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The banking industry is experiencing rapid and widespread changes due to advances in technology that go hand-in-hand with the customer demands for real-time, personalized and seamless banking experience. Along with this development, omni-channel orientation is becoming an inherent feature of banking services. However, its role has not yet been thoroughly understood, specifically in this context. The purpose of this study is to create in-depth understanding of how do customers experience omni-banking services and what are the key factors related to their experiences. We identify both actual critical events and imaginings, positive and negative that are related to the forming of customer experiences and suggest both theoretical and managerial implications based on the results. 相似文献
This paper (which was originally presented at the 2001 World Services Congress in Hong Kong, 19–21 September) traces the origins of marketing in Nigerian banking and shows how different economic, social and political environments have influenced the marketing of financial services in Nigeria. It argues that the future of the banking market in Nigeria will, in the main, depend on the ongoing integration of the country into the global market. With the return of the international banks, multinational and foreign companies and missions are likely to favour such banks for their banking transactions. The implication of this is that banks with little or no foreign ownership structures will gradually be forced to concentrate on the indigenous market. Unless the government can put its house in order quickly and ensure a stable macroeconomic environment for economic development, it is likely that market forces will cause several of these indigenous banks to merge their activities or be absorbed by the big international banks. 相似文献
Mark J. Flannery 《Journal of Banking & Finance》1983,7(1):83-99
Prior bank cost function studies have ignored the fact that some banks obtain a substantial amount of services from their correspondents. If these services are paid for with compensating deposit balances, their cost to the purchasing bank is not reflected in standard expense reports. This paper investigates whether explicit consideration of theese correspondent costs materially affects estimated bank returns to scale. The results indicate that the level of banksoperating costs is underreported by as much as 15%. While scale economy estimates for unit banks are not significantly affected by the addition of correspondent service costs, prior studies have overestimated branch bank scale economies by a small but statistically significant amount. 相似文献
Journal of Financial Services Marketing - The purpose of the study is to compare the growth rate of commercial banks with microfinance banks, under the shadow of financial exclusion, and to provide... 相似文献
在商业银行业务实践中,授信额度合同尽管尚不属于主流的合同形式,但在银行各个业务领域中均有其适用的案例,在一些范围内甚至被用作主流合同的替代形式。由于没有明确的法律规定界定其涵义,商业实践中也尚未成为一种商业惯例。因此,授信额度合同给银行和客户的权利义务带来了一些不确定的因素。本文从授信额度合同的特征出发,重点讨论了授信额度合同的法律性质,并对审判实践中存在的未约定额度使用期限时授信额度合同的效力、授信额度合同的担保及有关诉讼程序问题,从实务角度进行了分析,并提出了相应观点。 相似文献
私人银行业务是国内多家商业银行开展金融服务的新领域,信托产品机制与私人银行业务之间内在的契合性决定了两者之间可以展开良好的合作,这对于我国正处于起步中的私人银行业务而言,无疑是一个有意义的新思路。 相似文献
5月1日,世界瞩目的201O年上海世博会在黄埔江畔拉开帷幕。据初步预测,上海世博会吸引游客将超过7000万人次,投资规模接近3000亿元,消费规模将在1000亿元以上,来自世界各地的200多个国家和国际组织将参加本次盛会。世博会无疑会产生巨大的客流、物流、资金流和信息流。对我国金融行业来说,世博会是一次向世界全面展示行业发展成就和品牌形象的良好平台,也为金融机构提升金融服务水平提供了契机。 相似文献
银行作为金融产品与服务的经营主体,需要全力打造自身核心价值,并不断通过业务创新和优质服务来赢得客户和市场.随着全球经济化的不断发展,全球产业也逐渐从第二产业向第三产业延伸,以金融服务外包为主体的国际金融服务产业转移步伐不断加快. 相似文献
This paper shows that the contractual arrangement of ‘banking correspondents’ has eliminated entry barriers for the provision of banking services in Brazil. With the bank correspondents, banks are allowed to reach the almost 2200 municipalities without bank branches in 2000, connecting 45 million people to the financial sector. The evidence is based on the estimation of an entry model of financial providers in Brazilian municipalities. I estimate a zero population entry threshold for banking correspondents for the period from 2002 to 2007. The estimated population entry thresholds for bank branches in the same period are relatively stable at approximately 8000–9000 people. The population entry thresholds for the second to fifth players for banking correspondents are also consistently lower than those for bank branches. 相似文献
Increasingly technology is being employed to replace or substantially diminish personal interaction in service provision. Research is beginning to shed light on the impact of this phenomenon on service provision and the behavioural response of customers. More, however, remains to be done by way of investigating and establishing the extent to which this means of service provision is effective in maintaining mutually beneficial customer-service provider relationships. This paper explains and discusses findings of a study undertaken for the purpose of illuminating reasons for using internet banking services, and establishing whether or not regular use of these services necessarily implies loyal patronage and that the customer has a sense of relationship with the service provider. Significantly, it was found that regular use does not necessarily imply willing or satisfied use, or that the customer has a sense of relationship with the service provider. Managerial implications of the findings are also considered. 相似文献
近年来,河南银监局全面贯彻落实中央金融工作会议、银监会监管工作会议精神,立足河南实际,以开展"合规建设提升年"活动为主线,坚持"守底线、重合规、强服务、严内控、促转型",争取河南在全国率先解决中小企业融资难问题, 相似文献
US banks have invested heavily in developing online capabilities, with the expectation of migrating customers to the new cheaper delivery system. Results in the USA thus far have been mixed at best; market penetration is low and customer usage is sporadic, focusing mainly on simple tasks. This paper reports on the first of two studies conducted to investigate the reasons for the mediocre performance. A qualitative consumer study revealed significant differences in attitudes and opinions between early users and those that banks hope will adopt next. Most importantly, future prospects could be characterised as indifferent about online banking; many were not convinced about its benefits and the value it provides. While the potential to expand the market for online banking services exists, banks need to re-examine their marketing approach. 相似文献
This study analyzes the impact of the use of mobile banking services on saving behavior in West Africa. Using the Global Findex Database, 2017 and jointly estimating a multinomial logit model and a probit model, we find that the use of mobile banking services increases the likelihood of formal and informal saving by 2.4% and 0.83% respectively. Women are likelier to have informal savings, but their likelihood of having formal savings increases if they use mobile banking services. Greater education, employment (especially in the public sector), and income increase the likelihood of adopting mobile banking services. These results suggest that the partnership between mobile phone structures and financial institutions should be strengthened. 相似文献
Nick Hewlett 《Futures》1985,17(1):34-44
Retail banking is traditionally highly labour-intensive and employment in the industry has been rising steadily for many years. However, new technology is now being introduced which is beginning to have an impact on levels of employment. In the European Economic Community it is likely that productivity will increase only slightly faster than demand up to 1990 and that employment will not fall substantially. After that date, it will almost certainly fall faster. Negotiations between management and unions, at a national and international level, should ensure that the introduction of new labour-saving technology be complemented by reductions in working time and the creation of more stimulating, labour-intensive positions. 相似文献
德利多富信息系统有限公司(以下简称“德利多富”)作为全球金融自助设备的领先供应商,集研发、市场、销售和技术支持为一体。德利多富于20世纪90年代进入中国市场,几乎与所有国内银行均有合作,提供给客户广泛的增值产品、解决方案和相关服务,是业内解决方案和客户服务的领头企业。近年来,德利多富将零售业和银行业经验迅速扩展到邮政业、彩票业等其他领域,从而使零售银行进入了自助服务创新的新时代。 相似文献
2009年4月15日,胡润研究院在上海发布了<2009胡润财富报告>.报告统计,中国有825 000个千万富豪和51000个亿万富豪.这些千万富翁和金融机构有非常多的接触,比如协调个人和企业的资金、办理贷款等.然而隔行如隔山,由于缺乏更多的金融知识,再加上没有充足的时间,他们很难把精力放在银行资产打理上.而且事实告诉他们,把大量资金存到银行里所带来的收益远低于物价的上涨幅度,存在银行里的钱是不保值的.这个群体不需要银行的小礼品,对好听但不实用的机场贵宾通道也抱无所谓的态度.他们的需求是:银行能提供给他们哪些更高层次的金融服务. 相似文献
金融生态理论是中国人民银行行长周小川在2004年"经济学50人论坛"上首次提出的,它是对金融的一种拟生化概括,揭示了资金流动与金融生态环境之间的密切关系。目前,开展金融生态评估是激励、促进地方政府深入开展金融生态建设工作的一个有效手段。 相似文献
我国银行业对外开放已经迎来后WTO时代,中外银行将在同一起跑线上展开新一轮角逐.更新传统银行监管理念,重新树立银行监管新思维,并构建崭新银行监管体制,降低监管成本,提高监管效率,防范和化解金融风险,这其中的每一个环节都显得至关重要. 相似文献