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This paper describes the development of the ethnic banking market in the UK. It describes the main ethnic groups involved and how they manage their relationships with banks, whether as individuals, families or small businesses. It analyses the problems ethnic customers have in dealing with banks and the gaps that emerge between them and their banking providers. In addition the paper analyses what banks have done to bridge the gap, with a brief comparison with the situation in the United States. The paper then suggests which areas banks need to focus on in order to improve management of their ethnic customers, and concludes by suggesting that given the rapidly growing size and value of the ethnic segments, banks would do well to undertake an ethnic banking audit.  相似文献   

In the last decade mobile handsets have become ubiquitous. There are three times as many mobile phone users as online PCs and they are becoming very sophisticated and demanding users. Increasingly they will expect real-time information and access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wherever they are in the world — and they want very high levels of service. This paper looks at how and why financial organisations across Europe are beginning to take advantage of mobile services and in particular mobile banking as a powerful new marketing tool to build long-lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with new and existing customers. Examples show how European financial organisations are using mobile banking to improve their customer service and relationships, to reinforce their brand by literally placing it in their customer's pocket and to reduce their costs.  相似文献   

惠平 《金融论坛》2006,11(7):28-32
随着金融制度改革的深入,国有商业银行信贷业务的利润贡献占比逐步下降,非信贷业务收入占比不断提高。在金融市场变化加剧、市场竞争日益激烈、金融创新层出不穷的新形势下,正确认识银行信贷的一般规律及在未来商业银行经营发展中的地位、作用及发展方向,将直接关系到我国银行业改革与发展的战略和策略。本文通过对国有商业银行信贷管理制度的历史考察,及对不良贷款和信贷发展的认识,运用科学发展观,提出银行信贷在一段相当长的时期内仍是企业融资的主渠道,应逐步实现信贷业务调整,更有效地发挥好信贷在银行经营及社会融资中的主导作用,在发展中实现信贷的新跨越。  相似文献   

随着金融制度改革的深入,国有商业银行信贷业务的利润贡献占比逐步下降,非信贷业务收入占比不断提高。在金融市场变化加剧、市场竞争日益激烈、金融创新层出不穷的新形势下,正确认识银行信贷的一般规律及在未来商业银行经营发展中的地位、作用及发展方向,将直接关系到我国银行业改革与发展的战略和策略。本文通过对国有商业银行信贷管理制度的历史考察,及对不良贷款和信贷发展的认识,运用科学发展观,提出银行信贷在一段相当长的时期内仍是企业融资的主渠道,应逐步实现信贷业务调整,更有效地发挥好信贷在银行经营及社会融资中的主导作用,在发展中实现信贷的新跨越。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the state of the US banking industry — its challenges and some of the common shortcomings of their current strategies — and presents compelling reasons why banks must re-formulate new strategies for growth and profitability focused on the customer. It proposes a framework, called the customer value exchange (CVE), as a potential solution that would enable banks to develop effective strategies tailored to their customers’ specific needs and perceptions of value, which are the drivers for profitability. This framework is organised into capabilities, which are explained in this paper. A sample process for how these capabilities are applied is provided with an emphasis on an iterative, dynamic refinement process. The iterative approach includes strategy, people, process, analyses and information that companies can integrate to yield higher value and exchange with the banks’ customers. The paper also presents a real company case study. This framework can be utilised by academics and industry practitioners of customer relationship programmes alike.  相似文献   

本文分析新经济的发展对商业银行的影响 ,提出了商业银行实现增长的动力源在于新经济 ,建议商业银行为实现可持续发展加大对新经济的研究。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis has reignited interest in models of crisis prediction. It has also raised the question whether financial interconnectedness—a possible source of systemic risk—can serve as an early warning indicator of crises. In this paper, we examine the ability of connectedness in the global network of financial linkages to predict systemic banking crises during the 1978–2010 period. Our results indicate that increases in a country’s own connectedness and decreases in its neighbours’ connectedness are associated with a higher probability of banking crises after controlling for macroeconomic fundamentals. Our findings suggest that financial interconnectedness has early warning potential, especially for the 2007–2010 wave of systemic banking crises.  相似文献   

网络银行发展现状和前景探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着网络时代的到来,全球金融业面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。网络银行作为一种新兴的银行服务方式,与传统银行相比显示出许多优势,其发展趋势已不可逆转,但它本身也存在着许多有待解决的问题,如何准确地把握网络银行的发展现状和未来趋势,扬其长避其短,已成为国内外金融业发展的重大现实课题。本文从网络银行的定义、优势和存在的问题以及发展前景和对策等三个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Despite the strong evidence that many consumers relish their experience with mobile banking, others indicate that some segments may not be comfortable with these emerging digitized platforms due to certain inherent personal traits. Drawing insights from the socio-psychology and innovation/SSTs adoption literature, this paper tested a structural model with inherent innovativeness as an antecedent variable, and consumers’ attitude to M-banking, as a mediator to their future usage intention. The moderating effect of consumer readiness on the hypothesized relationship between consumers’ attitudes and intention to use mobile banking was also examined. The model was tested on survey data from 720 respondents from the United Kingdom (UK). Findings show that inherent innovativeness significantly explains attitudes to mobile banking. There were, however, mixed outcomes concerning the effects of three dimensions of consumer readiness on the link between attitudes and intention to use mobile banking. The results show that only ability exerts a positive and a significant effect on the examined relationship. The effects of motivation and role clarity seemed insignificant. The findings from this paper can help retail bank managers improve their channel and promotional decisions in order to enhance the service experience of relevant segments.  相似文献   

In an article published in this journal in 1998, Nobel laureate Merton Miller argued that one of the best weapons available to national economies in their defense against the macroeconomic effects of banking crises is the availability of non‐bank financial institutions and products—or what we now refer to as the “shadow banking system.” Although Miller may have exaggerated the independence of bank‐ and market‐based sources of financing, the author argues that events during and after the recent crisis have shown Miller's claims about the importance of non‐bank investors in the provision of credit to be fundamentally correct. Critics of securitization and the shadow banking system tend to focus on the subprime mortgage story in which the sudden re‐pricing of credit risk and the resulting disappearance of investment demand for ABCP, private‐label mortgage‐related ABS, and ABS CDOs created unexpected and significant downward price pressure on those asset types. But the leveraged loan market tells a very different story. In contrast to the near complete disappearance of private mortgage securitizations, the extraordinary recovery of the U.S. syndicated leveraged loan market demonstrates that the relation between commercial and shadow banking has proved to be a highly productive and resilient one—and very much a two‐way street. When leveraged loans and CLOs experienced problems from 2007 through 2009 due primarily to the widespread liquidity and credit market disruptions that affected essentially all structured credit products, institutional investors in leveraged loans disappeared and the leveraged loan primary market imploded. But when institutional participants recognized the value of the underlying asset—corporate loans—and regained confidence in shadow‐banking products, leveraged lending by banks recovered quickly and dramatically. This outcome is viewed as vindicating Professor Miller's statement about the benefits of shadow markets and securitization— namely, the role of non‐bank investors in diversifying the risk of credit creation while at the same time improving the price discovery process in different markets. The recent history of the U.S. leveraged loan market demonstrates that shadow banking system participants play a critical role in meeting the total demand for such loans, and that the ebbs and flows from institutional leveraged loan markets are strongly connected with the health and integrity of the underlying leveraged bank loan market.  相似文献   

商业银行银行账户利率风险管理面临的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银行账户利率风险是目前商业银行面临的主要市场风险之一。该文基于当前商业银行风险管理实践揭示其银行帐户利率风险管理在计量、运用方面面临的挑战,指出商业银行必须从制度、计量、监测、控制等方面逐步建立相应体系,以强化银行账户利率风险管理,适应监管要求和新资本协议要求。  相似文献   

Extensive regulatory changes and technological advances have transformed banking systems to a great extent. Banks have reacted to the challenges posed by the new operating environment by creating new products and expanding their activities to some uncharted business areas. In this paper, we study how modern banking which gave birth to the off-balance-sheet leverage activities affected the risk profile of U.S. banks as well as the level of systemic risk before and after the onset of the late 2000s financial crisis. Towards this, we separate on- from off-balance-sheet leverage and capture the latter with different, yet complementary, measures which do not exist in the current literature. Special attention is paid on the deleveraging process that occurred in the banking market after the crisis erupted, which is an additional innovative feature of this study. Our findings reveal that leverage, both explicit and hidden off-the-balance-sheet, increases the individual risk of banking firms making them vulnerable to financial shocks. Reverse leverage, on the other hand, is beneficial for individual banks’ health, but is found to be harmful for financial stability. We also demonstrate that the banks which concentrate on traditional lines of business typically carry less risk compared to those involved with modern financial instruments.  相似文献   

我国房地产融资方式的比较、选择与调整   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙翠兰 《金融论坛》2005,10(11):47-50
央行121号文件发布以来,中央政府及具体职能部门一系列紧缩房地产银行信贷的政策和措施,拉开了我国房地产融资多元化发展的帷幕。本文分析与比较了目前我国存在的银行信贷、企业债券、企业上市、境外融资、投资基金和信托等主要的房地产融资方式运作的内在机理和宏观环境,以期正确选择和有目的地调整我国房地产融资方式。据此,提出我国房地产多元化融资在近期内应选择“银行贷款 房地产信托”和“银行贷款 房地产投资基金”两种模式。同时,为保障这两种模式的有效运作,应对银行内部资产负债互动机制的构建、投资基金法的确立和信托融资中不必要限制的解禁等方面进行调整。  相似文献   

胡婕  张茂 《金融论坛》2007,12(5):55-58
财政部于2006年初发布的新企业会计准则是对我国会计制度的重大改革,它将对我国银行业的财务状况及经营管理产生影响.就总体而言,新准则的实施有利于企业披露信息质量的提高.从银行业角度看,新准则使银行的资产负债分类方式发生改变,有助于银行进行风险管理;新准则引入公允价值,使银行金融工具的价值变化得以及时反映,同时增大了银行经营成果的波动;新准则理念先进,预示着管理模式的变迁,对银行业的经营理念提出新的挑战,要求银行管理者与从业人员加快转变经营理念,转变业务增长方式.新准则增加了银行进行资本管理的难度,并对从业人员的执业能力提出了更高要求.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国居民可支配收入不断增加,同时对通胀预期的敏感性也在增加,银行原有的储蓄、汇兑等产品已不能满足居民的理财需求,居民个人理财业务具有较好的市场前景。针对商业银行理财业务现状,该文提出,商业银行应树立以客户为中心的理财服务核心观念,加强个人理财产品的设计与开发,并帮助客户把好投资风险关,以不断改进其理财业务的服务水平。  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a new factor of the trust model in electronic commerce; namely, internet banking. Internal control of internet banking is very consistent with high levels of trust factors such as security, privacy, and other risk issues. However, this type of association has not yet been widely recognized as a trusted model from the consumer's electronic commerce point of view. This study attempts to create new factors in IT governance and the COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) assurance seal. The empirical results of this experiment show that customer familiarity with IT governance and the COBIT assurance seal has impacted customers' trust in internet banking. Moreover, the results also show that perceived internet banking quality and reputation impact customers' trust in internet banking. Given the results of this study, we propose future research aimed at developing a COBIT assurance web seal of internal control, applicable to information technology based on IT governance.  相似文献   

本文根据国家银行业监管相关准则和国内银行体系的实际情况,界定了区域性银行的概念,从区域性银行发展实践中总结出重组、扩张和本地化三种战略,建立了三项研究假设,并针对假设选择了13家区域性银行,运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对它们的盈利能力进行数据分析,分析结果基本支持研究假设,在此基础上提出区域性银行的战略选择建议。  相似文献   

The internet has emerged as a widely recognised distribution channel for the banking industry in Europe. Traditional banks, as well as new players, have discovered its effectiveness compared with other channels. The aim of this paper is to draw a picture of online banking in Europe, by observing behavioural patterns of internet users accessing bank websites and managing their finances online. Similarities across countries as well as main differences emerge in market structure and competitive dynamics. In-depth analysis of Spain and Italy is provided.  相似文献   

The classification of clients is an essential matter in commercial banking, insurance companies, electrical corporations, communication business, etc. Those companies frequently classify their customers by means of the information provided by the so-called classifier. Motivated by the need to compare systems of classification, we introduce a new stochastic order which permits the comparison of classifiers. The stochastic order is analysed in detail, providing characterizations and properties as well as connections with other stochastic orders and other classification systems. Such an order is applied to compare some classifiers used by a Spanish commercial banking to analyse the key problem of customer churn, obtaining conclusive results by means of real databases. Namely, the optimal classifier among them in the new stochastic order is obtained.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2001,25(11):2103-2123
The banking industry realizes that a vital and profitable segment of its clientele demands a significant online presence that complements the traditional “bricks and mortar” presence. A virtual minefield of traditional and new issues and risks arises as banks adopt 24/7 transactional websites in their pursuit of a “clicks and bricks” strategy. Banks face operational, security, legal, and reputation risk with their foray into online banking. An innovative and proactive approach to risk management is essential as banks move into this new territory. Recent regulatory and legislative developments suggest that as electronic banking evolves, the earlier regulatory stance of “self-regulation” appears to be changing to one of increased scrutiny.  相似文献   

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