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刘英丽  陈竹 《商界》2005,(9):20-21
中国80%以上的民营企业都是家族产业,这些从上世纪八九十年代开始创业的老板,如今大多四五十岁,少数已是60岁左右。对于他们来说,寻找接班人,可能是当下最为紧要的事。  相似文献   

浅谈家族企业人才资源管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家族企业是家族成员对企业所有权和经营权进行控制的企业:改革开放以来.我国脖家族企业发展很快据中国社会科学院的调查显示我国私营企业有80%是家族企业或泛家族企业,他们大多采取家族式的管理和组织形式.其特点是所有权和经营管理权高度集中。家族企业的管理模式在企业发展的特定阶段具有一定的  相似文献   

代颖 《市场论坛》2008,(2):60-61
文章通过对家族企业和家族企业发展过程问题的阐述,来说明职业经理人的必要性,以及经理人进入家族企业后,出现的问题和化解问题的途径。  相似文献   

中国改革开放的一大特色,就是在全国范围内出现了一类民营企业,江浙一带尤为集中。这类企业很多都采用家族制,即是家族企业:企业的领导是家族中该企业的发起人,一般是长辈,其宗素和儿女或多或少都参与企业的管理,且下一任领导极有可能在其子女中产生。  相似文献   

本文结合当前我国家族企业人力资源管理的现状及存在的问题,分析了家族式管理模式。在此基础上,结合我国国情,提出走一条适合我国民营企业的人力资源管理模式发展路线,即由家族式管理模式转型到一种复合型团队化管理模式,并结合企业实例,论证其可行性。  相似文献   

本文通过对家族企业在管理模式中出现的种种弊端,提出了提高企业家素质,塑造积极的企业文化;提高企业内部结构化水平;进行职业化管理;政府引导,完善经济环境等措施,对家族企业进行管理模式的改造。  相似文献   

相较于国外家族企业的长盛不衰,我国的家族企业似乎总也打不破富不过三代的魔咒。本文通过对中国家族企业发展历史和现状的分析,比较国内外家族企业的异同,探索我国家族企业的发展策略。  相似文献   

我国家族企业的发展与社会化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家族企业是由血缘关系、婚姻关系、宗族关系及同乡亲朋关系等形成的家族或群体所有并管理的企业。在当代经济活动中,家族企业应是企业种群中最大、最有活力的一族,数量庞大且类型复杂;既有街头路边的夫妻小店,又有跻身500强的跨国公司,既有创业者一人拥有、控制的公司,也有由众多血亲关系疏密不一的亲友共同拥有、内部关系错综复杂的公司。作为一种普遍的企业形式,当今大大小小的家族企业,活跃在经济的各个领域与行业之中。  相似文献   

严红  夏洪胜  严峻 《商场现代化》2006,(16):155-156
我国家族企业随着发展壮大,逐步开始进行职业化管理,但是在职业化管理过程中存在着许多问题,本文对这些问题进行分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

国有企业的产权问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国国有企业虽然在经营机制上发生了一些变化,由原来的面向国家计划目标逐步转到面向市场,企业的动力机制也发生了一些变化。但是企业产权及其安排并没有发生实质性的改进,使得原有的机制不灵、效率不高、预算软约束、大面积亏损等问题仍然没有从根本上得到解决。  相似文献   

涂玉龙 《江苏商论》2012,(3):139-142
本文从我国家族和家族文化的视角入手,探讨了家族和家族文化在家族企业发展中的积极影响:节约管理隐性成本;面对多变经营环境快速作出反应;劳资关系的和谐稳定;企业原始积累快;管理决策高效;企业人力资源易整合,及企业发展提供所需的企业精神动力。这些积极因素的有效利用,有助于家族企业在发展中赢得其他经济组织所没有的竞争优势。同时家族企业需善用家族资源,防止家族资源的负化。  相似文献   

论优化家族化管理促进民营经济发展的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马斌 《商业研究》2002,(8):23-26
2 0世纪 90年代中期 ,我国民营经济在经历了恢复、发展、和崛起阶段后 ,普遍陷入了规模小、档次低、管理乱、效益差的“二次创业”困境之中。但绝对不能否认民营经济的地位和作用 ,应根据我国民营经济的现状改革和优化家族化管理 ,提高管理水平 ,实现中国民营经济的二次创业。  相似文献   

The creation of new business ventures (NBVs) is considered to be a central element of entrepreneurship theory and research. The processes by which individuals set intentions, gather resources, build organizations, and manage exchanges between the organization and external groups (which include family members) are important processes in the creation of NBVs. The more NBVs do these activities, the more likely they will succeed. Different research agendas have examined the factors that influence the new business venture operator's (NBVO) success in forming a NBV. One of the more recent streams of research has focused on the NBVO's human and social capital. Human capital in the form of education and experience appears to be an important asset to the NBVO. Social capital as a NBVO resource is less widely studied. Davidsson and Honig suggest that simply having a spouse is an important resource for NBVOs. Previous research suggests that spousal social support may be helpful for several reasons. First, some spouses may provide unpaid work to help the business succeed. They may provide financial resources which reduce the urgency of cash flow problems or facilitate the entrepreneur's abilities to acquire loans. Finally, they may provide emotional encouragement and support. Together, these spousal resources may help NBVOs to overcome the liabilities of newness. However, others have suggested that spouses may be a liability and that work and family conflict may become a resource constraint for married NBVOs. There is a limited but growing body of research empirically demonstrating that married NBVOs are likely to experience strain from work and family conflict (WFC). Married NBVOs may have complex family dynamics, and spouses may act in ways that create strain on the NBVO. From a social capital perspective, social capital needs to be maintained which can be a resource drain. If so, then those spousal actions are likely to draw on the NBVOs resources to manage family dynamics. This resource drain could negatively affect the success of the NBV. Based on Sustainable Family Business Theory II, this paper investigates the degree that the NBVO's spouse is a constraint on the creation of a NBV. In particular, we focus on NBVO strain as there is significant evidence that NBVOs experience more strain than individuals in other types of gainful employment. Furthermore, this strain has some debilitating effects that may threaten the viability of any business venture. This could be most critical in the start‐up phase when the survival of the firm is most at risk. Using Sustainable Family Business Theory II as a foundation, we investigate the degree that WFC creates NBVO strain both directly from NBVO's perceptions of WFC and the degree that spouse may be a liability by passing spousal strain from WFC to the NBVO. Furthermore, we investigate how a spouse who is committed to the NBVO may exacerbate the liability of newness. We test these relationships on a sample of 110 new small businesses provided through two different state Small Business Development Center offices. This sample represented a diversity of industries and diversity by gender. The results suggest that when a spouse experiences WFC, a spouse is likely to be a resource constraint that creates NBVO physiological strain. Furthermore, spousal commitment to the NBV is likely to exacerbate this relationship. These results imply that, first, a spouse is not inherently a resource or a constraint in the creation of NBVs. The degree of spousal WFC is likely to expand or constrict NBVO resources to be successful. Thus, more research is needed to investigate WFC linked to NBV creation.  相似文献   

庞涛  吴道友 《商业研究》2003,(18):50-53,59
家族企业在世界和中国经济中都扮演了重要角色,从succession planning(后备计划或管理继承人计划)的概念出发,界定了涉及的家族企业的范畴,对关乎其兴衰成败的最高领导人CEO的接班计划进行了考察,区分了两类不同的家族企业接班计划,并着重对第一种接班计划的动力学过程进行了描述,最后,对中国文化背景下家族企业接班计划的应用做了一些思考。  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the relationship between family business (FB) and human resource management (HRM) abroad. Our analysis provides two main results. First, not all organizational attributes of FBs exert the same effect on the approach to HRM abroad. Whereas participation of family members in the board of directors displays no significant impact, ownership and family managerial models favor the exploitation of the human resources supplied by the parent company. In contrast, the involvement of young successors favors an explorative attitude. Second, a multidimensional approach has better explanatory power compared with a dichotomous classification of FBs.  相似文献   

成本控制认识的误区及解决对策的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的成本控制认识存在着不少的误区,导致了企业成本控制失效,竞争力下降。基于价值链的理论基础和知识经济对企业成本控制的要求,从成本控制的主体、客体、控制方式以及控制目标四个方面来探讨这一问题并提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study is to ascertain the impact of family, business, and community factors on the socially responsible processes of small family businesses, and investigate the influence of financial success and attitudes toward community on these processes. The research is grounded in the Sustainable Family Business Theory, which has been enhanced to include the interactive and collaborative action, both economically and socially, of family businesses and their communities. Data are from the National Family Business Survey, 2000 panel. The processes studied include interpersonal transactions in the form of community leadership and holding an elected or appointed office, and resource transactions in the form of providing financial or technical assistance in community development, and providing donations to local programs. Models assessed the probability and intensity of assistance provided by family businesses. The findings indicate that the social and economic climate of the community may contribute to the performance of responsible actions by businesses because human, social and financial capital resources from both the family and the business can be used to solve problems in the community. The most robust result was that individuals with very positive attitudes about their local communities were more likely to serve in leadership positions and make financial and technical contributions to the community. Business owners in economically vulnerable communities were willing to assume more responsibility to fill leadership positions in the community and make substantial contributions of financial and technical assistance than those in less vulnerable communities. Policymakers must recognize the many contributions of family businesses and forge rural developmentpolicies that not only help sustain existing businesses and fuel the engine of economic growth, but encourage human capital development, and, in turn, enhance the contributions of the family and the business to their community.  相似文献   

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