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This paper describes structure, assumptions and projection results of the SIMLINK model. The purpose of this modelistosimulate the trade linkages between the developed and developing world. By taking the growth expectations of the OECD countries and the price of petroleum as a starting point, the model estimates the price and volume of a series of commodities important in LDC exports. The export earnings for seven LDC regions are estimated from the commodity projections, and combined with a predetermined estimate of capital inflows to calculate import capacity. A simple growth model for each region then determines the import constrained growth rate for that region.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper considers a monetary growth model in which banks provide liquidity, and in which a government finances a deficit by printing money and selling bonds. In this context, I examine the possibility that the government may want to impose binding reserve requirements on banks' holdings of both money and government bonds. Conditions are established under which doing so increases steady state welfare and reduces the scope for indeterminacies. Furthermore, under a binding system of multiple reserve requirements we have that money is superneutral. On the other hand, if reserve requirements are imposed on cash holdings alone, increases in the steady state inflation rate adversely affect capital accumulation and long run real activity. Thus systems of multiple binding reserve requirements can insulate real activity from the consequences of inflationary taxation. Received: June 30, 2000; revised version: January 31, 2001  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to assess the relative importance of three key sources of productivity growth that international trade research focuses on: (1) inter‐industry specialization; (2) intra‐industry reallocation of resources across heterogeneous firms; and (3) technological progress. We illustrate how to apply the framework by deciphering the productivity dynamics of the Swiss manufacturing industry. We find that intra‐industry reallocations are the most important source of growth in aggregate total factor productivity, spurred by the productivity growth of large, incumbent firms and the entry of new firms. Inter‐industry specialization and general technological progress, nevertheless, remain important supplementary sources of productivity growth.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that exporters are, in addition to being more productive, significantly more skilled‐labour intensive than non‐exporters. In a setting that captures both these features, we show that the firm selection induced by trade liberalization works along two dimensions. First, export growth increases competition for skilled labour. This leads to the exit of some of the skilled‐labour intensive firms, while benefitting unskilled‐labour intensive ones. Second, within the group of firms with the same factor intensities, the reallocation of factors is towards the exporters. We show that the increased competition for skilled labour dampens the positive effect of trade liberalization on sector‐wide TFP and real income.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of economic growth and international trade on the level of air pollution. This is done by the estimation of the Structural Equation Model with two factors describing the structure of economic activity and air pollution intensity. It is further assumed that there is causal link between these two factors and that they are influenced by per capita income, international trade intensity and the Freedom House Index.The estimation results suggest that in the developing countries analyzed both international trade and per capita income lead to changes in the structure of economic activity and - as a consequence - to the increase in air pollution. In addition, the estimation results suggest that the impact of economic growth on air pollution intensity varies between the developing and developed countries. In the developing countries, this impact occurs through the change of the structure of economic activity, while in the developed countries, this impact is mainly direct and occurs through the sum of the scale effect and income effect. The positive sign of this impact suggests the dominance of the scale effect over the income effect.  相似文献   

We develop a continuum Ricardian trade model to capture both North–South trade and technology transfer via foreign direct investment (FDI) by multinational enterprises (MNEs). We show that there is a unique range of products produced in the South by MNEs. In the case of an infinitely elastic supply of expatriates, if the ability of Southern workers in absorbing Northern technology increases, then (a) the range of MNE production increases, (b) Northern workers's welfare and Southern workers' welfare change in opposite directions, and (c) the world aggregate welfare increases under certain conditions. We explore issues such as North–South wage gaps, FDI policies and the product cycle. We also derive results under a general supply of expatriates.  相似文献   

Given the rapidly growing reserves in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan) and the pressures from trading partners to revalue, there is a need to examine commercial policy in more than a pure barter model. Here we evaluate the joint impacts of exchange rate appreciation on trade flows and country surpluses using a general equilibrium trade model with a simple monetary structure in which the trade surplus is endogenously determined in the exchange rate setting country and the exchange rate is exogenous. We illustrate its application to the Chinese case using calibration to 2005 data. Our results, while elasticity dependent, suggest that the impacts of Renminbi (RMB) revaluation on the surplus are proportionally larger than on trade flows, and that changes in trade flows can be substantial. Different treatments of China's processing trade have small impact on changes in China's trade flow under RMB appreciation, but significant impacts on the change in the surplus. Results are elasticity dependent; larger substitution elasticities in preferences yield larger effects on trade flows and the surplus.  相似文献   

We propose a model of the international technology gap that focuses on two sources of self-reinforcing mechanisms in the industrial competition: (i) a positive feedback that runs from innovations to profits to R & D expenditures, and (ii) learning effects in R & D and in production. We find that, if the cost of labor is lower in the late-starter country, several dynamic paths are possible, including one in which the late-starter catches up and then reverses the technology gap. When international diffusion of technology is introduced, the system has a bifurcation structure: if technology diffusion is relatively slow, there are two steady-state levels of the technology gap, one in favor of each country; if diffusion is fast, there is a unique stable equilibrium gap in favor of the country that has an exogenous (Ricardian) cost advantage.  相似文献   

从发展中成员角度看国际贸易规则的不公平性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球贸易发展进程中,WTO和各成员都在为创造公平的贸易环境、制定合理的贸易规则而努力。但现行的WTO规则隐藏着实质的不公平,规则的制定过程、形式与内容以及执行结果都明显偏袒发达成员,而忽略了发展中成员的平等权利。WTO在维护公平贸易环境方面仍面临诸多挑战,消除规则的不公平性需要WTO和各成国的共同努力,发展中成员尤其要主动采取应对措施。本文从发展中成员的独特视角,分析了现行贸易规则的不公平性,为发展中成员争取正当的贸易与发展权益提供了建设性的思路,是一篇很有工作参考价值的文章。  相似文献   

A framework is developed to explain export participation among firms that produce differentiated products and may choose to exert costly effort to find foreign buyers. Export participation is linked to firm search costs, importer search costs, tariffs, the rate of contract breakdown, the distribution of bargaining power, and the degree of product differentiation. Propositions are derived that shed light on historic changes in export participation among firms while also generating hypotheses for further study. The model is applied to small U.S. food manufacturers and is shown to be able to explain changes in export participation among such firms.  相似文献   

We formulate a two-country, two-good, two-factor endogenous growth model with learning by doing and intersectoral knowledge spillovers. Our model exhibits no transitional dynamics because of constant returns to capital, the existence of only one state variable for each country, and the factor price equalization theorem. By applying our model to the problem of aid and growth, we show that a permanent increase in untied aid raises the common growth rate if and only if the propensity to consume the capital-intensive good in the recipient country is larger than in the donor country.  相似文献   

Alternative complete models of world trade, based on the trade shares matrix approach, are specified and estimated for twenty-seven countries and regions. This model attempts to explain the composition of imports on the bases of relative prices and time trend, given the total quantity of imports of each country. Elasticities of substitution amongst imports of different countries of origin in each import market are obtained and used in the derivation of aggregate export demand functions for the individual countries. There is also a comparison of the predictive performance of the alternative models.  相似文献   

Leisure time, savings and trade patterns A two-country growth model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a simple two-country endogenous growth model with endogenous consumption, leisure time and wealth accumulation. The model examines possible causes for the world economic growth and the existence and persistence of trade patterns between countries with different preferceces and human capital under internationally free capital mobility. We show how differences in preferences in consumption, leisure time and wealth between the two countries may affect long-run world economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper estimates for 28 product groups a characteristic parameter that reflects the topological structure of its trading network. Using these estimates, it describes how the structure of international trade has evolved during the 1980–2000 period. Thereafter, it demonstrates the importance of networks in international trade by explicitly accounting for their scaling properties when testing the prediction of the “Heckscher–Ohlin” model that factor endowment differentials determine bilateral trade flows. The results suggest that factor endowment differentials increase bilateral trade in goods that are traded in “dispersed” networks. For goods traded in “concentrated” networks, factor endowment differentials are less important.  相似文献   

吴丹 《经济研究导刊》2009,(35):182-183,190
以汇率和经济增长作为国际短期资本影响国际贸易的中间变量,采用Eviews6.0,从总体上考察国际资本流入对我国进出口的影响。从模型得出,随着FDI的增加,我国的出口额会增加,进口额会减少,而短期内FDI的增加对我国的进出口都起着促进作用;人民币实际有效汇率的贬值无论在长期和短期都对出口起着促进作用,对进口起着抑制作用。因此,在国际资本大量流入的情况下,只有积极吸引FDI,有效防范短期资本大幅度波动,才能保持贸易收支的相对稳定。  相似文献   

以汇率和经济增长作为国际短期资本影响国际贸易的中间变量,采用Eviews6.0,从总体上考察国际资本流入对我国进出口的影响.从模型得出,随着FDI的增加,我国的出口额会增加,进口额会减少,而短期内FDI的增加对我国的进出口都起着促进作用;人民币实际有效汇率的贬值无论在长期和短期都对出口起着促进作用,对进口起着抑制作用.因此,在国际资本大量流入的情况下,只有积极吸引FDI,有效防范短期资本大幅度波动,才能保持贸易收支的相对稳定.  相似文献   

Monthly retail unit sales of clothes washers and dryers in eastern Washington state were regressed on average employment during the current and preceding two months, the average advertised price of these appliances relative to the Consumer Price Index, the expected change in consumer stocks of such applicances for each year on the basis of a hypothetical rate of accumulation, and the unit volume of newspaper advertising in order to determine the viablity of alternative models for analysing and forecasting monthly sales in a localized retail market during the periods of growth, maturity, and decline in market demand.

Employment and advertising, the two most useful variables in the functions tested, were able to account for 70–75 per cent of the monthly sales variance for automatic washers and dryers. Employment elasticity coefficients, though not linearly related to income elasticity coefficients for these products, appear to be a useful measure of purchasing power for localized demand and forecasting functions. The average advertising elasticity for the products studied was 0.095, which was approximately equal to advertising expenditures as a ratio of the gross margin of furniture and house furnishings corporations and kitchen appliance departments of department stores for the period studied, in keeping with the Rasmussen hypothesis. Correction of the models for the presence of autocorrelation altered the explanatory power of some of the variables substantially and resulted in regression coefficients for some variables that were more nearly consistent with theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

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