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Salima El Kolei 《Metrika》2013,76(8):1031-1081
We study a new parametric approach for particular hidden stochastic models. This method is based on contrast minimization and deconvolution and can be applied, for example, for ecological and financial state space models. After proving consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation leading to asymptotic confidence intervals, we provide a thorough numerical study, which compares most of the classical methods that are used in practice (Quasi-Maximum Likelihood estimator, Simulated Expectation Maximization Likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimators) to estimate the Stochastic Volatility model. We prove that our estimator clearly outperforms the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in term of computing time, but also most of the other methods. We also show that this contrast method is the most robust with respect to non Gaussianity of the error and also does not need any tuning parameter.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the long-run variance of a stationary sequence. We extend the usual Bartlett-kernel heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimator to deal with long memory and antipersistence. We then derive asymptotic expansions for this estimator and the memory and autocorrelation consistent (MAC) estimator introduced by Robinson [Robinson, P. M., 2005. Robust covariance matrix estimation: HAC estimates with long memory/antipersistence correction. Econometric Theory 21, 171–180]. We offer a theoretical explanation for the sensitivity of HAC to the bandwidth choice, a feature which has been observed in the special case of short memory. Using these analytical results, we determine the MSE-optimal bandwidth rates for each estimator. We analyze by simulations the finite-sample performance of HAC and MAC estimators, and the coverage probabilities for the studentized sample mean, giving practical recommendations for the choice of bandwidths.  相似文献   

For nonlinear additive time series models, an appealing approach used in the literature to estimate the nonparametric additive components is the projection method. In this paper, it is demonstrated that the projection method might not be efficient in an asymptotic sense. To estimate additive components efficiently, a two–stage approach is proposed together with a local linear fitting and a new bandwidth selector based on the nonparametric version of the Akaike information criterion. It is shown that the two–stage method not only achieves efficiency but also makes bandwidth selection relatively easier. Also, the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimator is established. A small simulation study is carried out to illustrate the proposed methodology and the two–stage approach is applied to a real example from econometrics.  相似文献   

A dynamic multi-level factor model with possible stochastic time trends is proposed. In the model, long-range dependence and short memory dynamics are allowed in global and local common factors as well as model innovations. Estimation of global and local common factors is performed on the prewhitened series, for which the prewhitening parameter is estimated semiparametrically from the cross-sectional and local average of the observable series. Employing canonical correlation analysis and a sequential least-squares algorithm on the prewhitened series, the resulting multi-level factor estimates have centered asymptotic normal distributions under certain rate conditions depending on the bandwidth and cross-section size. Asymptotic results for common components are also established. The selection of the number of global and local factors is discussed. The methodology is shown to lead to good small-sample performance via Monte Carlo simulations. The method is then applied to the Nord Pool electricity market for the analysis of price comovements among different regions within the power grid. The global factor is identified to be the system price, and fractional cointegration relationships are found between local prices and the system price, motivating a long-run equilibrium relationship. Two forecasting exercises are then discussed.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the variance of the partial sums of a stationary time series that has either long memory, short memory, negative/intermediate memory, or is the first-difference of such a process. The rate of growth of this variance depends crucially on the type of memory, and we present results on the behavior of tapered sums of sample autocovariances in this context when the bandwidth vanishes asymptotically. We also present asymptotic results for the case that the bandwidth is a fixed proportion of sample size, extending known results to the case of flat-top tapers. We adopt the fixed proportion bandwidth perspective in our empirical section, presenting two methods for estimating the limiting critical values—both the subsampling method and a plug-in approach. Simulation studies compare the size and power of both approaches as applied to hypothesis testing for the mean. Both methods perform well–although the subsampling method appears to be better sized–and provide a viable framework for conducting inference for the mean. In summary, we supply a unified asymptotic theory that covers all different types of memory under a single umbrella.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to handle nonparametric stochastic frontier (SF) models. It is based on local maximum likelihood techniques. The model is presented as encompassing some anchorage parametric model in a nonparametric way. First, we derive asymptotic properties of the estimator for the general case (local linear approximations). Then the results are tailored to a SF model where the convoluted error term (efficiency plus noise) is the sum of a half normal and a normal random variable. The parametric anchorage model is a linear production function with a homoscedastic error term. The local approximation is linear for both the production function and the parameters of the error terms. The performance of our estimator is then established in finite samples using simulated data sets as well as with a cross-sectional data on US commercial banks. The methods appear to be robust, numerically stable and particularly useful for investigating a production process and the derived efficiency scores.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects on multi-step prediction of using semiparametric local Whittle estimators rather than MLE for long memory ARFIMA models. We consider various representations of the minimum MSE predictor with known parameters. We then conduct a detailed simulation study for when the true parameters are replaced with estimates. The predictor based on MLE is found to be superior, in the MSE sense, to the predictor based on the two-step local Whittle estimation. The “optimal” bandwidth local Whittle estimator produces worse predictions than the local Whittle using an agnostic bandwidth of the square root of the sample size.  相似文献   

随机波动率模型由于放松了Black-Sholes模型的假定而更符合市场情况,因此成为研究金融衍生品定价的热点。Heston随机波动率不同于其他随机波动率模型之处在于其存在闭形式解。Heston期权定价模型在应用中需要确定五个待估参数,此问题通常比较困难。本文采用模拟退火算法并利用最小化残差平方和来估算,该算法以一定概率跳出局部极小值,从而以概率1收敛到全局极小值,最终得到Heston模型的待估参数。在实证研究中,本文利用香港恒生股票指数期权在2010年10月15日交易的数据,得到待估参数,并用该参数对2010年10月18日期权进行了模拟定价。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the semiparametric estimation of multivariate long-range dependent processes. The class of spectral densities considered is motivated by and includes those of multivariate fractionally integrated processes. The paper establishes the consistency of the multivariate Gaussian semiparametric estimator (GSE), which has not been shown in other work, and the asymptotic normality of the GSE estimator. The proposed GSE estimator is shown to have a smaller limiting variance than the two-step GSE estimator studied by Lobato [1999. A semiparametric two-step estimator in a multivariate long memory model. Journal of Econometrics 90, 129–153]. Gaussianity is not assumed in the asymptotic theory. Some simulations confirm the relevance of the asymptotic results in samples of the size used in practical work.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic properties of simulation extrapolation (SIMEX) based variance estimation that was proposed by Wang et al. (J R Stat Soc Series B 71:425–445, 2009). We first investigate the asymptotic normality of the parameter estimator in general parametric variance function and the local linear estimator for nonparametric variance function when permutation SIMEX (PSIMEX) is used. The asymptotic optimal bandwidth selection with respect to approximate mean integrated squared error (AMISE) for nonparametric estimator is also studied. We finally discuss constructing confidence intervals/bands of the parameter/function of interest. Other than applying the asymptotic results so that normal approximation can be used, we recommend a nonparametric Monte Carlo algorithm to avoid estimating the asymptotic variance of estimator. Simulation studies are carried out for illustration.  相似文献   

This paper investigates statistical properties of the local generalized method of moments (LGMM) estimator for some time series models defined by conditional moment restrictions. First, we consider Markov processes with possible conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown forms and establish the consistency, asymptotic normality, and semi-parametric efficiency of the LGMM estimator. Second, we undertake a higher-order asymptotic expansion and demonstrate that the LGMM estimator possesses some appealing bias reduction properties for positively autocorrelated processes. Our analysis of the asymptotic expansion of the LGMM estimator reveals an interesting contrast with the OLS estimator that helps to shed light on the nature of the bias correction performed by the LGMM estimator. The practical importance of these findings is evaluated in terms of a bond and option pricing exercise based on a diffusion model for spot interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a quantile regression estimator for a heterogeneous panel model with lagged dependent variables and interactive effects. The paper adopts the Common Correlated Effects (CCE) approach proposed in the literature and demonstrates that the extension to the estimation of dynamic quantile regression models is feasible under similar conditions to the ones used in the literature. The new quantile regression estimator is shown to be consistent and its asymptotic distribution is derived. Monte Carlo studies are carried out to study the small sample behavior of the proposed approach. The evidence shows that the estimator can significantly improve on the performance of existing estimators as long as the time series dimension of the panel is large. We present an application to the evaluation of Time-of-Use pricing using a large randomized control trial.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider nonparametric regression analysis between two variables when data are sampled through a complex survey. While nonparametric regression analysis has been widely used with data that may be assumed to be generated from independently and identically distributed (iid) random variables, the methods and asymptotic analyses established for iid data need to be extended in the framework of complex survey designs. Local polynomial regression estimators are studied, which include as particular cases design-based versions of the Nadaraya–Watson estimator and of the local linear regression estimator. In this paper, special emphasis is given to the local linear regression estimator. Our estimators incorporate both the sampling weights and the kernel weights. We derive the asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) of the kernel estimators using a combined inference framework, and as a corollary consistency of the estimators is deduced. Selection of a bandwidth is necessary for the resulting estimators; an optimal bandwidth can be determined, according to the MSE criterion in the combined mode of inference. Simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate the proposed methodology and an application with the Canadian survey of labour and income dynamics is presented.  相似文献   

This paper considers a new nonparametric estimation of conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall functions. Conditional value-at-risk is estimated by inverting the weighted double kernel local linear estimate of the conditional distribution function. The nonparametric estimator of conditional expected shortfall is constructed by a plugging-in method. Both the asymptotic normality and consistency of the proposed nonparametric estimators are established at both boundary and interior points for time series data. We show that the weighted double kernel local linear conditional distribution estimator has the advantages of always being a distribution, continuous, and differentiable, besides the good properties from both the double kernel local linear and weighted Nadaraya–Watson estimators. Moreover, an ad hoc data-driven fashion bandwidth selection method is proposed, based on the nonparametric version of the Akaike information criterion. Finally, an empirical study is carried out to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Another Approach to Data Envelopment Analysis in Noisy Environments: DEA+   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
In this paper a DEA+ labeled approach for efficiency measurement in the stochastic case is presented along with a consistency proof and some preliminary evidence illustrating the small sample performance. DEA+ can basically handle multi-output technologies like standard DEA but allows to filter noise, that might have disturbed production and unlike a related approach does not require panel data. Consistency of DEA+ relies on the assumption of i.i.d. distributed and bounded noise and requires radial efficiency measurement. First Monte Carlo experiments show that a DEA+ based average inefficiency estimator performs well for samples of size n=100 in one-output, two-input settings compared to the corresponding Stochastic Frontier Estimator. Sensitivity of DEA+ performance with respect to parametrization of noise is weak, but higher noise contribution requires much larger sample size for satisfactory results.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the higher-order asymptotic properties of generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators for linear time series models using many lags as instruments. A data-dependent moment selection method based on minimizing the approximate mean squared error is developed. In addition, a new version of the GMM estimator based on kernel-weighted moment conditions is proposed. It is shown that kernel-weighted GMM estimators can reduce the asymptotic bias compared to standard GMM estimators. Kernel weighting also helps to simplify the problem of selecting the optimal number of instruments. A feasible procedure similar to optimal bandwidth selection is proposed for the kernel-weighted GMM estimator.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of fitting a known density to the marginal error density of a stationary long memory moving average process when its mean is known and unknown. In the case of unknown mean, when mean is estimated by the sample mean, the first order difference between the residual empirical and null distribution functions is known to be asymptotically degenerate at zero, and hence can not be used to fit a distribution up to an unknown mean. In this paper we show that by using a suitable class of estimators of the mean, this first order degeneracy does not occur. We also investigate the large sample behavior of tests based on an integrated square difference between kernel type error density estimators and the expected value of the error density estimator based on errors. The asymptotic null distributions of suitably standardized test statistics are shown to be chi-square with one degree of freedom in both cases of the known and unknown mean. In addition, we discuss the consistency and asymptotic power against local alternatives of the density estimator based test in the case of known mean. A finite sample simulation study of the test based on residual empirical process is also included.  相似文献   

We consider a semiparametric distributed lag model in which the “news impact curve” m is nonparametric but the response is dynamic through some linear filters. A special case of this is a nonparametric regression with serially correlated errors. We propose an estimator of the news impact curve based on a dynamic transformation that produces white noise errors. This yields an estimating equation for m that is a type two linear integral equation. We investigate both the stationary case and the case where the error has a unit root. In the stationary case we establish the pointwise asymptotic normality. In the special case of a nonparametric regression subject to time series errors our estimator achieves efficiency improvements over the usual estimators, see Xiao et al. [2003. More efficient local polynomial estimation in nonparametric regression with autocorrelated errors. Journal of the American Statistical Association 98, 980–992]. In the unit root case our procedure is consistent and asymptotically normal unlike the standard regression smoother. We also present the distribution theory for the parameter estimates, which is nonstandard in the unit root case. We also investigate its finite sample performance through simulation experiments.  相似文献   

Hira L. Koul 《Metrika》2002,55(1-2):75-90
Often in the robust analysis of regression and time series models there is a need for having a robust scale estimator of a scale parameter of the errors. One often used scale estimator is the median of the absolute residuals s 1. It is of interest to know its limiting distribution and the consistency rate. Its limiting distribution generally depends on the estimator of the regression and/or autoregressive parameter vector unless the errors are symmetrically distributed around zero. To overcome this difficulty it is then natural to use the median of the absolute differences of pairwise residuals, s 2, as a scale estimator. This paper derives the asymptotic distributions of these two estimators for a large class of nonlinear regression and autoregressive models when the errors are independent and identically distributed. It is found that the asymptotic distribution of a suitably standardizes s 2 is free of the initial estimator of the regression/autoregressive parameters. A similar conclusion also holds for s 1 in linear regression models through the origin and with centered designs, and in linear autoregressive models with zero mean errors.  This paper also investigates the limiting distributions of these estimators in nonlinear regression models with long memory moving average errors. An interesting finding is that if the errors are symmetric around zero, then not only is the limiting distribution of a suitably standardized s 1 free of the regression estimator, but it is degenerate at zero. On the other hand a similarly standardized s 2 converges in distribution to a normal distribution, regardless of the errors being symmetric or not. One clear conclusion is that under the symmetry of the long memory moving average errors, the rate of consistency for s 1 is faster than that of s 2.  相似文献   

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