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首先对员工冲突管理的国内外研究现状进行了综述,然后结合某IT企业实证研究,运用灰色关联法分析了导致员工冲突的动因以及如何有效地提高员工冲突管理的能力来适应变化的环境。  相似文献   

任乐 《江苏商论》2013,(9):75-78
冲突管理是员工关系管理中非常重要的工作,组织能否趋利避害地驾驭冲突,关系着组织的生存和发展。传统冲突管理侧重于冲突的事后管理,全面冲突管理强调对冲突进行全过程、全系统和全要素的管理。本文试图从全面冲突管理视角下,分析员工关系管理中冲突的范围及产生的原因,并最终构建全面冲突管理模型,为组织趋利避害地驾驭冲突,建立和谐员工关系提供对策和建议。  相似文献   

赵卓嘉 《财经论丛》2013,(4):101-106
个体的冲突处理行为并非只是针对环境威胁的被动响应,它更是一种主动选择,面子在其中发挥的作用实质上可归结为一种行为激励。文章以知识型员工为研究对象,基于期望理论,针对面子作用于知识型员工的任务冲突处理选择的内在机理进行了实证研究,分别揭示了面子的效价、与面子相关的结果期望各自的直接作用及面子期望的中介作用。  相似文献   

通过广泛收集员工冲突方面的研究成果,并结合工作和学习中对于员工冲突的认识,以及管理者面临的新的员工冲突问题,按照分析问题、解决问题的方法,本文给出了处理员工冲突管理的原则和措施,提出了管理者在管理中避免破坏性冲突、增加建设性冲突应该采取的措施。  相似文献   

王勇 《财经论丛》2016,(4):89-97
基于中国文化背景,本研究以工作家庭冲突作为中介变量、组织支持作为调节变量,通过对江苏、安徽、上海等地企业的235名员工进行问卷调查,分析员工帮助计划对员工离职倾向的影响。研究结果显示:员工帮助计划对离职倾向具有显著负向预测效果;工作家庭冲突在员工帮助计划与离职倾向间具有中介作用;组织支持调节着员工帮助计划对工作家庭冲突和离职倾向的影响。在此基础上,本研究提出构建多元化员工帮助计划体系、实施员工角色冲突管理以及塑造组织内支持性的工作环境等三条建议。  相似文献   

对制造商而言,渠道冲突始终是制约企业发展的一个不可回避的问题。如何有效协调各渠道之间的关系,处理好渠道矛盾,业界提出了许多方法。本文拟从制造商角度出发,通过企业概念的外延,将渠道各方视为“员工”,通过培养渠道员工忠诚度来解决渠道冲突。  相似文献   

本文拟就员工内部冲突原因,以及冲突产生之结果进行系统论述,以提高对这类冲突的认识,并为解决这类冲突提出积极有效之解决方法。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展和进步,现代社会的家庭结构、职业类型以及价值取向日益多元化,对传统的家庭—工作关系带来了极大的影响,引发了越来越严重的工作—家庭矛盾。受此影响,很多员工出现身体健康状况差、精神压力大等问题,同时也对员工的工作满意度、组织承诺带来消极的影响。因此,本文以知识型员工为例,对现代员工的工作—家庭冲突进行了研究。  相似文献   

数字化技术加剧了组织环境的复杂性和不确定性,使组织人力资本表现出非稳态和高流动的特征,同时数字化技术催生的新型社交媒体使个体间的社会互动处于高度连通性。在此背景下,员工离职后与原组织之间仍然保持联系这一现象不断凸显。针对这一现象,本文将其概括为“前员工-组织社会关联”,并对其进行分析。第一,本文对前员工-组织社会关联的涵义、关联形式及性质进行了阐述;第二,从组织系统观分析了前员工-组织社会关联的必要性;第三,根据能力-动机-机会理论,从前员工意愿视角分析了前员工-组织社会关联发生的潜在因素;第四,根据能力-动机-机会理论,从能力和机会视角分析了前员工-组织社会关联发生的边界条件;第五,从前员工和组织的视角,阐述了前员工-组织社会关联产生的积极效应。本文关注前员工-组织社会关联现象,扩展了员工-组织关系的理论研究,延伸了人力资源管理的边界。  相似文献   

让员工不再沉默   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当员工面临职场问题或冲突时,通常会有两种选择,一种是将自己的意见或不满明确地说出来,另外一种就是保持沉默。这两种应对方式会产生不同的结果。表达了自己的意见或不满,就可以让问题暴露出来,进而找到解决问题的办法;而如果保持沉默,则问题就难以得到及时有效的解决,最终受到影响的不仅仅是个人,  相似文献   

Creative frontline service employees may be crucial in ensuring organizational performance. However, scant research has investigated the antecedents of service employee creativity. This research applies Role Theory to enlighten this issue. The findings reveal that: role conflict and role ambiguity have opposing effects on creativity; Role Theory complements Cognitive Evaluation Theory as a mediational mechanism for the influence of contextual factors on creativity; and, against current thinking, contextual factors also affect creativity directly. The results underscore the need to reconceptualize the mechanisms by which contextual factors influence creativity, and suggest how managers can promote creativity through the work environment.  相似文献   

This article examines a social accounting cycle in a Danish savings bank with specific focus on how employees interacted with the cycle. The case study is based on archival material and observations of employee engagement sessions that were a significant part of the cycle. The article exposes the ways in which the cycle can be understood as an initiative that prompts different forms of accountability. The cycle had the potential to bring different forms of accountability together, but the cycle also faced challenges that threatened its relevance from an employee perspective. These challenges might have implications for the way we perceive social accounting and the role of employees.  相似文献   

高新技术产品对外贸易是技术外溢的渠道,它能引起技能偏向性技术改变,从而对劳动力技能产生引致需求。文章通过建立计量模型,分别考察在短期内高新技术产品贸易对我国就业技能结构的影响以及在长期内除高新技术产品贸易因素之外,其它关键因素对我国就业技能结构的影响,并根据其结论为我国改善就业技能结构提出合理政策建议。  相似文献   


To do an excellent job of managing external relationships, service firms must be prepared to do an excellent job of managing internal relationships. This effort begins with recruiting, selecting, and retaining employees who are likely to serve customers well. While service firms strive to match the knowledge, ability, and skills of potential employees to the requirements of the job, most do not have the time or the resources to implement elaborate recruitment and selection systems. This is especially true among services where relatively high turnover levels mandate that recruitment and selection processes be fast and inexpensive. To meet this challenge, managers often focus on a set of easily identifiable individual characteristics, such as experience, job tenure, age, or education that can be assessed during the time of an interview or scan of a job application. This study examines the effect of these characteristics on the attitudes and responses of service employees that are critical for the effective delivery of quality service (job satisfaction, self-efficacy, role stress, organizational commitment). The results indicate that satisfied and committed service employees tend to be older, better educated, and possess a great deal of service experience. These employees also appear to be better able to handle the stress associated with service positions. These characteristics are atypical of the service industry, where employees tend to be younger, possess relatively little experience in any one industry, and are less educated. Implications for managing the recruitment, selection, and retention of service employees are offered, as are directions for future research.  相似文献   

本文基于社会调查数据,运用因子分析法,建立OLS模型,从灵活就业人员的角度,研究影响其购买商业养老保险意愿的主要因素。对于被解释变量的处理,将灵活就业人员自身情况、家庭影响及主观态度纳入考察,建立评价受访者购买商业养老保险意愿的统一指标,再采用因子分析等方法提取政策认知、整体认识、收支能力、职业附加、环境压力五个因子作为解释变量,构建回归模型,在对比归纳中进一步实证。根据研究结果,为商业养老保险及相关政策的实施提出建议,并对商业保险及社会保险的一体化融合途径得出启示。  相似文献   

Since the attack on the World Trade Center in New York, and on the Pentagon in the United States, concerns over security issues have been at an all-time high in this country. Both state and federal governments continue to discuss legislation on these issues amid much controversy. One key concern of both employers and employees is the extent that employers, espousing a “need to know” mentality, continue to expand their capability and implementation of surveillance of employees in the workplace. With the technology typically growing faster than the speed of legislation, protective or permissive, the management and legal issues involved in electronic monitoring of employee communications in the workplace, are and well should be on the agenda for discussion of every management and legal team in American business today. Companies have a legitimate right to protect their trade secrets from disclosure by disgruntled employees. Similarly, companies also have a duty to protect their good names and reputations from unauthorized employee communications with outside parties, and even other employees, that may damage them. It is also a prime duty of management to ensure, in their direction of their workforces, that the employees execute their responsibilities by working full time on their stated objectives. In this regard, any management that fails to oversee its workforce to ensure that employees are not expending valuable company time, for which they are being compensated, on personal business, including unauthorized communications, is remiss in its responsibilities to its shareholders. The company may see a reduction of the price of its shares in the marketplace if it does not protect the economic interests of its shareholders.  相似文献   

This research examines how to identify and differentiate key employees from small and medium‐sized enterprises (SME) owners and other employees and how their characteristics influence firm success factors. Interviews are conducted with 14 matched pairs of entrepreneurs and key employees operating Canadian SMEs. The study develops a profile whereby the key employee typically (1) corresponds to the key success factors of the SME, (2) is willing to undertake a moderate amount of risk, and (3) differs in education and experience from the entrepreneur/owner. Although employees are important to firm strategy and culture, this is one of the first to examine key employees in small business.  相似文献   

Established literature on work–family conflict concentrates on the experiences of women and organizational equalities policies in Western contexts. This article examines the experiences of women working in a Chinese airline. Drawing on questionnaires and interviews with female employees and managers, we explore work–family conflict and gendered organizational perceptions of women's needs. Our findings suggest that work rather than family-related factors are the most influential causes of conflict for Chinese women in our case study. Cultural and social factors that shape familial relationships prove important in explaining these differences, but we also highlight the significant role played by gendered organizational culture.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(2):115-129
Extant marketing research holds that customers prefer frontline personnel to speak the customers’ first language. Furthermore, current managerial practices instruct frontline employees to either use the customers’ first language or, in international settings, to use English. Through five studies in different retail and service contexts, we identify situations where the opposite is true. The results of the first two studies suggest that if customers initiate contact in a second language, the frontline employee’s switch to the customer’s first language constitutes an identity threat leading customers to feel less satisfied; an effect we term the language backfire effect. Our third study extends these results to a domestic context to test for the impact of linguistic acculturation on how immigrant customers perceive frontline employees’ language switch. The fourth study replicates the findings in a real-life retail context. These results present a paradox for marketing research: although frontline employees switch to customers’ first language to accommodate them, these actions might not have the desired consequences. Having identified and described the problem of the language backfire effect, our final study introduces and verifies a managerially actionable solution: combining the language switch with a language proficiency compliment offsets the language backfire effect.  相似文献   

Although frontline employees' bending of organizational rules and norms for customers is an important phenomenon, marketing scholars to date only broadly describe over-servicing behaviors and provide little distinction among deviant behavioral concepts. Drawing on research on pro-social and pro-customer behaviors and on studies of positive deviance, this paper develops and validates a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional construct term customer-oriented deviance. Results from two samples totaling 616 frontline employees (FLEs) in the retail and hospitality industries demonstrate that customer-oriented deviance is a four-dimensional construct with sound psychometric properties. Evidence from a test of a theoretical model of key antecedents establishes nomological validity with empathy/perspective-taking, risk-taking propensity, role conflict, and job autonomy as key predictors. Results show that the dimensions of customer-oriented deviance are distinct and have significant implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

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