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党的十六届五中全会明确提出:“要加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,在全社会形成资源节约的增长方式和健康文明的消费模式。”对此,国务院总理温家宝在全国”做好建设节约型社会近期重点工作”电视电话会议上强调:加快建设节约型社会,事关现代化建设进程和国家安全,事关人民群众福祉和根本利益,事关中华民族生存和长远发展。要从全局和战略的高度,充分认识加快建设节约型社会的极端重要性和紧迫性,迅速行动起来,在全国范围内大张旗鼓、深入持久地开展资源节约活动,加快推进节约型社会建设,促进我国经济社会全面协调可持续发展。由此可见,建设节约型社会已成为当前全国人民面临的一项紧要任务。  相似文献   


准备金率年内第六次上调将冻结资金3800亿 从6月20日起,央行再度上调存款类金融机构人民币存款准备金率0.5个百分点。这是央行今年以来第六次上调存款准备金率。今年以来存款准备金率一直保持着“一月一调”的提升节奏。此次上调之后,大中型金融机构存款准备金率达到了21.5%的高位。  相似文献   


民生银行、浦发银行、兴业银行关于总额达1100亿元的小微企业贷款每项金融债的申请已获银监会批准,但仍需要获得央行批准。1000多亿元小微企业金融债迅速获批,被市场视为信贷定向放松的一个举措。  相似文献   

央行年内第三次加息上调0.25个百分点 自2011年7月7日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率,金融机构一年期存贷款基准利率分别上调0.25个百分点,其他各档次存贷款基准利率及个人住房公积金贷款利率相应调整。 财政部将对物联网企业贴息 近日财政部发布最新修订的《基本建设贷款中央财政贴息资金管理办法》。  相似文献   

经济函数是联系经济和数学的纽带,建立相应的数学模型,找出经济变量之间的函数关系。本文主要介绍了几种常用的经济函数,结合经济案例讨论了最大利润问题、最低成本问题、需求弹性问题和价格弹性问题。  相似文献   

Economic forecasters have come in for a lot of criticism in recent months. But this is not new. The failure to predict the boom in 1988 and ensuing inflation and balance of payments problems led to some serious re-examination of the structure of the main macroeconometric models in the UK. The speed with which the UK economy moved into sharp recession in the second half of 1990- also appeared to catch most forecasters on the hop. This Briefing Paper is not directly about forecasting; it is about macroeconometric models. However, forecasting provides by far the most extensive use of these models. Not all macroeconomic forecasters use a formal econometric model - some City economists find a spreadsheet more than adequate - but those that do find that they are an invaluable aid to clear thinking and provide an effective way of filtering all of the information that is available, in one form or another, about the economy. This paper was originally intended to provide a retrospective review of the development of UK macro-models since the late 1970s, coinciding broadly with my period at London Business School. However, it became clear that there was a need to argue more generally in favour of macro-modelling, given the numerous assaults that this activity has sustained over the last 15 years. I want to demonstrate that the conduct of research in this area - at the very least in the UK - has been, and continues to be, a progressive research strategy in the sense in which philosophers of science use this term. I believe that macro-modellers, because they have an obligation to forecast and to make the forecast public, are closer to how theoretical constructs in economics conflict with the observation of economic events, and provide a more robust testing ground for economic theories than the relatively narrow - though very important - confines of single equation statistical testing, that dominate academic journals. This should not mean that every new theoretical idea should be expected to be able to survive immediately the rigours of testing within an existing macro-model. One of the attractions of recent developments in macroeconomic theory has been an explicit attempt to seek to try to reconcile macroeconomics with micro-economic reasoning and to derive macroeconomic principles from how rational, maximizing individuals can be expected to behave in a market economy. There is always a need periodically to re-examine the basic postulates of any area of economics, especially one such as macroeconomics, which provides the basis for the conduct of national and international economic policy, and for providing explanations for economic cycles. Macro-econometric model building is a worthwhile exercise because it confronts theoretical models of how the macro-economy is supposed to work with the hard lessons of experience. The use of these models for forecasting is therefore crucial to their continued growth and development.  相似文献   

The search for a policy device which will yield the benefits of monetary discipline without the pain is as old as it is fruitless, and the central message of this Economic Viewpoint is that going into the EMS will not provide a magic answer to our problems. However we believe that if we go into the EMS at today's rate, and pursue monetary policies consistent with maintaining that rate, the authorities' target of 3 per cent inflation by 1988 is well within reach… Our analysis of the experience of other countries, inside and outside the EMS, over the floating rate period suggests that membership of the EMS should also reduce exchange rate fluctuations and help to create a more stable environment for business planning. However, sterling's vulnerability to oil-related fluctuations cannot be eliminated just by joining the EMS. We therefore suggest that an oil bond, which capitalises the value of our North Sea assets, is created and sold to our EMS partners, thus equalising the exposure to fluctuations in oil prices and removing one major cause of exchange rate instability.  相似文献   

A bstract . Economic sociology covers the gray area between the disciplines of economics and sociology brings scholars from both disciplines together to communicate over topics of interest. This communication provides debate that stimulates and strengthens social theory , which in turn, allows for better policy recommendations. A major area for concern in the development of economic sociology has been the presence of economic imperialism combined with economic bubris , the effects of which could suffocate economic sociology. These phenomena arc examined along with the trends over the past twenty years in the development of economic sociology and the relative impact that "economic sociologists" from both disciplines are having on their respective fields. Observing these trends will allow for an analysis of the developments in economic sociology and a assessment of where It is going in the future.  相似文献   

Not all developments in economic thought are to be welcomed. In the first of an occasional series, economist John Burton casts a suitably jaundiced eye over recently debased terminology.  相似文献   

最优税率、政府转移支付与经济增长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文推广了Barro(1990)和Gong-Zou(1999)关于政府税收与经济增长的模型,讨论了多级政府下的政府花费,税收和政府间的转移支付对经济增长的影响;就特殊形式的生产函数和效用函数,导出了经济增长率与政府税收和政府转移支付的关系;通过数值方法讨论了政府税收和政府转移支付对经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

中国经济改革的现代经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、现代经济学的分析框架 现代经济学代表了一种研究经济行为和现象的分析方法或框架.作为理论分析框架,它由三个主要部分组成:视角(perspective)、参照系(reference)或基准点(benchmark)和分析工具(analytical tools).  相似文献   

本文构建了一个新兴古典经济学一般均衡模型,采用超边际分析方法,来解释经济制度对自利个人的行为影响。分析表明,由制度所决定的“偷抢“交易对手财物活动费用系数提高时(偷抢的成本增大),自利的个人偷抢活动水平就会降低,投入偷抢的时间下降,投入生产的时间会上升,生产率会提高,真实收入会增加,从而改善社会的经济绩效。本文对目前我国开展的整顿和规范市场的经济秩序有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

Prospects for the economy in the coming years depend largely on whether the private sector will expand activity and increase its employment. The immediate concern is to reverse the falls of output and employment since 1979; the longer-term concern is to generate sustained growth. In the short term. the recovery of output will depend signficantly on whether companies are prepared to rebuild stock levels. In the longer term, a sustained increase in output and employment will require an expansion of the capital stock. In each case what is needed is an increase in company expenditure. Recent experience suggests that such an increase will require a rise in the company sector's income. In this Economic Viewpoint we consider how an increase in the company sector's income and expenditure could be achieved and argue that a cut in the National Insurance Surcharge is a particularly efficient method .  相似文献   

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