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个性化需求对产品设计形式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个性化产品的潜在性需求出现是社会生产力不断发展的结果,也是为了满足不同个体的不同消费需求,因此,影响产品设计形式的因素不仅仅是材料、结构、功能,还有个性化审美因素。人们的不同情感需求导致产品个性化设计的出现,成为新的设计发展趋势,只有个性化的产品才能满足多层次的需求。在产品设计形式上我们要尊重个性差异,只有不断提升设计的应变能力,进行设计创新,通过改进、完善设计形式,增加产品的特殊功能和附属功能,才能满足消费者的心理和个性的新需求。  相似文献   

Explosive growth of information technologies (IT) has prompted interest in examining the role of IT in new product development (NPD). Through desktop software and Web‐based tools, IT has been used to aid idea generation and product testing as well as for NPD activities such as process and portfolio management. Recent research suggests, however, that a gap exists between IT availability and usage. Given the importance of IT in creating business value through the development of new products and services, the present study seeks to identify factors that affect IT usage. Further, anecdotal evidence and conceptual studies intimate that the usage of IT tools for NPD can shorten time to market, can improve product quality, and can increase productivity. However, empirical substantiation of this impact is mostly nonexistent. The current study investigates the relationship between IT usage and two measures of new product performance: speed to market and market performance. Employing a mail‐survey methodology, the study uses data from a sample of practitioner members from the Product Development & Management Association to examine the effect of project risk, existence of a champion, autonomy, innovative climate, IT infrastructure, and IT embeddedness on the extent of IT usage. These data are also used to explore the impact of IT usage on speed to market and market performance. The results indicate that project risk, existence of a champion, and IT embeddedness positively affect the extent of IT usage for NPD. Additionally, IT usage positively and significantly influences the performance of the new product in the marketplace. Surprisingly, and contrary to popular belief, IT usage does not have any impact on speed to market. An important implication of this study is that IT usage influences performance but not in the way managers expect. Specifically, IT usage does not seem to affect speed to market but rather positively impacts the performance of the new product in the marketplace. This result suggests that IT usage in NPD provides far more value to firms than previously thought and provides evidence to support greater investments in IT for product development efforts. Other implications of the study are that unless IT is embedded into the NPD process and champions for IT tools exist, chances are that IT will not be used and its benefits will not be realized.  相似文献   

This article explains how embodied cognition and perceptual symbol systems enable product designers to influence consumers by communicating key perceptual features through subtle changes in product design elements. In this way, managers can change perceptual design elements to support line extension strategies. More specifically, design changes can be used as a tool to help evolve consumer perceptions of a product's uses and brand category membership. The role of perceptual symbols in product design is illustrated by a well‐known off‐road motorbike brand that planned to extend into the street motorbike segment. In order to facilitate consumer acceptance of a street motorbike from this off‐road brand, the firm gradually introduced models containing an increasing number of elements of street motorbikes over a period of several years. The authors use this example to show how typical design elements of the target product category can be effectively integrated with design elements of the current product category by simply modifying key characteristics of product‐shape attributes. This process is further tested in an experiment, where motorbike models differing slightly in key product features (e.g., product shape) were rated on their resemblance to street or off‐road motorbikes. The results show a strong effect of these design changes on brand‐category membership. Managerial implications of this approach and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产缂丝历史悠久是古丝绸之路的实物见证。本文基于数码技术从缂丝技艺的传承发展、产品创新设计方面进行研究。提出缂丝技艺数字化传承,创新缂丝创作题材和表现方式,结合多种工艺和材料进行缂丝创新,缂丝产品多样化、时尚化、实用化设计等观点,为弘扬与传承非物质文化尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

Product design practice is an evolving art form. We have made tremendous improvement in methods for and execution of the process in recent years. Yet the challenge of environmental sustainability of products is one area where design practice remains largely in the dark ages. This essay argues that we need to embrace the imperative of design for environment and must evolve design practices to address this challenge.  相似文献   

介绍了由 TOP2 2 4P构成的 DK1 2 -2 0型单片开关电源模块。该模块可用作仪器仪表、摄录像机、手机电池充电器、卫星解码器等的电源。  相似文献   

基于契约结构的模块化设计及其演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任务结构与参数结构具有“同构性”,任务结构对参数结构“赋值”并实现设计完善:参数结构“改造”可推动设计演进.但又取决于任务之间相互依赖关系。任务结构模块化就是这样一种“改造”.但须以规则契约结构为基础,因其是任务之间纵向依赖关系的次优性预先决策。设计目的在于发现和追求价值,但须由市场契约结构为任务结构提供价值背景.而价值背景资本化为模块化任务结构提供了有效“整合”。“递归性”模块化操作不仅创造设计期权,也缩小设计“规模”和“下放”设计权限,有利于吸纳来自底层的创造力量.促进了设计规则市场的形成,并不断激励设计演进。  相似文献   

Preparing for and managing the global product launch process offers unique challenges as each targeted country can pose unique differences across the design categories of channel parameters, country mores, language and colloquialisms, and technology infrastructure. Though not an exhaustive list, these have a predominant influence on the global product launch process on a per‐global‐region basis. Using a case‐study methodology, this article draws on the global product launch experiences of two firms, showing that such influences preclude use of a mass‐marketing, standardization approach. Though it appears that certain elements of global product launch may be standardized for purposes of efficiencies, a global product launch appears to require at least some degree of customization. Such thinking parallels a design perspective, which mandates a tailoring of product and marketing mix to encourage early acceptance within the intended global market. To suggest when customization should be employed, four design categories of channel parameters—country mores, language and colloquialisms, and technology infrastructure—appear to have strong propensity to dictate customized design requirements for a worldwide launch, where greater differences across these design categories would mandate more customization toward each respective global region. Post hoc comments by managers in the focal case studies support this and further delineate that these four design factors necessitate keen consideration in the course of planning and enacting activities during the global product launch process. The two cases studies especially show that customized design decisions will likely pertain to launch schedule due to local retailers' calendars, product aesthetics due to local consumer preferences, point‐of‐sale and other marketing communications due to language requirements, and technology enhancements in light of local market acceptability and both social and regulatory expectations. Managers involved in planning a global product launch should therefore heed channel owners—brand owners, retailers, and distributors—so that they give preference to, promote, and sell the respective company's product relative to competitors' products. To assist toward securing such preference status, channel owners should have a role in advising the timing of launch and design considerations (e.g., color and form). Logistic issues, such as delivery and after‐sales support via this channel, are keen considerations as well. Logistics has to be thought through to ensure that demand can be met across all regions for a new product. And with the growing prevalence of Internet worldwide, managers must pay keen attention to cultural references and language used on any Internet site to ensure that the product is properly represented and promoted during its global launch. The process of a global product launch is therefore more than the company's ability to gain access to a particular market; it is the company's ability to understand key design issues per each global region respectively and to respond to pressing global region differences by customizing the total product offering to meet the needs of that global region.  相似文献   

任何事物如果缺失了"度"的把握,往往会走到与预期相反的一面。而在产品设计中,适度和失度的作品均影响着我们的生活质量。本文通过丰富的案例对"度"的把握进行分析提炼,从人机工程学和设计心理学两个层面解析设计活动,适度、合宜都是对设计中"度"的把握,有助于设计的良性发展。  相似文献   

文章认为,人类社会活动,必须顺应自然规律,坚持土地利用方式与生态环境状况相结合的原则,通过土地利用划分,有目的地采取不同措施,即保证了人类生存所需物质,同时顺应自然,改善生态环境。  相似文献   

数字经济发展促进了信息流通和共享,推动了城市治理和服务数字化转型,将有助于改善企业的信息环境和营商环境,进而缓解企业融资约束。本文利用2017~2020年中国城市数字经济指数和A股上市公司数据对这一假定进行了实证检验。结果显示,区域数字经济发展显著降低了企业的融资约束水平,其中,数据及信息化基础设施建设、城市治理和产业融合等细分维度均具有显著影响;进一步地,其影响机制为企业外部信息传播环境的改善和营商软环境的提升。同时,这一影响具有异质性——在国有性质、存续年限更久以及规模更大的企业分组中更大。本文的结论对企业和政府部门制定相关决策,加快推进数字化转型,充分发挥数字经济在经济高质量发展中的作用具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

人们对建筑和装束的追求,从来都是其所处时代现实生活的综合反映。这里既体现着科学技术进步给人与自然相互关系带来的深刻变化,也展现着社会生产力发展给人类社会意识带来的深刻变化。因此建筑和服饰发展不仅具有历史的延续性,而且具有不断创新的历史能动性;不仅具有人类为改善生存质量最基本的需要,而且具有人们在不同环境背景下的个性发展需要;不仅要满足人的物质生活的需要,而且要满足人在文化生活中的审美追求。  相似文献   

沙娟  魏丰 《河北工业科技》2001,18(5):30-32,48
压电陶瓷是一种具有压电效应的高灵敏度、微功耗电声器件。首先介绍压电陶瓷蜂鸣器的技术特性 ,然后重点阐述数字多用表蜂鸣器电路的设计 ,包括适配 ICL71 0 6型 3 位单片 A/D转换器、ICL 71 2 9型 4 位单片 A/D转换器的两种蜂鸣器电路的设计。  相似文献   

产品内分工与产品建构陷阱:中国本土企业的困境与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文在产品建构理论(Product Architecture Theory)的基础上,分析了本土企业陷入产品内分工陷阱的根本原因。通过建立包含产品内部界面约束度和产品价值网络紧密度的产品建构函数,提出本土企业在产品内分工体系内部谋求结构升级过程中将面临两类产品建构陷阱,第一类将导致本土企业的产品价值链低端锁定,第二类是引发本土企业系统创新瓶颈的重要诱因。本土企业要避免陷入产品建构陷阱,关键在于技术和组织双重层面的自主创新。在此基础上,给出本土企业摆脱产品建构陷阱和产品价值链低端锁定、提高系统创新能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper makes a preliminary attempt to evaluate empirically the nature of the contribution of architectural quality to the value of buildings. An economic model is postulated that predicts equilibrium rent and vacancy behavior as a function of both design and non-design characteristics. Vacancies are created in equilibrium as a result of search and information costs and tenant heterogeneity and are observed by the landlord as price-inelastic demand behavior. Design quality is seen to influence both rent and vacancy behavior. Its effect, however, is dependent on characteristics both of the production and operating cost functions and of tenant demand for the design vs. non-design amenity. An important characteristic of the design amenity is that it is not, in general, independent of the production function for non-design amenities. The model is tested using disaggregate cross-sectional and longitudinal operating performance and amenity data from a set of 102 class A office buildings in Boston and Cambridge. Data on design quality for the set of buildings were provided by a detailed evaluation of each structure by a panel of architects. Results confirm a strong influence of design on rents; structures rated in the top 20% for design quality were predicted to extract almost 22% higher rents than those rated in the bottom 20%. In contrast, the data showed a weak relationship between vacancy behavior and design quality. Finally, good design was shown to cost more to produce on average, but not necessarily in every case. The magnitude of the point estimates of the rent, vacancy, and construction cost effects suggest that good design may not in fact be more profitable on average, but as with a lottery, may provide a small probability of a high return to the developer.  相似文献   

提出精度设计中的目标函数和约束条件 ,为精度设计采用计算机辅助设计提供了理论基础 ,从而提高了产品精度设计的质量和速度  相似文献   

The Effect of IT and Co-location on Knowledge Dissemination   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Due to the increasing globalization of businesses, new ideas for innovation need to be disseminated rapidly both within and across different departments and divisions. Frequently, ideas and information are dispersed over globally distributed organizations or team members. As a result, the exchange of knowledge has become not only very important for innovation but also highly complex. To facilitate this knowledge exchange, electronically mediated interactions are growing rapidly, replacing traditional face‐to‐face communications. However, literature provides contradicting results regarding the effectiveness of computer‐mediated communication (CMC) versus face‐to‐face communication. This study attempts to reconcile differences in the literature on the benefits of CMC technologies and co‐location. Focusing on knowledge dissemination in technology development processes in high‐technology firms, the study investigates the relative impact of CMC technologies and co‐location of research and development (R&D) staff, as well as the mutual interaction between them. The present article hypothesizes that CMC technologies and co‐location of R&D staff have a positive impact on knowledge dissemination. Further, it is hypothesized that it is more favorable to co‐locate R&D staff than to invest in CMC technologies and that the effects of co‐location and CMC interact negatively. These hypotheses are tested using empirical data collected from 277 high‐technology firms in the United States, and the results are generalized by conducting the same test on data from 125 high‐technology firms in the Netherlands. Tests are conducted in a real‐world setting, differing from previous comparative studies that mainly used laboratory experiments. Empirical results support the main effects of CMC technologies and co‐location of R&D staff on knowledge dissemination. Other empirical results contradict conventional wisdom. Investing in CMC technologies is found to be favorable over co‐locating R&D staff for knowledge dissemination. Moreover, the two communication channels strengthen each other. The discussion section presents the contours of a firm‐level theory on communication infrastructures and knowledge dissemination, focusing on the scope and the heterogeneity of knowledge dissemination, which may explain these initially surprising results. From the arguments it follows that the choice for investment in co‐location or CMC technologies depends on the scope of knowledge dissemination that has to be facilitated. Furthermore, the conclusion is made that effective knowledge dissemination requires a balanced investment in co‐location and information technologies to be able to deal with the heterogeneous but interdependent types of knowledge dissemination.  相似文献   

多媒体数字监控系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用数字化技术处理图像 ,可扩充录入声音 ,实现对监控现场的实时观察、压缩存储和以后的检索回放 ,可应用于银行、邮政等部门。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深入,建筑业已经成为我国经济发展的一个重要部分,但建筑设计水平仍有待提高。章从建筑设计管理变革的角度,探讨建筑设计的未来发展,提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

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