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对顾客满意和顾客忠诚概念的界定是对其作深入研究的基础。文章从顾客价值角度给出顾客满意和顾客忠诚的定义,并分析两者的实际应用。 相似文献
从顾客满意到顾客忠诚 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在激烈的市场竞争中,每一个组织必须尽快转向真正的顾客观念和营销观念,使经营重点转移到为顾客服务、提高顾客忠诚度上来,并在经营管理过程中着眼于建立持久的竞争优势。为此组织各部门必须相互合作、共同设计和执行有竞争力的顾客价值传递系统,以实现顾客满意,并进一步实现顾客忠诚。 相似文献
在现如今竞争日益加剧的市场化经济时代,作为一个以产业链销售为运营模式的企业,如何做到让更多的消费者对自己的商品更加满意,如何提升自身在众多同行中的竞争力,这都关系到企业的未来发展前景。本文主要研究了顾客在购买我们产品之后对其的满意度高低与顾客对产品是否忠诚的联系,并且站在管理层的角度之上进一步提出了一些具有建设性的建议与意见,期望对企业开展相关工作可以有一定的指导作用,并能取得较好的效果。 相似文献
从顾客满意到顾客忠诚 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在激烈的市场竞争中,每一个组织必须尽快转向真正的顾客观念和营销观念,使经营重点转移到为顾客服务、提高顾客忠诚度上来,并在经营管理过程中着眼于建立持久的竞争优势。为此组织各部门必须相互合作、共同设计和执行有竞争力的顾客价值传递系统,以实现顾客满意,并进一步实现顾客忠诚。 相似文献
顾客价值、顾客满意与企业忠诚管理 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
忠诚是现代企业生存和发展的基石,如何加强忠诚管理成为企业必须思考的问题。文章分析了忠诚的顾客对企业的价值意义,在阐述顾客价值与顾客满意涵义的基础上,提出了企业在忠诚管理活动中考虑的几个方面,即了解顾客价值取向,创造卓越顾客价值、不断创新顾客价值,提升顾客满意层级、以人为本,建立顾客导向的企业文化。 相似文献
关于顾客满意与顾客忠诚的理论研究及实践研究已越来越得到企业的重视,本文首先分析了顾客满意与顾客忠诚之间的关系,然后探讨了怎样才能做到从顾客满意到顾客忠诚,对企业的管理提出了相应的意见。 相似文献
顾客满意与顾客忠诚的关系分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在当今市场供大于求 ,市场相对饱和的情况下 ,顾客是企业兴衰的主要因素。不少企业经营者认识到企业兴衰与忠诚顾客的多少紧密相联 ;然而却有证据表明顾客满意并未随企业付出努力而提高 ,而且顾客满意并不一定带来顾客忠诚。对此 ,利用市场营销学的基本原理对二者的含义和影响因素进行剖析 ,得出了二者在本身上是一致的结论 ,并提出了应采取的基本策略。 相似文献
顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系的研究,对于企业设计与执仟顾客保留蓑略,降低顾客流失率具有意义。通过文献回顾,总结以前学者的研究结果,讨论顾客满意、顾客忠诚的内涵、两者间的关系,指出已有研究的不足和今后研究的方向。 相似文献
在信息化时代,随着网络技术的不断发展,网上商店作为一种新型的电子商务形式应运而生,网上购物变得越来越大众化,网店竞争异常激烈,卖方市场已经完全转为买方市场,顾客决定着网店的生存与发展.分析网店营销条件下的顾客满意和顾客忠诚概念、表现及需求特征,探讨如何从顾客满意到顾客忠诚等问题具有重要的现实指导意义. 相似文献
顾客满意与顾客忠诚的一个规范解释 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
由于目前关于顾客满意和顾客忠诚的研究已成为营销学界的热点,但对此还没有形成一致而确切的定论。所以,笔者致力于从形成营销学基础的一些理论出发,给顾客满意和顾客忠诚一个尽可能合理而规范的解释。以需要、消费、顾客、行为与认知这些基本概念为讨论的起点,逐步论证和论述了对顾客、消费者行为、顾客满意和顾客忠诚等营销基本范畴的一般性规律,最后得出了顾客满意与忠诚之间相互关系的规范性解释。 相似文献
<正>在为委托方进行客户满意度测评的过程中,许多客户经常会提出下列问题:1.到底我们应该采用满意度指标还是忠诚度指标作为KPI的指标? 相似文献
顾客满意向顾客忠诚转换因素探讨 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
随着市场竞争的加剧和顾客争夺成本的提高,顾客满意和顾客忠诚已经引起理论界和实践界的广泛关注,然而,目前学术界对顾客满意向顾客忠诚转换因素的研究却较少。现基于相关的文献综述,对影响顾客满意向顾客忠诚转换的因素进行分析和概括,以期对我国企业的发展提供一些参考。 相似文献
《Journal of Relationship Marketing》2013,12(3-4):29-42
SUMMARY In an attempt to increase customer loyalty amid increasingly competitive business environments, organizations are looking to customer relationship management (CRM) to help provide a solution. In spite of CRM failure rates cited as being as high as 70%, organizations continue to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on CRM implementations. Attempts of past research to resolve why failure rates are so high have tended to focus on technological factors such as database integration or factors internal to the organization such as system adoption or organizational culture. While these areas are important, reactions of customers may also play a role. This paper uses justice theory to investigate the potential impact that customer involvement in a CRM implementation may have on customer loyalty. Propositions are provided to guide future research. 相似文献
<正>进入21世纪的中国企业面临越来越多的挑战:全球金融危机、能源短缺、环境保护、网络营销等。应对市场竞争的策略也是百家争鸣,莫衷一是,其中有战略论、蓝海 相似文献
Luis J. Callarisa Fiol Enrique Bigne Alcañiz Miguel A. Moliner Tena Javier Sánchez García 《商对商营销杂志》2013,20(3):276-316
Purpose: This article studies, from the perspective of relationship marketing, the loyalty behavior of industrial customers in the context of an industrial cluster. Loyalty is a key variable for studying long-term relationships between firms. Research implications: Recent advances in consumer and services marketing consider that perceived value and satisfaction are central to explaining customer loyalty. However, very few business-to-business (B2B) studies explain the antecedents of customer loyalty, where perceived value acquires a multidimensional perspective. This study adopts the relationship marketing approach, and loyalty behavior is analyzed in a specific setting: an industrial cluster. Furthermore, the effect of the number of suppliers is analyzed as a possible moderator in the relationships of the model. Methodology approach: We have chosen the Spanish tile cluster to test a series of hypotheses. Questionnaires were elaborated from primary and secondary information and structural equation models (SEM) have been used for statistical treatment and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Findings: This study highlights the importance of the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty and the importance of the different dimensions of perceived value. Practical implications: The empirical study and the results provide important evidence for managers, specifically, the critical influence of the emotional and social perceived values by the customer on his or her level of satisfaction and on the achievement of final loyalty—the importance in the commercial training programs of this matters. Originality, value, and contribution: This study highlights the importance of the most intangibles dimensions of value for the industrial cluster relations between companies. 相似文献
Examining E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Integrated Quality-Risk-Value Perspective
Mei-Ju Lin 《Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce》2013,23(4):379-401
Because of the inherently virtual nature of online environments, maintaining customer loyalty on business-to-customer (B2C) e-commerce websites is a challenging task. Although there have been many e-commerce studies that investigate customer loyalty in various B2C contexts, none of them have examined loyalty by simultaneously adopting quality-, risk-, and value-driven perspectives. This study integrates the quality-satisfaction-loyalty paradigm and the extrinsic cue-quality-risk-value chain to develop a theoretical model of customer loyalty that is based on an integrated quality-risk-value perspective. Data collected from 542 experienced online shoppers are used to validate the theoretical research model. Additionally, the mediation effects of perceived e-service quality, perceived risk, perceived value, and satisfaction on the relationship between electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and loyalty in B2C websites are validated using rigorous statistical methods. As hypothesized, the findings indicate that both positive and negative eWOM significantly influence perceived e-service quality and perceived risk and, in turn, significantly affect perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty via the mediation of perceived e-service quality and risk. This study substantially enriches our understanding of the success of B2C websites by highlighting how the sequential causal relationships among key extrinsic cues, quality, risk, and value can strongly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty on these websites. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
曹礼和 《湖北商业高等专科学校学报》2008,(3):111-116
在高度竞争的市场环境中,赢得顾客并与顾客维持长久关系是非常重要的,而这种长久关系的建立在很大程度上是以顾客满意为基础的。因此,如何提高顾客满意度、培育和维系忠诚的顾客群体是现代企业生存和发展亟待解决的重要课题。本论文提出了一个包含服务公平性、顾客感知质量、顾客感知价值、顾客满意感和顾客忠诚感概念模型及18项相关研究假设,并在武汉市20家酒店展开了问卷调查.最后采用规范的、科学的实证研究方法对此概念模型和研究假设进行了检验。 相似文献
ABSTRACT This paper addresses two key questions on how supplier firms can better manage industrial buyers to create higher loyalty. The first involves whether to focus on relationship quality or exchange satisfaction. This dual route model towards enhancing loyalty in essence is concerned with comparing the relative strengths of the effect from relationship quality to loyalty and from exchange satisfaction to loyalty. The second point of interest pertains to whether the effects from relationship quality and exchange satisfaction to loyalty are moderated by environmental conditions such as switching barriers and viable alternatives. Using data on business customers' ratings of a major information technology provider, we find that the effect of exchange satisfaction on loyalty is significantly greater than the effect of relationship quality on loyalty. We also find that the impact of exchange satisfaction on loyalty is less sensitive and more stable across different levels of switching barriers and viable alternatives. Conversely, the effect of relationship quality on loyalty is more pronounced to such moderating variables in that the effect of relationship quality on loyalty was greater when switching barriers were low and many viable alternatives existed. Implications for marketing theory and practice are discussed. 相似文献