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In two recent papers Enders and Lee (2009) and Becker, Enders and Lee (2006) provide Lagrange multiplier and ordinary least squares de‐trended unit root tests, and stationarity tests, respectively, which incorporate a Fourier approximation element in the deterministic component. Such an approach can prove useful in providing robustness against a variety of breaks in the deterministic trend function of unknown form and number. In this article, we generalize the unit root testing procedure based on local generalized least squares (GLS) de‐trending proposed by Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996) to allow for a Fourier approximation to the unknown deterministic component in the same way. We show that the resulting unit root tests possess good finite sample size and power properties and the test statistics have stable non‐standard distributions, despite the curious result that their limiting null distributions exhibit asymptotic rank deficiency.  相似文献   

The well‐known lack of power of unit‐root tests has often been attributed to the short length of macroeconomic variables and also to data‐generating processes (DGPs) departing from the I(1)–I(0) models. This paper shows that by using long spans of annual real gross national product (GNP) and GNP per capita (133 years), high power can be achieved, leading to the rejection of both the unit‐root and the trend‐stationary hypothesis. More flexible representations are then considered, namely, processes containing structural breaks (SB) and fractional orders of integration (FI). Economic justification for the presence of these features in GNP is provided. It is shown that both FI and SB formulations are in general preferred to the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) [I(1) or I(0)] formulations. As a novelty in this literature, new techniques are applied to discriminate between FI and SB. It turns out that the FI specification is preferred, implying that GNP and GNP per capita are non‐stationary, highly persistent but mean‐reverting series. Finally, it is shown that the results are robust when breaks in the deterministic component are allowed for in the FI model. Some macroeconomic implications of these findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Trend breaks appear to be prevalent in macroeconomic time series, and unit root tests therefore need to make allowance for these if they are to avoid the serious effects that unmodelled trend breaks have on power. Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2009) propose a pre-test-based approach which delivers near asymptotically efficient unit root inference both when breaks do not occur and where multiple breaks occur, provided the break magnitudes are fixed. Unfortunately, however, the fixed magnitude trend break asymptotic theory does not predict well the finite sample power functions of these tests, and power can be very low for the magnitudes of trend breaks typically observed in practice. In response to this problem we propose a unit root test that allows for multiple breaks in trend, obtained by taking the infimum of the sequence (across all candidate break points in a trimmed range) of local GLS detrended augmented Dickey–Fuller-type statistics. We show that this procedure has power that is robust to the magnitude of any trend breaks, thereby retaining good finite sample power in the presence of plausibly-sized breaks. We also demonstrate that, unlike the OLS detrended infimum tests of Zivot and Andrews (1992), these tests display no tendency to spuriously reject in the limit when fixed magnitude trend breaks occur under the unit root null.  相似文献   

Recent approaches to testing for a unit root when uncertainty exists over the presence and timing of a trend break employ break detection methods, so that a with-break unit root test is used only if a break is detected by some auxiliary statistic. While these methods achieve near asymptotic efficiency in both fixed trend break and no trend break environments, in finite samples pronounced “valleys” in the power functions of the tests (when mapped as functions of the break magnitude) are observed, with power initially high for very small breaks, then decreasing as the break magnitude increases, before increasing again. In response to this problem, we propose two practical solutions, based either on the use of a with-break unit root test but with adaptive critical values, or on a union of rejections principle taken across with-break and without-break unit root tests. These new procedures are shown to offer improved reliability in terms of finite sample power. We also develop local limiting distribution theory for both the extant and the newly proposed unit root statistics, treating the trend break magnitude as local-to-zero. We show that this framework allows the asymptotic analysis to closely approximate the finite sample power valley phenomenon, thereby providing useful analytical insights.  相似文献   

We analyse the sustainability of government debt for Latin American and Caribbean countries employing unit‐root tests with nonlinear alternative hypotheses and examine the robustness of our results against those from unit‐root tests with breaks and threshold nonlinearities. We show that, in general support for sustainability substantially improves when nonlinear mean reversion is taken into account. We also find that the results obtained from applying various tests with nonlinear alternatives, although broadly consistent, are not identical. This suggests that reliance on a single unit‐root test for assessing fiscal policy sustainability may be misleading.  相似文献   

This paper develops a very simple test for the null hypothesis of no cointegration in panel data. The test is general enough to allow for heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, unit‐specific time trends, cross‐sectional dependence and unknown structural breaks in both the intercept and slope of the cointegrated regression, which may be located at different dates for different units. The limiting distribution of the test is derived, and is found to be normal and free of nuisance parameters under the null. A small simulation study is also conducted to investigate the small‐sample properties of the test. In our empirical application, we provide new evidence concerning the purchasing power parity hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new panel unit‐root test based on the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) principle. We show that the asymptotic distribution of the new panel LM test is not affected by the presence of structural shifts. This result holds under a mild condition that N/Tk, where k is any finite constant. Our simulation study shows that the panel LM unit‐root test is not only robust to the presence of structural shifts, but is more powerful than the popular Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS) test. We apply our new test to the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis and find strong evidence for PPP.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a test for structural change in the long‐run persistence in a univariate time series. Our model has a unit root with no structural change under the null hypothesis, while under the alternative it changes from a unit‐root process to a stationary one or vice versa. We propose a Lagrange multiplier‐type test, a test with the quasi‐differencing method, and ‘demeaned versions’ of these tests. We find that the demeaned versions of these tests have better finite‐sample properties, although they are not necessarily superior in asymptotics to the other tests.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing for seasonal unit roots in monthly panel data. To this aim, we generalize the quarterly cross‐sectionally augmented Hylleberg–Engle–Granger–Yoo (CHEGY) test to the monthly case. This parametric test is contrasted with a new non‐parametric test, which is the panel counterpart to the univariate record unit–root seasonal (RURS) test that relies on counting extrema in time series. All methods are applied to an empirical data set on tourism in Austrian provinces. The power properties of the tests are evaluated in simulation experiments that are tuned to the tourism data.  相似文献   

Dickey and Fuller [Econometrica (1981) Vol. 49, pp. 1057–1072] suggested unit‐root tests for an autoregressive model with a linear trend conditional on an initial observation. TPower of tests for unit roots in the presence of a linear trendightly different model with a random initial value in which nuisance parameters can easily be eliminated by an invariant reduction of the model. We show that invariance arguments can also be used when comparing power within a conditional model. In the context of the conditional model, the Dickey–Fuller test is shown to be more stringent than a number of unit‐root tests motivated by models with random initial value. The power of the Dickey–Fuller test can be improved by making assumptions to the initial value. The practitioner therefore has to trade‐off robustness and power, as assumptions about initial values are hard to test, but can give more power.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effects of cross‐sectional disturbance correlation in a homogeneous panel data unit root test. As reported by other authors, the unit root test has incorrect size in the presence of cross‐sectional correlation. We suggest that a previously known estimator can be used to reduce the size distortions. We supply response surface estimates for critical values and study the size characteristics of the proposed test. We find that the suggested estimator performs well in small‐sample homogeneous panel data unit root tests. The reduction in size distortion comes at a small cost of lower power against a stationary alternative.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the finite‐sample performance of a set of unit‐root tests for cross‐correlated panels. Most of the available macroeconomic time series cover short time periods. The lack of information, in terms of time observations, implies that univariate tests are not powerful enough to reject the null of a unit‐root while panel tests, by exploiting the large number of cross‐sectional units, have been shown to be a promising way of increasing the power of unit‐root tests. We investigate the finite sample properties of recently proposed panel unit‐root tests for cross‐sectionally correlated panels. Specifically, the size and power of Choi's [Econometric Theory and Practice: Frontiers of Analysis and Applied Research: Essays in Honor of Peter C. B. Phillips, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2001)], Bai and Ng's [Econometrica (2004), Vol. 72, p. 1127], Moon and Perron's [Journal of Econometrics (2004), Vol. 122, p. 81], and Phillips and Sul's [Econometrics Journal (2003), Vol. 6, p. 217] tests are analysed by a Monte Carlo simulation study. In synthesis, Moon and Perron's tests show good size and power for different values of T and N, and model specifications. Focusing on Bai and Ng's procedure, the simulation study highlights that the pooled Dickey–Fuller generalized least squares test provides higher power than the pooled augmented Dickey–Fuller test for the analysis of non‐stationary properties of the idiosyncratic components. Choi's tests are strongly oversized when the common factor influences the cross‐sectional units heterogeneously.  相似文献   

We consider how unit‐root and stationarity tests can be used to study the convergence of prices and rates of inflation. We show how the joint use of these tests in levels and first differences allows the researcher to distinguish between series that are converging and series that have already converged, and we set out a strategy to establish whether convergence occurs in relative prices or just in rates of inflation. Special attention is paid to the issue of whether a mean should be extracted in carrying out tests in first differences and whether there is an advantage to adopting a (Dickey–Fuller) unit‐root test based on deviations from the last observation. The asymptotic distribution of this last test statistic is given and Monte Carlo simulation experiments show that the test yields considerable power gains for highly persistent autoregressive processes with ‘relatively large’ initial conditions. The tests are applied to the monthly series of the consumer price index in the Italian regional capitals over the period 1970–2003.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the heterogeneous panel data stationarity test of Hadri [Econometrics Journal, Vol. 3 (2000) pp. 148–161] to the cases where breaks are taken into account. Four models with different patterns of breaks under the null hypothesis are specified. Two of the models have been already proposed by Carrion‐i‐Silvestre et al. [Econometrics Journal, Vol. 8 (2005) pp. 159–175]. The moments of the statistics corresponding to the four models are derived in closed form via characteristic functions. We also provide the exact moments of a modified statistic that do not asymptotically depend on the location of the break point under the null hypothesis. The cases where the break point is unknown are also considered. For the model with breaks in the level and no time trend and for the model with breaks in the level and in the time trend, Carrion‐i‐Silvestre et al. [Econometrics Journal, Vol. 8 (2005) pp. 159–175] showed that the number of breaks and their positions may be allowed to differ across individuals for cases with known and unknown breaks. Their results can easily be extended to the proposed modified statistic. The asymptotic distributions of all the statistics proposed are derived under the null hypothesis and are shown to be normally distributed. We show by simulations that our suggested tests have in general good performance in finite samples except the modified test. In an empirical application to the consumer prices of 22 OECD countries during the period from 1953 to 2003, we found evidence of stationarity once a structural break and cross‐sectional dependence are accommodated.  相似文献   

We consider unit root testing allowing for a break in trend when partial information is available regarding the location of the break date. This takes the form of knowledge of a relatively narrow window of data within which the break takes place, should it occur at all. For such circumstances, we suggest employing a union of rejections strategy, which combines a unit root test that allows for a trend break somewhere within the window with a unit root test that makes no allowance for a trend break. Asymptotic and finite sample evidence shows that our suggested strategy works well, provided that, when a break does occur, the partial information is correct. An empirical application to UK interest rate data containing the 1973 ‘oil shock’ is also considered.  相似文献   

单位根检验是时间序列分析的基础,而是否考虑结构突变对单位根检验的结论有着重要影响,因此,考虑结构突变的单位根检验已成为计量经济学界的一个前沿热点问题。本文回顾了这一问题的发展历史,总结了该领域已取得的一些重要研究成果,最后对该问题最新的发展动向加以概括。  相似文献   

带有结构突变的单位根检验——文献综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
单位根检验是时间序列分析的基础,而是否考虑结构突变对单位根检验的结论有着重要影响,因此,考虑结构突变的单位根检验已成为计量经济学界的一个前沿热点问题。本文回顾了这一问题的发展历史,总结了该领域已取得的一些重要研究成果,最后对该问题最新的发展动向加以概括。  相似文献   

Although it is commonly accepted that most macroeconomic variables are non‐stationary, it is often difficult to identify the source of the non‐stationarity. Integrated processes and short‐memory models with trending components, possibly affected by structural breaks, imply similar features in the data and, accordingly, are hard to distinguish. The goal of this article is to extend the classical testing framework of I(1) versus I(0) + trends and/or breaks by considering a more general class of models under the null hypothesis: fractionally integrated (FI) processes. The asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are derived and it is shown that they are very well‐behaved in finite samples. An illustration using US inflation data is also provided.  相似文献   

Panel unit‐root and no‐cointegration tests that rely on cross‐sectional independence of the panel unit experience severe size distortions when this assumption is violated, as has, for example, been shown by Banerjee, Marcellino and Osbat [Econometrics Journal (2004), Vol. 7, pp. 322–340; Empirical Economics (2005), Vol. 30, pp. 77–91] via Monte Carlo simulations. Several studies have recently addressed this issue for panel unit‐root tests using a common factor structure to model the cross‐sectional dependence, but not much work has been done yet for panel no‐cointegration tests. This paper proposes a model for panel no‐cointegration using an unobserved common factor structure, following the study by Bai and Ng [Econometrica (2004), Vol. 72, pp. 1127–1177] for panel unit roots. We distinguish two important cases: (i) the case when the non‐stationarity in the data is driven by a reduced number of common stochastic trends, and (ii) the case where we have common and idiosyncratic stochastic trends present in the data. We discuss the homogeneity restrictions on the cointegrating vectors resulting from the presence of common factor cointegration. Furthermore, we study the asymptotic behaviour of some existing residual‐based panel no‐cointegration tests, as suggested by Kao [Journal of Econometrics (1999), Vol. 90, pp. 1–44] and Pedroni [Econometric Theory (2004a), Vol. 20, pp. 597–625]. Under the data‐generating processes (DGP) used, the test statistics are no longer asymptotically normal, and convergence occurs at rate T rather than as for independent panels. We then examine the possibilities of testing for various forms of no‐cointegration by extracting the common factors and individual components from the observed data directly and then testing for no‐cointegration using residual‐based panel tests applied to the defactored data.  相似文献   

In this article, we derive the local asymptotic power function of the unit root test proposed by Breitung [Journal of Econometrics (2002) Vol. 108, pp. 343–363]. Breitung's test is a non‐parametric test and is free of nuisance parameters. We compare the local power curve of the Breitungs’ test with that of the Dickey–Fuller test. This comparison is in fact a quantification of the loss of power that one has to accept when applying a non‐parametric test.  相似文献   

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