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总结了当前行政中心建设中存在的现象和问题,并分析产生这些现象的深层原因.结合对当前时代环境的重新认识和理解,建立新的行政中心价值观和行政中心的功能属性,并在此基础上提出开放性行政中心的建设思维,阐述其特征和宏观、中观、微观的三个研究层次. 相似文献
The IAB Establishment Panel is a large annual establishment survey and serves as a data source for many empirical analyzes, e.g., on labor demand, wages and industrial relations but also for influential policy evaluations. We analyze the selectivity of the IAB Establishment Panel compared with the administrative population of all establishments in Germany to test whether the IAB Establishment Panel is biased towards “good employers”. By design the survey over-samples large, thus high paying and stable establishments. After flexibly controlling for elements of the sampling design, we do not detect any meaningful difference between establishments participating in the survey and the full population regarding key economic performance indicators. If anything, we observe a slight overrepresentation of stable and slow growing establishments. For applied research, the results highlight that “typical” econometric specifications may not be sufficient to control for selectivity. 相似文献
海事管理机构是法律、法规授权而行使特定行政职能的行政主体,在实际工作中也大量地采用说服、教育、示范、劝告、建议、协商、政策指导、提供经费帮助、提供知识、技术帮助等非强制性手段和方法,即行政指导行为。获得相对人的同意或协助,以实现一定行政管理目的,在海事管理过程中起着补充和替代、辅导和促进、协调和疏通、预防和抑制等积极作用。 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to examine the associations among different quality management (QM) practices and investigate which QM practices directly or indirectly relate to five types of innovation: radical product, radical process, incremental product, incremental process, and administrative innovation. We test the proposed framework and hypotheses using empirical data from ISO 9001 certified manufacturing and service firms. The results show that a set of QM practices through process management has a positive relationship with all of these five types of innovation. It was found that process management directly and positively relates to incremental, radical, and administrative innovation. Organizational capability to manage processes may play a vital role in identifying routines, establishing a learning base, and supporting innovative activities. The findings also reveal that the value of an individual QM practice is tied to other QM practices. Therefore, highlighting just one or a few QM practices or techniques may not result in creative problem solving and innovation. 相似文献
文章论述了面向行政单位的开发数据软件系统的需求分析,数据库设计,软件体系结构,以及VFP作为客户端开发工具,ORACLE作为数据库服务器的物理实现。 相似文献
ABSTRACTPoor Data Quality (DQ) is amajor culprit in the failure of ERP implantation. Previous DQ solutions focus more on technical approaches, ignoring the importance of seeking the root causes. Therefore, this paper proposes aprocess-driven DQ monitoring framework by Information Product Map (IPMAP). First, IPMAP is applied to visualizethe manufacturing process of critical information products. Then, the potential deficiencies that may arouse DQ problems are examined from the aspects of process and human. Finally, the corresponding DQ improvement strategies are put forward and validated in case study. The results indicate that the framework provides helpful guidance for promoting ERP DQ. 相似文献
This paper discusses possible sources for statistics to be used for describing and analysing the number, structure, situation, development and impact of migrant workers. The discussion is focused on key, intrinsic features of the different sources, important for the understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and draws the reader's attention to features which may tend to undermine the quality of the statistics produced as well as ways in which the impact of such features can be evaluated and, if possible, reduced. This discussion thereby provides concrete illustrations of many of the methodological issues referred to in (Hoffmann, 1995). The paper is organized around three key groups of migrant workers: - (a) Persons who are arriving in a country to work there, i.e. the inflow of foreign workers;
- (b) Persons who are leaving their country to find work abroad, i.e. the outllow of migrant workers
- (c) Stock of foreign workers in the country.
Definitions of these groups are given in section 2. Sections 3 to 5 review, for each key group, main possible sources of statistics and the extent to which they can cover the group and identify separately important sub-groups. The discussion in each section distinguishes between administrative registrations and statistical surveys, and deals with the capacity of a source to provide estimates of the size of the group, and whether it can provide estimates of the amount of change in the group over time, or at least indications of the direction of such changes. Section 6 outlines problems related to other data quality dimensions, such as frequency and timeliness of the statistics as well as the validity, reliability and consistency of the registration of variables used to describe migrant workers and where they come from. Section 7 presents strategies for the development of statistics on migrant workers based on two model scenarios for “countries” of different geographic circumstances and institutional capacities. Summary recommendations on how to organize cooperation, for the production of statistics on migrant workers, between the relevant agencies and between them and the potential users are proposed in the concluding section. The overall conclusion is that trying to piece together a coherent statistical picture of any of the above key groups is similar to trying to put together a large puzzle based on photographs of a rapidly changing reality, with important pieces missing and many of the available photographs out of focus. 相似文献
This article investigates the quality of register data in the context of a standardized quality framework. The special focus of this work lies on the assessment of census data and how to deal with uncertainty that arises from multiple sources (registers). To take the uncertainty associated with support and conflict between several registers into account, Dempster–Shafer's theory of evidence is applied. This ‘fuzzy’ approach allows us to investigate the quality of databases with multiple underlying sources for a single attribute and to provide both quality measures and plausibility intervals. 相似文献
从制定质量计划的作用,意义,论述了制定质量计划的内容以及注意事项。 相似文献
感知质量是顾客对产品(服务)质量的感知效果,对顾客满意至关重要。文章将赫兹伯格的双因素理论作为感知质量的理论基础,来解释顾客满意的3种状态,并进一步得出只有具备质量激励因素的产品和服务,才更容易引起顾客的注意,并超越顾客的期望。 相似文献
"以人为本"是社会主义法制观念的基本内容,城市建设管理行政执法人员在工作中,要积极践行"民有所呼、我有所应;民有所想、我有所为;民有所难、我有所帮"的执法承诺,坚持以"以人为本"为主导,构建文明和谐的执法关系,为建设创新城市、精致城市、幸福城市做出应有贡献。 相似文献
素质教育的提出首先是正本清源,召唤马克思主义中丰富和深刻的人文蕴含;素质教育的确立又是人的全面发展的时代要求在教育领域的体现;而素质教育的全面推进和圆满实施,又使人的内在价值的完善实现和人文精神的全面张扬成为现实和可能。 相似文献
经济的发展、企业规模的扩大及经济业务复杂化程度的提高,推动着越来越多的企业更加关注企业的会计信息质量问题。本文在分析会计信息质量成本含义及内容的基础上,分析了我国会计信息质量成本控制存在的主要问题,探讨并建立了会计信息质量成本控制模型,为加强会计信息质量成本控制提供了定量依据。 相似文献
工程全过程审计人员素质包括思想政治素质、职业道德素质、科学文化素质、专业技能素质和身心素质。目前工程审计人员现有素质还存在知识结构单一、综合分析能力欠佳,现代审计手段掌握不够、审计方式落后,工程审计专业人员年龄老化、数量相对不足,审计理念滞后,缺乏创新精神。其原因是传统内部审计文化环境制约、建设工程跟踪审计市场不健全、审计资源配置使用不当、岗位培训及后续教育滞后。提高建设工程全过程审计人员素质的对策是改革现行工程审计管理体制,切实加强对工程审计的领导,合理配置使用全过程审计资源,建立工程审计质量评价指标体系,创新现代工程审计方式方法,加强工程审计岗位培训和后续教育。 相似文献
文章介绍了企业信息化建设过程中数据备份的重要性及备份系统设计使用原则,备份系统软硬件常用技术及要求,分析如何根据企业数据类型选择合适的备份策略,从而实现数据安全可靠备份,保证系统灾难后数据快速有效的恢复,为企业信息化建设提供有效的数据安全保障。 相似文献
随着我国市场经济体制的日趋完善,社会各界越来越关注会计信息质量。本文分析了目前会计信息失真现状及原因,并结合实际对如何解决会计信息失真问题提出建议。 相似文献
计算机的发展和普及,使会计电算化得到突破性进展。从最初单纯的记账、算账到现在的通用账务及报表一体化,帮助会计人员逐渐摆脱了繁琐的手工劳动,为会计人员提高了工作效率,促进了我国会计电算化的发展和财务管理水平的提高。文章针对会计电算化发展中存在的问题进行研究分析,并提出了促进会计电算化发展的对策及建议。 相似文献
质量对企业的发展是至关重要的,而贯彻ISO9000族标准是保证质量的有效方法。在建立和贯彻ISO9000中企业应重视以下几个方面的问题:1.领导的重视;2.培训;3.资源;4.贵在坚持和不断质量改进。 相似文献