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This paper considers the state of scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Russia. An estimate of its potential under the conditions of an innovation-driven economic transformation is made. The areas of prospective cooperation between the two countries and the mechanisms of their cooperation based on the development of the cluster mechanism have been specified.  相似文献   

The paper presents the research results of an investigation into the state of scientific, technological, trade and economic interactions between Russia and Ukraine in terms of their potential, prospects, and problems impeding their cooperation. It is shown that there is a considerable scientific and technological potential both in Russia and Ukraine. Opportunities and conditions for the modernization of both countries’ economies are shown to depend on the coordinated use of their potentials.  相似文献   

This paper presents an expert assessment of the present state of cooperation of Ukraine and Russia in the innovation sphere, outlines its main stages and analyzes the quality of the process of formation of legislative framework in state regulation of innovation-oriented transformations in the economy of the two countries. A comparative study is made and a quantitative estimate of the level of innovation activities in industrial production and the degree of innovation shifts in the technological structure of manufacturing in Russia and Ukraine is given.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the development of investment cooperation between CIS countries based on the official statistics using alternative methods of calculating direct investment. Prospects of corporate integration are explored in view of the ongoing crisis over Ukraine and with respect to intensifying negative trends in the Russian economy that affect the macroeconomic situation in most post-Soviet countries. Special attention is paid to assessing the possibilities of closer cooperation in the investment field within the Eurasian Economic Union.  相似文献   

The productive and technological potential that emerged during market transformations in the post-Soviet states is evaluated. The outlook for the transition of individual CIS countries to an innovative development model and the related problems of forming national innovation systems are analyzed. General regularities and national specifics of innovation strategies and mechanisms being implemented are demonstrated. The role of, and trends in, scientific and technological cooperation as a major factor in the shaping of dynamic economic systems under globalization are discussed.  相似文献   

龙利娟  王源昌  吕蕾 《科技和产业》2021,21(12):134-142
为判别本国与他国科技合作的演化方向及其实现条件,假定各国科技合作成本或收益为科技创新投入成本的线性函数,通过构建演化博弈动态方程、矩阵求解和数值仿真模拟对本国与外国之间的科技合作行为进行博弈分析,得出以下结论:策略稳定均衡点及演化路径受博弈双方参与者初始状态影响;在一定条件下,科技合作成本越低,双方合作欲望越强烈,若科技合作成本超过某一阈值,将驱使博弈双方采取不合作策略,引入政府控制力度参数可以一定程度上加强博弈双方合作可能性。  相似文献   

The article gives a systematic analysis of the state, problems, and prospects for developing ship-building in Ukraine. The experience in forming and implementing the cluster concept in Ukraine and Russia, including in the shipbuilding industry, has been analyzed. The prospects for cluster cooperation between Ukraine and Russia in the shipbuilding industry have been assessed, and proposals for its effective implementation have been made.  相似文献   

The article examines the state of power supply in Ukraine for the period from 2000 to 2010. The trend in the Ukraine GDP energy intensity (at purchasing power parity), compared to other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, is analyzed. The key points of demand determination and of alternative ways to satisfy it in Ukraine for the period until 2015 are formulated. A forecast of production and consumption of energy resources was conducted in accordance with the expected socioeconomic development of the country through the development of advanced fuel and energy balances.  相似文献   

黑龙江省作为国家重要的煤炭工业生产基地,当前正处于经济结构调整的时期。国家振兴东北老工业基地政策的实施,为黑龙江省带来了难得的历史性发展机遇,也为黑龙江省发挥优势,实施对俄煤炭工业科技合作提供了广阔的发展空间。本文分析了当前黑龙江省对俄科技合作的现状,指出了黑龙江省煤炭工业对俄科技合作的必要性,并提出了推进黑龙江省煤炭工业对俄科技合作的对策。具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

西藏在“一带一路”背景下与尼泊尔开展科技合作具有重大的社会发展意义和现实意义。双方的科技合作不仅能提高西藏的科技创新水平,而且势必推动西藏由传统发展模式向创新驱动发展模式转变和为西藏融入“一带一路”提供重要支撑。与此同时,西藏面临多种挑战,尤其是科技合作领域不宽和合作双方薄弱的科技实力。要抓住机遇和积极应对挑战,西藏切实实施可行的对策,包括:变革科技体制机制,提升科技合作能力;坚持“双向融入”策略,善用中央政府及其他省份科技资源;加强特色科技合作,重视民生科技合作!转变科技资金投入模式,扩宽科技融资渠道;加大科技人才培养力度,提高科技人才本土化程度。  相似文献   


What are the economic effects of the Ukraine war for Ukraine, Russia, and the rest of Europe? In this study, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) sheds light on the immediate consequences on the one hand, but also on the medium-term structural changes caused by the largest armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian crisis. Pre-war, almost 19 m people lived in those regions that are currently directly affected. Refugee inflows to the rest of Europe are likely to be at least three times greater than in 2015/2016. As Black Sea ports come under Russian assault, Ukraine has lost its ability to sell more than half of its exports, primarily agricultural commodities and metals. Western financial support will become ever more important as the war continues. Turning to Russia, sanctions will have a very serious impact on that country’s economy and financial sector. Despite being partly hamstrung by the fact that a large proportion of Russian reserve assets are frozen in the EU and G7, the central bank managed to stabilise financial markets by a combination of confidence-building and hard-steering measures: capital controls, FX controls, regulatory easing for financial institutions, and a doubling of the key policy rate. The medium-term and long-term outlook is negative. As a result of the war and the sanctions, the rest of Europe faces a surge in already high inflation; this will weigh on real incomes and will depress economic growth. Many European countries rely heavily on Russia for oil and gas imports: import shares are over 75% in Czechia, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria with respect to natural gas; Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland with respect to oil and petroleum; and Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania, Greece, and Bulgaria with respect to solid fuels. Aside from energy, the fallout via trade for the rest of Europe is likely to be small. Non-energy trade and investment links between Russia and many European countries have declined in importance since 2013. There are four main areas of structural change and lasting impact for the EU (and Europe more broadly) as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. First, the EU will get more serious about defence. Second, the green transition will gather pace. Third, broader Eurasian economic integration will be unwound. And fourth, the EU accession prospects for countries in Southeast Europe could (and should) improve.


充分发挥科技工作者的服务作用,对深化产学研合作、加快科技成果转化具有十分重要的意义.针对产学研合作中存在的主要问题,对科技工作者的角色定位进行分析,从产学研合作的推动者、引导者、管理者和服务者4个角度明确科技工作者的角色定位.提出一种现阶段产学研合作中强化科技工作者四位一体角色定位的管理策略和方法.为地方科技工作者在深化产学研合作、推进科技服务体系建设方面提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

总结国内外科技成果转化的典型案例,系统地分析其技术转移模式、转化平台搭建和运营管理机制等方面的做法及特点,归纳与总结其在科技成果转化体制机制上的创新之处,并探索从政府监督引导、产学研介合作、成立专业机构、注重长远效益等方面给出进一步推动科技成果转化的思考和建议。  相似文献   

The increased economic opportunities for the former Soviet countries made it possible to intensify significantly the integration processes in the post-Soviet space. These circumstances call for a quantitative evaluation of the economic implications arising from the closer integration between Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine. This article employs a scenario-based analytical approach to the analysis of the impact made by the formation of the common economic space and Ukraine??s accession to it both at macroeconomic and sectoral levels.  相似文献   

立足高职院校,针对该类院校中"科技成果少、转化更少、推广难度大"的问题,分析了制约高职院校科研创新与成果转化的因素,并相应的提出了解决的对策。高职院校需从完善科研机制、构建科研创新团队、主动与企业建立合作关系、开创多种合作模式、构建网络科研信息平台等方面,促进科技创新和成果转化,服务地方经济和社会发展。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,两岸科技合作将成为两岸经济合作的最重要组成部分。台湾当局给两岸科技合作设置了重重政策障碍,限制了两岸科技合作的进一步深化发展。随着知识经济的快速发展,区域经济一体化趋势日益增强。两岸科技合作所依据的客观条件已经发生很大变化,两岸科技合作政策亦应有所调整。  相似文献   

长三角创新体系建设与科技合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨立春 《特区经济》2007,219(4):51-52
近年来,长三角两省一市的科技合作初显成效,对促进区域经济、科技的发展起到了关键作用,但面临的问题依然很多。尤其重要的是,长三角区域缺少全局性的科技政策调整,三地的科技合作缺少政策协调,地方政府为了促进本地区的经济发展,仍存在诸侯经济等非积极行为,这大大延缓了区域科技创新和经济发展进程。因此,从理论角度研究长三角科技政策协调机制,以减少重复投资、增加技术外溢效应、进而建立区域创新体系无疑是十分有益的。  相似文献   

都市圈是区域一体化发展的重要空间载体,如何提高其协同创新能力,形成整体效应,是建设现代化都市圈的重要命题。长三角G60科创走廊城市在区域统筹、集聚创新、平台搭建、开放共享、金融服务等方面强化协同合作,共同建设科技创新共同体,其所形成的经验对于都市圈跨行政区域协同创新具有重要借鉴意义。促进都市圈协同创新,要以打造“科技创新共同体”为突破口,健全都市圈统筹协调机制,探索都市圈城市协同合作机制,完善都市圈创新要素开放共享机制,建立健全都市圈科技创新服务体系。  相似文献   

New definitions of the scientific and technological potential and the scientific and technological base, resting on the distinction between past, present, and future efforts of the public ensuring its reproduction, are introduced. The main trends in the development of the Russian scientific and technological base are analyzed in comparison with major foreign countries, as well as the changes in some components of the Russian scientific and technological potential in the 2000s. An estimate is made for the measures of state support for all forms of financing of Russia’s science-intensive high-tech complex in 2008–2013, and the relationship between government support measures and output growth in real terms is considered using the example of the aircraft industry.  相似文献   

技术预见与闽台科技协同创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闽台科技必须在明确自身定位的同时加强区域协同创新。作为区域创新的战略导航系统,开展技术预见已成世界潮流。联合开展闽台技术预见活动,有利于推进跨省区域合作,促进闽台科技协同创新走向深入,构建更加紧密有效的闽台合作机制,统筹协调闽台科技交流合作的功能分工,提升海峡西岸经济区与台湾地区的对接能力。  相似文献   

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