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The existing literature on the trade news effect on asset prices generally looks at exchange rates and stock market indexes. We focus on individual stocks: the U.S. and Japanese “Big Three” automobile stocks. We examine Japanese automobile American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), not the stocks per se, to avoid the time lag problem. First, we find deficit news shocks, especially the positive shocks, have a negative effect on the Japanese automobile ADRs. Second, we find only weak evidence that the news effect is different under different economic conditions. Third, trade news is found to be a competitive shock to the automakers in the sense of Karolyi and Stulz (1996) . Last, statistically generated U.S.–Japan bilateral trade deficit news and bilateral auto trade deficit news have no effect on the automobile stock in general.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of board composition and ownership structure on audit quality in the UK prior to the adoption of the recommendations of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance ([5]). In this study I use audit fees as a proxy for audit quality and seek to investigate whether the proportion of non-executives, the extent of managerial ownership or ownership by large blockholders influences the extent of auditing, and consequently, the audit fee. Utilizing data from a sample of 402 quoted companies I find that the proportion of non-executive directors has a significant positive impact on audit fees. I also find that audit fees are negatively related to the proportion of equity owned by executive directors. I find no evidence that ownership by large blockholders (institutional or otherwise) or CEO/chairman duality has a significant impact on audit fees. Overall, the findings suggest that non-executive directors encourage more intensive audits as a complement to their own monitoring role while the reduction in agency costs expected through significant managerial ownership results in a reduced need for intensive auditing.  相似文献   

Contrary to the efficient market hypothesis, previous research documents a significant correlation between lagged U.S. close-to-close stock market returns and current open-to-close Japanese equity market returns. We find that the significant correlation is limited to the first hour of Japanese trading, with subsequent hourly returns independent of lagged U.S. returns. This evidence suggests that the documented significant correlation is attributable to a sticky Japanese opening value associated with the use of nonsynchronous index data.  相似文献   

加入WTO对中国银行业的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近一段时期以来,我国加入世界贸易组织的谈判取得重大进展,引起全国人民的广泛关注.加入世贸组织是我国改革开放过程中的一件大事,但是,世贸组织的成员在拥有成员国平等权利的同时,必须承担相应的义务和责任,同时也意味着在获得资本、技术和现代管理经验的同时,增加了遭受外部冲击的风险.金融体系在一国经济构造中是最复杂、最敏感的部分,自然也就成为最受关注的话题.本文从中国银行业开放现状及世贸组织对中国银行业的要求入手,分析了中国银行业所面临的机遇和挑战,着重分析了加入世贸组织将给中国银行业带来的影响和冲击,并对中国银行业提出了有针对性的对策建议.  相似文献   

Child health and nutrition are strongly associated with educationalachievement. But associations do not necessarily indicate causality;estimates generally are likely to be biased in one directionor the other. As a result analysts and policymakers should havemuch less confidence in findings about the effect of healthon schooling success than has been claimed in previous surveys.The evidence is more nuanced and qualified than is often recognizedbut may still support the conclusion that health may have considerableeffects on postschooling productivity. Policy implications pointtoward providing public subsidies for the collection, analysis,and dissemination of information about the links between healthand education; and toward providing services to improve thehealth of poor children.   相似文献   

In this roundtable, a successful oil entrepreneur and a group of ex‐bankers whose careers have taken them into the energy business discuss the deregulation of energy markets and the emergence of energy derivatives, and how these two developments have affected both the way companies do business with each other, and how the companies themselves are organized internally. The first part of this two‐part discussion explores how derivatives and corporate risk management have produced a strikingly new business model for a number of once traditional energy companies, including Enron Corp. and Mirant Corporation (until recently, Southern Energy). In addition to its ability to change corporate strategy, the panelists also consider how the hedging of price risks can affect a company's financing strategy and cost of capital. A notable feature of the new business model is a corporate structure that differs greatly from that of conventional large energy companies. And in the second half of the discussion, the focus shifts from risk management and strategy to issues of corporate structure, such as: How do companies divide themselves into business centers for reporting and accountability; how much decision‐making authority is entrusted to the managers of those divisions; and how many layers of corporate management are necessary to coordinate and control the activities of the business units? Also discussed at great length are questions of performance evaluation and incentive compensation: How do companies evaluate their own performance on a year‐to‐year basis? And what basis do they use for rewarding their managers?  相似文献   

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