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We study the risk indifference pricing principle in incomplete markets: The (seller's)  risk indifference price        is the initial payment that makes the  risk  involved for the seller of a contract equal to the risk involved if the contract is not sold, with no initial payment. We use stochastic control theory and PDE methods to find a formula for       and similarly for      . In particular, we prove that  where    p low   and    p up   are the lower and upper hedging prices, respectively.  相似文献   

We construct a sequence of functions that uniformly converge (on compact sets) to the price of an Asian option, which is written on a stock whose dynamics follow a jump diffusion. The convergence is exponentially fast. We show that each element in this sequence is the unique classical solution of a parabolic partial differential equation (not an integro‐differential equation). As a result we obtain a fast numerical approximation scheme whose accuracy versus speed characteristics can be controlled. We analyze the performance of our numerical algorithm on several examples.  相似文献   

The paper examines equilibrium models based on Epstein–Zin preferences in a framework in which exogenous state variables follow affine jump diffusion processes. A main insight is that the equilibrium asset prices can be computed using a standard machinery of affine asset pricing theory by imposing parametric restrictions on market prices of risk, determined inside the model by preference and model parameters. An appealing characteristic of the general equilibrium setup is that the state variables have an intuitive and testable interpretation as driving the consumption and dividend dynamics. We present a detailed example where large shocks (jumps) in consumption volatility translate into negative jumps in equilibrium prices of the assets as agents demand a higher premium to compensate for higher risks. This endogenous “leverage effect,” which is purely an equilibrium outcome in the economy, leads to significant premiums for out‐of‐the‐money put options. Our model is thus able to produce an equilibrium “volatility smirk,” which realistically mimics that observed for index options.  相似文献   

We examine the performances of several popular Lévy jump models and some of the most sophisticated affine jump‐diffusion models in capturing the joint dynamics of stock and option prices. We develop efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for estimating parameters and latent volatility/jump variables of the Lévy jump models using stock and option prices. We show that models with infinite‐activity Lévy jumps in returns significantly outperform affine jump‐diffusion models with compound Poisson jumps in returns and volatility in capturing both the physical and risk‐neutral dynamics of the S&P 500 index. We also find that the variance gamma model of Madan, Carr, and Chang with stochastic volatility has the best performance among all the models we consider.  相似文献   

THE GARCH OPTION PRICING MODEL   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
This article develops an option pricing model and its corresponding delta formula in the context of the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) asset return process. the development utilizes the locally risk-neutral valuation relationship (LRNVR). the LRNVR is shown to hold under certain combinations of preference and distribution assumptions. the GARCH option pricing model is capable of reflecting the changes in the conditional volatility of the underlying asset in a parsimonious manner. Numerical analyses suggest that the GARCH model may be able to explain some well-documented systematic biases associated with the Black-Scholes model.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing and hedging of a call option when liquidity matters, that is, either for a large nominal or for an illiquid underlying asset. In practice, as opposed to the classical assumptions of a price‐taking agent in a frictionless market, traders cannot be perfectly hedged because of execution costs and market impact. They indeed face a trade‐off between hedging errors and costs that can be solved by using stochastic optimal control. Our modeling framework, which is inspired by the recent literature on optimal execution, makes it possible to account for both execution costs and the lasting market impact of trades. Prices are obtained through the indifference pricing approach. Numerical examples are provided, along with comparisons to standard methods.  相似文献   

An empirical version of the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985a) call option pricing model is derived, assuming execution price uncertainty in the options market. the pricing restrictions come in the form of moment conditions in the option pricing error. These can be estimated and tested using a version of the method of simulated moments (MSM). Simulation estimates, obtained by discretely approximating the risk-neutral processes of the underlying stock price and the interest rate, are substituted for analytically unknown call prices. the asymptotics and other aspects of the MSM estimator are discussed. the model is tested on transaction prices at 15-minute intervals. It substantially outperforms the Black-Scholes model. the empirical success of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model implies that the continuous-time interest rate implicit in synchronous transaction quotes of 90-day Treasury-bill futures contracts is an-albeit noisy-proxy for the instantaneous volatility on common stock. the process of the instantaneous volatility is found to be close to nonstationary. It is well approximated by a heteroskedastic unit-root process. With this approximation, the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model only slightly overprices long-maturity options.  相似文献   

We model the term-structure modeling of interest rates by considering the forward rate as the solution of a stochastic hyperbolic partial differential equation. First, we study the arbitrage-free model of the term structure and explore the completeness of the market. We then derive results for the pricing of general contingent claims. Finally we obtain an explicit formula for a forward rate cap in the Gaussian framework from the general results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a model of financial markets in which agents have limited ability to trade and no probability is given from the outset. In the absence of arbitrage opportunities, assets are priced according to a probability measure that lacks countable additivity. Despite finite additivity, we obtain an explicit representation of the expected value with respect to the pricing measure, based on some new results on finitely additive measures. From this representation we derive an exact decomposition of the risk premium as the sum of the correlation of returns with the market price of risk and an additional term, the purely finitely additive premium, related to the jumps of the return process. We also discuss the implications of the absence of free lunches .  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for pricing high-dimensional American options based on modern methods of multidimensional interpolation. The method allows using sparse grids and thus mitigates the curse of dimensionality. A framework of the pricing algorithm and the corresponding interpolation methods are discussed, and a theorem is demonstrated, which suggests that the pricing method is less vulnerable to the curse of dimensionality. The method is illustrated by an application to rainbow options and compared to least squares Monte Carlo and other benchmarks.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of corporate securities of a given firm, in particular equity, when investors do not have full information on the firm's asset value. We show that under noisy asset information, the pricing of corporate securities leads to a nonlinear filtering problem. This problem is solved by a Markov chain approximation, leading to an efficient finite-dimensional approximative filter for the asset value. We discuss several applications and illustrate our results with a simulation study.  相似文献   

We propose a Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing and a Super‐Replication Theorem in a model‐independent framework. We prove these theorems in the setting of finite, discrete time and a market consisting of a risky asset S as well as options written on this risky asset. As a technical condition, we assume the existence of a traded option with a superlinearly growing payoff‐function, e.g., a power option. This condition is not needed when sufficiently many vanilla options maturing at the horizon T are traded in the market.  相似文献   

An investor with constant absolute risk aversion trades a risky asset with general Itô‐dynamics, in the presence of small proportional transaction costs. In this setting, we formally derive a leading‐order optimal trading policy and the associated welfare, expressed in terms of the local dynamics of the frictionless optimizer. By applying these results in the presence of a random endowment, we obtain asymptotic formulas for utility indifference prices and hedging strategies in the presence of small transaction costs.  相似文献   

We develop an option pricing model based on a tug‐of‐war game. This two‐player zero‐sum stochastic differential game is formulated in the context of a multidimensional financial market. The issuer and the holder try to manipulate asset price processes in order to minimize and maximize the expected discounted reward. We prove that the game has a value and that the value function is the unique viscosity solution to a terminal value problem for a parabolic partial differential equation involving the nonlinear and completely degenerate infinity Laplace operator.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of term-structure-related securities in the design of dynamic portfolio management strategies that hedge certain systematic jump risks in asset return. Option pricing formulas based on the absence of arbitrage opportunities in this context are also developed. the analysis is for the case where assets returns are driven by a finite number of Brownian motions and an m-variate point process. the inclusion of :the additional traded assets in the term structure makes it possible to hedge systematic jumps imbedded in the m variate point process.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of options when there are jumps in the pricing kernel and correlated jumps in asset prices and volatilities. We extend theory developed by Nelson (1990) and Duan (1997) by considering the limiting models for our approximating GARCH Jump process. Limiting cases of our processes consist of models where both asset price and local volatility follow jump diffusion processes with correlated jump sizes. Convergence of a few GARCH models to their continuous time limits is evaluated and the benefits of the models explored.  相似文献   

We study jump variance risk by jointly examining both stock and option markets. We develop a GARCH option pricing model with jump variance dynamics and a nonmonotonic pricing kernel featuring jump variance risk premium. The model yields a closed-form option pricing formula and improves in fitting index options from 1996 to 2015. The model-implied jump variance risk premium has predictive power for future market returns. In the cross-section, heterogeneity in exposures to jump variance risk leads to a 6% difference in risk-adjusted returns annually.  相似文献   

This paper derives a general explicit sequential asset price process for an economy with overlapping generations of consumers. They maximize expected utility with respect to subjective transition probabilities given by Markov kernels. The process is determined primarily by the interaction of exogenous random dividends and the characteristics of consumers, given by arbitrary preferences and expectations, yielding an explicit random dynamical system with expectations feedback. The paper studies asset prices and equity premia for a parametrized class of examples with CARA utilities and exponential distributions. It provides a complete analysis of the role of risk aversion and of subjective as well as rational beliefs.  相似文献   

Mehra和Prescott( 1 985 )提出著名的股票溢价之谜 (EquityPremiumPuzzle) :合理的相对风险规避系数 ,不能解释美国S&P5 0 0指数的收益率为什么比无风险债券的收益率高出 6个百分点。本文提出了一个基于相对财富的资产定价模型 ,其中代表性投资者的效用函数不但依赖于消费 ,还依赖于投资者的绝对财富 ,及社会平均财富。本文使用该模型 ,解释了股票溢价之谜。  相似文献   

Oil jump risk     
The risk premium associated with large upside jumps in oil market is a significant driver of the cross-section of stock returns from 1986 to 2014. In contrast to previous research, variance risk is priced only when we do not control for jumps. Upward jumps are priced in tight supply-demand conditions but not in more abundant supply periods. There is some evidence that downward jumps are priced in abundant supply conditions but not in tight conditions. Innovations in risk neutral jumps have predictive power for important economic indicators, including notably consumption growth. This helps explain the pricing of jump risks.  相似文献   

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