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罗勇 《西藏旅游》2014,(8):118-122
对于西藏,很多人将其定格为高海拔、荒凉。其实不然,上天格外恩赐这块土地,印度洋的暖湿汽流,经雅鲁藏布大峡谷,一路上行,雅江成为水汽演进的大通道,尤其是在西藏林芝地区特征最为明显。  相似文献   

警察自由裁量权是警察权中最显著和独特的一部分。由于它在执法过程中衍生出来的各种问题,使其在被发现之日起,美国的警政专家就对此进行了大量的研究,并探索出了有效的控制方法。  相似文献   

《道路运输条例》(以下简称《道条》)在赋予运管机构行政处罚权的同时给予了行政处罚的自由裁量权,即根据违法的具体情况在法定的裁量权限范围内,确定处罚内容、处罚幅度等,做出处罚决定,实施处罚。当前,如何正确行使自由裁量权,切实保障当事人的合法权益,是公众广泛关注的热点问题,也是难点问题,笔者认为必须从处罚程序切人,合理控制。  相似文献   

行政处罚中的自由裁量权是行政管理权力的重要组成部分:自由裁量权的设定,可以调动行政执法人员的主观能动性,提高行政效率,但同时也潜伏着自由裁量权被滥用的可能性,以至对当事人道成危害和不良社会影响。本文在分析目前道路运输行政处罚过程中运用自由裁量权状况的基础上,对自由裁量权的控制问题提些看法。  相似文献   

如今已不存在于美国公路地图上的66号公路,是人类公路史上的。一个传奇。由芝加哥一路连贯到洛杉矶,向南延伸至圣塔蒙尼卡(SantaMonica)、全长3900多公里,横跨8个州、3个时区,串联起美国中西部到西海岸,物换星移,这条历经繁华兴盛到没落衰败的公路被称为美国文化的缩影,更被誉为“自由和梦想的道路”。  相似文献   

“我从小就是个女汉子” 在拉萨午后的温暖阳光下,蓝天坐在自家客栈的院子里,娴熟地泡起一壶普洱茶。她最喜欢的就是拉萨铺天盖地倾泻而下的阳光。“冬天,就适合来西藏晒太阳。”轮椅上的蓝天笑容灿烂。  相似文献   

为了提高无线通信系统的纠错能力,本文提出了一种可硬件实现的准循环低密度奇偶校验(Quasi-CyclicLow-Density Parity-Check,QC-LDPC)码的设计方法。这种方法通过改进密度进化算法得到任意码率的好的度分布对,然后采用改进后的PEG(Progressive Edge-Growth)算法得到校验母矩阵,接着在置换序列填充校验母矩阵的过程中施加增大围长(girth)和ACE(Approximate Cycle Extrinsic MessageDegree)约束,使最后得到的QC-LDPC码不仅具有码率自由的优点,并且它的误码平台低。仿真结果表明采用本方法设计的QC-LDPC码与IEEE802.16e中对应码率的QC-LDPC码相比性能更好。  相似文献   

行政处罚自由裁量权是指国家行政机关在法律、法规规定的原则和范围内有选择余地的处置权力。它是行政机关及其工作人员在行政执法活动中客观存在的,有法律、法规授予的职权。自税费改革以来,各级运政管理机构就把工作重点转移到加强行业管理和行政执法上来,  相似文献   

张大魁先生现任山西省稷山县文联名誉主席,已64岁。他15岁登台演戏在当地小有名气。先生大学毕业后,历任县剧团编剧、团长和文化局副局长、县文联主席等职。先后编写过大小剧本30余个,并有多部获奖。退居二线后他在创作之余,潜心于书法研究有30余幅作品在全国参展并获奖,被收入《中国国际文学艺术大观》、《全国文联书画家作品集》、忡华书画家精品集》、《二十世纪书画艺术》等书籍中。笔者前些年因创办一张报,与先生相识,多年来一直交往频繁。1998年冬,因数月未见先生面正想抽空去看望他,突然在《稷山诗联报》看到先生写的一首诗…  相似文献   

行政部门的自由裁量权是现代行政权的核心,是一种真正的、实质的行政权力.行政权力本来应该是法定和固定的,但是法律法规在制定时给予行政许可和行政执法较多的自由裁量,因而行政部门在实施过程中自由裁量人为因素过大,导致自由裁量权随意而为,自由裁量甚至成为独断的、模糊的权力代名词.任性执法、权力寻租、腐败滋生,执法人员办关系案、人情案,同案不同罚等现象无法根除,导致行政复议、行政诉讼案件连年攀升,行政相对人和行政部门之间矛盾加剧,没有实现行政法——“良法”真正地服务社会、服务百姓的初衷.  相似文献   

秦艺菡 《西藏旅游》2010,(9):156-157
藏地的神医,七七四十九天坐台,将藏地充满灵性的一草一木,一沙一石幻化为治病的良药。入你的口,或甘甜,或苦涩,每一粒药丸都藏着古老而又神秘的配方,这些配方,只有藏医药师能读懂。  相似文献   

一、弹性预算的概念弹性预算,顾名思义,是一种具有伸缩性的预算,在不能准确预测预期业务量的情况下,根据成本性态及业务量、成本和利润之间的依存关系,按预算期内可能发生的业务量编制的一系列预算。弹性预算用以适应市场环境的变化,从而在不同业务量下,达到有效地规划、组织、指挥和协调各种生产经营活动和企业理财活动。弹性预算可应用于企业理财活动中一切预算领域,即可编制筹资预算、投资预算、资金营运预算和利润分配预算等。二、弹性预算的编制方法以成本预算为例,弹性预算的编制按以下步骤进行:1.选择业务量的计量单位编制弹性预算,…  相似文献   

In the post-liberalization period, competition has increased in airline markets. In this context, network carriers have two alternative strategies to compete with low-cost carriers. First, they may establish a low-cost subsidiary. Second, they may try to reduce costs using the main brand. This paper examines a successful strategy of the first type implemented by Iberia in the Spanish domestic market. Our analysis of data and the estimation of a pricing equation show that Iberia has been able to charge lower prices than rivals with its low-cost subsidiary. The pricing policy of the Spanish network carrier has been particularly aggressive on less dense routes and shorter routes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bi-objective VMI problem in a single manufacturer-single vendor multi-retailer (SM-SV-MR) supply chain, which a redundancy allocation problem is incorporated. In the hybridized problem, a manufacturer produces a single item using several machines that work in series, and stores it in a warehouse to replenish one vendor who delivers it to several retailers using the shortest possible route. A novel meta-heuristic, called hybrid bat algorithm (HBA), with calibrated parameters is utilized to find a near-optimum solution. To show the efficiency of HBA, the results are compared to the ones using the traditional BA and a genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

To date, transport exclusion has largely been approached from an accessibility perspective, developing place- and individual-based measures. However, these measures present a weakness in that they typically capture aggregate patterns. To address this disadvantage, in this paper, social-based measures to transport exclusion from a media perspective are explored. The objective is to analyze the content of a transport-related blog initiated by a local newspaper in the city of Cali, Colombia to determine if any potential indicators of social exclusion can be gleaned from this source. A two-step content analysis is performed on the entries to determine if indicators are present that may be a current source of exclusion, or that may potentially cause individuals to exclude themselves from the system. Findings reveal that bloggers made reference to geographic, time, and fear-based exclusionary dimensions, as well as personal and societal. Such a forum thus holds the potential to inform policy makers of enhancements that can be made to the system that help make it more socially inclusive. The study is unique in its developing country setting where public participation in transport planning is rare.  相似文献   

The state of the nation’s infrastructure is the subject of widespread discussion and comment because it is thought to include many deteriorating and unsafe bridges. Ever since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there has been increasing concern over the extent to which an attack on infrastructure could result in serious economic disruption. This research develops a model to analyze the economic consequences of an attack on a major element of the highway network. We add a freight network to a national multiregional economic impact model and make freight traffic flows endogenous. The use of a sub-national interstate model recognizes that most infrastructure planning is at the state level and most political leaders’ interest is local. We base our approach on the National Interstate Economic Model (NIEMO) and refer to an elaboration that we name Transportation network and the National Interstate Economic Model (TransNIEMO). The new model enables us to study the state-specific and industry-specific economic impacts of some significant changes in the nature of highway freight movements. We tested the model for selected freight movements in and out of California. The results are entirely plausible and encourage us to elaborate and test the model for hypothetical disruptions of freight traffic throughout the US.  相似文献   

This paper explores the critical challenges encountered in the transformation process of Hong Kong from a freight transport hub city to a knowledge-based global supply chain management center (GSCMC). The exploration involves an examination of the structural issues of the logistics industry in Hong Kong within the framework of global value chains (GVC). A questionnaire survey and a series of interviews were conducted to reveal the essential problems that the key parties of the Hong Kong logistics industry face if the transition of Hong Kong into a GSCMC is to be successful in all segments of the industry. Through a categorical analysis of logistics segments, the hurdles to the GSCMC as well as the institutional measures are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This study explored the factors that determine the tourism attractiveness of a seniors-friendly destination drawing upon an expert panel. A list of 20 destination-specific attributes was generated through a literature review and was then classified, using the ‘4 As’ of tourism destination management practice: Attractions, Access, Amenities, and Ancillary Services. The results identified the essential components of a seniors-friendly tourism destination as barrier-free public transportation facilities, barrier-free accommodation facilities, variety of seniors-only accommodation options, barrier-free facilities along customized travel routes, and variety of public transport options. While accessibility and amenities constitute important and/or essential experiential components in a seniors-friendly destination, complementary services and tourism resources also contribute to tourism attractiveness. It is concluded that the ability of a destination to accommodate the special needs of senior travellers could be further enhanced by extending the availability and variety of both lodging- and transport-related barrier-free facilities and services. From a scholarly perspective, the study reinforces the need to address the desire amongst seniors in general for a sense of freedom and mobility, and the reality that a substantial subgroup have needs that merit special provision.  相似文献   

The supply of spare parts has a crucial role in the aviation sector, mainly due to the high costs of spare parts and to the strict availability requirements. In a stand-alone scenario, an airline owns the spare parts and manages the maintenance tasks by itself. A new trend consists of not owning the spare parts and delegate the maintenance tasks to an external company, taking advantage of a specific Performance Based Contract (PBC). The PBCs aim to reduce the ownership cost for the customer airline, while ensuring a target system performance. Spare parts become a variable cost for the customer airline and a business income for the maintenance supplier, which is commonly another airline.This paper proposes an innovative model, i.e. the PBC-METRIC, which supports the customer airline manager to minimize the spare parts supply cost, in compliance with the airline availability requirements and with respect to the PBC. In detail, the PBC-METRIC models a multi-echelon, multi-item, single-indenture, multi-transportation network, by an innovative two-steps algorithm, defining the PBC specifications as modelling variables and parameters. A case study on a European airline, with the role of customer in a PBC, illustrates the outcome of the model.  相似文献   

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