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This paper describes the rent control program in Ontario and discusses the consequences of these controls. It indicates that rent controls caused both a small nominal decline and a large real decline in the per unit value of rental apartments, substantially reduced new rental housing starts, generated a rental housing shortage, created a dual market with significant rent differences between the controlled and uncontrolled (new construction) sectors, and imposed large costs on government in the form of foregone tax revenues and increased rental housing subsidies. The paper also indicates some of the political responses to the developing economic effects, such as the imposition of additional land use controls and increased government spending programs to stimulate new rental construction.  相似文献   

Legislatures institute usury ceilings for a variety of reasons. The ceilings are designed to (1) curb excessive profits, (2) lower interest rates and inflation, (3) stimulate housing and growth, (4) subsidize certain consumer groups, and (5) protect the unwary and uninformed. However, in each case, the usury celings set up perverse effects which may defeat these goals. Particularly since the legislatures do not provide for administrative remedies, rationing, or adjustable ceilings, they cannot control these effects. Any reinstitution of ceilings must avoid these problems if the goals of the program are not to be defeated. However, the most effective policy would be to avoid the usury ceilings altogether.  相似文献   

Simulations of a seventy-equation econometric model are run in an attempt to deduce the likely impact of increases in deposit rate ceilings on financial markets, the earnings of depository institutions, and the composition of nonfinancial investment. The analysis suggests that the effect of binding rate ceilings during the 1973–75 period was to raise home mortgage rates (by about 30 basis points), accentuate the downturn in single family housing starts (by about 40,000 per year), and maintain earnings at depository institutions. Without the ceilings thrift earnings would have been about a billion dollars less per year. However, this loss might well be more than compensated for by greater thrift earnings in subsequent years and by lower noninterest expenses.  相似文献   

介绍一种以玻璃和花纹纸、光敏粘合剂等复合而成的装饰玻璃,测试结果表明该板材具有高强度、低吸水率、价廉、施工方便等优点,是大理石的替代品,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

中国企业长不大的问题在于组织能力的缺乏.从关系密集型到组织密集型的发展过程,是企业培养核心竞争力的必要条件.  相似文献   

我国玻璃包装行业和其它行业一样,在改革发展的浪潮中,经历了发展、调整、淘汰和重新组合等发展步骤。一、主要成绩1.玻璃包装容器行业在优化中稳步发展二十世纪八十年代初中期,我国玻璃包装容器行业曾出现轰轰烈烈大 发展的可喜局面。全国“五大项目”也在此背景下应运而生。但是好景不长。没过几年,整个玻璃包装容器行业就因宏观管理失调、产大于求,以及企业自身经营管理不善等原因,出现了整个玻璃包装容器行业百分之八十以上企业亏损或面临关门倒闭的局面。经过二十年的发展、调整、再发展,特别是通过国家的宏观调控与市场经济的优胜劣汰…  相似文献   

聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)材料机械性能良好、阻隔性较高、质量较轻、价格适中,已被国外众多啤酒生产厂选用,作为一次性啤酒包装瓶材料。但随着PET价格的不断上涨,影响了啤酒生产厂的利润,因此对是否继续使用PET瓶产生了怀疑。据预测,可回收性/多次灌装性(RETREF)聚萘二甲酸乙二酯(PEN瓶即将成为啤酒包装瓶。人们一直认为PEN饮料包装瓶价格过于昂贵,故极少使用。而英国BP公司的市场开发部经理RobertRupprecht宣称,只有当PEN瓶至少重复灌装3-5次时,包装成本即可与多次灌装性玻璃瓶相当,比使用一次性PET瓶成本还稍低。目前,RETR…  相似文献   

未来,手机、摄像机等图像摄取设备和光学测量仪器将继续向小型化发展。因此,光学部件的小型化也会得到极大的发展。为了制作微米尺寸的玻璃透镜,首先要研究制造微米尺寸,甚至于纳米尺寸玻璃球的制备方法。本研究使用激光作为热源,在玻璃纤维的前端制作微小尺寸的玻璃球,为将来制作微米尺寸的玻璃透镜提供前提条件。  相似文献   

Situations where firms compete against each other simultaneously in several markets abound in real life. However, there is very little conceptual or theoretical literature on multiple point competition. This paper offers a first attempt at developing a conceptual framework for analysing and understanding situations involving multiple point competition. Several examples are discussed to provide insights into the options available to the competitors and the equilibrium outcomes of such competition.  相似文献   

纺织原料种类多,纺织加工对纤维要求高,废料的利用可以提高原料的利用价值,与玻璃屏风的有机结合能够设计出自然典雅的艺术效果,为纺织经济的发展提供辅助作用。用于办公场所的隔断,餐厅的屏风,居家的装饰等既能半遮挡光线和视线,又采用双层玻璃隔音,是一副自然的装饰品。为纺织经济的多样化发展提供了途径。  相似文献   

玻璃容器的主要市场大致可分为三部分,即饮料用容器、食品用容器及化妆、医药品用小型容器等。  相似文献   

搪玻璃设备爆瓷的原因诸多,结合使用实际工况对本公司搪玻璃再沸器爆瓷原因分析,对后续改造提供经验。  相似文献   

Examined is the economic theory that restrictive usury ceilings reduce the supply of residential mortgage funds and tighten terms of the mortgage instrument. Studied are the mortgage policies adopted by New York and New Jersey FSLIC-insured S&Ls during periods when there were restrictive usury ceilings and when these usury ceilings were removed. The results clearly confirm the theory that effective elimination of usury ceilings increases the supply of mortgage funds and also liberalizes the terms of the mortgage instrument.  相似文献   

我国是平板玻璃生产大国,产量位居世界首位。由于平板玻璃是易碎品,为减少该产品在流通中的破损率,玻璃行业在不断地改进平板玻璃包装的同时,国家也为此制定了相关的包装标准。尽管如此,平板玻璃在流通中的破损率仍然高达20%以上,造成的经济损失十分严重,这对几乎是微利的玻璃企业的生存和发展关系重大。如何搞好平板玻璃包装,已成为业内共同关注的问题。  相似文献   

对高温计的结构及测温进行了简介 ,提出了红外辐射高温计通过操作键盘在计算机中设定热弯的温度参数等过程而实现在玻璃深加工设备上的应用 ,并对其正确使用及必要的维护保养进行了阐述  相似文献   

利用玻璃包装废弃物开发新产品,对我国这个玻璃消耗较多而资源和能源又十分缺乏的国家来说,具有很大的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization - This article investigates the degree to which buyers choose to diversify their use of payment methods for in-person purchases. Some buyers use only one payment...  相似文献   

This paper considers the scheduling problem arising in two-machine manufacturing cells which repeatedly produce a set of multiple part-types, and where transportation of the parts between the machines is performed by a robot. The cycle time of the cell depends on the robot move sequence as well as the processing times of the parts on the machines. For highly flexible CNC machines, the processing times can be adjusted. To this end, this study tries to find the robot move sequence as well as the processing times of the parts on each machine that jointly minimize the cycle time. The problem of determining the best cycle in a 2-machine cell is first modeled as a traveling salesman problem. Then, an efficient 2-stage heuristic algorithm is constructed and compared with the most common heuristic approach of longest processing time (LPT).  相似文献   

本文用主成分分析法与层次分析法相结合,进行多指标问题的综合评价。  相似文献   

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