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农村信用社作为我国农村经济发展的重要推动力,为我国社会主义新农村的建设提供了强大的金融支持.然而,我国农村信用社的金融服务尚不完善,还存在较大的改进空间.其中,农村信用社的支付结算服务就存在着一定的不足之处.基于此,笔者就我国农村信用社支付结算服务问题进行了分析论述,文章首先阐述了加强农村信用社支付结算的背景,继而分析了农村信用社支付结算服务存在的主要问题,最后提出了提高农村信用社支付结算服务的几点对策,以期能够对我国当前农村信用社支付结算服务的有效开展提供一点可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

商业银行支付结算业务创新初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是科学发展的必然要求,是银行实现业务领先的源动力。支付结算业务创新包括支付结算产品和支付结算制度的创新。本文概括了我国支付结算业务发展创新的趋势,对制约我国商业银行支付业务创新的主要因素进行了分析,以科学发展观为指导提出了推动我国支付结算业务创新的设想和建议。  相似文献   

钱国根 《当代经济》2016,(12):49-50
本文在对欧美主要国家支付结算领域消费者权益保护机构改革模式进行比较分析的基础上,结合中国实际提出了中国支付结算领域消费者权益保护机构体系建设的设想,希望对我国支付结算消费者保护事业的发展有所裨益.  相似文献   

叶青 《新经济》2014,(8):37-38
支付结算业务是网上银行最重要的业务,处理好支付结算中的技术问题和法律问题,可以为网上银行其他业务的良性发展奠定基础.本文从法律角度初步探讨网上银行支付结算中的法律关系、法律责任以及立法原则等问题,以期完善电子支付结算的法律保障,促进网上银行的进一步发展.  相似文献   

以票据和非票据结算方式为中心的传统结算方式,在我国的市场经济中发挥了重要的作用.但随着互联网时代的到来,传统结算方式受到了严重的冲击和挑战.以网上银行和第三方支付平台为中心的现代结算方式已成为支付结算的新生力量,特别是移动支付已经异军突起,已经成为重要的支付手段,成为拉动消费的重要组成部分,"互联网+"金融时代的到来,标志着现代化的支付结算体系已基本形成.  相似文献   

境内外币支付系统是我国第一个全国性、支持多币种支付清算的系统,为商业银行提供了安全、高效、公平的外币支付清算服务,已成为我国境内外币支付清算的重要渠道。但是,系统在推广、运行中还存在的一些值得关注的问题,如境内银行间互联互通,系统功能的运用和拓展,代理结算银行的结算服务,系统监管以及系统与国际主要支付系统的连接等,本文就此展开分析并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

任丽丽 《经济师》2009,(11):211-212
近年采,我国支付结算环境发生了巨大变化.但与之相适应的支付结算服务收费法律、政策和监管环境却未进行相应的更新,难以适应支付结算业务发展的需要。文章根据当前支付结算环境和存在的问题,提出了规范支付结算服务收费的一些建议。  相似文献   

在现代经济社会中,非现金支付结算工具作为一种现代化的支付手段,具有方便、快捷、成本低的特点.但目前我国农村地区仍然以现金结算为主,在农村地区推广和应用非现金结算工具存在一些制约因素."以县域为重点,大力推动非现金支付工具的推广使用"是央行"推进支付体系建设"工作中的一项重要内容.积极探索改善农村支付服务体系建设,扩大农村地区非现金支付工具的推广使用,对改善农村金融服务、促进农村地区经济发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

尹龙 《经济导刊》2000,(6):70-74
网络经济 ,或者数字经济的发展 ,离不开一套高效、便利的电子支付体系 ,它是电子商务、网络银行等发展的必不可少的基础。目前国内尽管对电子商务的讨论 ,但对电子支付方式的研究却很少。本文对美国经济中的电子支付情况进行一些综合分析。美国的支付清算体系可以分为现金支付清算和非现金支付清算。现金的支付清算主要是银行间相互代理业务所形成的资金债务 ,在代理行之间以及通过联储进行。非现金支付结算则是利用支票、信用卡等支付工具进行的结算 ,它可以分为3个层次 ,依赖于4个并行的系统 ,即在12个区行间进行的全国资金清算层 ;区…  相似文献   

支付结算体系作为国家重要的金融基础设施和社会资金运行的大动脉,关系到金融稳定和社会安定,维护支付结算的正常运行是法律赋予人民银行的重要职责.人民银行作为支付体系的组织者、管理者、监督者,应充分发挥好法律赋予的支付结算管理职能.加强支付结算调查的研究,大力推广票据使用上运用新的支付工具,不断改进支付结算手段,维护支付体系安全稳定,服务社会主义市场经济.同时,要逐步建立支付结算监督管理责任追求制度,强化支付结算的监管力度,维护结算当事人的合法权益,防范支付风险和案件发生.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the choice of banks between alternative channels for interbank payments. The conventional view assumes a tradeoff between the safety of real-time gross settlement (RTGS) and the liquidity savings of multilateral netting. Moreover, correspondent banking is believed to be inefficient, both in terms of liquidity and of administrative costs. In the last decade, however, the impulse of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, technological changes and the management of RTGS systems by central banks have reduced the difference between the various systems. This is especially true for risk, whereas liquidity cost crucially depends on the refinancing policy adopted by the central bank and the co-ordination among the participants. On the basis of the recent evolution of payment systems in Europe, we verify the importance of liquidity, as well as other variables like transaction costs, for the choice of banks among different settlement systems. Cost factors imply that the nature of payments flows (value, commercial versus financial) and some structural features of the banking systems (dimension of the intermediaries, concentration of the banking sector) become important. The analysis is carried out both through a theoretical model and a cross-country comparison based on three data sources: ECB (European Central Bank, EBA (Euro Banking Association) and SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication).  相似文献   

张俊 《当代财经》2012,(2):33-42
县际竞争、转移支付与县级财政举债决策存在相应的联动机制,进而影响县级财政发展质量。研究表明,中国式县际竞争做对了县域经济增长的激励,县级财政收支之间不存在因果关系,但与GDP增长相关。而分税制以来中国式县际竞争日益凸显其财政的负外部性,县级政府举债是县际竞争与目前财政激励约束机制相结合的必然结果。转移支付并不总能对县级财政行为产生正向激励效应,反而加剧了县际竞争的激烈程度,过度举债是县级政府对转移支付激励的策略性选择。  相似文献   


In this work, we analyse the topology of the network of interbank payment flows settled via the real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) of the Angolan payment system (APS) during the fourth quarter of 2016, with the aim of discussing the APS resilience to systemic risk, focusing on its vulnerability in case of failures in the settlement of any bank payments. We conclude that (i) the Angolan RTGS payment network is sparse, characterized by low connectivity, (ii) it is a scale-free network with five banks with high connectivity, representing the main origin and destination of the settled transactions and concentrating about 47% of the total volume and amount of payments settled, which adds to contagion risk. However (iii) the systemic risk arising from the removal of a single participant from the network is low, since the largest bank in the system, with the greatest transacted volume and amount, accounts only for about 11% of the total transacted amounts. In addition, (iv) the adequate risk-mitigating operational processes of each of the RTGS subsystems safeguard the APS from systemic risk.  相似文献   

财力均等化是中央转移支付的最基本目标,是落后地区实现公共服务均等化的基础。本文选取了尽量能反映区域特点的13个指标,对我国的省级行政辖区做了发达地区、中等发达地区和欠发达地区的划分,把研究的视角聚焦于欠发达地区。通过变异系数指标对比了中央转移支付对三大区域的财力均等化效应,结论显示,欠发达地区的财力均等化不仅没有得到改善,其间的财力差距反而被不断拉大。欠发达地区受中央转移支付财力均等化效应不显著的原因可能与中央转移支付制度设计的导向不清和欠发达地区畸形依赖专项转移支付有关。  相似文献   

一般性转移支付是我国转移支付制度的重要组成部分,它是中央财政为了平衡地区间财力差异、促进基本公共服务均等化为目的的重要制度安排。然而,中央财政以均等化为目标、以标准财政收支差为依据对省(市、自治区)拨付一般性转移支付资金,以及省对县(市)级政府拨付该项资金时,并没有规定具体用途,因此,县(市)级地方政府拥有对这部分资金完全的自主支配权。在多重目标,尤其是经济增长目标的压力下,一般性转移支付资金可能被挪用和挤占,上级政府实现公共服务均等化的政策意图难以达到预期的效果。本文的目的是:从制度层面论述一般性转移支付政策目标与效率评价的内在联系;探讨DEA二次相对效益模型对一般性转移支付绩效评价的适用性;从基本公共服务资金配置和提升效率两个方面,构建了省对县(市)一般性转移支付绩效评价体系;以云南省的县(市)为样本,对一般性转移支付绩效进行实证模拟评价;提出建立绩效评价是完善省对县(市)一般性转移支付制度的重要内容。  相似文献   

The Federal Reserve named improvements in the speed and security of the payment system as two of its policy initiatives for 2012–2016. Using new data from the 2013 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC) and models from earlier research, we estimate how various aspects of speed and security influence consumers' decisions to adopt and use payment instruments. Some aspects of speed and security have a statistically significant influence on the adoption and use of selected payment instruments, but not as much as other characteristics of payment instruments. Using econometric models to simulate selected policies proposed by the Fed, we show that faster speed of payment deduction for Automatic Clearing House (ACH) transactions would slightly increase consumers' adoption of ACH‐based payment methods, while enhanced security of payment cards would marginally increase the use of credit and debit cards. However, neither improvement is likely to increase consumer welfare much because consumer demand for payments is very inelastic with respect to speed and security. Our analysis focuses exclusively on consumers' behavior and does not include potential benefits of improvements to the payment system that would directly benefit businesses or financial institutions. In addition, preventing security breaches may preserve public confidence in the payment system, benefitting consumers even if they do not change their payment behavior. (JEL D12, D14, E58)  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to address a question concerning risk management in continuing, multi-party, contractual, clearing and settlement arrangements through which large-value payments are typically made. We are particularly interested in the issues of incentive compatibility when a third party possesses a private information concerning the riskiness of transfers being made. If a third party possesses private information that would be of value in determining how best to settle a payment, how does the exposure of that party to the settlement risk affect the quality of information that the party chooses to provide? In this paper, we address this question by analyzing a specific class of parametric environments of a schematic, formal, model of a settlement arrangement or a payment network.  相似文献   

本文以国定扶贫县为研究对象,并细分“老、少、边、穷”四个地区,分析财政转移支付对贫困地区财政支出行为变化的影响。文章利用动态面板回归模型,采用系统GMM法,详细研究了各类转移支付以及增量转移支付对国定扶贫县财政支出结构的影响,研究表明,地方政府在既有支出格局下并没有特别偏向某类财政支出。这说明国定扶贫县可能为保住“贫困县”帽子,转移支付被用于维护自身的利益支出以及协调各方的利益关系。  相似文献   

国内第三方支付市场发展迅猛,作为一种新型的支付清算体系,它的诞生也为现代金融体系增加了新的宏观经济风险。本文针对第三方支付独特的风险机理,探讨将其纳入宏观审慎监管框架的理论依据,同时在借鉴欧美经验的基础上,提出我国的监管对策。  相似文献   

As is widely recognized both in the literature and by the practitioners, the treatment of financial intermediaries has been one of the most controversial issues in national accounting. This has been so largely because no one up to now has been able to define the output of banks and other financial intermediaries. In the present paper, a theory of services in general and of financial services in particular is used to demonstrate that financial intermediaries produce at least six commodity type services. Furthermore, it is argued that in order to solve the banking imputation problem it is necessary to separate the theory of interest rates from the theory of financial services and examine the interdependence between them. The gross interest rate must be unbundled because it contains three distinct components. These are, first, the pure interest rate, which reflects payment for a factor-type service; second, payments for six commodity-type services, which reflect the output of financial intermediaries; and, third, payments for unilateral transfers. The new unbundled approach is contrasted to the old bundle approach used and/or advocated by standard economic theory, the SNA, Sunga and the Ruggleses. Furthermore, it is recommended that payments for the pure interest rate be considered as part of income of the paying enterprise or sector while payments for financial services by enterprises to other enterprises should be considered as intermediate purchases.  相似文献   

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