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This article analyzes the regulation of access charges in a liberalized postal market where operators use two-tier pricing. It develops a model of vertical product differentiation that allows determination of the demand for First and Second Class mail from an incumbent postal operator and a group of entrants. The optimal access charges for First and Second Class letters are determined as well as the optimal quality for these services.   相似文献   

Standard arguments for efficiency-based pricing policies break down once it is admitted that no lump-sum transfers and taxes are available. In this paper, it is argued that the appropriate solution is to equate the marginal welfare cost of redistributing income through pricing policies that deviate from marginal cost with the marginal cost of redistribution through the tax and welfare systems. For telecommunications pricing, this solution may be implemented by charging usage prices for long-distance services in excess of marginal cost and making corresponding reductions in fixed access charges. An illustrative example, based on data for Australia, is presented.  相似文献   

We study the efficiency property of responsive pricing, a scheme that proposes to increase prices as a function of the level of capacity utilization in environments where traditional allocation schemes (e.g. competitive markets, non-linear pricing) cannot be implemented in practice. We show that although responsive pricing implements allocations that are arbitrarily close to full capacity utilization (no wasted capacity and no excess demand), these allocations are not always efficient. We identify conditions under which efficiency occurs and discuss implications for the use of responsive pricing. We would like to thank seminar participants at the LSE, Venezia, Toulouse, and Copenhagen as well as Piero Gottardi, Karel Mertens, Marco Ottaviani, Markus Poschke, Karl Schlag, and Sanne Zwart for useful comments.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to introduce a tighter definition for the marginal (cost) pricing rule. By means of an example, we illustrate the improvements that one gets with the new definition with respect to the former one using Clarke’s normal cone, and we discuss its consequences in terms of the existence of equilibria.   相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the role of nonlinear strategies in a standard oligopoly framework. We demonstrate that nonlinear pricing may indeed emerge as an equilibrium strategy, but only when firms produce differentiated products, when one firm retains market power due to a cost advantage, or as part of an equilibrium in mixed strategies. In addition, we examine the role of nonlinear pricing in a spatial-competition framework. Our main conclusion is that in highly competitive markets, nonlinear pricing strategies are not likely to emerge as an equilibrium.  相似文献   

We present new survey evidence on pricing behavior for more than 14,000 European firms, and study its macroeconomic implications. Among firms that are price setters, roughly 75% respond that their prices are set as a markup on total costs, a business practice termed “full cost pricing”. Only 25% set prices as markups over variable or marginal costs. Moreover, using industry data for the U.S., we find that the correlation between changes in output prices and changes in variable input prices is significantly lower when fixed costs are likely to be more important.Since our results are similar to the findings in the classic and controversial paper of Hall and Hitch (1939) and subsequent survey evidence, we believe it worth studying the implications of full cost pricing for macroeconomics. We first propose a problem for the firm where full cost pricing can arise as optimizing behavior. We embed this problem, featuring an occasionally binding constraint, into a simple general equilibrium model. We show that when the model is hit by a shock that makes the constraint binding, the response of endogenous variables is amplified significantly more than it would be under the unconstrained regime.  相似文献   


This editorial discusses a number of trends affecting the pricing of generic medicines in Europe. With respect to pricing, recent evidence has emerged that European generic medicine manufacturers face competition from Indian manufacturers; that the price level of generic medicines varies substantially between European countries; and that generic medicine manufacturers engage in competition by discount rather than price competition in France, The Netherlands and the UK. These trends suggest that there may be scope for further reducing the prices of generic medicines in several countries.

In relation to reference pricing, most European countries have incorporated market incentives within reference pricing systems with a view to promoting price competition. The European experience indicates that the generic medicines industry delivers competitive prices under a reference pricing system if demand-side policies are in place that stimulate physicians, pharmacists and patients to use generic medicines.

Finally, caution needs to be exercised when focusing on the drivers of generic medicine pricing as these drivers not only vary between countries, but may also vary within a country. Manufacturers of originator and generic medicines do not take a single pricing approach following patent expiry, but vary their pricing strategy from molecule to molecule.  相似文献   

This article is aimed at defining the full-cost pricing as a leader-follower game in two-tier organizations: (i) the upstream unit fixes the production capacity and uses it as a cost driver to compute the average cost; (ii) the downstream unit operates on the market and chooses the output level on the basis of the average cost. In the Cournot oligopoly case, the full-cost pricing is compared with other pricing rules. There exists a wide range of values of the fixed cost, for which the full-cost pricing dominates any other pricing rules, in terms of gross profit.  相似文献   

This paper documents some evidence in the trading and pricing of equity Long-term Equity AnticiPation Securities (LEAPS). The main findings on trading are that LEAPS open interest, trading volume, and put/call ratio are seasonal on a yearly basis possibly due to the impact of the “melding” process that is unique to equity LEAPS. This paper also finds that the Black–Scholes Option Pricing Model, in general, overprices or underprices out-of-the-money (OTM) or in-the-money (ITM) equity LEAPS calls, respectively, and the model tends to overprice when the options are very deep in-the-money (VDITM). Furthermore, the evidence indicates that the deviations of the Black–Scholes prices from the observed option market prices are more pronounced in equity LEAPS than in standard options, suggesting that the Black–Scholes Option Pricing Model is less well suited to the pricing of equity LEAPS than to the pricing of standard options.  相似文献   

This paper compares alternative transition paths to efficient water pricing. The analysis is based on representative agent model, where two sources of water supply exist: exhaustible groundwater stock and a renewable substitute. Two alternative water pricing reforms are considered: gradual tariff increase and multipart pricing with first block sold at the initial pre-reform tariff and additional water sold at higher prices (block pricing reform). Under block pricing reform, the amount of water offered at low price gradually diminishes. The results of comparative analysis prove that under the same reform time horizon block pricing is preferred to the gradual tariff increase.  相似文献   

Coincident peak pricing is used in several electricity markets to recover the embedded cost of infrastructure, such as transmission. In this approach, measured consumption at the time of the peak is used to set charges for that pricing period or a subsequent period. If transmission costs are truly sunk, then such a recovery is unlikely to be efficient. However, in the context of growing peak demand, new additions must be built. We consider the incentive properties of coincident peak pricing when related investments are not considered to be sunk, finding that it can reproduce the incentive properties of an ideal time-varying price. We also consider several variations on this assumption.  相似文献   

考虑港口的收费管制因素,建立了进出口贸易竞争模型。该模型由一个出口国和两个进口国组成,且各国都拥有一个港口,位于出口国的两家公司均向两个进口国销售商品,并在各个进口国展开市场竞争(古诺竞争或伯川德竞争),各贸易国的港口根据其是否存在价格管制确定港口收费。针对进出口公司的每种竞争模式,得到了不同的港口收费管制组合下各贸易国的港口收费、港口利润和社会福利,并将竞争均衡结果进行了比较。研究发现: (1)在进出口公司古诺竞争模式下,若三个贸易国的港口都无收费管制(有收费管制)且进出口产品的差异较大 (小)时,各贸易国的社会福利和港口利润均更高; (2)在进出口公司伯川德竞争模式下,若进出口产品的差异较大 (小),则出口国的港口利润主要取决于港口收费 (贸易量),而进口国恰好相反; (3)当进出口产品的差异较大 (小)时,进出口公司在古诺 (伯川德)竞争模式下各贸易国的社会福利、港口利润以及港口使用费都更高。  相似文献   

Summary. We develop a method of assigning unique prices to derivative securities, including options, in the continuous-time finance model developed in Raimondo (2001). In contrast with the martingale method of valuing options, which cannot distinguish among infinitely many possible option pricing processes for a given underlying securities price process when markets are dynamically incomplete, our option prices are uniquely determined in equilibrium in closed form as a function of the underlying economic data.Received: 14 April 2003, Revised: 7 January 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: G13, D52.This paper is dedicated to Birgit Grodal, whose strength and character we greatly admire. We are very grateful to Darrell Duffie, Steve Evans, Botond Koszegi, Roger Purves, Jacob Sagi, Chris Shannon, Bill Zame and an anonymous refereee for very helpful discussions and comments. The work of both authors was supported by Grant SES-9710424, and Andersons work was supported by Grant SES-0214164, from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the simultaneous determination of welfare-optimal pricing and investment rules under a multi-period ex ante maximum demand charge by allowing the possibility of purchasing electricity from third party generators at some cost when excess demand occurs. I show that at the optimal size of capacity, expected short-run marginal shortage cost and long-run marginal capacity cost should be equal. The optimal maximum demand tariff does not entail marginal cost pricing. In general, it is shown that maximum demand charges are welfare superior to marginal cost pricing when tariffs must be set ex ante, before demand is known.  相似文献   

Existing studies show that, in standard New Keynesian models, uncertainty shocks manifest as cost-push shocks due to the precautionary pricing channel. We study optimal monetary policy in response to uncertainty shocks when the precautionary pricing channel is operative. We show that, in the absence of real imperfections, the optimal monetary policy fully stabilizes the output gap and inflation, implying no policy trade-offs. Our result suggests that precautionary pricing matters only insofar as expected inflation is volatile. Thus, a simple Taylor rule that places high weight on inflation leads to a stabilized output gap, thereby attaining the “divine coincidence”.  相似文献   

In this paper we test for the inclusion of the bid–ask spread in the consumption CAPM, in the UK stock market over the time period of 1980–2000. Two econometric models are used: first, Fisher’s (in J Appl Econometrics 9:S71–S94, 1994) asset pricing model is estimated by GMM. We obtain plausible values of all the structural parameters and transactions costs. We subsequently test the robustness of our results by extending the VAR approach proposed by Campbell and Shiller (in Rev Financ Stud 1:195–228, 1988). This is achieved with the inclusion of the normalised bid–ask spread as an independent variable in the pricing equation. Overall, the statistical tests are unable to reject the bid–ask spread as an independent explanatory variable in the C-CAPM. In addition, in the VAR specification we find that both the normalised and the absolute bid–ask spread is a significant predictor of the dividend to price ratio. The paper’s main conclusion is that transaction costs should be included in asset pricing models, as they possess independent explanatory power.   相似文献   

转移价格在跨国企业的国际经营活动中起着重要的作用。本文从企业税负驱动机制的微观层面上,扩展国际转移定价的理论模型,深入分析在不同控股比例和红利分配率情况下转移价格的理性选择;并且运用模拟方法,揭示不同变量条件下的最优转移价格策略。  相似文献   

State dependent pricing models predict different real responses to shocks than time dependent pricing models. For sufficiently large shocks, the real effects of shocks are independent of their sign.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to study the impact of differentiation and firm positioning on firm’s pricing decisions in a horizontally differentiated competitive market. We build a parsimonious game-theoretic model and analyse simultaneous entry of firms. The effect of differentiation is modelled as an additional cost incurred by both firms based on the degree of differentiation between the firms. The cost of positioning is modelled as a market level cost affecting both firms whereby firms incur a cost if they want to position themselves away from the centre of distribution of consumers. Our analysis provides some surprising results, explains some conflicting empirical observations documented in previous research and may also be useful for further empirical research in this area by providing sharper predictions about the impact of various types of costs on market outcomes. For example, we find that if the cost of positioning is sufficiently high, then a firm with lower cost of differentiation charges a higher price in equilibrium, even when no differences in exogenous costs exist. We also find that under some circumstances the cost disadvantaged firm can enjoy higher price-cost margins compared to the cost leader thereby suggesting that higher costs could be a blessing in disguise.  相似文献   

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