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We consider estimating binary response models on an unbalanced panel, where the outcome of the dependent variable may be missing due to nonrandom selection, or there is self‐selection into a treatment. In the present paper, we first consider estimation of sample selection models and treatment effects using a fully parametric approach, where the error distribution is assumed to be normal in both primary and selection equations. Arbitrary time dependence in errors is permitted. Estimation of both coefficients and partial effects, as well as tests for selection bias, are discussed. Furthermore, we consider a semiparametric estimator of binary response panel data models with sample selection that is robust to a variety of error distributions. The estimator employs a control function approach to account for endogenous selection and permits consistent estimation of scaled coefficients and relative effects.  相似文献   

Financial support for this paper was provided by a C.A. Anderson Fellowship of the Cowles Foundation. I wish to thank Donald Andrews, Moshe Buchinsky, Oliver Linton, and Peter Robinson for helpful discussions. I also wish to thank three anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions. I am, of course, responsible for any remaining errors. A popular two-step estimator of the intercept of a censored regression model is compared with consistent asymptotically normal semiparametric alternatives. Using a root mean squared error criterion, the semiparametric estimators perform better for a range of bandwidth parameter choices for a variety of distributions of the errors and regressors. For error distributions that are close to the normal, however, the two-step parametric estimator performs better.  相似文献   

The existing semiparametric estimation literature has mainly focused on univariate Tobit models and no semiparametric estimation has been considered for bivariate Tobit models. In this paper, we consider semiparametric estimation of the bivariate Tobit model proposed by Amemiya (1974), under the independence condition without imposing any parametric restriction on the error distribution. Our estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal, and simulation results show that our estimator performs well in finite samples. It is also worth noting that while Amemiya’s (1974) instrumental variables estimator (IV) requires the normality assumption, our semiparametric estimator actually outperforms his IV estimator even when normality holds. Our approach can be extended to higher dimensional multivariate Tobit models.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a semiparametric efficient adaptive estimator of an asymmetric GARCH model. Applying some general results from Drost et al. [1997. The Annals of Statistics 25, 786–818], we first estimate the unknown density function of the disturbances by kernel methods, then apply a one-step Newton–Raphson method to obtain a more efficient estimator than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The proposed semiparametric estimator is adaptive for parameters appearing in the conditional standard deviation model with respect to the unknown distribution of the disturbances.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the proportional hazard model proposed in Cox (1972), Han and Hausman (1990) consider the logarithm of the integrated baseline hazard function as constant in each time period. We, however, proposed an alternative semiparametric estimator of the parameters of the covariate part. The estimator is considered as semiparametric since no prespecified functional form for the error terms (or certain convolution) is needed. This estimator, proposed in Lewbel (2000) in another context, shows at least four advantages. The distribution of the latent variable error is unknown and may be related to the regressors. It takes into account censored observations, it allows for heterogeneity of unknown form and it is quite easy to implement since the estimator does not require numerical searches. Using the Spanish Labour Force Survey, we compare empirically the results of estimating several alternative models, basically on the estimator proposed in Han and Hausman (1990) and our semiparametric estimator.  相似文献   

We propose composite quantile regression for dependent data, in which the errors are from short‐range dependent and strictly stationary linear processes. Under some regularity conditions, we show that composite quantile estimator enjoys root‐n consistency and asymptotic normality. We investigate the asymptotic relative efficiency of composite quantile estimator to both single‐level quantile regression and least‐squares regression. When the errors have finite variance, the relative efficiency of composite quantile estimator with respect to the least‐squares estimator has a universal lower bound. Under some regularity conditions, the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator penalty leads to consistent variable selection, and the asymptotic distribution of the non‐zero coefficient is the same as that of the counterparts obtained when the true model is known. We conduct a simulation study and a real data analysis to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

We consider a semiparametric method to estimate logistic regression models with missing both covariates and an outcome variable, and propose two new estimators. The first, which is based solely on the validation set, is an extension of the validation likelihood estimator of Breslow and Cain (Biometrika 75:11–20, 1988). The second is a joint conditional likelihood estimator based on the validation and non-validation data sets. Both estimators are semiparametric as they do not require any model assumptions regarding the missing data mechanism nor the specification of the conditional distribution of the missing covariates given the observed covariates. The asymptotic distribution theory is developed under the assumption that all covariate variables are categorical. The finite-sample properties of the proposed estimators are investigated through simulation studies showing that the joint conditional likelihood estimator is the most efficient. A cable TV survey data set from Taiwan is used to illustrate the practical use of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

We propose a simple estimator for nonlinear method of moment models with measurement error of the classical type when no additional data, such as validation data or double measurements, are available. We assume that the marginal distributions of the measurement errors are Laplace (double exponential) with zero means and unknown variances and the measurement errors are independent of the latent variables and are independent of each other. Under these assumptions, we derive simple revised moment conditions in terms of the observed variables. They are used to make inference about the model parameters and the variance of the measurement error. The results of this paper show that the distributional assumption on the measurement errors can be used to point identify the parameters of interest. Our estimator is a parametric method of moments estimator that uses the revised moment conditions and hence is simple to compute. Our estimation method is particularly useful in situations where no additional data are available, which is the case in many economic data sets. Simulation study demonstrates good finite sample properties of our proposed estimator. We also examine the performance of the estimator in the case where the error distribution is misspecified.  相似文献   

A new semiparametric estimator for an empirical asset pricing model with general nonparametric risk-return tradeoff and GARCH-type underlying volatility is introduced. Based on the profile likelihood approach, it does not rely on any initial parametric estimator of the conditional mean function, and it is under stated conditions consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient, i.e., it achieves the semiparametric lower bound. A sampling experiment provides finite sample comparisons with the parametric approach and the iterative semiparametric approach with parametric initial estimate of Conrad and Mammen (2008). An application to daily stock market returns suggests that the risk-return relation is indeed nonlinear.  相似文献   

Censored regression quantiles with endogenous regressors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a semiparametric method for estimation of the censored regression model when some of the regressors are endogenous (and continuously distributed) and instrumental variables are available for them. A “distributional exclusion” restriction is imposed on the unobservable errors, whose conditional distribution is assumed to depend on the regressors and instruments only through a lower-dimensional “control variable,” here assumed to be the difference between the endogenous regressors and their conditional expectations given the instruments. This assumption, which implies a similar exclusion restriction for the conditional quantiles of the censored dependent variable, is used to motivate a two-stage estimator of the censored regression coefficients. In the first stage, the conditional quantile of the dependent variable given the instruments and the regressors is nonparametrically estimated, as are the first-stage reduced-form residuals to be used as control variables. The second-stage estimator is a weighted least squares regression of pairwise differences in the estimated quantiles on the corresponding differences in regressors, using only pairs of observations for which both estimated quantiles are positive (i.e., in the uncensored region) and the corresponding difference in estimated control variables is small. The paper gives the form of the asymptotic distribution for the proposed estimator, and discusses how it compares to similar estimators for alternative models.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of panel data models with sample selection when the equation of interest contains endogenous explanatory variables as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Assuming that appropriate instruments are available, we propose several tests for selection bias and two estimation procedures that correct for selection in the presence of endogenous regressors. The tests are based on the fixed effects two-stage least squares estimator, thereby permitting arbitrary correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and explanatory variables. The first correction procedure is parametric and is valid under the assumption that the errors in the selection equation are normally distributed. The second procedure estimates the model parameters semiparametrically using series estimators. In the proposed testing and correction procedures, the error terms may be heterogeneously distributed and serially dependent in both selection and primary equations. Because these methods allow for a rather flexible structure of the error variance and do not impose any nonstandard assumptions on the conditional distributions of explanatory variables, they provide a useful alternative to the existing approaches presented in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of semiparametric efficient estimation in conditional quantile models with time series data. We construct an M-estimator which achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound recently derived by Komunjer and Vuong (forthcoming). Our efficient M-estimator is obtained by minimizing an objective function which depends on a nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution of the variable of interest rather than its density. The estimator is new and not yet seen in the literature. We illustrate its performance through a Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

In this paper estimators for distribution free heteroskedastic binary response models are proposed. The estimation procedures are based on relationships between distribution free models with a conditional median restriction and parametric models (such as Probit/Logit) exhibiting (multiplicative) heteroskedasticity. The first proposed estimator is based on the observational equivalence between the two models, and is a semiparametric sieve estimator (see, e.g. Gallant and Nychka (1987), Ai and Chen (2003) and Chen et al. (2005)) for the regression coefficients, based on maximizing standard Logit/Probit criterion functions, such as NLLS and MLE. This procedure has the advantage that choice probabilities and regression coefficients are estimated simultaneously. The second proposed procedure is based on the equivalence between existing semiparametric estimators for the conditional median model (,  and ) and the standard parametric (Probit/Logit) NLLS estimator. This estimator has the advantage of being implementable with standard software packages such as Stata. Distribution theory is developed for both estimators and a Monte Carlo study indicates they both perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of estimating nonparametric panel data models with fixed effects. We introduce an iterative nonparametric kernel estimator. We also extend the estimation method to the case of a semiparametric partially linear fixed effects model. To determine whether a parametric, semiparametric or nonparametric model is appropriate, we propose test statistics to test between the three alternatives in practice. We further propose a test statistic for testing the null hypothesis of random effects against fixed effects in a nonparametric panel data regression model. Simulations are used to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators and the test statistics.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a semiparametric method to control for ability using standardized test scores, or other item response assessments, in a regression model. The proposed method is based on a model in which the parameter of interest is invariant to monotonic transformations of ability. I show that the estimator is consistent as both the number of observations and the number of items on the test grow to infinity. I also derive conditions under which this estimator is root‐n consistent and asymptotically normal. The proposed method is easy to implement, does not impose a parametric item response model, and does not require item‐level data. I demonstrate the finite‐sample performance in a Monte Carlo study and implement the procedure for a wage regression using data from the NLSY1979.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri  Arijit  Roy  Debesh 《Metrika》1994,41(1):355-362
Postulating a super-population regression model connecting a size variable, a cheaply measurable variable and an expensively observable variable of interest, an asymptotically optimal double sampling strategy to estimate the survey population total of the third variable is specified. To render it practicable, unknown model-parameters in the optimal estimator are replaced by appropriate statistics. The resulting generalized regression estimator is then shown to have a model-cum-asymptotic design based expected square error equal to that of the asymptotically optimum estimator itself. An estimator for design variance of the estimator is also proposed.  相似文献   

The field of productive efficiency analysis is currently divided between two main paradigms: the deterministic, nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the parametric Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). This paper examines an encompassing semiparametric frontier model that combines the DEA-type nonparametric frontier, which satisfies monotonicity and concavity, with the SFA-style stochastic homoskedastic composite error term. To estimate this model, a new two-stage method is proposed, referred to as Stochastic Non-smooth Envelopment of Data (StoNED). The first stage of the StoNED method applies convex nonparametric least squares (CNLS) to estimate the shape of the frontier without any assumptions about its functional form or smoothness. In the second stage, the conditional expectations of inefficiency are estimated based on the CNLS residuals, using the method of moments or pseudolikelihood techniques. Although in a cross-sectional setting distinguishing inefficiency from noise in general requires distributional assumptions, we also show how these can be relaxed in our approach if panel data are available. Performance of the StoNED method is examined using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to handle nonparametric stochastic frontier (SF) models. It is based on local maximum likelihood techniques. The model is presented as encompassing some anchorage parametric model in a nonparametric way. First, we derive asymptotic properties of the estimator for the general case (local linear approximations). Then the results are tailored to a SF model where the convoluted error term (efficiency plus noise) is the sum of a half normal and a normal random variable. The parametric anchorage model is a linear production function with a homoscedastic error term. The local approximation is linear for both the production function and the parameters of the error terms. The performance of our estimator is then established in finite samples using simulated data sets as well as with a cross-sectional data on US commercial banks. The methods appear to be robust, numerically stable and particularly useful for investigating a production process and the derived efficiency scores.  相似文献   

A Bayesian estimator is proposed for a stochastic frontier model with errors in variables. The model assumes a truncated-normal distribution for the inefficiency and accommodates exogenous determinants of inefficiency. An empirical example of Tobin??s Q investment model is provided, in which the Q variable is known to suffer from measurement error. Results show that correcting for measurement error in the Q variable has an important effect on the estimation results.  相似文献   

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