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In this paper we introduce a linear programming estimator (LPE) for the slope parameter in a constrained linear regression model with a single regressor. The LPE is interesting because it can be superconsistent in the presence of an endogenous regressor and, hence, preferable to the ordinary least squares estimator (LSE). Two different cases are considered as we investigate the statistical properties of the LPE. In the first case, the regressor is assumed to be fixed in repeated samples. In the second, the regressor is stochastic and potentially endogenous. For both cases the strong consistency and exact finite-sample distribution of the LPE is established. Conditions under which the LPE is consistent in the presence of serially correlated, heteroskedastic errors are also given. Finally, we describe how the LPE can be extended to the case with multiple regressors and conjecture that the extended estimator is consistent under conditions analogous to the ones given herein. Finite-sample properties of the LPE and extended LPE in comparison to the LSE and instrumental variable estimator (IVE) are investigated in a simulation study. One advantage of the LPE is that it does not require an instrument.  相似文献   

In cross‐section studies, if the dependent variable is I(0) but the regressor is I(1), the true slope must be zero in the resulting “unbalanced regression.” A spuriously significant relationship may be found in large cross‐sections, however, if the integrated regressor is related to a stationary variable that enters the DGP but is omitted from the regression. The solution is to search for the related stationary variable, in some cases the first difference of the integrated regressor, in other cases, a categorical variable that can take on limited number of values which depend on the integrated variable. We present an extensive survey, new developments, and applications particularly in finance.  相似文献   

In the context where one main regressor is measured with error and at least one instrumental variable is available for the correction of measurement error, this paper provides, to the best of our knowledge, a first point‐identification result on the variance of measurement error, the variance of latent variable, and their covariance. We show that the parameters are identified if the regression model is not de facto linear. We illustrate the method in an application to identify mean‐reverting measurement error, a typical issue in reported income where the measurement error of income is negatively correlated with the true income.  相似文献   

Instrumental variable (IV) methods for regression are well established. More recently, methods have been developed for statistical inference when the instruments are weakly correlated with the endogenous regressor, so that estimators are biased and no longer asymptotically normally distributed. This paper extends such inference to the case where two separate samples are used to implement instrumental variables estimation. We also relax the restrictive assumptions of homoskedastic error structure and equal moments of exogenous covariates across two samples commonly employed in the two‐sample IV literature for strong IV inference. Monte Carlo experiments show good size properties of the proposed tests regardless of the strength of the instruments. We apply the proposed methods to two seminal empirical studies that adopt the two‐sample IV framework.  相似文献   

Hinkley (1977) derived two tests for testing the mean of a normal distribution with known coefficient of variation (c.v.) for right alternatives. They are the locally most powerful (LMP) and the conditional tests based on the ancillary statistic for μ. In this paper, the likelihood ratio (LR) and Wald tests are derived for the one‐ and two‐sided alternatives, as well as the two‐sided version of the LMP test. The performances of these tests are compared with those of the classical t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The latter three tests do not use the information on c.v. Normal approximation is used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistics except for the t test. Simulation results indicate that all the tests maintain the type‐I error rates, that is, the attained level is close to the nominal level of significance of the tests. The power functions of the tests are estimated through simulation. The power comparison indicates that for one‐sided alternatives the LMP test is the best test whereas for the two‐sided alternatives the LR or the Wald test is the best test. The t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests have lower power than the LMP, LR and Wald tests at various alternative values of μ. The power difference is quite large in several simulation configurations. Further, it is observed that the t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests have considerably lower power even for the alternatives which are far away from the null hypothesis when the c.v. is large. To study the sensitivity of the tests for the violation of the normality assumption, the type I error rates are estimated on the observations of lognormal, gamma and uniform distributions. The newly derived tests maintain the type I error rates for moderate values of c.v.  相似文献   

In the linear instrumental variables model, we provide theoretical and Monte Carlo evidence for the size distortion of a two‐stage hypothesis test that uses a test of overidentifying restrictions (OR) in the first stage. We derive a lower bound for the asymptotic size of the two‐stage test. The lower bound is given by the asymptotic size of a test that rejects the null hypothesis when two conditions are met: the test of OR used in the first stage does not reject and the test in the second stage rejects. This lower bound can be as large as 1 ? εP, where εP is the pretest nominal size, for a parameter space that allows for local non‐exogeneity of the instruments but rules out weak instruments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with inference on the coefficient on the endogenous regressor in a linear instrumental variables model with a single endogenous regressor, nonrandom exogenous regressors and instruments, and i.i.d. errors whose distribution is unknown. It is shown that under mild smoothness conditions on the error distribution it is possible to develop tests which are “nearly” efficient in the sense of Andrews et al. (2006) when identification is weak and consistent and asymptotically optimal when identification is strong. In addition, an estimator is presented which can be used in the usual way to construct valid (indeed, optimal) confidence intervals when identification is strong. The estimator is of the two stage least squares variety and is asymptotically efficient under strong identification whether or not the errors are normal.  相似文献   

Many phenomena in the life sciences can be analyzed by using a fixed design regression model with a regression function m that exhibits a crossing‐point in the following sense: the regression function runs below or above its mean level, respectively, according as the input variable lies to the left or to the right of that crossing‐point, or vice versa. We propose a non‐parametric estimator and show weak and strong consistency as long as the crossing‐point is unique. It is defined as maximizing point arg max of a certain marked empirical process. For testing the hypothesis H0 that the regression function m actually is constant (no crossing‐point), a decision rule is designed for the specific alternative H1 that m possesses a crossing‐point. The pertaining test‐statistic is the ratio max/argmax of the maximum value and the maximizing point of the marked empirical process. Under the hypothesis the ratio converges in distribution to the corresponding ratio of a reflected Brownian bridge, for which we derive the distribution function. The test is consistent on the whole alternative and superior to the corresponding Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, which is based only on the maximal value max. Some practical examples of possible applications are given where a certain study about dental phobia is discussed in more detail.  相似文献   

With cointegration tests often being oversized under time‐varying error variance, it is possible, if not likely, to confuse error variance non‐stationarity with cointegration. This paper takes an instrumental variable (IV) approach to establish individual‐unit test statistics for no cointegration that are robust to variance non‐stationarity. The sign of a fitted departure from long‐run equilibrium is used as an instrument when estimating an error‐correction model. The resulting IV‐based test is shown to follow a chi‐square limiting null distribution irrespective of the variance pattern of the data‐generating process. In spite of this, the test proposed here has, unlike previous work relying on instrumental variables, competitive local power against sequences of local alternatives in 1/T‐neighbourhoods of the null. The standard limiting null distribution motivates, using the single‐unit tests in a multiple testing approach for cointegration in multi‐country data sets by combining P‐values from individual units. Simulations suggest good performance of the single‐unit and multiple testing procedures under various plausible designs of cross‐sectional correlation and cross‐unit cointegration in the data. An application to the equilibrium relationship between short‐ and long‐term interest rates illustrates the dramatic differences between results of robust and non‐robust tests.  相似文献   

We combine the k‐Nearest Neighbors (kNN) method to the local linear estimation (LLE) approach to construct a new estimator (LLE‐kNN) of the regression operator when the regressor is of functional type and the response variable is a scalar but observed with some missing at random (MAR) observations. The resulting estimator inherits many of the advantages of both approaches (kNN and LLE methods). This is confirmed by the established asymptotic results, in terms of the pointwise and uniform almost complete consistencies, and the precise convergence rates. In addition, a numerical study (i) on simulated data, then (ii) on a real dataset concerning the sugar quality using fluorescence data, were conducted. This practical study clearly shows the feasibility and the superiority of the LLE‐kNN estimator compared to competitive estimators.  相似文献   

This paper considers binary response models where errors are uncorrelated with a set of instrumental variables and are independent of a continuous regressor vv, conditional on all other variables. It is shown that these exclusion restrictions are not sufficient for identification and that additional identifying assumptions are needed. Such an assumption, introduced by Lewbel [Semiparametric qualitative response model estimation with unknown heteroskedasticity or instrumental variables. Journal of Econometrics 97, 145–177], is that the support of the continuous regressor is large, but we show that it significantly restricts the class of binary phenomena which can be analysed. We propose an alternative additional assumption under which ββ remains just identified and the estimation unchanged. This alternative assumption does not impose specific restrictions on the data, which broadens the scope of the estimation method in empirical work. The semiparametric efficiency bound of the model is also established and an existing estimator is shown to achieve that bound. The efficient estimator uses a plug-in density estimate. It is shown that plugging in the true density rather than an estimate is inefficient. Extensions to ordered choice models are provided.  相似文献   

a semiparametric estimator for binary‐outcome sample‐selection models is proposed that imposes only single index assumptions on the selection and outcome equations without specifying the error term distribution. I adopt the idea in Lewbel (2000) using a ‘special regressor’ to transform the binary response Y so that the transformed Y becomes linear in the latent index, which then makes it possible to remove the selection correction term by differencing the transformed Y equation. There are various versions of the estimator, which perform differently trading off bias and variance. A simulation study is conducted, and then I apply the estimators to US presidential election data in 2008 and 2012 to assess the impact of racial prejudice on the elections, as a black candidate was involved for the first time ever in the US history.  相似文献   

In probit and logit models, the β coefficients vary inversely with the variance of the disturbances. The omission of a relevant orthogonal regressor leads to increased unobserved heterogeneity, and this depresses the β coefficients of the remaining regressors towards zero. For the probit model, Wooldridge (Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002) has shown that this bias does not carry over to the effect of these regressors on the outcome. We find by simulations that this also holds for the logit model, even when omitting a variable leads to severe mis‐specification of the disturbance. More simulations show that logit analysis is quite insensitive to pure mis‐specification of the disturbance as such.  相似文献   

Summary A branch and bound algorithm is given to solve the following problem: To each pair of elements (i,j) from a set X={l,…, n} a number rij with rij≥ 0, rij=rij and rij= 0 has been assigned. Find a prescribed number of disjoint subsets P1…,Pm from X, such that Experiments indicate that an optimal solution is usually found in a small number of iterations, but the verification may be rather time consuming. The algorithm may be used to find the minimum value of m for which a partitioning of X with z= 0 exists. The algorithm appears to be efficient for finding this ‘chromatic number of a graph’.  相似文献   

Summary Suppose that a real numbery u is associated with each unitu of a populationU and that the functiony:uy u onU is known to be an element of the parameter space Θ. The statistician has to select a samplesU ofn units and to employy u;us to estimate the arithmetic mean of ally u,uU. The performance of such a strategy is assessed by its mean square error or, more simply, by the supremum of the mean square error. This supremum cannot be determined exactly for the parameter space of Scott/Smith (1975). We propose, therefore, an asymptotic approximation; this approximation is based on the assumption, that the sample sizen is fixed and that linear estimators have to be used.  相似文献   

This paper considers structural models with both I(1) and I(0) variables. The structural shocks associated with either set of variables could be permanent or transitory. We classify the shocks as (P1,P0) and (T1,T0), where P/T distinguishes permanent/transitory, while 1/0 means they are attached to structural equations with either I(1) or I(0) variables as their ‘dependent’ variable. We show that P0 shocks can affect cointegration analysis and provide a formula to compute the permanent component if they are present. Finally, we reformulate a well‐known empirical structural vector autoregression showing the impact of P0 shocks when there are just long‐run parametric and sign restrictions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The discussion reinforces and expands on some of the fundamental issues about endogeneity raised by Chenhall and Moers (European Accounting Review, this issue, pp. 173–195). We focus on the econometric problems researchers encounter when investigating the performance effects of some endogenous firm choice. Our points are illustrated using the classic research question about the relation between managerial equity ownership and firm value. We consider cases where ownership is treated as an exogenous, endogenous and ‘partially’ endogenous variable. We argue treating ownership as an exogenous variable is seriously flawed. Unfortunately, when ownership is at least partially endogenous, it is necessary for empirical researchers to identify exogenous variables that are the determinants of the ownership choice. This calls for better theory to guide the empirical work.  相似文献   

In manufacturing industries, it is often seen that the bilateral specification limits corresponding to a particular quality characteristic are not symmetric with respect to the stipulated target. A unified superstructure of univariate process capability indices was specially designed for processes with asymmetric specification limits. However, as in most of the practical situations a process consists of a number of inter‐related quality characteristics, subsequently, a multivariate analogue of , which is called CM(u,v), was developed. In the present paper, we study some properties of CM(u,v) like threshold value and compatibility with the asymmetry in loss function. We also discuss estimation procedures for plug‐in estimators of some of the member indices of CM(u,v). Finally, the superstructure is applied to a numerical example to supplement the theory developed in this article.  相似文献   

It is known that thes-meanm s of a probability measure converge fors 1 to a medianm 1 called the natural median. For purposes of estimation it is important to know whetherm s is not only continuous but also differentiable ats=1. We show that the functionsm s is indeed differentiable ats=1 for the case of a unique as well as a non unique median. We also give an explicit formula for the derivative ats=1.  相似文献   

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