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齐良书 《南方经济》2008,45(4):27-40
收入分配与人口健康的关系是一个争论已久的问题。本文在总结各种理论假说和以往实证研究的基础上,使用新的、质量较好的跨国面板数据,重新检验了收入分配与人口健康的关系。本文的分析重点有二:一是收入分配对人口健康的滞后影响;二是医疗资源在收入分配与人口健康的相关关系中所起的作用。本文的主要发现是,收入不均对人口健康的确有不利影响,但这种不利影响需要10年或更长的滞后期才能充分显现出来,这种滞后性是以往使用固定效应模型的跨国研究未能检测到收入不均与人口健康具有负相关关系的主要原因。此外,医疗资源(特别是初级医疗资源)人均拥有量对人口健康有积极作用;医疗资源有可能通过某种不可观察固定因素对收入分配与人口健康的关系发生影响。这些发现有助于澄清关于收入分配与人口健康关系的争论,对医疗政策也有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

上海城乡居民消费差距的实证分析和政策含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出,消费不仅在决定和影响一国或者一个地区宏观经济增长中具有非常重要的作用,而且在提高和改善居民生活水平和生活质量方面也具有直接意义。从长期增长来看,不仅要重视解决收入分配问题,更要解决消费增长和消费差距的问题。从实证分析来看,上海上海市最终消费率不仅低于世界平均水平,而且作为中国一个经济发达的城市,消费率既低于主要发达国家的水平,更低于中国平均水平;同时上海城市居民内部、农村居民内部以及城乡之间不同阶层的消费差距正在急剧扩大。这不仅不利于提升上海城乡居民生活水平和质量,而且也不利于上海经济增长方式的转变。因此,上海必需调整收入和消费政策,尤其是通过调整投资与消费的关系,收入增长与消费增长的关系,收入差距与消费差距等,以此促进上海经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

李晴  李明桥 《南方经济》2011,29(8):32-44
在各省市纷纷实施新型农村合作医疗门诊补偿的政策下,本文研究以下两个问题:新型农村合作医疗门诊补偿如何影响农户就诊的医疗需求行为?农户就诊医疗需求行为的变化又会对农户医疗费用产生什么样的影响?研究发现:门诊补偿导致患病农户及时进行门诊治疗,有效地抵御了健康风险,对于解决“因病致贫、因病返贫”问题有极大地促进作用,同时,估计出因门诊补偿导致农户医疗费用仅增长0.5%,这表明门诊补偿提高了农户医疗服务的福利水平。  相似文献   

本文简要分析了中国的医疗形势,提出了调整目标定位,把卫生部改名成国民健康部;推动全民健身法律的建设;调动基层力量实施全民保健运动;与教育部联动,加强学校健康教育;环境改造促健康等中国医疗体制改革的思路和一些具体措施。  相似文献   

论产业集聚的经济效应及其政策含义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产业集聚现象已成为理论界研究的热点,本文阐明了产业集聚的内涵及其特征,分析了其经济效应,并结合我国制造业的现状与存在的问题,提出了适合中国国情的产业集聚政策.同时本文试图说明用产业集聚的思想指导我国的产业政策,对于加速发展我国制造业,增进经济效益提升竞争力,将起到非常重要的作用,它作为一种内在的经济规律,理应引起政策制定者的高度重视并付诸正确实践.  相似文献   

赚钱、花钱,每个人都在不停地重复这个过程。不过,似乎很少有人能仔细地分析自己的消费习惯,能坚持每天记账的人更是少之又少。因此,很多人都不知道自己在哪些方面开销最多,直到钱包瘪了、账单来了,才后悔地想剁掉乱花钱的手。《中国报道》杂志特意在中国报道网进行了一次全国范围内的消费调查。在中国传统佳节春节到来之际,《中国报道》帮助您更好地认识您的消费习惯。  相似文献   

作为社会中的特殊群体,大学生的消费行为和消费水平在某种程度上折射了其生活状态与价值取向,消费现状是社会各个时期变化与特征的反映,同时也是社会对大学生的影响的体现。  相似文献   

大力强化农村特困人口医疗救助   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界卫生组织在《阿拉木图宣言》中指出:“健康是基本人权,达到尽可能高的健康水平,是世界范围内一项重要的社会目标。”世界银行1997年全球发展指标显示:按照世界银行对绝对贫困的定义,全球55亿口中有约13亿处于绝对贫困状态(约占1/4)。贫困人群的健康服务已成为21世纪人口与发展的一个新领域,其中最核心的服务之一便是对贫困人群实施医疗救助。  相似文献   

Marcus Alexis, in his Ph. D. dissertation and in later published work, conducted pioneering work in the area of black-white differences in consumption behavior and thereby influenced our understanding of household behavior and significantly impacted the field of marketing. This paper recapitulates his findings and reviews some contemporary work on black-white differences in consumption and some implications for future work on differences in consumption behavior.  相似文献   

余东华 《亚太经济》2008,(1):42-45,49
在110多年的反垄断实践中,美国反垄断政策的价值目标、判定原则和理论基础保持了动态演进。美国反垄断政策演进的基本动力是社会经济条件和国际环境的变化,经济学思潮也扮演了积极的促进角色。回顾和反思美国反垄断政策的演进历程和阶段性特征,对于我国制定和实施反垄断政策具有一定的借鉴意义和启示作用。  相似文献   

余东华 《亚太经济》2008,14(1):42-45
在110多年的反垄断实践中,美国反垄断政策的价值目标、判定原则和理论基础保持了动态演进。美国反垄断政策演进的基本动力是社会经济条件和国际环境的变化,经济学思潮也扮演了积极的促进角色。回顾和反思美国反垄断政策的演进历程和阶段性特征,对于我国制定和实施反垄断政策具有一定的借鉴意义和启示作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the magnitude and heterogeneity of foreign direct investment (FDI) export spillovers in China. Using a Heckman sample selection model estimated over a rich firm‐level dataset in China's manufacturing sector from 2000 to 2003, we find that FDI exerts significant impacts on the exporting behavior of domestic firms, and such impacts are heterogeneous in that some firms receive positive impacts while others receive negative impacts. The heterogeneity of FDI spillovers has significant policy implications as it indicates that government policies need to be more specific and targeted in order for the benefits of FDI to be reaped.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of the Home Appliances Going to the Countryside (HAGC) policy, a fiscal subsidy program implemented in China to boost private consumption of home appliances in rural areas from 2007 to 2012. Using the policy as a natural experiment and employing the difference‐in‐difference estimator, we find that the policy did not increase domestic sales of relevant goods as expected; instead, it actually reduced domestic sales and significantly promoted exports. These surprising results are robust across regressions of alternative datasets, more controls, and different regions. We further provide detailed information of undisclosed audit data for a county in Zhejiang province to shed light on the underlying mechanism of such unexpected results, suggesting loopholes in the HAGC and changes in export tax rebate rates.  相似文献   

Decomposing Income Inequality and Policy Implications in Rural China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using village data from samples covering 6 provinces,36 counties and 216 townships,the income inequalities within and between townships in rural China are assessed. The Theil index and the mean logarithmic deviation methods enable us to test income inequality at the township level,and to decompose it into intra-regional and inter-regional at county and provincial levels. In the present paper,we also decompose income inequalities between and within the nationally designated poor counties (NDPC). The results show that approximately two-thirds of the income inequality in rural China would be eliminated if measures and policies were targeted at the county level. This study also confirms the rationale that China's poverty alleviation strategy of focusing on poor counties based on the inequalities between NDPC and non-NDPC accounts for the most inter-province inequality.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the potential impacts of bio-ethanol expansion on agricultural production, food prices and farmers' incomes in different regions of China. The results show that increase in demand for feedstock to produce bio-ethanol will lead to large increase in the prices of agricultural products. The increase in prices will trigger a significant rise in the production of feedstock at the cost of lower rice and wheat production. The study also reveals that the impacts of bio-ethanol on farmers" incomes vary largely among regions and farmer groups. Given the expected expansion of bio-ethanol production in the future, and the limited land resources for feedstock production in China, the viability of different crops as feedstock for bio-ethanol requires careful analysis before a large-scale expansion of China's bio-ethanol program. Bio-ethanol production in China should be relying more on the second generation of bio-ethanol technologies (i.e. using celluloses to produce bio-ethanol), and China's government should increase research investment in this field.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the twin surpluses in China's balance of payments will disappear in the future as a result of external and internal structural changes. China's current account surplus will diminish as a result of the decline in the goods trade surplus, the expanding service trade deficit and negative investment income. China's capital account might shift from surplus to deficit as a result of shrinking net direct investment inflows and more volatile short‐term capital flows. When the twin surpluses no longer exist, the normalization of the US treasury bond yields will be sped up, terminating the one‐way appreciation of the RMB exchange rate; the People's Bank of China's pressure to sterilize inflows will be alleviated, and new problems for the People's Bank of China's monetary operation will emerge; new financial vulnerabilities for the Chinese economy will arise. Finally, the present paper provides some policy suggestions for the Chinese Government to deal with the declining twin surpluses.  相似文献   

本文运用投入产出模型测算了2005年和2010年中国工业出口贸易的灰色水排放强度与灰色虚拟水流量,并利用LMDI因素分解方法分析了工业出口的规模变化、灰色水排放强度与贸易结构变化对中国工业出口贸易中灰色虚拟水流量的影响。研究表明:中国工业出口贸易的灰色水排放强度降低与结构优化有效遏制了出口规模扩大所带来的灰色虚拟水排放量的增长,实现了工业出口贸易中灰色虚拟水流量的负增长。此外,本文还根据研究结论对其政策含义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In late February 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves. Beijing is now faced with the growing challenge of how to handle these vast reserves effectively. Although China's soaring foreign exchange reserves indicate that its overall strength has grown, they have created internal and external pressures on the balance of the economy, and introduced risks to the financial system. It is estimated in the present study that foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$ 400bn in 2005 would have been appropriate under circumstances of a managed floating exchange rate regime and capital control. China's actual reserves have far exceeded its normal demand. The objective of China is to maintain an optimal level that maximizes net benefits as a whole. Four main policy options are available for China to achieve its target: spending and investing foreign exchange reserves, gradual liberalization of the capital account, diversification of foreign exchange reserves and a switch in holders of foreign exchange reserves. Spending and investing in foreign exchange reserves can be undertaken in combination with liberalization in the capital account, given careful consideration of the risks involved. Liberalization should be extensive but gradual so that companies and individuals can adjust to changes in financial markets and manage portfolios while avoiding unnecessary risks. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

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