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The paper provides a critical review of empirical findings on the performance of mutual funds, mainly for the US and UK. Ex‐post, there are around 0‐5% of top performing UK and US equity mutual funds with truly positive‐alpha performance (after fees) and around 20% of funds that have truly poor alpha performance, with about 75% of active funds which are effectively zero‐alpha funds. Key drivers of relative performance are, load fees, expenses and turnover. There is little evidence of successful market timing. Evidence suggests past winner funds persist, when rebalancing is frequent (i.e., less than one year) and when using sophisticated sorting rules (e.g., Bayesian approaches) ‐ but transactions costs (load and advisory fees) imply that economic gains to investors from winner funds may be marginal. The US evidence clearly supports the view that past loser funds remain losers. Broadly speaking results for bond mutual funds are similar to those for equity funds. Sensible advice for most investors would be to hold low cost index funds and avoid holding past ‘active’ loser funds. Only sophisticated investors should pursue an active ex‐ante investment strategy of trying to pick winners ‐ and then with much caution.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of weekly and monthly capital flows into the dedicated REIT mutual fund sector on aggregate REIT returns and, simultaneously, the effects of industry-level REIT returns on subsequent REIT mutual fund flows. The dynamic relation between REIT capital flows and returns is estimated using vector autoregression (VAR) techniques. Unlike static regression techniques, our dynamic model produces estimates of the short-run relationships, long-run relationships, impulse response functions, and forecast variance decompositions. We find evidence that REIT mutual fund flows are positively and significantly related to prior returns, while prior REIT mutual fund flows do not significantly influence REIT returns. However, contemporaneous flows do appear to have an initial positive effect, which is partially reversed one period later. The positive contemporaneous effect, however, is the result of unexpected REIT mutual fund flows, while the expected portion is insignificant.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between mutual fund performance and gross flows for a large sample of actively managed U.S. mutual funds. Unlike previous studies that have only examined periods of generally increasing net flows, our sample includes periods of both increasing and decreasing net flows. We find that outflows are related to performance, with investors withdrawing money from poor performers. We also find that outflows and inflows respond asymmetrically to performance, outflows increase more aggressively following poor performance, and inflows increase more aggressively following good performance. Additionally, we find a symmetric performance net flow relation.  相似文献   

This paper represents the first attempt to apply a stochastic dominance (SD) approach to examine the efficiency of the UK covered warrants market. Our empirical analyses reveal that neither covered warrants nor their underlying shares stochastically dominate the other, indicating the nonexistence of potential arbitrage gains in either wealth or utility, which implies market efficiency. To complement the SD results, we also employ a likelihood ratio (LR) test to examine information efficiency. A bootstrap methodology is developed to correct the size distortion of the LR test. Our findings show that UK covered warrant returns efficiently reflect the return information of the underlying shares.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple technique that controls for "false discoveries," or mutual funds that exhibit significant alphas by luck alone. Our approach precisely separates funds into (1) unskilled, (2) zero-alpha, and (3) skilled funds, even with dependencies in cross-fund estimated alphas. We find that 75% of funds exhibit zero alpha (net of expenses), consistent with the Berk and Green equilibrium. Further, we find a significant proportion of skilled (positive alpha) funds prior to 1996, but almost none by 2006. We also show that controlling for false discoveries substantially improves the ability to find the few funds with persistent performance.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the mutual fund industry for 20 countries using a new database of more than 50,000 mutual funds. The results suggest that more developed industries provide more benefits to investors as they diversify more internationally, charge lower annual charges and present more product sophistication. The results also have important policy implications by emphasising the role of competition and contestability in industry development. Fewer barriers to entry are positively associated with a larger industry, and concomitantly with more efficiency in terms of returns and fees.  相似文献   

International mutual funds allow individual investors to diversify abroad at a reasonable cost. This paper tests whether international funds that actively engage in country and security selection outperform passive global benchmarks. We apply a mean-variance efficiency test that incorporates the practical prohibition against short sales of open-end mutual funds. Our tests reject the efficiency of the world equity market portfolio over the sample period, and our funds as a group outperform the inefficient world index. However, we find no evidence of security selectivity ability using a 12-country benchmark. We do find that active international funds provide global diversification benefits. Tests using the Positive Period Weight (PPW) measure of Grinblatt and Titman (1989), which is robust to nonlinearity in fund and benchmark returns, yield similar results.  相似文献   

Merton (1973) and Campbell (1993) have demonstrated that if an investor anticipates information shifts, he will adjust his portfolio choice today in an attempt to hedge these shifts. Exploiting these insights, we construct a new performance measure to evaluate fund managers' hedging ability. This new measure is different from two widely adopted performance evaluation measures: securities selectivity and market timing. Moreover, an econometric methodology is developed to simultaneously estimate the magnitudes of these three portfolio performance evaluation measures. The results show that mutual fund managers are on average with positive security selection and negative market timing ability. Furthermore, the mutual funds with investment style classified as Asset Allocation generally have positive hedging timing ability.  相似文献   

Transition matrix techniques are used to relate the past and present performance of pension fund portfolios. In particular, funds are ranked to study the tendency of portfolios to remain in the same quartile of the ranking as they were in the previous period. For raw returns, funds in both of the top quartiles are found to be more likely to remain in the same quartile than would be expected by chance. This result can be taken as limited evidence for the consistency of performance. Similar systemic effects are observed on a risk-adjusted basis. There appears to be clear evidence that some fund managers can offer a degree of consistent good performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to examine the effect of the presence of long memory on the dependence structure between financial returns and on portfolio optimization. First, we focus on the dependence structure using copulas. To select the best copula, in addition to the goodness of fit tests, we employ a graphical method based on visual comparison of the fitted copula density and the smoothed copula density estimated by wavelets. Moreover, we check the stability of the copula parameter. The empirical results show that the long memory affects the dependence structure. Second, we analyze the impact of this dependence structure on the optimal portfolio. We propose a new approach based on minimizing the Conditional Value at Risk and assuming that the dependence structure is modeled by the copula parameter. The empirical results show that our approach outperforms the traditional minimizing variance approach, where the dependence structure is represented by the linear correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive examination of recent mutual fund performance by analyzing a large set of both mutual funds and fund attributes in an effort to link performance to fund-specific characteristics. The results indicate that the hypothesized relationships between performance and the explanatory variables are generally upheld. After taking into consideration general market conditions and fund investment objective, the characteristic variables that relate to fund popularity, growth, cost, and management also explain performance. Finally, after controlling for survivorship and benchmark error as well as fund-specific factors, the results refute the performance persistence phenomenon.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performance of UK unit trusts with international equity objectives between January 1985 and December 2000 relative to domestic benchmark strategies. We use performance measures based on Jensen (1968) , Ferson and Schadt (1996) , and the Chen and Knez (1996) law of one price (LOP). We find more favourable trust performance using the Jensen and Ferson and Schadt measures relative to the LOP measure. There is evidence of inferior performance by some international trusts using the unconditional LOP measure. The charges and investment sector of the trust also has an impact on the performance of the trusts using the LOP measure.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the performance of US equity funds (locals) versus UK equity funds (foreigners) also investing in the US equity market. Based on informational disadvantages one would expect the UK funds to under‐perform the US funds, especially in the research‐intensive small company market. After controlling for tax treatment, fund objectives, investment style and time‐variation in betas, we do not find evidence for this. In the small company segment we even find a slight out‐performance for UK funds compared to US funds. Finally we observe a home bias in the UK portfolios, which is partly attributable to UK funds investing in cross‐listed stocks in the USA.  相似文献   

Barras, Scaillet, and Wermers propose the false discovery rate (FDR) to separate skill (alpha) from luck in fund performance. Using simulations with parameters informed by the data, we find that this methodology is conservative and underestimates the proportion of nonzero‐alpha funds. For example, 65% of funds with economically large alphas of ± 2 % are misclassified as zero alpha. This bias arises from the low signal‐to‐noise ratio in fund returns and the resulting low statistical power. Our results question FDR's applicability in performance evaluation and other domains with low power, and can materially change the conclusion that most funds have zero alpha.  相似文献   

Among the decisions that most mutual fund portfolio managers make is the number of stocks to hold. We posit that there is an optimal number of stocks for each mutual fund, reflecting the trade‐off between diversification benefits versus transactions and monitoring costs. We find a significant quadratic relation between number of stock holdings and risk‐adjusted returns for U.S. equity mutual fund portfolios during 1992–2000. Moreover, we find that changes in the number of stocks held over time are more highly correlated with mutual fund flows than with funds' investment returns.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method for identifying the simultaneity between returns and trading flows. The proposed method enables us to identify the intraday interaction using daily data, and provides measures of the information content of trading flows, and their instantaneous response to public information and information revealed by market prices. Applying this method to daily data on investor types from the Korea Stock Exchange, we find significant intraday bi-directional interaction between flows and returns and their latent common drivers, altering some of the results of the previous literature based on Cholesky assumptions. Thus, we obtain a number of new insights concerning the behavior of investor types.  相似文献   

European Mutual Fund Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an overview of the European mutual fund industry and investigates mutual fund performance using a survivorship bias controlled sample of 506 funds from the five most important mutual fund countries. The latter is done using the Carhart (1997) 4-factor asset-pricing model. In addition we investigate whether European fund managers exhibit 'hot hands', persistence in performance. Finally the influence of fund characteristics on risk-adjusted performance is considered. Our overall results suggest that European mutual funds, and especially small cap funds are able to add value, as indicated by their positive after cost alphas. If we add back management fees, four out of five countries exhibit significant out-performance at an aggregate level. Finally, we detect strong persistence in mean returns for funds investing in the UK. Our results deviate from most US studies that argue mutual funds under-perform the market by the amount of expenses they charge.  相似文献   

基金管理公司股权结构与基金绩效研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用2004~2010年期间的开放式股票型基金为样本,应用Carhart的四因子模型作为衡量基金投资质量与绩效的评价指标,以基金管理公司的股权结构为切入点,研究基金管理公司组织与股权结构对旗下基金绩效的影响。在控制了基金特征和基金经理特征后,我们发现国有控股和中外合资基金管理公司旗下的基金绩效较好。表明我国基金行业存在国有资本的帮助之手效应;此外,外资参股有利于提高基金业绩。  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of mutual funds under different Central Bank of China monetary policy environments in the emerging Taiwan market. To measure monetary policy changes effectively, we exploit changes in the discount rate and further categorize the monetary environment as either restrictive or expansive. We consider a restrictive monetary environment to be a period in which the discount rate rises, whereas an expansive monetary condition is a period in which the discount rate drops. It is found that all mutual funds, both domestic and international funds, exhibit a higher mean return, lower risk, and higher Sharpe and Treynor ratios under expansive monetary policy environments. Regression results show that domestic mutual fund returns are related significantly to local monetary policy. Furthermore, after controlling for the possible effect of macro factors on the association between the monetary policy dummy variable and mutual fund returns, the significant influence of monetary policy on domestic mutual fund returns remains robust. In contrast, changes in U.S. monetary policy stringency, in general, do not affect the performance of either domestic or international mutual funds in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between mutual fund flows and the real economy. The findings of this paper support the theory that the positive co-movement of flows into equity funds and stock market returns is explained by a common response to macroeconomic news. Variables that predict the real economy as well as the equity premium – in particular dividend-price ratio, default spread, relative T-Bill rate and consumption-wealth ratio – are related to fund flows and can account for the correlation of flows and market returns. Furthermore, consistent with the information-response hypothesis, mutual fund flows are forward-looking and predict real economic activity.  相似文献   

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