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This article attempts to analyze the behavior of prices — absolute as well as relative — and real outputs in the Indian economy over the period 1951–1973. This is done in a general equilibrium framework through specifying a macro-econometric model of the economy, emphasizing the supply constraints arising from the agricultural sector and the foreign sector. The model equations are estimated through two stage least squares estimation procedure, using annual data for the period 1951–1973. The impact of fluctuations in agricultural output and foreign exchange shortages on prices and outputs in the economy is explored within the model framework.  相似文献   

First-generation dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have been criticized for their lack of financial markets but, more perceptively, for their barter properties. This note explains why the second of these criticisms is fundamental. All DSGE models are built on frictionless, perfect barter, Walrasian microeconomic foundations. Introducing money and banks into such models converts them into a ‘friction’ contra the fundamental principle that monetary exchange is more efficient than barter. This insoluble difficulty with the microeconomic foundations of DSGE models arises because theorists ignore the Hahn problem that applies to all monetary models based on Walrasian general equilibrium (GE) microeconomic foundations. The Hahn problem reveals three things. First, a perfect barter GE solution always exists in any ‘monetary’ model erected on Walrasian GE microeconomic foundations. Second, inessential monetary features are easily attached to perfect barter microeconomic foundations but as easily removed, leaving the perfect barter solution intact. Third, attaching such inessential additions leads to logical error; the misuse of language that produces invalid conclusions. A second-generation DSGE model that is intended to increase understanding of financial crises is then examined to show that it suffers from the Hahn problem; it converts banking and financial markets into ‘frictions’, and words and economic concepts take on different meanings. That renders the new DSGE model impossible to interpret or use as a basis for advice on monetary policy.  相似文献   

One important element of the current policy debate on what measures should be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the controversy over the costs of reducing those emissions. "Top-down" macroeconomic and general equilibrium models give much higher estimates of the costs than "bottom-up" models based on microeconomic and engineering data. This paper investigates the causes of the divergence between the two modeling approaches. The conventional top-down models incorporate strong implicit assumptions about maximization, technical progress, and organizational efficiency that predetermine their results. However, these assumptions are questionable on both theoretical and empirical grounds. Economic assessment of policy alternatives would benefit. from analyses that take account of the actual characteristics of business firms and other organizations that emit greenhouse gases in the course of their activities.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with the function of the service industries in the transition from a Soviet planned economy to a market-oriented Western type of economy. In particular, it will examine the role of the tourism industry in economic transition in Estonia between 1985 and 1995. The economics of transition have hitherto been largely viewed within the context of a macroeconomic orthodoxy—an orthodoxy which has made use of the 'success story' of the Estonian economy to underline the validity of its point of view. This contribution will offer an alternative view of a successful instance of transition from a microeconomic perspective, and will suggest that the service sector—including tourism—was perhaps the transition catalyst. A large part of the content is based on personal research conducted in Estonia in the period 1992, 1995 and 1996.  相似文献   

The rising incidence of credit defaults may cause credit crunch. This affects the ability of firms to finance working capital and also fixed capital formation. Naturally, this is a major macroeconomic shock. This paper is an attempt to address the microeconomic foundation of such macroeconomic shock. We provide a theoretical framework to explain the economic rationale behind ‘wilful corporate defaults’ and ‘financial corruption’ in the specific context of trade liberalization. First, we model the behavioural aspects of wilful corporate defaulters and bank officials to determine the bank bribe rate as an outcome of the Nash bargaining process in a two-stage sequential move game. Based on the results of the partial equilibrium framework, we examine aspects of trade liberalization in an otherwise 2 × 2 general equilibrium framework. We also compare the efficacy of punishment strategies to economic incentives to deter credit defaults and banking sector corruption. Methodologically, our analytical model integrates finance capital distinctly from physical capital in Jonesian general equilibrium framework. Interestingly, our findings indicate that there exists a trade-off at equilibrium between curbing credit defaults and bribery. We also find that not all punishment strategies are equally effective at deterring credit defaults if general equilibrium interlinkage effects are carefully dealt with.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a new way of linking microsimulation models with dynamic general equilibrium frameworks to obtain an evaluation of the impact of detailed tax and benefit measures on the aggregate economy. In the approach presented in this paper, income heterogeneity interacts with the macro-economy via aggregated individual labour supply decisions which influence, and are influenced by, the dynamic evolution of the real wage rate. The method involves a reduced-form representation of the information flow between the macroeconomic and microeconomic blocks. The practical usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by evaluating actual and hypothetical tax reforms that involve abandoning the flat tax system in Slovakia. A hypothetical move to a highly progressive tax structure is shown to generate some employment gains but is associated with a drop in aggregate income and tax revenue.  相似文献   

This study examines the linkages between farmland returns and other market forces including the returns to alternative investments, agricultural sector activity, non-farm real estate, and macroeconomic conditions over the period 1973–2008. The study applies factor-augmented vector autoregression to extract information from a large panel of economic time series. Results suggest that farmland returns are influenced by common trends in the returns to alternative investments and general macroeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the elimination of x-inefficiency in the Australian electricity supply industry using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Australian economy. Data envelopment analysis and a stochastic production frontier model are applied to measure x-inefficiency in the electricity industry. The potential increase in total factor productivity resulting from microeconomic reform is introduced into the CGE model as a factor-augmenting technological change. The model is used to measure the macroeconomic effects of microeconomic reform of the electricity industry. The Monash model is also used to replicate the results of earlier studies by the Industry Commission (1995) and Quiggin (1997) and thereby to provide a basis for comparing the three sets of results. The results of the current study imply that the impact of microeconomic reform on economic growth could well be significant if only a small proportion of the benefits were to be reflected in terms of an increase in aggregate employment.  相似文献   

《Economic Modelling》1987,4(1):77-109
This paper presents the main characteristics of the first version of a quarterly 12 sector macroeconomic model of the Norwegian economy. The general purpose of the project is to obtain a framework for quantitative analysis of the short-term development of the economy. Quarterly national accounts data constitute a main data source, but short- term statistics outside the national accounting system also play a significant role in the model structure. The model's main structure and basic theoretical properties are presented, selected estimation results for single equations are reported and some experiences from simulation experiments performed on selected model blocks and by means of the complete model are given.  相似文献   

This paper argues that macroeconomic models of endogenous growth driven by technological change could be much improved by drawing lessons from the microeconomic literature of intellectual property design. Growth models use overly simplistic and sometimes incorrect assumptions regarding the intellectual property regime. Microeconomic theory and empirical work are reviewed to demonstrate that determining optimal intellectual property design is complex and has important implications for firm behavior and performance. Considering the question of intellectual property design in a dynamic general equilibrium model should yield important insights about how intellectual property impacts growth and welfare.  相似文献   

This paper extends macroeconomic models of less developed economies with a flexprice agricultural sector and a fixprice non-agricultural sector to allow for stock equilibrium in flexprice markets as advocated by Hicks, and to thereby incorporate the empiricallu important phenomenon of food speculation. It is shown that models ignoring such features may yield incorrect insights regarding reality, and that increased speculation in foodgrains is likely to result in adverse consequences for both growth prospects and the distribution of income.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1985,29(3):263-301
The paper develops pricing rules for a public sector subject to a budget constraint, in an economy where the private sector experiences Keynesian unemployment (excess supply of labour and of commodities). Both second-best and welfare-improving pricing rules are studied. It is found that such rules can be defined in operational terms. In general, they are quite complex, involve quantities which are not directly observable (reservation wages and prices), and require evaluation of income and employment multipliers. The general equilibrium approach to second-best theory thus involves standard macroeconomic concepts and techniques. Some discussion of methodological issues and of policy objectives (inflation versus unemployment) is offered. In order to facilitate interpretation, the corresponding results for an economy with a competitive private sector are first restated.  相似文献   

Heinz Glück 《Empirica》1979,6(2):163-203
Summary This study presents an econometric analysis of the monetary sector of the Austrian economy. The main focus of interest lies in the money and credit markets. We specify nine behavioral equations for the money demand sector, for the commercial banks, for the credit market, and for the bonds market, respectively. Great emphasis is put on the analogous specification of theoretically related equations; these are estimated on a quarterly basis. In order to obtain unbiased estimates we use two-stage-least-squares as estimation technique. All behavioral equations are based on a partial adjustment process. We try to avoid the concept of exogenous money supply and a monetary base completely controlled by the monetary authorities; specifications based on these concepts do not stand up against examination by simultaneous estimation methods.Another important feature of the model lies in the explicit inclusion of the main instruments of monetary authorities into the analysis. We try to show possible influences of these instruments on the monetary sector by means of the model's reduced form and by means of simulation experiments. We also report some preliminary results on the transmission process which can be obtained by combination of the monetary model with a model of the real sector of the Austrian economy. In order to evaluate the forecasting properties of the model we calculate ex post and ex ante forecast errors. In general, the results of this test are satisfactory.

Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im wesentlichen während der Jahre 1976/77 am Institut für Höhere Studien. Ich danke allen meinen damaligen Kollegen für ihre vielfältige Hilfe. Dank schulde ich gleichfalls einem anonymen Referee für eine Reihe wesentlicher Verbesserungsvorschläge.  相似文献   

The problem of model ‘closure’ has been a major focus of the literature on the theoretical aspects of applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses the issue by focusing on the implicit behavioral assumption leading to the existence of the closure problem. To do this, it uses a simple temporary equilibrium to make explicit the microeconomic behavior underlying these types of models. The closure problem is analyzed through the assumptions on the role of relative prices that it implies. In particular, emphasis is put on two mechanisms - the real balance effect and an expectation effect - in potentially ensuring the existence of an equilibrium. The paper concludes by showing the implications of this analysis for the construction of a theoretical framework for fully dynamic general equilibrium models.  相似文献   

The paper submitted for publication considers the conditions for and the construction of a capital stock series, consistent with all macroeconomic relations. A careful study of the literature has shown that most existing and widely used capital stock series do not meet that requirement. A generative method with a general model for the real sector is proposed. The choice of the parameters of this model was decided upon the general consistency with the main macroeconomic aggregates. The results are compared with existing series of capital stock. What was obtained was a capital stock series that gives non-diverging results for the macroeconomic series when using the capital stock in alternative specifications. The main conclusions on depreciation rate, capital stock, technological change, return on capital and share of capital are condensed in a set of tables and diagrams.  相似文献   

张阳 《财经研究》2007,33(11):124-134
文章建立52期世代交叠生命周期税负归宿模型用以研究税制改革的税负在不同年龄人群之间的归宿。也即在考虑完全预期因素和消费者偏好的情况下,通过构建包括家庭、生产和政府三部门在内的方程组模型,来描绘出整个经济的均衡路径,并用此模型对我国税制改革对不同年龄人群福利的影响进行实证分析——计算我国增值税由生产型转为消费型和税制由流转税为主体税种转为以所得税为主体税种的两项最重要的税制改革对不同年龄人群福利的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between uemployment compensation and unemployment in The Netherlands. This relation is studied by menas of a small macroeconomic model for an open economy that assumes equilibrium in the labour market and on the current account. The model yields an elasticity of unemployment to benefits of 1.0, which is high compared to microeconomic research and the outcomes of disequilibrium models for The Netherlands. According to the model, a rise in the ‘wedge’ (i.e. the difference betweenn real labour cost and real net wages) leads to an increase in unemployment, whilst shifting this wedge from the employers to the employees induces a fall in unemployment.  相似文献   

The Polish agricultural sector and food processing industry was the first industry to follow market economy because of agriculture's significance in the Polish economy and the dominant role of private ownership in agriculture. Full price liberalization, internal convertibility of the Polish currency, and liberalization of foreign trade completely changed the situation in agriculture. The main objective of this paper is to test the existence of market processes using monthly data from the agriculture and food processing industry covering the time period 1990–92. The largest part of the estimation is dedicated to agricultural products' and foodstuffs' prices. Typical demand-supply relations are observed on the pig, cattle, and milk markets only. In many equations, such variables like imports and exports of agricultural goods are not significant.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of competing wage claims and cost inflation, and attempts to integrate this theory into the core of modern macroeconomic analysis. Specifically, the paper proposes an explanation for wage inertia and wage interdependence based on an application of duopoly theory to labor unions, and incorporates this microeconomic theory of labor union behavior into a macroeconomic general equilibrium model with goods, money, and bonds as well as two kinds of labor. Special emphasis is placed on the interplay between demand and cost factors in the inflation process and on the implications of wage competition among labor unions for the relationship between inflation and unemployment in the short and long run.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of long-term interest rates on macroeconomic variables in a small open economy. It shows that the time-varying term premium stabilizes GDP without affecting significantly inflation volatility in Poland – a typical open economy with flexible exchange rate. This conclusion is drawn from an estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model in which segmented asset markets and imperfect asset substitutability give rise to the time-varying term premium in the long-term interest rate. Furthermore, the impulse response analysis of the model reveals that the term premium stabilizes GDP when the small economy is hit by shocks that are absent in closed economy models (country risk premium and export preference) which points to the different impact of the term premium on relatively close (large) and open (small) economies.  相似文献   

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