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实际汇率变动对商品国内价格的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从理论与实证两方面对实际汇率以及汇率波动性的变动对中国出口商品国内价格的影响进行了研究。理论分析强调了汇率对出口商品国内价格的影响方向取决于商品的需求价格弹性。对我国1990—2002年共12种商品平行数据的实证分析说明了汇率波动性增加可能导致部分初级产品国内价格水平的下降。全文分析强调了实际汇率波动性对国内商品价格的影响。  相似文献   

Exchange rate volatility is said to have negative or positive effect on trade flows. Previous studies that considered the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on the trade flows of Australia employed trade data either between Australia and rest of the world or between Australia and her few major trading partners. They were unable to discover any significant impact. In this paper when we disaggregate trade data by commodity between Australia and one of her major trading partners, the US, we find exchange rate volatility to have short‐run effects on trade flows of most industries. However, the short‐run effects last into long run, only in limited cases, though more in export commodities than import ones.  相似文献   

本文首先采用外销比例指标,构建理论模型以研究汇率变动对不同类型FDI的影响,然后使用跨国数据进行实证检验,最后对人民币汇率的波动效应进行经验分析。研究表明,当东道国货币升值时,处于技术优势的跨国公司增加对外直接投资;双边实际汇率的波动程度对FDI的影响很弱,这是由于跨国公司采取了有效的汇率风险管理;由于汇率风险是影响外资企业出口的关键因素,实际有效汇率的波动程度对出口导向型FDI的影响较大;人民币升值和扩大人民币汇率的波动区间对市场导向型FDI的影响较弱,却能够显著促进出口导向型FDI。  相似文献   

This paper carries out a counterfactual analysis of the impact of alternative exchange rate regimes on the volatility of the nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and the bilateral rate against the US dollar for nine East Asian countries, both before and after the Asian financial crisis. Our hypothetical regimes include a unilateral basket peg (UBP), a common basket peg (CBP) and a hard peg against the $US, but in contrast to previous counterfactual exercises which compute the weights for effective exchange rates on the basis of simple bloc aggregates, we apply a more disaggregated methodology using a larger number of trade partners and utilise ARCH/GARCH techniques to better capture the time‐varying characteristics of volatility. Our results suggest that a UBP would minimise effective exchange rate volatility for all countries both before and after the crisis and provides the highest regime gains compared to actual. Although the gains for a CBP are always less than those for a UBP the absolute differences between the two regimes appear to be small. In terms of bilateral exchange rates against the dollar the gains from a UBP or CBP could also be quite significant for the non‐dollar peggers, especially post‐crisis, since a fall in effective instability would be accompanied by a fall in bilateral instability.  相似文献   

汇率的决定与外汇市场供求、经常账户平衡、央行货币政策、相关资产价格、经济基本面、国民收入及国际收支账户等有着直接的或间接的关系。完善人民币汇率形成机制,要从外汇市场拓展到本外币政策深层次协调,从涉外经济拓展到内外经济协调发展,同时在新的汇率形成机制下对国际货币体系和主要货币的变化趋势进行系统的监测预测和分析研究。  相似文献   

We explore how the informational frictions underlying monetary exchange affect international exchange rate dynamics. Our perfectly flexible price model is capable of producing endogenously rigid international relative prices in response to technology and monetary shocks. The model is capable of accounting for the empirical regularities that the real and nominal exchange rates are more volatile than U.S. output, and that the two are positively and perfectly correlated. The model is also consistent with other standard real business cycle facts for the United States.  相似文献   

How does the choice of an exchange rate regime influence the volatility of interest rates? Are floating exchange rates useful “shock absorbers” that dampen fluctuations in domestic interest rates and prices or do they create additional risk that increases interest rate volatility and segments the international capital market? The answers are best seen in historical perspective.  相似文献   

In a unified framework, we examine four sources of uncertainty in exchange rate forecasting models: (i) random variations in the data, (ii) estimation uncertainty, (iii) uncertainty about the degree of time variation in coefficients, and (iv) uncertainty regarding the choice of the predictor. We find that models that embed a high degree of coefficient variability yield forecast improvements at horizons beyond one month. At the one‐month horizon, and apart from the standard variance implied by unpredictable fluctuations in the data, the second and third sources of uncertainty listed above are key obstructions to predictive ability. The uncertainty regarding the choice of the predictors is negligible.  相似文献   

Do alternative exchange rate regimes affect short‐term real exchange rate volatility differently? The existing empirical evidence is quite mixed with slightly more papers supporting that they do. We show that such lack of consensus is mainly due to current literature limitations regarding the measurement of real exchange rates (RERs), the identification of exchange rate regimes (ERRs), and the control for the incidence of real and nominal shocks. To address these limitations, we construct a novel monthly dataset for 63 countries over the period 1946–2007, which includes market‐determined multilateral RER and a proxy for terms of trade. We find that ERRs indeed affect short‐term real exchange rate volatility differently. While the evidence is generally consistent with Mussa's sticky prices argument, we find that for nonadvanced countries in post‐Bretton Woods there exists a “U‐shape nominal flexibility puzzle of RER.” We also find evidence of a “short‐run RER volatility puzzle.” Having controlled for the incidence of real and nominal shocks, nonadvanced countries' RER volatility remains between 25% and 150% greater than that of the advanced economies. Moreover, the key literature finding that short‐term RER volatility is higher in Bretton Woods (BW) than in post‐Bretton Woods (PBW) for industrialized countries vanishes when using market‐determined multilateral RER instead of official bilateral RER. (JEL F31, F33, F41)  相似文献   

We test for asymmetry in a model of the dependence between the Deutsche mark and the yen, in the sense that a different degree of correlation is exhibited during joint appreciations against the U.S. dollar versus during joint depreciations. We consider an extension of the theory of copulas to allow for conditioning variables, and employ it to construct flexible models of the conditional dependence structure of these exchange rates. We find evidence that the mark–dollar and yen–dollar exchange rates are more correlated when they are depreciating against the dollar than when they are appreciating.  相似文献   

Tourism is a major source of service receipts for many countries, including Taiwan. The two leading tourism countries for Taiwan are Japan and the USA, which are sources of short‐ and long‐haul tourism, respectively. As a strong domestic currency can have adverse effects on international tourist arrivals through the price effect, daily data from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2008 are used to model the world price, exchange rates, and tourist arrivals from the world, the USA and Japan to Taiwan, and their associated volatility. Inclusion of the exchange rate and its volatility captures approximate daily and weekly price and price volatility effects on world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan. The heterogeneous autoregressive model is used to approximate the slowly decaying correlations associated with the long‐memory properties in daily and weekly exchange rates and international tourist arrivals, to test whether alternative short‐ and long‐run estimates of conditional volatility are sensitive to the long‐memory in the conditional mean, to examine asymmetry and leverage in volatility, and to examine the effects of temporal and spatial aggregation. The approximate price and price volatility effects tend to be different, with the exchange rate typically having the expected negative impact on tourist arrivals to Taiwan, whereas exchange rate volatility can have positive or negative effects on tourist arrivals to Taiwan. For policy purposes, the empirical results suggest that an arbitrary choice of data frequency or spatial aggregation will not lead to robust findings as they are generally not independent of the level of aggregation used.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with issues of model specification, identification, and estimation in exchange rate models with unobservable fundamentals. We show that the continuous‐time model proposed by Gardeazabal, Regúlez, and Vázquez (International Economic Review 38 (1997), 389–404) is not identified and that this property is characteristic of the discrete‐time representation of the model that they used as the basis for estimation by simulated method of moments. We briefly discuss the implications of this result in the context of the asset‐market model of exchange rates with unobservable fundamentals.  相似文献   

Recent studies have pointed out that monetary shocks in sticky price models cannot generate real exchange rates that exhibit delayed overshooting and are highly persistent. This paper demonstrates that such exchange rate dynamics can be generated by incorporating incomplete information about the true nature of the monetary shock into a standard New Keynesian model of a small open economy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the mechanisms of, and draws lessons from, currency crises in Asian and Latin American countries in the 1990s and 2000s. In Asian countries fiscal deficits were insignificant in size, and were not part of a crisis trigger, while in Latin America they played a major role in the crisis story. Crisis management by international financial institutions has been evolving over the last 10 years, and private‐sector involvement (PSI) has occupied centre‐stage in efforts to reform the international financial architecture. Sovereign debts, a focus of PSI discussions, were neither a cause nor a propagation of the Asian crises.  相似文献   

I consider dynamic models in which investors are heterogeneously informed about both foreign exchange interventions and exchange rate fundamentals and show that transparency sometimes exacerbates misalignment between the exchange rate and fundamentals. Although transparency reveals information about fundamentals, it also increases the precision of the exchange rate as a signal of those fundamentals that remain unknown (the signal‐precision effect of transparency). If a central bank announcement reveals little information about fundamentals, then this effect dominates and transparency magnifies misalignment. One implication is that ambiguity can increase the effectiveness of intervention to support a declining currency during times of crisis.  相似文献   

本文基于当前人民币外汇市场制度特征,构建了一个央行频繁干预情形下的人民币汇率决定的市场微观结构模型。该模型描述了各类外汇市场参与者,即外汇指定交易银行、流动性需求者、流动性供给者以及中央银行等,在人民币汇率日内价格形成过程中的报价与交易策略。外汇市场参与主体的报价与交易策略共同决定了人民币汇率的形成。本文为人民币外汇市场参与者和监管当局初步打开了人民币汇率形成的"黑匣子"。  相似文献   

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