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We contribute to the literature by providing a more comprehensive understanding of the impact the euro has had on financial market integration with economies of different characteristics outside and within the European market via inclusion of market conditions influence on the level of financial integration. Our paper employs the recently developed cross-quantilogram (Han et al., 2016) approach to examine quantile dependence between the conditional stock return distributions of Germany and the UK with that of three common currency groups within EMU (Finland, France, and Italy), two global leading markets (the US and Japan), and two of the most promising emerging markets (China and India). We find three key results. First, both the EU membership and the common currency union affect the degree of financial market integration. Nevertheless, disentangling the effects of EU membership from the common currency shows that the common currency group has an additional impact on financial integration, as the degree of dependence is stronger in the common currency group than in the sovereign currency group and other groups. Second, there is a heterogeneous dependence structure, which is strongly observed for the UK and German stock returns with that of developed (the US and Japan) and emerging markets (India and China). Third, cross-quantile correlations change over time, especially in low and high quantiles, indicating that they are prone to jumps and discontinuities in the dependence structure. As far as we are aware, this is the first study in this field employing a cross-quantilogram method to examine the impact of different market conditions on the correlations, making our study a pioneer in the field of stock market integration.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the impact of the introduction of the euro on Europe's financial structure over the first four years since the start of EMU. It analyzes changes in money markets, bond markets, equity markets and foreign exchange markets. Euro's role in originating or catalyzing trends has been uneven across the spectrum of financial markets. From the supply side, banks and investors in fixed income markets have become more focused on the characteristics of individual borrowers rather than the nationality of the issuer and have built up expertise to evaluate credit risk. European equity markets have also been affected by the enhanced ability of investors to build strategies with a pan‐European perspective as prices increasingly reflected risk factors specific to industrial sectors rather than individual countries. On the borrower side, EMU has increased the attractiveness of market‐based financing methods by allowing debt issuers to tap institutional portfolios across the euro area. Lower barriers to cross‐border financial transactions have also increased the contestability of the market for financial services, be it at the wholesale or the retail level. The introduction of the euro has also highlighted the shortcomings of existing institutional structures and areas where excessive focus on narrowly defined interests may stand in the way of realizing the full potential benefits from the new environment. Diverging legal and institutional infrastructures and market practices can impede further financial market development and deepening. Hence, the euro has put a premium on cooperation between national authorities and institution as a means of achieving a more harmonized financial environment. The impact of EMU on depth in foreign exchange markets has been less clear‐cut, as volatility, spreads, trading volumes and liquidity appear not to have changed in a substantial way. Overall, it seems that the new currency has made some progress towards the goal of becoming a currency of international stature that would rival that of the US dollar. However, a number of the necessary next steps towards achieving this goal are also among the trickiest to implement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the evolution of financial institutions in the context of increasingly volatile foreign exchange markets. The paper discusses the importance of the formation of a single currency in the US in the 19th century and the formation of the Euro in the 20th century for reducing volatility in foreign exchange markets that have assisted financial institutions’ international business expansion. The paper also considers some of the key assumptions of an optimal currency theorem such as labour mobility and argues that in the 21st century, more comprehensive financial market integration and a single global currency could emerge, provided that capital mobility and hence foreign capital flows continue meeting labour in the host countries for production rather than the other way round.  相似文献   

金融一体化是欧洲一体化建设的重要内容,是当代欧洲金融业发展中的一个突出特征。本文考察欧洲金融业一体化的状态与效应,以及伴随着一体化进程逐步形成的金融稳定性框架。本文的分析显示,实行单一货币制以来,欧洲金融一体化不断深入,推动金融业市场的集中度与竞争性和效率提高,但是在当前金融危机的冲击下,缺乏联合统一行动机制的欧洲金融稳定性安排暴露出了明显的内在缺陷,需要有深度的改革。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of dislocations in foreign currency (FX) swap markets (“CIP deviations”) on bank lending. Using data from UK banks we show that when the cost of obtaining swap-based funds in a particular foreign currency increases, banks reduce the supply of cross-border credit in that currency. This effect is increasing in the degree of banks' reliance on swap-based FX funding. Access to foreign relatives matters as banks employ internal capital markets to shield their cross-border FX lending supply from the described channel. Partial substitution occurs from banks outside the UK not affected by changes in synthetic funding costs.  相似文献   

In these excerpts from their recently published collection of Alexander Hamilton's writings on “Finance, Credit, and Debt,” the authors provide an overview of “the neatest, quickest financial revolution in history”—the one that took place in the United States during the six‐year tenure of its first Treasury Secretary. Between Hamilton's appointment by Washington in September 1789 and his resignation in February 1795, and as foreshadowed in letters that Hamilton was writing as early as 1780 (as a 23‐year‐old colonel in the Revolutionary army), the new nation saw the emergence of virtually all of what the authors identify as the six key components of modern financial systems. The financial revolution that produced the American financial system was accomplished through the following six developments:
  1. The establishment of effective institutions of public finance, including a well‐functioning Treasury debt market, that would enable the government to fund its operations, to restructure its then massive unpaid debts (much of it owed to foreigners), and, perhaps most important, to establish the public credit that would enable it to borrow ever larger amounts on favorable terms.
  2. The founding, in 1791, of a central bank to aid and oversee the government's finances and serve as the main supervisor and coordinator of the country's emergent banking and financial systems. By 1795, the Bank of the United States had five offices in different states and thus the beginnings of a national branch banking system.
  3. The creation, in 1791, of the U.S. dollar as the country's first national currency. With gold and silver as the monetary base into which bank notes and deposits were convertible, the dollar was endowed with the stability of value that would make it a sound basis for long‐term contracts (such as bonds) as well as a safe asset in which to hold savings. By 1795, all the states, which had earlier issued their own notes and currency, had become members of the national currency union.
  4. The development of a private banking system by encouraging state governments to charter banks to support their own finances and lend to businesses and individual entrepreneurs. By 1795, the three state‐chartered U.S. banks that existed in 1789 had become 20, providing the beginnings, with the five offices of the central bank, of what would become a vibrant (if crisis‐prone) American banking system.
  5. The establishment of securities markets designed to make financial assets—both government and private‐sector bonds, and equities (including stock in the Bank of the United States)—liquid and transferrable. By 1795, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston all had established organized exchanges for trading national as well as local bonds and, in some cases, stocks.
  6. The growth of business corporations, financial (such as banks and insurance companies) as well as industrial (utilities, manufacturers, and road, bridge, and canal companies), thereby encouraging the pooling of individuals’ capital that would allow the creation of larger enterprises that could realize economies of scale.
Thanks to these six developments, the United States was transformed from a bankrupt and severely divided nation in 1789 with huge debts to overseas creditors to a country whose government in 1795 produced a large budget surplus and whose securities were viewed by foreigners as among the most creditworthy in the world. And that was important since, as Hamilton clearly foresaw from the start, the U.S. government would have to rely heavily on overseas capital to fund its operations.  相似文献   

Well‐functioning financial systems promote economic growth by channeling funds from those who save to those who invest in the productive capacity of economies. What are the main features of a well functioning system? Are well developed capital markets essential to the process? Or are commercial banks and other “private” sources of capital capable of bringing about the same levels of growth and prosperity? In this article, the authors use information about the financial systems of a large number of both developed and developing countries to examine various relationships between a country's financial structure and its overall economic performance. Perhaps most important, the authors report a significantly positive correlation, using data for 34 countries, between the size of a country's financial system—measured by the total of commercial bank assets, equity market capitalization, and bonds outstanding—and economic development (as measured by GDP per capita). At the same time, the authors also provide evidence that banks (or loans) and capital markets (or securities) are complements, not substitutes, in promoting economic development, and that the presence of foreign‐owned banks (though not state‐owned banks) has a positive association with growth. In other words, both private banks and capital markets are likely to play important, though different roles in channeling funds from savers to investors.  相似文献   

China's economy has maintained a rapid growth rate over the past two decades; however, its stock market has exhibited a very different level of performance during financial crises. In this paper, we try to explain this phenomenon and answer two important questions: Is there financial contagion in China? Can economic integration aggravate financial contagion? We construct a composite index of economic integration by reviewing the incremental reform and opening-up process in China's financial markets. We utilize a dynamic conditional correlation model to capture the correlations between stock returns of China and those of other important markets around the world. The empirical results provide positive evidence for the aforementioned two questions.  相似文献   

The dominance of the US dollar in foreign exchange (FX) markets appears to reflect very strong network effects in the use of international currencies. What we observe today is the result of a slow-moving process that has witnessed a switch from the dominance of the pound sterling to the US dollar, perhaps during the interwar period in the early part of the 20th century. This paper presents a discrete choice model of FX trading that explicitly allows for this type of critical transitions in order to understand the dynamics of currency turnover in FX markets. We estimate the model using the Bank for International Settlements' data from triennial surveys of FX markets and also examine the factors that could potentially shift the dynamic path and lead to an earlier critical transition. We then discuss the implications for the renminbi, a budding international currency. If the renminbi were to become a dominant international currency, it would require China to attain a much higher level of financial development and openness. It is important to note that our model does not address the possibility of a gradual weakening of the network effects in FX markets due to, for example, the advancement of trading technologies, which would allow the co-existence of a few equally dominant major currencies.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the dynamics of regional financial integration in East Asia over the 1990:01–2012:08 period. To this end, we use the international capital asset pricing model (ICAPM) to assess the evolution of financial market integration through time and evaluate their risk premia. We also construct an Asian currency basket in order to obtain a reference currency in this area. Our empirical analysis is based on the multivariate GARCH-DCC approach with time-varying correlations. Our results show that the East Asian stock markets were partially segmented (except for Japan) within their region until approximately 2008. However, the last years are characterized by an upward trend in the regional integration of stock markets. Our findings also show that the risk premium related to regional stock markets is significant for all countries.  相似文献   

The EU directive on the distance marketing of consumer financial services (the DMD) was adopted in September 2002 bringing financial services in line with other retail sectors. This paper begins with an analysis of the principal substantive provisions of the DMD before considering the obligations it places on member states to ensure its substantive provisions are enforceable in national law and that an adequate system of redress is available to consumers. The paper then summarises the path taken by the DMD through the European legislative machine and analyses how the DMD will facilitate the integration of a European single market in financial services while striking an essential balance between the rights of the consumer and the rights of financial services providers. In the final part, consideration is given to how the DMD will be implemented by member states. In particular, attention is directed to the overall impact the DMD is likely to have on the marketing of financial services in the UK and how HM Treasury and the Financial Services Authority aim to harmonise domestic law with the DMD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to derive and compare the short-run effects of monetary policy under both perfectly and imperfectly competitive banking markets. Within the context of a general equilibrium framework which emphasizes the demands for and supplies of financial assets, it is demonstrated that the structure of banking markets can have a bearing on the appropriate choice of policy targets and instruments. Specifically, the Federal Funds rate is shown to be a potentially ineffective target/instrument for policy under a competitive banking system, although it can be used to produce conventional short-run effects when banking markets are imperfect. In contrast, the level of currency and unborrowed reserves can be utilized as an effective target/instrument under either form of bank market structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the dynamics and contemporaneous interactions of Euro stock markets at the country and economic sector level. Overall test results have revealed the time-varying nature of the financial market integration process. Promoted by the anticipation and subsequently the formation of the currency union Euro stock markets became more integrated between 1998 and 2006. Monetary policy convergence, however, may have facilitated the divergence of economic variables. Evidence is found that return behavior is changing and stock markets within the Euro zone are starting to drift apart.  相似文献   

The current state of the art in the central bank digital currency (CBDC) literature views indexes constructed from digital currency news to be fully informed about CBDC uncertainty and its impact on the financial system. We argue that the hedging behavior of participants in the currency futures market could be more informative than CBDC uncertainty news in the presence of limited risk absorption capacity in futures markets. We show that the hedging factor has a statistically significant effect on financial market risk aversion and measures of uncertainty. The hedging behavior of currency futures market participants is informative of agents' reactions to the news and central bank policies around CBDC. Our results also show that CBDC uncertainty is a significant risk transmitter in the financial system. Hence, this characteristic makes the hedging factor even more important because it can directly impact risk aversion via its moderating effects, which later influence CBDC uncertainty.  相似文献   

Until recently, financial services regulation remained largely segmented along national lines. The integration of financial markets, however, calls for a systematic and coherent approach to regulation. This paper studies the effect of market based regulation on the proper functioning of the interbank market. Specifically, we argue that restrictions on the payout of dividends by banks can reduce their expected default on (interbank) loans, stimulate trade in this market and improve the welfare of consumers.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper examines long‐run convergence between US, UK and seven European stock markets. We report evidence to suggest that while real short‐run diversification gains may occur, in general they tend to be short‐lived. However we also find that US and UK markets are relatively less bound to a common trend, which would imply that increased stock market merger activity, and any transition to the European common currency by the UK, may lead to relatively large stock market adjustments as markets adapt to these institutional changes.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the performance of India’s managed float with respect to maintaining a real competitive exchange rate, its impact on trade, on stability of currency and financial markets, and on inflation. It also derives the current range that balances these three effects.  相似文献   

We investigate the integration of the European peripheral financial markets with Germany, France, and the UK using a combination of tests for structural breaks and return correlations derived from several multivariate stochastic volatility models. Our findings suggest that financial integration intensified in anticipation of the Euro, further strengthened by the EMU inception, and amplified in response to the 2007/2008 financial crisis. Hence, no evidence is found of decoupling of the equity markets in more troubled European countries from the core. Interestingly, the UK, despite staying outside the EMU, is not worse integrated with the GIPSI than Germany or France.  相似文献   

后危机时代全球货币冲突的理论、实践与影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球金融危机已使世界经济陷入衰退,为应对危机许多国家都寄希望于通过本币贬值来提振经济。随着美国量化宽松政策的轮番实施,发达国家以及南美和亚洲等新兴经济体相继卷入货币冲突,而中国就处于冲突的中心。全球货币冲突如果进一步演变为全球货币竞争性贬值,对世界经济和中国经济都将产生难以估量的影响,因此,有必要进行深入的研究。为此,本文分析了开放经济条件下全球货币冲突的理论根源、实践及其影响,并由此提出了中国的应对之策。  相似文献   

The linkage between emerging and developed economies spans beyond the usual trade in goods and services. Underlying trade is the flow of capital for foreign direct investment and for speculation in markets, which renders emerging economies vulnerable to shocks from the developed world. As such, equity return volatility in emerging markets is partly attributable to this dependence. To gauge the importance of bilateral economic and cultural factors in driving economic integration, we adopt a two-step process. First, we use Diebold and Yilmaz's spillover index methodology to extract spillover indices representative of the return volatility spillover effects of the United States, the developed portion of the Euro area, and Japan on financial markets in Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Eastern and Central Europe, Africa, and Latin America. Second, we test whether these indices are governed by economic and cultural factors. Our results show that the spillover effects vary across markets and that a strong correlation exists with the volume of trade, security investment, common language, distance, and market capitalization.  相似文献   

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