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银行保险,这个名词已为人们所广泛运用;银保合作,亦已成为世界金融保险市场中的一个十分引人注目的经济现象.所谓银保合作,即“借助银行卖保险”,也就是银行作为保险公司的兼业代理人实现保险分销.从狭义上:银保合作是指保险公司通过银行来销售保险产品、代收保险费、代付保险金等代理保险业务行为.银行可以从中获取手续费,增加其中间业务收入.从广义上:银保合作是指银行业通过购买保险业股份和保险业通过购买银行业股份方式建立银行与保险之间相互合作、相互渗透、相互融合成立合伙营销公司,保险与银行共同建立销售策略,创新业务品种,开辟新的业务经营领域,共谋发展.  相似文献   

银行保险的产生与发展,充分发挥了银行业和保险业资源共享、优势互补及利益均享的特点,其积极作用是显而易见的。而当前我国银保合作快速发展中,问题不断暴露,甚至一些地方的代理业务出现大起大落。文章通过分析当前银保合作中存在的问题,找出原因之所在,提出了解决困扰银保合作发展的建议,探索加快银保合作的发展步伐、实现银保双赢的途径。  相似文献   

本文从金融监管体制、保险税收政策和商业银行业竞争激烈程度3个方面对中外银行保险发展的环境做了比较分析,并评价了我国银行保险的发展环境。最后对我国银行保险业发展环境的变化趋势做出预测,并提出了两种在将来几年比较可行的银保合作形式。  相似文献   

孙晶 《致富时代》2011,(4):90-90
在全球经济一体化、金融混业经营大环境下,银保融通的趋势已经成为世界金融保险市场中的一个十分引人注目的经济现象。银行、保险业加强合作,在我国尚处于初级阶段,虽然保险公司和银行都认识到了银保合作的重要性,且纷纷进行了积极的合作,但从总体上看,我国银行保险的发展起步晚、成长快,合作深度不够、管控不到位、产品同质化严重等特点必然导致银保业务开展的多种问题的出现。  相似文献   

陈思洋 《商》2012,(16):125-125
银行保险合作值得是在经济全球化和金融自由化的推动下,银行拥有自己的业务和保险业务关联,互相渗透,银行资本和保险资本一体化的新兴产品,它已经成为西方发达国家银行业和保险业开辟新的市场,提高利润率的重要手段。现今,中国的银保合作只是在初始阶段,并且已经呈现出了快速发展的强劲势头,本文将会论述银行保险合作的重要意义。  相似文献   

不少人去银行存款或购买银行理财产品,不是买银保产品(保险),却被一些不良银行工作人员或就是保险公司驻点营销人员(尽管银监会去年就下发了不得允许保险公司人员派驻银行网点的通知,但如今在一些银行仍能发现保险公司营销人员的身影)忽悠,掉进"陷阱"。不需要购买银保产品(保险)的"存款人"如何防范掉进陷阱呢?最重要的是懂得甄别银行产品与银保产品,看清它们之间的微妙差异。  相似文献   

我国银保合作的内在特征和模式选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来 ,国内涌现“银保合作”热 ,银行保险逐渐成为与个险、团险并列的三大保险营销模式之一。我国由于政策环境等因素影响 ,银保合作呈现出独立性和合作性并存的新型特征。在分析国内银保合作的现状和特征的基础上 ,提出不同的保险公司和银行应根据自身实际情况 ,选择符合现实条件的合作模式和发展战略 ,银保市场构建点、线、面立体式的多方位的合作格局。  相似文献   

银保联动,作为银行业与保险业实现一体化混业经营的创新举措,对于解决农村"融资难"问题具有重要的现实意义。文章以农业信贷与保险为研究对象,系统梳理银保互动的内涵、机理以及联动效应,并针对我国农村银保互动现状提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

作为保险销售的一项重要渠道,银行保险模式一直为学界、业界及相关监管部门研究的重点。本文首先对我国银行保险的发展历程、专业化内涵及其发展的必要性展开分析,并针对银行保险发展中存在的问题,提出专业化发展的改革路径,为促进银保经营者的共赢发展提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

近些年来,市场经济的快速发展为我国金融自由化提供了更多发展的空间,而银行与保险业的相互渗透也成为了新时期金融市场发展的一个新趋势。银行与保险业的合作,是为了迎合顾客需求而开拓新市场的一个有效途径。我国开展银保合作的时间不长,目前仍然处于初级起步阶段,虽然呈现出快速发展的趋势,但是在这个过程中也体现出一些不足和缺陷亟待解决。本文就主要针对银行与保险业合作的相关问题进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

This is the first study to examine the relationship between sustainability and soundness in banking as part of an integrated reporting approach. We consider 12 major European banks over the period 2006–2016. To test the relationship, two indexes were constructed, the sustainable performance index, which attempts to measure sustainability, and the banking soundness index, which measures bank soundness. The results show a bidirectional causality between sustainability and banking soundness. More specifically, soundness encourages banks to engage in sustainable development activities, while the implementation of a sustainable development approach has a negative effect on banking soundness. Our research contributes to the literature on this topic in two ways. First, we propose a new method for measuring banking soundness based on a Bayesian approach. This approach allows us to study a large number of criteria and allows us to determine proactively the importance and the contribution of different determinants in achieving soundness. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that attempts to study the relationship between bank soundness and sustainability.  相似文献   

"去杠杆"、"强监管"和"防风险"是新时期经济社会发展中的关键任务。本文选取2010-2018年季度数据构建微观审慎监管视角下的银行体系稳定性指数,分析检验我国宏观杠杆率、影子银行规模对银行体系稳定性的时变影响机制。研究显示:我国银行体系稳定性总体呈震荡向下趋势,由稳定阶段逐渐转向当前高度不稳定阶段。进一步地,采用时变参数向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)实证研究发现:我国宏观杠杆率与影子银行规模对银行体系稳定性的冲击响应具有时变特征和时滞效应。宏观杠杆率与影子银行规模之间存在相互促进的非线性动态关系,二者叠加会对银行体系产生不利冲击。中长期内,宏观杠杆率过快攀升会加重银行体系不稳定,杠杆率适度波动一定程度上有利于银行体系稳定;短中期内,影子银行的适当扩张给稳定银行体系产生积极影响,但过度膨胀会形成长期持久的负向冲击。鉴于此,现阶段我国应加强经济去杠杆、影子银行监管及银行风险防范多重政策目标之间的有效协同,以维护金融体系稳定。  相似文献   

While northeastern Asian economies have grown at a stellar rate over the past 4 decades, during the same period, bank officials and financial market participants have been charged with corruption, nepotism, and government meddling and have incurred high levels of non-performing loans. The close relationships between financiers and their clients, a part of Chinese society known as guanxi, has often been criticized as a key source of corruption in Northeast Asia finance. However, the complex nature of relationships in guanxi networks brings a good side to Asian finance in that reputational risk disciplines financiers, clients, and government officials. I delve into the personal side of Asian finance using the theoretical poles of transactional and relationship banking. Transactional banking is a top-down, hard-data impersonal form of financial contracting, while relationship banking is a bottom-up interpersonal form of banking that relies on softer data. I argue that relationship banking, which naturally fits into an Asian context, could engender a shift from bad behavior to good behavior to protect wealth, reputation, and friends. Contrary to conventional wisdom, guanxi may lead to better governance in banking and other areas of Asian finance as more information becomes available through numerous media outlets and as groups outside the banking sector (e.g., insurance companies, the press, auditors, and citizens) discipline bankers and their clients through ‘private monitoring.’  相似文献   

The risk effects of combining banking, securities, and insurance activities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We create synthetic universal banks to examine the impact of securities and insurance activities on the banking firms’ risk. We find that these nonbank activities reduce the overall risk to the firm but increase systematic market risk—thus reducing the firm’s ability to diversify. Moreover, the unit price of risk does not appear to contain a risk premium to price the enhanced systemic risk exposure that might be engendered by greater convergence across financial firms. Our finding suggests that if there are net gains to universal banking, potential gains from synergies and demand effects must be powerful enough to overcome the disadvantages of increased systemic risk exposure. The results suggest that diversification benefits, when considered in isolation from the other implications of expanded bank powers, are not sufficiently large to justify expanding bank powers into nonbank securities and insurance underwriting activities.  相似文献   

随着我国对外贸易发展和银行业竞争的加剧,国际贸易融资已经成为商业银行重点发展的一项金融业务。该业务不仅为进出口企业提供了融资便利,也拓展了银行业务,在经济全球化浪潮中贸易融资已被广泛培植为国际性商业银行的效益新增点。然而在贸易融资实践中也时刻潜伏着各种风险,若把握不好,进出口企业的贸易风险就会直接转嫁到银行身上。如何防范和控制贸易融资业务的风险成为银行拓展业务亟待解决的问题。尤其是在不断开发贸易融资创新业务的今天,这一问题显得尤为重要。本文着重分析银行在国际贸易融资过程中遇到的各种风险,探究有效控制和防范贸易融资潜在风险的对策,以推动贸易融资业务的发展与创新。  相似文献   

This article analyses the background of the Cypriot banking crisis and discusses the parameters of the multilateral assistance programme that was agreed to in March 2013. It argues that the existing deposit insurance scheme in Cyprus has been circumvented in order to force large bank creditors to pay for the bailout of retail depositors. The result is a high level of uncertainty in European financial markets, which can only be overcome by a rapid completion of a banking union.  相似文献   

The option clause is a contractual device from free banking experiences meant to prevent banknote redemption duels. It has been used within the Diamond and Dybvig (J Pol Econ 91: 401–419, 1983) framework to suggest that very simple contractual solutions can act as an alternative to deposit insurance. This literature has, however, been ambiguous on whether the option clause can replace deposit insurance outside of those two contexts. It will be argued that the theoretical clause does not generally affect the likelihood that a solvent bank goes bankrupt because of a bank run, as empirical evidence suggests it is already near null, and that the exercise of the clause will have the effect of diminishing the size of creditor claims on bank assets because it exacerbates the agency problem of bank debt. It will therefore be argued that the clause is only desirable in (a) free banking systems that are historically devoid of bank runs in the first place and have other means of managing debt-related agency problems and (b) under the unrealistic assumption that bank runs are self-fulfilling prophecies. It will be argued that the agency problem of bank debt makes the option clause undesirable outside of free banking systems.  相似文献   

基于成本收益视角的我国显性存款保险制度有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行体系的稳定是金融稳定的核心。我国一直实行的是隐性存款保险制度,由于其隔断了各银行资金运用收益和资金筹集成本之间的制衡关系,使政府实施这种制度的成本越来越高。本文从显性存款保险制度与隐性存款保险制度的比较分析入手,基于成本和收益的视角,指出引入显性存款保险制度的最大成本在于其引致了新的道德风险问题,而且我国的制度环境薄弱加大了建立成本。在此基础上本文对建立我国显性存款保险制度的有效性进行论述,并提出一系列配套改革措施。  相似文献   

国有银行自上世纪70年代中期以来出现了民营化的国际趋势,一些国家因此发生了银行危机.而此前全球曾有过国有化浪潮.虽然国有银行效率比民营银行低,但经验研究却表明,国有银行与银行危机之间没有或很少有因果关系;而且由于有政府信誉担保不易发生挤兑.中国国有银行改革过程实际上是政府逐步放弃控制权的过程,但切不可因效率而忽视金融稳定;简单地依靠所有权变更无法解决国有银行脆弱性问题;而且,与境外战略投资者合作时要谨防金融主权失控风险.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the effective tax rate on bank income and bank profit efficiency. Our sample consists of 3,472 observations from 533 publicly quoted commercial banks operating in 46 countries between 2001 and 2009. We estimate a global frontier while controlling for various country-specific characteristics such as regulations, macroeconomic conditions, market concentration, and financial and overall development. The results indicate that a higher tax rate results in higher pre-tax profit efficiency. However, the relationship is non-linear, indicating that there is a point after which a further increase in taxation reduces bank profit efficiency. We also find that concentration in the banking sector enhances the effect of taxation on profit efficiency. Overall, the results provide some support to the tax-shifting hypothesis. However, there is no robust evidence that the impact of taxation on profit efficiency is influenced by the extent of private monitoring.  相似文献   

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