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A multivariate model of the process by which managers decide to release public forecasts of their firms' earnings is developed, based on factors that are hypothesized to affect the demand for and the willingness to supply such forecasts. We test the model on data from a comprehensive sample of earnings forecasts, and find support for our hypotheses about the likely joint influence of those factors. Larger firm size, greater leverage, higher and more stable earnings rates and less rapid growth rates are found to be associated with an increased propensity for management to provide earnings forecasts for their firms.  相似文献   

Established tests for proper calibration of multivariate density forecasts based on Rosenblatt probability integral transforms can be manipulated by changing the order of variables in the forecasting model. We derive order-invariant tests. The new tests are applicable to densities of arbitrary dimensions and can deal with parameter estimation uncertainty and dynamic misspecification. Monte Carlo simulations show that they often have superior power relative to established approaches. We use the tests to evaluate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity-based multivariate density forecasts for a vector of stock market returns and macroeconomic forecasts from a Bayesian vector autoregression with time-varying parameters.  相似文献   

We develop a new dynamic multivariate model for the analysis and forecasting of football match results in national league competitions. The proposed dynamic model is based on the score of the predictive observation mass function for a high-dimensional panel of weekly match results. Our main interest is in forecasting whether the match result is a win, a loss or a draw for each team. The dynamic model for delivering such forecasts can be based on three different dependent variables: the pairwise count of the number of goals, the difference between the numbers of goals, or the category of the match result (win, loss, draw). The different dependent variables require different distributional assumptions. Furthermore, different dynamic model specifications can be considered for generating the forecasts. We investigate empirically which dependent variable and which dynamic model specification yield the best forecasting results. We validate the precision of the resulting forecasts and the success of the forecasts in a betting simulation in an extensive forecasting study for match results from six large European football competitions. Finally, we conclude that the dynamic model for pairwise counts delivers the most precise forecasts while the dynamic model for the difference between counts is most successful for betting, but that both outperform benchmark and other competing models.  相似文献   

In this research, we propose a disaster response model combining preparedness and responsiveness strategies. The selective response depends on the level of accuracy that our forecasting models can achieve. In order to decide the right geographical space and time window of response, forecasts are prepared and assessed through a spatial–temporal aggregation framework, until we find the optimum level of aggregation. The research considers major earthquake data for the period 1985–2014. Building on the produced forecasts, we develop accordingly a disaster response model. The model is dynamic in nature, as it is updated every time a new event is added in the database. Any forecasting model can be optimized though the proposed spatial–temporal forecasting framework, and as such our results can be easily generalized. This is true for other forecasting methods and in other disaster response contexts.  相似文献   

Many static and dynamic models exist to forecast Value-at-Risk and other quantile-related metrics used in financial risk management. Industry practice favours simpler, static models such as historical simulation or its variants. Most academic research focuses on dynamic models in the GARCH family. While numerous studies examine the accuracy of multivariate models for forecasting risk metrics, there is little research on accurately predicting the entire multivariate distribution. However, this is an essential element of asset pricing or portfolio optimization problems having non-analytic solutions. We approach this highly complex problem using various proper multivariate scoring rules to evaluate forecasts of eight-dimensional multivariate distributions: exchange rates, interest rates and commodity futures. This way, we test the performance of static models, namely, empirical distribution functions and a new factor-quantile model with commonly used dynamic models in the asymmetric multivariate GARCH class.  相似文献   

The Wishart Autoregressive process of multivariate stochastic volatility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Wishart Autoregressive (WAR) process is a dynamic model for time series of multivariate stochastic volatility. The WAR naturally accommodates the positivity and symmetry of volatility matrices and provides closed-form non-linear forecasts. The estimation of the WAR is straighforward, as it relies on standard methods such as the Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood. For illustration, the WAR is applied to a sequence of intraday realized volatility–covolatility matrices from the Toronto Stock Market (TSX).  相似文献   

We propose a model that can capture the typical features of multivariate extreme events observed in financial time series, namely, clustering behaviors in magnitudes and arrival times of multivariate extreme events, and time-varying dependence. The model is developed within the framework of the peaks-over-threshold approach in extreme value theory and relies on a Poisson process with self-exciting intensity. We discuss the properties of the model, treat its estimation, and address testing its goodness-of-fit. The model is applied to the return data of two stock markets.  相似文献   

Criminal incident prediction using a point-pattern-based density model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Law enforcement agencies need crime forecasts to support their tactical operations; namely, predicted crime locations for next week based on data from the previous week. Current practice simply assumes that spatial clusters of crimes or “hot spots” observed in the previous week will persist to the next week. This paper introduces a multivariate prediction model for hot spots that relates the features in an area to the predicted occurrence of crimes through the preference structure of criminals. We use a point-pattern-based transition density model for space–time event prediction that relies on criminal preference discovery as observed in the features chosen for past crimes. The resultant model outperforms the current practices, as demonstrated statistically by an application to breaking and entering incidents in Richmond, VA.  相似文献   

Hawkes processes are used in statistical modeling for event clustering and causal inference, while they also can be viewed as stochastic versions of popular compartmental models used in epidemiology. Here we show how to develop accurate models of COVID-19 transmission using Hawkes processes with spatial-temporal covariates. We model the conditional intensity of new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the U.S. at the county level, estimating the dynamic reproduction number of the virus within an EM algorithm through a regression on Google mobility indices and demographic covariates in the maximization step. We validate the approach on both short-term and long-term forecasting tasks, showing that the Hawkes process outperforms several models currently used to track the pandemic, including an ensemble approach and an SEIR-variant. We also investigate which covariates and mobility indices are most important for building forecasts of COVID-19 in the U.S.  相似文献   

In situations where a regression model is subject to one or more breaks it is shown that it can be optimal to use pre-break data to estimate the parameters of the model used to compute out-of-sample forecasts. The issue of how best to exploit the trade-off that might exist between bias and forecast error variance is explored and illustrated for the multivariate regression model under the assumption of strictly exogenous regressors. In practice when this assumption cannot be maintained and both the time and size of the breaks are unknown, the optimal choice of the observation window will be subject to further uncertainties that make exploiting the bias–variance trade-off difficult. To that end we propose a new set of cross-validation methods for selection of a single estimation window and weighting or pooling methods for combination of forecasts based on estimation windows of different lengths. Monte Carlo simulations are used to show when these procedures work well compared with methods that ignore the presence of breaks.  相似文献   

The vector ARIMA (VARIMA) model is a multivariate generalization of the univariate ARIMA model. VARIMA can accomodate assumptions on exogeneity and on contemporaneous relationships. Exogeneous forecasts and non-zero future shocks make it possible to generate alternative forecasts. In a case study VARIMA well describes developments in the 1970's and successfully competes with judgemental methods and ARIMA in providing a general outlook of the early 1980's.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the accuracy of forecasts from four dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models for inflation, output growth and the federal funds rate using a real‐time dataset synchronized with the Fed's Greenbook projections. Conditioning the model forecasts on the Greenbook nowcasts leads to forecasts that are as accurate as the Greenbook projections for output growth and the federal funds rate. Only for inflation are the model forecasts dominated by the Greenbook projections. A comparison with forecasts from Bayesian vector autoregressions shows that the economic structure of the DSGE models which is useful for the interpretation of forecasts does not lower the accuracy of forecasts. Combining forecasts of several DSGE models increases precision in comparison to individual model forecasts. Comparing density forecasts with the actual distribution of observations shows that DSGE models overestimate uncertainty around point forecasts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Verifying probabilistic forecasts for extreme events is a highly active research area because popular media and public opinions are naturally focused on extreme events, and biased conclusions are readily made. In this context, classical verification methods tailored for extreme events, such as thresholded and weighted scoring rules, have undesirable properties that cannot be mitigated, and the well-known continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) is no exception.In this paper, we define a formal framework for assessing the behavior of forecast evaluation procedures with respect to extreme events, which we use to demonstrate that assessment based on the expectation of a proper score is not suitable for extremes. Alternatively, we propose studying the properties of the CRPS as a random variable by using extreme value theory to address extreme event verification. An index is introduced to compare calibrated forecasts, which summarizes the ability of probabilistic forecasts for predicting extremes. The strengths and limitations of this method are discussed using both theoretical arguments and simulations.  相似文献   

We compare multivariate and univariate approaches to assessing the accuracy of competing density forecasts of a portfolio return in the downside part of the support. We argue that the common practice of performing multivariate forecast comparisons can be problematic in the context of assessing portfolio risk, since better multivariate forecasts do not necessarily correspond to better aggregate portfolio return forecasts. This is illustrated by examples that involve (skew) elliptical distributions and an application to daily returns of a number of US stock prices. In addition, time-varying test statistics and Value-at-Risk forecasts provide empirical evidence of regime changes over the last decades.  相似文献   

In a data-rich environment, forecasting economic variables amounts to extracting and organizing useful information from a large number of predictors. So far, the dynamic factor model and its variants have been the most successful models for such exercises. In this paper, we investigate a category of LASSO-based approaches and evaluate their predictive abilities for forecasting twenty important macroeconomic variables. These alternative models can handle hundreds of data series simultaneously, and extract useful information for forecasting. We also show, both analytically and empirically, that combing forecasts from LASSO-based models with those from dynamic factor models can reduce the mean square forecast error (MSFE) further. Our three main findings can be summarized as follows. First, for most of the variables under investigation, all of the LASSO-based models outperform dynamic factor models in the out-of-sample forecast evaluations. Second, by extracting information and formulating predictors at economically meaningful block levels, the new methods greatly enhance the interpretability of the models. Third, once forecasts from a LASSO-based approach are combined with those from a dynamic factor model by forecast combination techniques, the combined forecasts are significantly better than either dynamic factor model forecasts or the naïve random walk benchmark.  相似文献   

The predictive likelihood is useful for ranking models in forecast comparison exercises using Bayesian inference. We discuss how it can be estimated, by means of marzginalization, for any subset of the observables in linear Gaussian state‐space models. We compare macroeconomic density forecasts for the euro area of a DSGE model to those of a DSGE‐VAR, a BVAR and a multivariate random walk over 1999:Q1–2011:Q4. While the BVAR generally provides superior forecasts, its performance deteriorates substantially with the onset of the Great Recession. This is particularly notable for longer‐horizon real GDP forecasts, where the DSGE and DSGE‐VAR models perform better. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为准确地度量包含有多项金融资产的组合的风险,本文提出使用一种新的高维Copula构建方法,正则藤Copula(Canonical Vine Copula),来对多资产间的非线性相关结构进行建模,该函数呈现为一个以一系列成对Copula函数作为节点的“藤”的层叠结构。本文基于上海、香港和台湾三个股票市场对构建该高维Copula函数时各个节点上成对Copula函数类型的选取进行了讨论,并证实了正则藤Copula函数相比传统的多元Copula函数能够更灵活地描述各市场间尾部相关性的复杂形式。样本外风险预测绩效分析和模拟研究均表明,使用正则藤Copula函数确实能够更为稳健和准确地预测组合VaR。  相似文献   

This paper develops and applies tools to assess multivariate aspects of Bayesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model forecasts and their ability to predict comovements among key macroeconomic variables. We construct posterior predictive checks to evaluate conditional and unconditional density forecasts, in addition to checks for root-mean-squared errors and event probabilities associated with these forecasts. The checks are implemented on a three-equation DSGE model as well as the Smets and Wouters (2007) model using real-time data. We find that the additional features incorporated into the Smets–Wouters model do not lead to a uniform improvement in the quality of density forecasts and prediction of comovements of output, inflation, and interest rates.  相似文献   

Since Quenouille's influential work on multiple time series, much progress has been made towards the goal of parameter reduction and model fit. Relatively less attention has been paid to the systematic evaluation of out-of-sample forecast performance of multivariate time series models. In this paper, we update the hog data set studied by Quenouille (and other researchers who followed him). We re-estimate his model with extended observations (1867–1966), and generate recursive one- to four-steps-ahead forecasts for the period of 1967 through 2000. These forecasts are compared to forecasts from an unrestricted vector autoregression, a reduced rank regression model, an index model and a cointegration-based error correction model. The error correction model that takes into account both nonstationarity of the data and rank reduction performs best at all four forecasting horizons. However, differences among competing models are statistically insignificant in most cases. No model consistently encompasses the others at all four horizons.  相似文献   

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