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目前,国内已经有13家商业银行成立了自己的私人银行部.从国内最早出现的私人银行到如今仅五年多的时间,私人银行从新生事物到遍地开花,正在中国迅猛发展.但是,国内各家私人银行提供的产品和服务差异不大,产品同质化严重,在业务拓展中亟需进行定制化、精细化营销.在阐述国内私人银行客户群细分和类别的基础上,将6P营销组合理论和4V营销组合理论结合,扬长避短,构建新的营销组合策略,最终指导营销实践.  相似文献   

汇丰银行的业务主要分为两大客户群:个人理财及工商业务,和两大环球业务:企业银行、投资银行及资本市场,以及私人银行。本文所论述的汇丰银行的零售业务的范畴为汇丰银行的个人理财服务(Personal Financial Service)。  相似文献   

<正>我国私人银行业务已有近十年的发展历史,在此期间,随着经济社会形势的不断变化,私人银行客户的需求也在愈发多元化。各家私人银行机构都在积极建设人才队伍,以满足日益复杂的私人银行客户需求。在此过程中,不断发展的私人银行业务呈现出一定问题,并面临很大的挑战。一、我国私人银行业务现存的主要问题我国私人银行业务现存的主要问题存在于私人银行服务的需求和供给两方,私人银行服务的需求方主要是指目前拥有高净值资产的私人银  相似文献   

近年来,我国私人银行快速发展,行业规模逐渐扩大,业务深度逐步拓展,行业发展前景越来越好。本文通过介绍私人银行的定义、组织模式、盈利模式、发展现状等,对中国私人银行进行重新定位,将其定位为全方位金融服务解决方案供应商,将业务重心放在深层次私人银行服务上,以此促进中国私人银行发展更上一层楼。  相似文献   

2007年,我国中资银行在本土推出了私人银行业务,为潜在高净值客户提供一系列服务。2009年7月,我国银监会发布《关于进一步规范商业银行个人理财业务投资管理有关问题的通知》,为私人银行产品投资二级市场和股权投资提供了充足的空间。随着2012年"十二五"的落幕,我国的经济和金融将迎来又一个发展的高峰期,同时也给私人银行的发展带来了进一步发展的契机和动力。同时我们也要看到,相比国际上比较成熟的私人银行组织模式,我国的私人银行发展仍处于探索阶段,有的银行采取"大零售"模式,有的银行采取事业部制模式,有的银行则采取中间的过渡模式。本文列举了"大零售"模式和事业部制模式二者的优势和劣势,通过对比,为我国中资银行开展私人银行业务选择路径提供借鉴。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,中国经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,居民可支配收入迅速提高,富裕人群越来越多,私人银行服务作为高净值人群资产管理和投融资需求的重要渠道。2005年中国银行设立私人银行部以来,私人银行发展规模和速度日益加快。本文通过介绍私人银行的发展历程、经营特点及最新趋势,对中国私人银行进行行业现状进行分析,对于促进中国私人银行服务持续健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着中国经济奇迹般发展,尤其是正式加入WTO之后,我国富人阶层急速增长,其对私人财富管理的需求也与日俱增,私人银行业务作为银行等金融机构中众多业务的高端服务已经在中国市场崭露头角,中外银行对此服务更展开了激烈的角逐。但私人银行对于中国来说还是一项新兴服务,它不可避免的遇到了很多亟待解决的问题。本文首先系统阐述了目前我国私人银行业务发展现状,其次,在对商业银行开展私人银行业务遇到的问题和面临的挑战进行了系统性分析后,提出了与之相对应的可行性对策。  相似文献   

李燕 《财经界(学术)》2014,(14):129-129
改革开放三十年来我国经济进入高速发展阶段,社会财富急剧增加,富裕群体快速扩张,财富管理和服务需求日益多元化。我国私人银行市场呈现出巨大潜力,吸引了各类金融机构涉足私人银行业务。私人银行业务并不是指所有权为私人的银行机构中所产生的相关的银行业务,而是指银行金融机构所支持的一种以财富管理为核心的高端银行理财业务,私人银行业务的私有性及保密性很强。它的开展一切以客户为中心,提供个性化、专业化的高品质服务。帮助其实现投资回报目标及财富的稳定增长。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来我国经济进入高速发展阶段,社会财富急剧增加,富裕群体快速扩张,财富管理和服务需求日益多元化。我国私人银行市场呈现出巨大潜力,吸引了各类金融机构涉足私人银行业务。私人银行业务并不是指所有权为私人的银行机构中所产生的相关的银行业务,而是指银行金融机构所支持的一种以财富管理为核心的高端银行理财业务,私人银行业务的私有性及保密性很强。它的开展一切以客户为中心,提供个性化、专业化的高品质服务,帮助其实现投资回报目标及财富的稳定增长。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来我国经济进入高速发展阶段,社会财富急剧增加,富裕群体快速扩张,财富管理和服务需求日益多元化。我国私人银行市场呈现出巨大潜力,吸引了各类金融机构涉足私人银行业务。私人银行业务并不是指所有权为私人的银行机构中所产生的相关的银行业务,而是指银行金融机构所支持的一种以财富管理为核心的高端银行理财业务,私人银行业务的私有性及保密性很强。它的开展一切以客户为中心,提供个性化、专业化的高品质服务,帮助其实现投资回报目标及财富的稳定增长。  相似文献   

中国金融业和银行业的发展举世瞩目。中国银行业的信息化之路走过了20年,实现了信息大集中、运营集约化、管理现代化和服务电子化。随着全球经济一体化、金融一体化的深入推进,中国的商业银行必须从银行信息化走向信息化银行,即在银行信息化的基础上真正实现融汇、贯通,促使银行业经营管理产生根本变化。具体说来,就是要集中、整合、共享、挖掘。一要转变为规模化、标准化的作业模式,实现业务集中处理,最终达到经营管理的全面集中和集约,使银行在业务量快速增长、业务复杂性大幅提高的情况下,依然保证业务运营的高质量、高效率,有效降低生产运营成本,控制经营风险;二要按照统一的信息技术架构将银行内部各管理系统全部整合到一个系统管理平台,实现各系统互联互通;三要突破信息传导和查控的限制,提高可用性和易用性;四要对银行或者企业非常需要的管理信息、客户信息、产品信息等进行收集、储存和处理,进行挖掘和归纳性梳理,充分利用有价值的信息,帮助管理者判断市场,发现价格,评估风险,配置资源,提供决策支持。中国银行业应在全球银行业剧变之时,为银行信息化建设走出一条新路。  相似文献   

Customer orientation of service employees (COSE) refers to the capacity and skills of employees to (1) identify, understand and satisfy their clients’ needs, and (2) act to that end. The COSE model has been used extensively to assess customer orientation of service employees within different settings. However, minimal modifications from the original have been presented so far, and the proposed settings were unrelated to highly relational services such as private banking (PB). PB is defined as the services specifically designed to satisfy the financial needs of high net worth individuals (HNWI); they are usually delivered by only one contact person – the private banker. Thus, PB is based on a personal and long-lasting relationship between the private banker and the client. Drawing on the literature regarding customer orientation and PB, trust, loyalty and word of mouth are identified as the potential consequences of COSE, improving on previous models. These new propositions are accompanied by a conceptual framework of COSE that is able to address the PB particularities by considering some moderating variables that are inherent to the PB service (customer segment and type of banking firm). Further avenues for research are then charted in light of the new conceptual framework developed.  相似文献   

In service industry, the subject of service quality remains crucial as business strive to maintain a comparative advantage in the marketplace. In aftermath of globalization, the operating environment for banking industry has become more dynamic and competitive. Banks have evolved to become diversified financial providers instead of traditional banking-only service providers. With bank placing emphasis on a mutually beneficial bank–customer relationship, customer loyalty must be pursued through repeat purchases. Central to achieving this is often the quality of services offered by the bank should satisfy the customer’s needs. This article attempts to identify any service gaps in Malaysian banking industry and to recommend effective strategies to close these service gaps from bank mangers’ and executives perspectives based on GAPs Model of Service Quality (GAPs Model). Using qualitative data collected from interviews with 30 bank managers and executives, this article provides effectives strategies to close each of the gaps in GAPs Model. It is hoped that the empirical evidences and recommendations provided in this article shed some light to management of banks to improve upon their customer service quality in order to benefit from customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and other behavioural outcomes which will lead to greater competitive advantage and profitability to the banks concerned.  相似文献   

Finding motivations for customer brand loyalty is one of the most popular academic and practical research fields; in this regard, some scholars have explored motivations in the retail industry. As the concept of private brands has been one of the most widely employed strategies for business success in the industry, comparing private and national brands in terms of customer loyalty is an important topic in the retail industry. Thus, the current research focuses on exploring antecedents of customer loyalty in private and national brands, as well as investigating whether there are notable structural differences between the brands. The results, based on 1,631 responses, indicate that customer perceived service/product quality, satisfaction, trust, and cost are notable determinants of brand loyalty, while the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of private brands is not supported. Moreover, both indirect and direct effects of the employed factors on customer brand loyalty are reported.  相似文献   

China's service sector aims to be turning over US5400 billion worth of business a year by 2010, according to proposals put forward by theState Council, China's cabinet.  相似文献   

手机银行顾客满意度模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任洁  任利成 《北方经贸》2014,(9):168-169
手机银行是一个新兴的移动电子商务应用,它是一种融合了新技术的业务启用。目前关于手机银行的研究主要集中在技术改进和顾客采纳其服务的影响因素方面,然而,采纳手机银行服务之后,其顾客满意度的研究较少。本文以手机银行作为研究对象,选取了ACSI(美国顾客满意度指数)模型作为参考模型,并加入感知风险变量,在此基础上构建出手机银行顾客满意度的概念模型,为银行提高竞争力提供参考建议。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine whether service convenience increases customer satisfaction that fosters customer loyalty in Indian commercial banks. A cross-sectional study of 352 retail banking customers through questionnaires was conducted. The population of the study is retail urban customers of banks in Rajasthan. Responses are analyzed using structural equation modeling. Dimensions of service convenience are decision convenience, access convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, and postbenefit convenience. Decision convenience was found to influence customer satisfaction more than the other dimensions of service convenience. Customer satisfaction furthers customer loyalty. The article emphasizes the significance of SERVCON on customer satisfaction for the Indian banking sector. The direct impact of SERVCON on customer loyalty is also studied.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the factors that lead to the intention to stay and the intention to switch in the banking industry. The research adopted a qualitative, inductive approach to data collection using a sample of 19 Australians customers who use banking services, and two Australian bank managers. The factors that are important to the customers' decision to change banks or to diversify their accounts include: (a) customer service and customer intimacy; (b) response to service failure; (c) effect of advertising; (d) reputation; (e) ease of banking; and (f) customer value.  相似文献   

网络银行在我国得到迅速的发展,极大促进了银行在管理体制、运行机制、业务内容、服务方式等方面的变化,增强了银行活力。论文介绍了网络银行的概念和组成,并介绍了网络银行存在的主要风险。并结合我国国内实际情况,提出了防范风险的一系列措施。  相似文献   

In the process of deregulation and privatization, profit-seeking state-owned as well as private enterprises typically compete directly in the same market. This paper employed two data sets, namely those from the banking and gas station industries in Taiwan, to fulfill two objectives. The first is to evaluate the effectiveness of state-owned enterprises as measured by service quality and customer satisfaction. The second objective is to develop the key marketing strategies for these state-owned enterprises according to simultaneous importance-performance analysis. The results show that customers’ overall satisfaction with state-owned enterprises is much lower than that with private competitors, a fact mainly attributed to the formers’ poor service quality. Marketing strategies for state-owned enterprises should concentrate on employee-related service quality attributes. In the short-run, ability-related attributes can be improved through effective standardized operating procedures, employee training and sufficient manpower. In the long run, attitude-related attributes can be transformed through a customer-oriented culture.  相似文献   

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