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We approximate normal implied volatilities by means of an asymptotic expansion method. The contribution of this paper is twofold: to our knowledge, this paper is the first to provide a unified approximation method for the normal implied volatility under general local stochastic volatility models. Second, we applied our framework to polynomial local stochastic volatility models with various degrees and could replicate the swaptions market data accurately. In addition we examined the accuracy of the results by comparison with the Monte‐Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Long memory in continuous-time stochastic volatility models   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper studies a classical extension of the Black and Scholes model for option pricing, often known as the Hull and White model. Our specification is that the volatility process is assumed not only to be stochastic, but also to have long-memory features and properties. We study here the implications of this continuous-time long-memory model, both for the volatility process itself as well as for the global asset price process. We also compare our model with some discrete time approximations. Then the issue of option pricing is addressed by looking at theoretical formulas and properties of the implicit volatilities as well as statistical inference tractability. Lastly, we provide a few simulation experiments to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose semiclosed-form solutions, subject to an inversion of the Fourier transform, for the price of VIX options and target volatility options under affine GARCH models based on Gaussian and Inverse Gaussian distributions. We illustrate the advantage of the proposed analytic expressions by comparing them with those obtained from benchmark Monte–Carlo simulations. The empirical performance of the two affine GARCH models is tested using different calibration exercises based on historical returns and market quotes on VIX and SPX options.  相似文献   

We investigate the valuation of volatility index (VIX) options by developing a model with a self-exciting Hawkes process that allows for clustering in the VIX. In the proposed framework, we find semianalytical expressions for the characteristic function and forward characteristic function, and then we solve the pricing problem of standard-start and forward-start options via the fast Fourier transform. The empirical results provide evidence to support the significance of accounting for volatility clustering when pricing VIX options.  相似文献   

John Elder 《期货市场杂志》2019,39(12):1549-1564
There has been a surge in interest in the effects of uncertainty on investment decisions, motivated at least in part by the theory of real options. For example, Bloom (2009, Econometrica, 77, 623–685) shows that higher uncertainty causes firms to temporarily pause investment and hiring, generating sharp economic downturns. This paper investigates these effects by examining the response of disaggregated measures of production to volatility in oil prices. We find that increased oil price volatility has strong negative effects on the production of durable goods, such as transportation equipment, and oil exploration, such as the drilling of oil and gas wells.  相似文献   

The problem of portfolio allocation in the context of stocks evolving in random environments, that is with volatility and returns depending on random factors, has attracted a lot of attention. The problem of maximizing a power utility at a terminal time with only one random factor can be linearized thanks to a classical distortion transformation. In the present paper, we address the situation with several factors using a perturbation technique around the case where these factors are perfectly correlated reducing the problem to the case with a single factor. Our proposed approximation requires to solve numerically two linear equations in lower dimension instead of a fully nonlinear HJB equation. A rigorous accuracy result is derived by constructing sub- and super-solutions so that their difference is at the desired order of accuracy. We illustrate our result with a particular model for which we have explicit formulas for the approximation. In order to keep the notations as explicit as possible, we treat the case with one stock and two factors and we describe an extension to the case with two stocks and two factors.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between firms’ quarterly earnings report timing and uncertainty before quarterly earnings announcements. Prior research provides conflicting predictions on how investor uncertainty and report timing are related. Using implied volatilities from equity options and the realized returns to straddle positions, we find evidence that uncertainty and volatility risk premiums are higher for firms that report later in the quarter. Further tests show that the increase in option premiums is unexplained by risk factors suggesting a mispricing by investors. These results are not associated with static firm-level factors and our findings are concentrated in high growth firms.  相似文献   

This paper studies the implied volatility (IV) smirks in four commodity markets by adopting Zhang and Xiang's methodology. First, we document the term structure and dynamics of IV smirks. Overall, the commodity IV curves are negatively skewed with a positive curvature. Then we analyze the commodity and S&P 500 returns' predictability based on in‐sample and out‐of‐sample tests and find that the information embedded in IV smirks can significantly predict monthly commodity and S&P 500 returns. For example, the risk‐neutral fourth cumulant (FC) from the crude oil market outperforms all of the standard predictors in predicting the S&P 500 returns.  相似文献   

We study the pricing of equity options in India which is one of the world's largest options markets. Our findings are supportive of market efficiency: A parsimonious smile-adjusted Black model fits option prices well, and the implied volatility (IV) has incremental predictive power for future volatility. However, the risk premium embedded in IV for Single Stock Options appears to be higher than in other markets. The study suggests that even a very liquid market with substantial participation of global institutional investors can have structural features that lead to systematic departures from the behavior of a fully rational market while being “microefficient.”  相似文献   

We consider a modeling setup where the volatility index (VIX) dynamics are explicitly computable as a smooth transformation of a purely diffusive, multidimensional Markov process. The framework is general enough to embed many popular stochastic volatility models. We develop closed‐form expansions and sharp error bounds for VIX futures, options, and implied volatilities. In particular, we derive exact asymptotic results for VIX‐implied volatilities, and their sensitivities, in the joint limit of short time‐to‐maturity and small log‐moneyness. The expansions obtained are explicit based on elementary functions and they neatly uncover how the VIX skew depends on the specific choice of the volatility and the vol‐of‐vol processes. Our results are based on perturbation techniques applied to the infinitesimal generator of the underlying process. This methodology has previously been adopted to derive approximations of equity (SPX) options. However, the generalizations needed to cover the case of VIX options are by no means straightforward as the dynamics of the underlying VIX futures are not explicitly known. To illustrate the accuracy of our technique, we provide numerical implementations for a selection of model specifications.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies suggest that the volatility of an underlying price process may have correlations that decay slowly under certain market conditions. In this paper, the volatility is modeled as a stationary process with long‐range correlation properties in order to capture such a situation, and we consider European option pricing. This means that the volatility process is neither a Markov process nor a martingale. However, by exploiting the fact that the price process is still a semimartingale and accordingly using the martingale method, we can obtain an analytical expression for the option price in the regime where the volatility process is fast mean reverting. The volatility process is modeled as a smooth and bounded function of a fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. We give the expression for the implied volatility, which has a fractional term structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the 3/2 model for VIX studied by Goard and Mazur and introduce the generalized 3/2 and 1/2 classes of volatility processes. Under these models, we study the pricing of European and American VIX options, and for the latter, we obtain an early exercise premium representation using a free‐boundary approach and local time‐space calculus. The optimal exercise boundary for the volatility is obtained as the unique solution to an integral equation of Volterra type. We also consider a model mixing these two classes and formulate the corresponding optimal stopping problem in terms of the observed factor process. The price of an American VIX call is then represented by an early exercise premium formula. We show the existence of a pair of optimal exercise boundaries for the factor process and characterize them as the unique solution to a system of integral equations.  相似文献   

We study Merton's classical portfolio optimization problem for an investor who can trade in a risk-free bond and a stock. The goal of the investor is to allocate money so that her expected utility from terminal wealth is maximized. The special feature of the problem studied in this paper is the inclusion of stochastic volatility in the dynamics of the risky asset. The model we use is driven by a superposition of non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and it was recently proposed and intensively investigated for real market data by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001) . Using the dynamic programming method, explicit trading strategies and expressions for the value function via Feynman-Kac formulas are derived and verified for power utilities. Some numerical examples are also presented.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of stochastic processes, which we refer to as lyrebirds. These extend a class of stochastic processes, which have recently been coined peacocks, but are more commonly known as processes that are increasing in the convex order. We show how these processes arise naturally in the context of Asian and Australian options and consider further applications, such as the arithmetic average of a Brownian bridge and the average of submartingales, including the case of Asian and Australian options where the underlying features constant elasticity of variance or is of Merton jump diffusion type.  相似文献   

This paper examines the risk/return relations in eleven Asian Pacific stock markets and explores if the 1997 Asian financial crisis significantly influenced market behavior in the region. We use a plain vanilla time-series regression approach as well as various GARCH models. Although results significantly vary across model specifications, the overall evidence from GARCH models supports a significantly positive risk/return relation in several markets but only prior to the Asian financial crisis. These results accord with Glosten et al. (1993) and Harvey (2001) and suggest that the relative risk aversion is sensitive to both model specifications and structural breaks.  相似文献   

A cattle feedlot marketing simulation model was developed and used to evaluate the performance of various feedlot marketing strategies. The marketing analysis included corn, feeder cattle, and fed cattle integrated marketing alternatives. A variety of strategies were compared including hedging and put option purchasing as signaled via profit margins or price forecasts. The results indicate that cattle feeders could have historically increased profitability and decreased the variability of profits through selective marketing by using either profit margins or price forecasts to signal market positions as compared to cash marketing strategies. In addition, several strategies were found that stochastically dominated cash marketing.  相似文献   

We study the term structure of variance (total risk), systematic, and idiosyncratic risk. Consistent with the expectations hypothesis, we find that, for the entire market, the slope of the term structure of variance is mainly informative about the path of future variance. Thus, there is little indication of a time-varying term premium. Turning the focus to individual stocks, we cannot reject the expectations hypothesis for systematic variance, but we strongly reject it for idiosyncratic variance. Our results are robust to jumps and potential statistical biases.  相似文献   

The paper studies derivative asset analysis in structural credit risk models where the asset value of the firm is not fully observable. It is shown that in order to determine the price dynamics of traded securities, one needs to solve a stochastic filtering problem for the asset value. We transform this problem to a filtering problem for a stopped diffusion process and apply results from the filtering literature to this problem. In this way, we obtain an stochastic partial differential equation characterization for the filter density. Moreover, we characterize the default intensity under incomplete information and determine the price dynamics of traded securities. Armed with these results, we study derivative assets in our setup: We explain how the model can be applied to the pricing of options on traded assets and we discuss dynamic hedging and model calibration. The paper closes with a small simulation study.  相似文献   

We develop an arbitrage‐free valuation framework for bilateral counterparty risk, where collateral is included with possible rehypothecation. We show that the adjustment is given by the sum of two option payoff terms, where each term depends on the netted exposure, i.e., the difference between the on‐default exposure and the predefault collateral account. We then specialize our analysis to credit default swaps (CDS) as underlying portfolios, and construct a numerical scheme to evaluate the adjustment under a doubly stochastic default framework. In particular, we show that for CDS contracts a perfect collateralization cannot be achieved, even under continuous collateralization, if the reference entity’s and counterparty’s default times are dependent. The impact of rehypothecation, collateral margining frequency, and default correlation‐induced contagion is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

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