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Using positive semidefinite supOU (superposition of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type) processes to describe the volatility, we introduce a multivariate stochastic volatility model for financial data which is capable of modeling long range dependence effects. The finiteness of moments and the second‐order structure of the volatility, the log‐ returns, as well as their “squares” are discussed in detail. Moreover, we give several examples in which long memory effects occur and study how the model as well as the simple Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type stochastic volatility model behave under linear transformations. In particular, the models are shown to be preserved under invertible linear transformations. Finally, we discuss how (sup)OU stochastic volatility models can be combined with a factor modeling approach.  相似文献   

We propose a flexible framework for modeling the joint dynamics of an index and a set of forward variance swap rates written on this index. Our model reproduces various empirically observed properties of variance swap dynamics and enables volatility derivatives and options on the underlying index to be priced consistently, while allowing for jumps in volatility and returns. An affine specification using Lévy processes as building blocks leads to analytically tractable pricing formulas for volatility derivatives, such as VIX options, as well as efficient numerical methods for pricing of European options on the underlying asset. The model has the convenient feature of decoupling the vanilla skews from spot/volatility correlations and allowing for different conditional correlations in large and small spot/volatility moves. We show that our model can simultaneously fit prices of European options on S&P 500 across strikes and maturities as well as options on the VIX volatility index.  相似文献   

We show that when a real-valued risk measure is defined on a solid, rearrangement invariant space of random variables, then necessarily it satisfies a weak compactness, also called continuity from below, property, and the space necessarily consists of integrable random variables. As a result we see that a risk measure defined for, say, Cauchy-distributed random variable, must take infinite values for some of the random variables.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of maximizing the expected utility of terminal wealth for a financial agent with an unbounded random endowment, and with a utility function which supports both positive and negative wealth. We prove the existence of an optimal trading strategy within a class of permissible strategies—those strategies whose wealth process is a super-martingale under all pricing measures with finite relative entropy. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the absence of utility-based arbitrage, and for the existence of a solution to the primal problem. We consider two utility-based methods which can be used to price contingent claims. Firstly we investigate marginal utility-based price processes (MUBPP's). We show that such processes can be characterized as local martingales under the normalized optimal dual measure for the utility maximizing investor. Finally, we present some new results on utility indifference prices, including continuity properties and volume asymptotics for the case of a general utility function, unbounded endowment and unbounded contingent claims.  相似文献   

We consider a portfolio/consumption choice problem in a market model with liquidity risk. The main feature is that the investor can trade and observe stock prices only at exogenous Poisson arrival times. He may also consume continuously from his cash holdings, and his goal is to maximize his expected utility from consumption. This is a mixed discrete/continuous stochastic control problem, non‐standard in the literature. The dynamic programming principle leads to a coupled system of Integro‐Differential Equations (IDE), and we provide a convergent numerical algorithm for the resolution to this coupled system of IDE. Several numerical experiments illustrate the impact of the restricted liquidity trading opportunities, and we measure in particular the utility loss with respect to the classical Merton consumption problem.  相似文献   

The problem of robust utility maximization in an incomplete market with volatility uncertainty is considered, in the sense that the volatility of the market is only assumed to lie between two given bounds. The set of all possible models (probability measures) considered here is nondominated. We propose studying this problem in the framework of second‐order backward stochastic differential equations (2BSDEs for short) with quadratic growth generators. We show for exponential, power, and logarithmic utilities that the value function of the problem can be written as the initial value of a particular 2BSDE and prove existence of an optimal strategy. Finally, several examples which shed more light on the problem and its links with the classical utility maximization one are provided. In particular, we show that in some cases, the upper bound of the volatility interval plays a central role, exactly as in the option pricing problem with uncertain volatility models.  相似文献   

We study the implied volatility K ↦ I ( K ) in the Hull–White model of option pricing, and obtain asymptotic formulas for this function as the strike price K tends to infinity or zero. We also prove that the function I is convex near zero and concave near infinity, and characterize the behavior of the first two derivatives of this function.  相似文献   

A simple model of the term structure of interest rates is introduced in which the family of instantaneous forward rates evolves as a continuous Gaussian random field. A necessary and sufficient condition for the associated family of discounted zero-coupon bond prices to be martingales is given, permitting the consistent pricing of interest rate contingent claims. Examples of the pricing of interest-rate caps and the situation when the Gaussian random field may be viewed as a deterministic time change of the standard Brownian sheet are discussed.  相似文献   

预测央行脆弱性的VaR模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在研究可将两代货币危机模型有机地结合在一起的用于预测央行脆弱性的VaR模型,这一模型为央行提供了一个预警指标,同时也为市场参与者提供了一个判断央行是否具有偿付能力的依据。  相似文献   

We perform a stability analysis for the utility maximization problem in a general semimartingale model where both liquid and illiquid assets (random endowments) are present. Small misspecifications of preferences (as modeled via expected utility), as well as views of the world or the market model (as modeled via subjective probabilities) are considered. Simple sufficient conditions are given for the problem to be well posed, in the sense that the optimal wealth and the marginal utility‐based prices are continuous functionals of preferences and probabilistic views.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal investment problem with intermediate consumption and random endowment, in an incomplete semimartingale model of the financial market. We establish the key assertions of the utility maximization theory, assuming that both primal and dual value functions are finite in the interiors of their domains and that the random endowment at maturity can be dominated by the terminal value of a self‐financing wealth process. In order to facilitate the verification of these conditions, we present alternative, but equivalent conditions, under which the conclusions of the theory hold.  相似文献   

We introduce a new stochastic volatility model that includes, as special instances, the Heston (1993) and the 3/2 model of Heston (1997) and Platen (1997). Our model exhibits important features: first, instantaneous volatility can be uniformly bounded away from zero, and second, our model is mathematically and computationally tractable, thereby enabling an efficient pricing procedure. This called for using the Lie symmetries theory for partial differential equations; doing so allowed us to extend known results on Bessel processes. Finally, we provide an exact simulation scheme for the model, which is useful for numerical applications.  相似文献   

David  Hobson 《Mathematical Finance》2004,14(4):537-556
The aim of this paper is to study the minimal entropy and variance-optimal martingale measures for stochastic volatility models. In particular, for a diffusion model where the asset price and volatility are correlated, we show that the problem of determining the q -optimal measure can be reduced to finding a solution to a representation equation. The minimal entropy measure and variance-optimal measure are seen as the special cases   q = 1  and   q = 2  respectively. In the case where the volatility is an autonomous diffusion we give a stochastic representation for the solution of this equation. If the correlation ρ between the traded asset and the autonomous volatility satisfies  ρ2 < 1/ q   , and if certain smoothness and boundedness conditions on the parameters are satisfied, then the q -optimal measure exists. If  ρ2≥ 1/ q   , then the q -optimal measure may cease to exist beyond a certain time horizon. As an example we calculate the q -optimal measure explicitly for the Heston model.  相似文献   

We consider the non‐Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard for the exponential mean‐reversion model of Schwartz proposed for commodity spot prices. We analyze the properties of the stochastic dynamics, and show in particular that the log‐spot prices possess a stationary distribution defined as a normal variance‐mixture model. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility model allows for explicit forward prices, which may produce a hump structure inherited from the mean‐reversion of the stochastic volatility. Although the spot price dynamics has continuous paths, the forward prices will have a jump dynamics, where jumps occur according to changes in the volatility process. We compare with the popular Heston stochastic volatility dynamics, and show that the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model provides a more flexible framework in describing commodity spot prices. An empirical example on UK spot data is included.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to advocate the use of multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) as a relevant model in financial mathematics. mBm is an extension of fractional Brownian motion where the Hurst parameter is allowed to vary in time. This enables the possibility to accommodate for varying local regularity, and to decouple it from long‐range dependence properties. While we believe that mBm is potentially useful in a variety of applications in finance, we focus here on a multifractional stochastic volatility Hull & White model that is an extension of the model studied in Comte and Renault. Using the stochastic calculus with respect to mBm developed in Lebovits and Lévy Véhel, we solve the corresponding stochastic differential equations. Since the solutions are of course not explicit, we take advantage of recently developed numerical techniques, namely functional quantization‐based cubature methods, to get accurate approximations. This allows us to test the behavior of our model (as well as the one in Comte and Renault) with respect to its parameters, and in particular its ability to explain some features of the implied volatility surface. An advantage of our model is that it is able both to fit smiles at different maturities, and to take volatility persistence into account in a more precise way than Comte and Renault.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamics of an explicit random process of prices and price expectations of finitely many assets in an economy with overlapping generations of heterogeneous consumers. They maximize expected utility with respect to subjective transition probabilities defined by Markov kernels which describe the forecasting behavior of agents. Given such forecasting rules (predictors) and an exogenous process of dividends, the evolution of equilibrium asset prices and expectations is described by a random dynamical system in the sense of Arnold (1998) . The paper investigates the long-run behavior (stationary solutions) by proving the existence and stability of random fixed points for mean-variance preferences under various predictors, including unbiased predictions, and adaptive, as well as OLS forecasting. An explicit characterization of rational expectations solutions is given, providing a full dynamic characterization of asset price processes for the classical CAPM in the case of stationary OLG economies. Numerical simulations are used to compare the performance of the different predictors under an AR(1) dividend process.  相似文献   

Greeks formulas of Delta, Rho, Vega, and Gamma are derived in closed form for asset price dynamics described by gamma processes and Brownian motions time‐changed by a gamma process. The model considered here includes many well‐known models of practical interest, such as the variance gamma model and the Black–Scholes model. Our approach is based upon the Malliavin calculus for jump processes by making full use of a scaling property of gamma processes with respect to the Girsanov transform. The existence of their variance is investigated. Numerical results are provided to illustrate that the derived Greeks formulas have faster rate of convergence relative to the finite difference method.  相似文献   

The traditional estimated return for the Markowitz mean-variance optimization has been demonstrated to seriously depart from its theoretic optimal return. We prove that this phenomenon is natural and the estimated optimal return is always       times larger than its theoretic counterpart, where       with  y  as the ratio of the dimension to sample size. Thereafter, we develop new bootstrap-corrected estimations for the optimal return and its asset allocation and prove that these bootstrap-corrected estimates are proportionally consistent with their theoretic counterparts. Our theoretical results are further confirmed by our simulations, which show that the essence of the portfolio analysis problem could be adequately captured by our proposed approach. This greatly enhances the practical uses of the Markowitz mean-variance optimization procedure.  相似文献   

Cooperative games with players using different law‐invariant deviation measures as numerical representations for their attitudes towards risk in investing to a financial market are formulated and studied. As a central result, it is shown that players (investors) form a coalition (cooperative portfolio) that behaves similar to a single player (investor) with a certain deviation measure. An explicit formula for that deviation measure is obtained. An approach to optimal risk sharing among investors is developed, and a “fair” division of the cooperative portfolio expected gain, belonging to the core of a corresponding cooperative game, is suggested.  相似文献   

Rama  Cont 《Mathematical Finance》2006,16(3):519-547
Uncertainty on the choice of an option pricing model can lead to "model risk" in the valuation of portfolios of options. After discussing some properties which a quantitative measure of model uncertainty should verify in order to be useful and relevant in the context of risk management of derivative instruments, we introduce a quantitative framework for measuring model uncertainty in the context of derivative pricing. Two methods are proposed: the first method is based on a coherent risk measure compatible with market prices of derivatives, while the second method is based on a convex risk measure. Our measures of model risk lead to a premium for model uncertainty which is comparable to other risk measures and compatible with observations of market prices of a set of benchmark derivatives. Finally, we discuss some implications for the management of "model risk."  相似文献   

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