and empirically estimate HC scores in a static (referred to 2004) framework, by means of a realistic measurement model within causal relationships among endogenous and exogenous (investment) HC indicators. Furthermore, the model also specifies a set of (concomitant) indicators that, not belonging to HC investment indicators, have causal impact on endogenous variables and on HC scores, too. Second, we propose a longitudinal analysis (period 2000–2004) aimed to investigate how workers' earned income growth rates vary over workers' educational levels and other personal characteristics. The empirical results of both analyses confirm the characteristics of the Italian job market, denoted by marked inequalities, and knowledge regarding the process of school to work transition, characterized by a weak incidence of education on longitudinal trajectories of earned income.  相似文献   

<正>在金科,企业文化是企业肌体的每一寸血管中流淌着的一种精神、是每一名员工发自内心的一份信仰。生生不息的文化,正在成为金科团队执行力的重要保障和公司持续成长的不竭动力。金科物业服务有限公司成立于1998年,公司注册资本5000万元,现有员工5200余人。目前管理规模已超过2700万平方米。自成立以来,关爱无处不在、迅速反应、创造感动的服务理念响彻全国。2008年,金科物业按照金科股份依托大重庆,挺进长三角,开拓环渤海,扩大中西  相似文献   

This paper surveys the recent literature exploring the consequences of urban pollution in the developing world for a city's productivity and resident quality of life. The environmental Kuznets curve literature predicts that developing nations will experience significant environmental degradation as a byproduct of economic development. In contrast, the recent literature that we review reverses this logic by arguing that geographic areas featuring lower levels of pollution will experience economic growth through improvements in health and human capital. In an economy where pollution reduces worker productivity, inhibits child development and repels the skilled from living in such an area, those cities featuring less pollution have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining the skilled. Given the central role that human capital plays in urban economic growth, such cities will be more likely to achieve sustainable long‐term growth.  相似文献   

Analysis of the development of urban communities suggests that sustainable population growth is based on a settlement's ability to attract and retain residents, rather than on natural causes (birth-death rates). In the special case of small, peripheral urban communities, sustained growth was found to be related to the location of the settlement, and in particular to the spatial characteristics of a cluster of urban settlements of which it may be a part. An index of clustering was defined, which allows an analysis of the combined effect on population growth of spatial isolation and distance from major metropolitan centers of the country. Although the present analysis was restricted to urban settlements in Israel, the mode of analysis and its applications for planning policy may be applicable to regional and urban physical planning elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about amenity-driven rural development strategies by examining the relationship between quality of life amenities and rural economic development in the Southeast USA. The premise is that what is true at a national level may provide a partial or misleading picture when we look at particular areas. Additionally, data available at the county level can often provide richer and more precise information than what is found at the national level. The paper estimates spatial regression models using county-level data. For the most part, the results suggest that the differences in quality of life and amenities factors can explain a large portion of the trend in per capita income, employment and population change across counties in the Southeast USA.  相似文献   

This paper examines the policy actions of earlier administrators in Nigeria. The account reveals that regional inequalities in the country evolved during the 100 years of British Colonial Administration. Moreover, activities of various ethno-linguistic groups in the country after political independence undoubtedly exacerbated the situation. The paper concludes that the major structural changes in agriculture, transportation and education initiated by the British during the colonial period: (a) had profound effects on the evolution of regional disparities; and (b) established an important basis for further development of the country. Nonetheless, activities of post-independence administrators have perpetuated and even aggravated the regional and individual socio-economic disparities in the country.  相似文献   

When adverse financial conditions mean that many life assurers have sharply reduced solvency levels, a number of new issues arise for regulators, including the basic issue of how solvency is measured. There are also issues about life assurers' investments, and their products and how they are priced. Lastly, the regulator (in the UK, the Financial Services Authority) needs to ensure that customers and their advisers have suitable information about the solvency of the firms they are dealing with.  相似文献   

This article examines the history of fire protection in London from the Great Fire of 1666 to the present and argues that many of the popular perceptions of market failure in the provision of fire protection that are repeated in standard economics textbooks are in fact myths. In reality, fire protection began in the private sector and only transferred to the public sector when insurance companies faced the prospect of collecting escalating premiums from their clients. To this day, voluntary and private provision in parts of the USA is a model of how fire protection can be provided more cheaply and more effectively outside the public sector.  相似文献   

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